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Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum
Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows
Part No. A90336-10
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3 Oracle9i Application Server

This chapter discusses the following topics:

3.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS.

3.1.1 Install Fails if wininet.dll is Not Found on Machine

On Windows NT, if Internet Explorer is deinstalled after applying SP6a, wininet.dll may get deleted. Oracle9iAS install checks for SP6a, but does not verify if wininet.dll has been removed. The SQLPlus executable has a direct dependency on wininet.dll and will generate a windows-specific exception if it cannot find wininet.dll.

3.1.2 GETVALUE Error Occurs if a Browser is Not Installed and Registered

You might get a GETVALUE error during installation if you do not have a browser installed and registered. Click on "Continue" to proceed with the installation.

3.1.3 setmsn.exe Utility Not Required

You do not need to run the setmsn.exe utility after installation as its functionality has been incorporated into the install. After Oracle9iAS is installed, all files in the Oracle home have their permission set so that only members of the administrators group on Windows can read and write to them.

3.1.4 Oracle9iAS Does Not Support Changing Host Name After Installation

Oracle9iAS, Release 2 (, does not support changing host name after installation.

3.1.5 Domain Name Must Start With an Alphabetical Character

If you install Oracle9iAS on a machine that uses a number as the first character for the domain, instead of a letter, the install fails with the following error:

Invalid database domain name. The database domain name must start with an alphabetical character.

Keep the following in consideration when naming your host:

  • No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a domain name.

  • No distinction is made between upper and lower case.

  • The first character must be an alpha character.

  • The last character must not be a minus sign or period.

  • A host which serves as a GATEWAY should have "-GATEWAY" or "-GW" as part of its name. Hosts which do not serve as Internet gateways should not use "-GATEWAY" and "-GW" as part of their names.

3.1.6 Information about Portal and Wireless Instance Passwords

If you install Portal and Wireless installation on one machine and deinstall it, and then install Portal and Wireless on a separate machine, then the password of the second installation will not work if both the Portal and Wireless installations were pointing to the same infrastructure.

Consider the following scenario:

Infrastructure is installed on machine A and Portal and Wireless is installed on machine B, pointing to the infrastructure on machine A. Portal and Wireless instance password is instance1. Then the Portal and Wireless instance is deinstalled from machine B.

Now Portal and Wireless is installed on machine C, pointing to the infrastructure on machine A. The instance password is instance2. Here, it is not possible to login to portal using the latest instance password, instance2. It is possible to login by the first Portal and Wireless instance password, instance1, which is connected to the infrastructure.

3.1.7 Information about Concurrent Portal and Wireless Installations

Multiple middle tiers of Portal and Wireless install type can be installed concurrently against the same infrastructure, the only requirement being that the first middle tier be installed with no other middle tier installation occurring against the infrastructure simultaneously. From then on, as in from the second middle tier onwards, any number of middle tiers can be installed at the same time.

3.1.8 Demo Deployments Missing in Oracle9iAS and OracleiDS Coexistence

If you install Oracle9iAS in the same Oracle home as OracleiDS, then the following demos do not get deployed and the corresponding demo URLs are broken:

  • SQLJ

  • OJSP


Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

3.1.9 Install Upgrades Do Not Update oracle_apache.conf File

In case of an incremental install for upgrading from J2EE without SSO to Business Intelligence and Forms, or Portal and Wireless, the oracle_apache.conf file does not get updated. Perform the following steps to upgrade this file with the missing entries:

  1. Verify that LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains <ORACLE_HOME>/lib.

  2. You will need to run the dcmctl command so verify that ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the Oracle home directory from which you will run that command.

