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Oracle Application Server Forms Services Deployment Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10470-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


allow_debug, viewing trace logs, 4-13
parameters, 4-14, 4-15
server, 1-4
application deployment
overview, 3-5
steps, 3-6
archive parameter, 4-16
archive_ie parameter, 4-17
archive_jinit parameter, 4-16
Authorization and Access Enforcement, 2-3


Background, 4-28
background parameter, 4-16
base HTML file
creating, B-11
base.htm, 3-3, B-11
description, B-12
example, B-13
baseHTML files
changing variables, B-11
creating, B-12
list of, 3-3
modifying, A-6
parameters and variables, B-13
selecting, 3-18
baseie.htm, 3-3
description, B-12
example, B-19
basejini.htm, 3-3, B-11
description, B-12
example, B-15
basejpi.htm, 3-3
description, B-12
basejpi.htm File
sample default, B-17
boilerplate objects/images, 8-6
built-in event, 7-9


CAB files, 8-12
client browser support
about, 3-17
client resource requirements, 8-6
client tier, 1-4
CodeBase, 4-31
codebase parameter, 4-15
colorScheme parameter, 4-16
configuration files, 3-1, 3-2
configuration parameters
BaseHTML files and client browsers, 3-18


data segments, 8-6
data stream compression, 8-13
database tier
description, 1-4
DCM processes
restarting, 7-3
default, B-7
default behavior, 3-11
default configuration parameters
allow_debug, 4-13
array, 4-13
baseHTML, 4-10
baseHTMLJInitiator, 4-10, 4-17
baseHTMLjpi, 4-10
buffer, 4-13
connectionDisallowedURL, 4-10
debug, 4-13
debug_messages, 4-13
defaultcharset, 4-11
em_trace, 4-14
envFile, 4-10
escapeparams, 4-12
form, 4-12
heartBeat, 4-12
host, 4-13
HTML delimiter, 4-10
HTMLafterForm, 4-14
HTMLbeforeForm, 4-14
HTMLbodyAttrs, 4-14
ie50, 4-11
log, 4-11, 4-14
otherparams, 4-12
pageTitle, 4-14
port, 4-13
query_only, 4-13
quiet, 4-13
record, 4-13
render, 4-13
term, 4-14
tracegroup, 4-14
USERID, 4-12
workingDirectory, 4-10
Default formsweb.cfg File
sample, B-1
UNIX sample, B-9
Windows sample default, B-7
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Forms Services, 4-25
Forms to the Web, 3-1
diagnostic tools, 7-1
disable MENU_BUFFERING, 8-15
related manuals, 1-xviii
duration event, 7-9


EAR, 3-4
EM (see Enterprise Manager), 4-2
em_mode, 4-18
encoded program units, 8-6
Enterprise Manager, 4-2
event bundling, 8-7
event details, tracing, 7-11
events, tracing, 7-8


description, 3-17
description, 3-17
Feature Restrictions for Forms Applications on the Web, 4-31
FORM90_PATH, 4-20
Forms Integration
Web Cache, 8-16
Forms Listener, 1-5, 1-7
Forms Listener Servlet, 1-7
client requirements, 5-7
HTTPS, 5-6
server requirements, 5-6
Forms Resources
defining with default preferences in OID, 6-3
Forms Runtime Diagnostics, 7-1
Forms Runtime Engine, 1-5, 1-7
Forms runtime process, 1-7
Forms Services
monitoring events, 8-3
monitoring instances, 8-2
monitoring user sessions, 8-3
searching metric information, 8-3
sorting metric information, 8-3
Web Runtime Pooling, 8-4
Forms Services metrics
monitoring, 7-15
Forms Services resource requirements, 8-6
Forms Servlet, 5-1
Forms Trace, 3-3, 7-1
forms90.conf, B-22
default sample, B-23
description, 3-5
formsMessageListener, 4-15
FormsServlet.initArgs, 4-5
formsweb.cfg, 3-2
example, B-1
FRD, 7-1
ftrace.cfg, 3-3


Graphics, 4-25


height parameter, 4-15
HTML-based Enterprise Manager, 4-2
HTTP Listener, 5-1
Configuration Files, 3-5
HTTPD, 5-2
Forms Listener Servlet, 5-6


Icons, 4-25
Deploying, 4-25
imageBase, 4-15
Images, 4-25
Background, 4-28
SplashScreen, 4-28
Internet Explorer and JInitiator, A-3


J2EE, 5-1
JAR files, 8-11
JAR files, caching, 8-12
Java client resource requirements, 8-6
Java plug-in, 8-12
jinit_classid, 4-17
jinit_download_page, 4-17
jinit_exename, 4-17
jinit_mimetype, 4-17
JInitiator, 8-11
description, 3-17
JInitiator cache size, A-5
JInitiator description, A-1
JInitiator heap size, A-5
JInitiator proxy server, A-6
jpi_classid, 4-18
jpi_codebase, 4-18
jpi_download_page, 4-18