  3. Stop OPMN from the "Services" panel.

  4. Add the following entries as per the install in <ORACLE_HOME>\Apache\Apache\oracle_apache.conf file:

    For Portal and Wireless:

    include "<ORACLE_HOME>\ultrasearch\webapp\config\ultrasearch.conf"
    include "<ORACLE_HOME>\portal\conf\portal.conf"

    For Business Intelligence and Forms:

    # Oracle Forms 9i 
    include "<ORACLE_HOME>\forms90\server\forms90.conf"
    include "<ORACLE_HOME>\click\conf\click-apache.conf"

  5. Run the following command:

    <ORACLE_HOME>\dcm\bin\dcmctl resyncInstance 

3.1.10 Use Domains to Access Files on a Mapped Drive

For users of Oracle9iAS with Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems, you must use the mapped drive domain to access files on the mapped drive in your network.

Accessing the files on the mapped drive using domains has the following restrictions:

  • Both the Oracle9iAS system, and the system with the drive that Oracle9iAS is trying to access must be members of the same Windows domain. Note that this is different than a DNS domain, and requires a Windows system known as a Domain Controller. Either of the two systems, or a third system also in that domain, can function as the Domain Controller, as long as the systems are server installs and not workstation installs. This procedure is related to the way Windows configures systems. Refer to your Microsoft documentation for additional information.

  • The OPMN service must be configured to run as a domain user in the Windows domain. This is completed using the Windows services menu. This procedure is related to the way Windows configures systems. Refer to your Microsoft documentation for additional information.

  • httpd.conf must be configured so that Oracle HTTP Server also runs as the domain user. The configuration can be completed using Oracle Enterprise Manager, or by manually editing the file. Refer to the Oracle HTTP Server Administration Guide for more information.

  • The domain user must have access to the network drives. The permissions for the share on the system on which the network drive is local must be set for the domain user. Refer to your Microsoft documentation for additional information.

3.1.11 Force Oracle Universal Installer to Use a Single CPU in a Multiple CPU Environment

Forcing Oracle Universal Installer to use a single CPU in a multiple CPU environment may be necessary in cases where the installation of the Oracle9iAS Release 2 ( Infrastructure hangs during use of the Database Creation Assistant (DBCA) and fails to create the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository.

To use a single CPU in a multiple CPU environment go to OracleMetalink at:

Enter 229478.1 in the Search field to obtain the note that documents the procedures to use a single CPU in a multiple CPU environment.

3.1.12 Deinstallation of 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 Instances from a Computer that Also Contains Release 2 (9.0.4) Instances

If you have 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 and Release 2 (9.0.4) instances on the same computer, and you want to deinstall a 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance, perform these steps:

  1. Apply patch 3234681 to your 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instances. You can download the patch from OracleMetaLink (

  2. Stop all processes associated with the instance you want to deinstall.

  3. Run the installer to deinstall the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance. Make sure you run the installer for the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance.

    For 9.0.2 and 9.0.3 instances, the installer is located in the oui/install directory at the same level as the Oracle home directory. For example, if the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 Oracle home is /opt/oracle/orahome902, then the installer would be /opt/oracle/oui/install/runInstaller. Issue: Release 2 (9.0.4) Instance Must Not Contain the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager

If you have multiple 9.0.2 and/or 9.0.3 instances on the same computer, these instances share an Oracle Enterprise Manager. This is the "active Oracle Enterprise Manager". When you deinstall the instance that contains the active Oracle Enterprise Manager using the installer, the installer needs to switch the active Oracle Enterprise Manager to one of the remaining instances. If there is only one remaining instance, then the installer automatically makes it the active Oracle Enterprise Manager. If more than one instance remain, the installer prompts you to select the instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Unlike 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instances, Oracle9i Application Server Release 2 (9.0.4) instances on the same computer do not share an Oracle Enterprise Manager. Each Release 2 (9.0.4) instance has its own Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Because Release 2 (9.0.4) instances do not share an Oracle Enterprise Manager, you must not select a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager. You must select a 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

If you select a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance, or if the installer automatically switches the active Oracle Enterprise Manager to a remaining instance that happens to be a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance, the installer overwrites files in the Release 2 (9.0.4) Oracle home with files from the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 home. This causes Oracle Enterprise Manager to stop working.

The patch prevents the installer from automatically switching the active Oracle Enterprise Manager to a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance in the case where the only remaining instances are Release 2 (9.0.4) instances. It also prevents the installer from displaying Release 2 (9.0.4) instances in the list where you select the instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager. If a Release 2 (9.0.4) Instance Becomes the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager

If a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance becomes the active Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Enterprise Manager will stop working.

To fix this, perform these steps in the Release 2 (9.0.4) Oracle home:

  1. Shut down the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.

    prompt> emctl stop iasconsole
  2. Rename the following files. Do not delete the files, because you might need them in step 5. You can rename them with an "active" suffix (for example,

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/j2ee/config/jazn-data.xml

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/config/consoleConfig.xml

  3. Copy the backup files for the files listed in the preceding step.

    The backup files are in the same directory as the listed files. The names of the backup files are suffixed with a digit (for example, Check the timestamp, or check the content, of the backup files to determine the most recent backup file.

  4. Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.

    prompt> emctl start iasconsole
  5. If you have remaining 9.0.2/9.0.3 instances on the computer, you need to designate one of them to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    1. Copy the files listed in step 2 (which you renamed with the active suffix) to the 9.0.2/9.0.3 instance's Oracle home. Rename them back to the original names (that is, remove the active suffix).

    2. Edit /var/opt/oracle/emtab to set the DEFAULT property to refer to the new active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

3.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS.

3.2.1 Infrastructure Install Fails if Database Registration Failed in a Previous Install

If you choose the infrastructure install option, and DBCA fails, then the database registration does not take place. However, the schema configuration assistant creates an entry under "iAS Infrastructures" for the database that was never created. This entry indicates that an infrastructure database was successfully created and registered with OID, although in reality the database creation had failed.

Now if you start a second install against the same OID, then the query getInfraDB tries to collect database details from each infrastructure database registered with that OID. Since it does not find a dn entry for the failed database mentioned in the installation above, the query fails with the following error message:

A runtime exception occured while setting s_seeddb_dbSidnull in component Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure database 

Thus, when you are installing Oracle9iAS, you must manually delete the infrastructure database entry of any failed database. You can do so by logging into OID and deleting the entry for the failed database under cn=Entry Management,cn=oracleContext,cn=products,cn=ias,cn=iAS infrastructure databases. The entry you should delete is the last made entry since any install after a failed entry will not be possible.

3.2.2 Setting _JAVA_OPTIONS Causes Install Tool to Fail

If you set _JAVA_OPTIONS to the system properties environment, ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin\java prints out "Print up _JAVA_OPTIONS:...." to the error stream and the Infrastructure mod_ossl configuration assistant fails.

You can ignore this error if there are no other failures in the configuration assistant.

3.2.3 Error Occurs While Accessing Oracle9iAS Portal Components From Different Machines

When you access Oracle9iAS Portal components such as "Provider Builder" or "Ultrasearch" from machines other than the machine where Oracle9iAS Portal and the middle tier are installed, you get the following HTTP error:


As a workaround, set the ossoIpCheck parameter in <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf file to "off" on the machine where Oracle9iAS Portal and the middle tier are installed, and restart the server.

3.2.4 Deinstalling Oracle9iAS Infrastructure After Business Intelligence and Forms Installation

Business Intelligence and Forms installation requires an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure. However, you can choose to deinstall the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure after Business Intelligence and Forms is installed.

Consider the following before deinstalling Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

  • After deinstallation, if you want to use Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and its benefits, you will have to reinstall Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and Business Intelligence and Forms.

  • Forms and Reports patches can still be installed on top of the Business Intelligence and Forms installation after you have deinstalled Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

  • After Oracle9iAS Infrastructure is deinstalled, Oracle9iAS Forms Services, Oracle9iAS Reports Services (non-secure), Oracle HTTP Server, OC4J, and Oracle Enterprise Manager are functional.