Language Detection, 4-31
leveraging, 2-3
Load Balancing OC4J, 5-1
log parameter for tracing, 7-5
logging capabilities, 7-16
logging tools, 7-1
logo, 4-15
lookAndFeel parameter, 4-16


mapFonts, 4-17
metrics logging
enabling, 7-16
specifying through URL, 7-16
middle tier, 1-4


reducing bandwidth, 8-13
network latency, 8-7
network packets, 8-7
network usage, 8-7
networkRetries, 4-17


OC4J, 5-1
Configuration Files, 3-4
Load Balancing, 5-3
OC4J Server Process, 5-1
OEM (see Enterprise Manager), 4-2
OID, 2-2, 6-1
default preferences to define Forms resources, 6-3
dynamic resource creation, 2-3
options for configuring, 2-4
oid_formsid, 4-18
optimizing Forms Services, 8-1
Oracle HTTP Listener Configuration Files, 3-5
Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure, 2-3
Oracle Internet Directory, 6-1
Oracle Internet Platform, 1-1
Oracle JInitator
setting up the plug-in, A-4
Oracle JInitiator, 8-11, A-1
about, 3-17
benefits, A-2
description, A-1
modifying cache size, A-5
modifying heap size, A-5
supported configurations, A-2
System Requirements, A-3
using with Internet Explorer, A-3
using with Netscape Navigator, A-3
viewing output, A-6
Oracle Login Server, 6-1
oracle_home, 4-18
Oracle9i Database, 1-2
Oracle9i Real Application Clusters, 1-2
Oracle9iAS, 1-2
Oracle9iDS, 1-2
OracleAS Forms Services Architecture, image, 1-4
orms90, 3-5
overriding, 3-9


parameter options
specifying in URL, 7-5
parameters, 3-7, 3-9
PATH, 4-20
PECS, 7-1
Performance Event Collection Services, 7-1
performance tools, 7-1
Performance/Scalability Tuning, 5-1
point event, 7-8
for classes of users, 2-2
protected, 2-2


RAD entries, 2-2
recordFileName, 4-15
description, 3-5
registry.dat, 3-5, B-25
sample default, B-25
resources, 2-2
dynamic directives, 2-3
resources, minimizing
boilerplate objects, 8-6
data segments, 8-6
encoded program units, 8-6
network usage, 8-7
rendering displays, 8-8
sending packets, 8-7
restrictedURLparams, 4-15
Runform parameters, 4-12
runform parameters, 3-11, 3-12
default behavior, 3-11
default behavior, prior releases, 3-13
definition, 3-11
special character values, 3-11
Runtime Pooling, 1-3
configuring prestart parameters, 8-4


sample file
base.htm, B-13, B-19
basejinit.htm, B-15
sample values, 3-9
separateFrame parameter, 4-15
serverApp parameter, 4-16
serverArgs parameters, 4-12
serverURL, 4-15
servlet log file
location, 7-17
sample output, 7-17
servlet log file location, 7-17
servlet logging tools, 7-1, 7-15
single sign-on, 6-1
specifying, 3-7
SplashScreen, 4-28
splashScreen parameter, 4-16
SSO, 6-1
accessing from Forms, 6-7
authentication flow, 6-8
database password expiration, 2-3, 6-3
dynamic directives, 6-3
enabling for an application, 6-3
about, 6-5
sso_mode parameter
example for enabling a particular application, 6-5
ssoCancelUrl, 6-7
about, 6-6
ssoErrorURL, 6-7
startup time, 8-10
Sun's Java Plug-in, 8-12


template HTML
considerations for static, 3-14
template HTML files
considerations, 3-13
creating, 4-24
three-tier architecture, 1-4
timers, tuning, 8-15
trace data
converting to XML, 7-8
trace event details, 7-11
traceable events, 7-8
tracegroup parameter for tracing, 7-5
tracing tools, 7-1
translate utility for tracing, 7-8
tuning, 8-1
application size, 8-16
boilerplate items, 8-14
disable MENU_BUFFERING, 8-15
message order, 8-13
promote similarities, 8-13
reduce boilerplate objects, 8-14
reduce navigation, 8-14
reducing network bandwidth, 8-13
screen draws, 8-14
timers, 8-15
using JAR files, 8-10


Upload/Translate Utility
starting, 7-8
URL escape sequences, 3-12
URL parameter option for tracing, 7-5
User ID/Password Feature
setting, 5-7


VGS tree, 8-8
Virtual Graphics System (VGS) tree, 8-8


Web Cache
configuring session binding, 8-16, 8-18
Forms integration, 8-16
testing setup, 8-18
web.xml, 3-4, B-20
web.xml File
default sample, B-21
width parameter, 4-15

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