    Oracle9iAS Reports Services must be used in non-secure mode after Oracle9iAS Infrastructure is deinstalled.

    To place Oracle9iAS Reports Services into non-secure mode:

    1. Locate your ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf/<servername>.conf file

    2. Locate the job element in the <servername>.conf file. For example:

      <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" securityId="rwSec"/>

      <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEngURL" securityId="rwSec"/>

    3. Remove the security id attributes from the job element specifications.

Perform the following steps to deinstall Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

  1. Stop all Business Intelligence and Forms processes.

  2. As the root user, execute the following command on the machine hosting Business Intelligence and Forms to disassociate from the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

    <ORACLE_HOME>/dcm/bin/dcmctl leaveFarm

  3. Rename <ORACLE_HOME>/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml to jazn.xml.orig to serve as a back up of your files.

  4. In the same directory, create jazn.xml and add the following line:

    <jazn provider="XML" location="<ORACLE_HOME>/j2ee/home/config/jazn-data.xml"/>

    to point jazn to your Oracle9iAS middle-tier installation instead of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

  5. Stop all processes running on Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, and deinstall Oracle9iAS Infrastructure using instructions provided in Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

3.3 Administration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes administration issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS.

3.3.1 Do Not Use dcmctl and EMD Concurrently to Manage an Instance

You should use either dcmctl or EMD to manager your Oracle9iAS installation, not both concurrently. Concurrency issues arise when both dcmctl and EMD are used to manage the same Oracle9iAS instance.

On Windows, EMD is started automatically as a service so you may need to stop it prior to using dcmctl.

3.3.2 Additional Information for Oracle9iAS Backup and Recovery

Additional information regarding Oracle9iAS backup and recovery is available from the white paper "Oracle9i Application Server: Backup and Recovery".

There is also an associated Oracle9iAS Backup and Recovery tool. The tool requires Oracle9iAS Release 2 ( or later.

The white paper and tool can be found at Oracle Technology Network:

3.3.3 Run DCM Commands as User That Installed Oracle9iAS

In order to run DCM commands you must log in to your operating system as the user that installed Oracle9iAS.

3.4 Documentation Errata

This section describes known errors in the following documentation:

3.4.1 Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide

Following are the known issues regarding the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide: Incorrect Instructions for Starting and Stopping Reports Server

The "Starting and Stopping the Application Server" chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide should include Oracle9iAS Reports Services under "About Components that Cannot Be Started or Stopped".

By default, after installation, Oracle9iAS Reports Services is configured almost identically to Forms. It is part of OC4J_BI_FORMS instance, and is brought "up" and "down" with that OC4J instance. In OEM, it displays an "up" status if it can successfully contact the Reports server, and a "down" status otherwise.

However, you can reconfigure the Reports server using the report servlet configuration file so that the Reports server will not be started automatically when OC4J is brought up. If you have done this, you will need to start and stop the Reports server manually. In this case, the instructions currently provided in the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide for starting and stopping the Reports server as a standalone process, either via OEM or the command line, are correct. Incorrect Information in the "About Infrastructure Association" Section

Scenario 1, step 3 of the "About Infrastructure Association" section of the "Concepts for Administrators" chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide incorrectly states the following:

Install J2EE and Web Cache on Host B. If you choose to use an infrastructure, it will automatically use the infrastructure on Host B.

It should instead say:

Install J2EE and Web Cache on Host B. If you choose to use an infrastructure, it will automatically use the infrastructure on Host A. Incorrect Information in the "Using SSL for Your Production Environment" Section

Step 6b in the "Using SSL for Your Production Environment" of the "Introduction to Administration Tools" chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide incorrectly states the following:

Enter the following emctl command:

emctl set ssl test

It should instead say:

Enter the following emctl command:

emctl set ssl on Updated Information for "Relocating Metadata Respository Datafiles to a Different Directory" Section

The following note should be added to the "Relocating Metadata Respository Datafiles to a Different Directory" section of the "Managing the Infrastructure" chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide:

"Note that this procedure may only be used to move data files, that is, files in the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES and the dynamic performance view V$DATAFILE. This procedure may not be used to move temporary files, that is, files in the DBA_TEMP_FILES and V$TEMPFILE views. This is because the database does not support renaming of temporary files." Incorrect Definition for DCM

The text in the Architecture section of Chapter 14, "Application Server Clustering", incorrectly refers to DCM as Dynamic Configuration Management. DCM refers to Distributed Configuration Management.

3.4.2 Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide

Following are the known issues regarding the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide: Memory and Swap Space Recommendations

The following memory and swap space recommendations augment the minimums identified in the "Getting Started" chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

These recommendations are characterized by install type. They are based upon starting all components within each specific install type and running typical sample and demo applications.

While considering your hardware requirements, please note, optimal sizing for an Oracle9iAS installation is unique based upon:

  • the profile of your Oracle9iAS installation (which components are configured and utilized)

  • the size of your applications (such as the number of EJBs, Servlets, JSPs, Forms, Reports, Portlets and how big they are)

  • the nature of your applications (largely transactional in nature vs. primarily read-only)

  • user load (number of concurrent users)

  • pattern of usage (peak usage vs. low usage)

  • performance goals


    Oracle9i Application Server Performance Guide for information about performance monitoring and tuning.

Table 3-1 contains memory and swap space recommendations for running the middle-tier and infrastructure on a single machine.

Table 3-1 Memory and Swap Space Recommendations

Middle-Tier Install Type Memory TMP/Swap Space
J2EE and Web Cache 512 MB RAM 1 GB
Wireless and Portal 1 GB RAM 1 GB
Business Intelligence and Forms 1 GB RAM 1 GB

Table 3-2 contains memory and swap space recommendations for running the middle-tier and infrastructure on separate machines.

Table 3-2 Memory and Swap Space Recommendations

Middle-Tier Install Type Memory TMP/Swap Space
J2EE and Web Cache 256 MB RAM 512 MB
Wireless and Portal 512 MB RAM 1 GB
Business Intelligence and Forms 1 GB RAM 1 GB
Infrastructure 512 MB RAM 1 GB Incorrect Information in "Oracle9iAS Components" Table About Oracle UDDI Enterprise Web Services Registry

Footnote 2 for table 3-2 "Oracle9iAS Components" in the "Oracle9i Application Server"chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide incorrectly states the following:

Oracle9iAS Portal installs Oracle Ultra Search and Oracle9iAS Syndication Server.

It should instead say the following:

Oracle9iAS Portal installs Oracle Ultra Search, Oracle9iAS Syndication Server, and Oracle UDDI Enterprise Web Services Registry. Incorrect Information for "Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Screen"

Chapter "Oracle9iAS Infrastructure" in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide contains incorrect information for screen 4-4 "Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On". Currently, it says:

"One of the following two screens may appear based on your configuration choices on the "Select Configuration Options Screen", (Figure 4-3):

  • Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On: This screen appears if you have unchecked the configuration of Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On on the Component Configuration and Startup screen.

  • Existing Oracle Internet Directory: This screen appears if you have unchecked the configuration of Oracle Internet Directory on the Component Configuration and Startup screen.

    1. Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On

      Enter the host name and port number for the existing instance of Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On that you wish to use with this installation of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and click Next.

      If you do not have Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On installed, return to the Component Configuration and Startup screen and select the default configuration option for Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On.

    2. Existing Oracle Internet Directory

      Enter the host name and port number for the existing instance of Oracle Internet Directory that you wish to use with this installation of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and click Next. "

    It should instead say:

    "The Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On screen will not appear during Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation if you deselect Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On on the Component Configuration screen. The Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On screen appears if you just select installation of the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository on the Component Configuration screen.

    To use Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On with Oracle Internet Directory, choose one of the following configurations:

    • Select Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory on the Component Configuration screen for configuration on the same host.

    • Install Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On on different hosts:

    1. Select Oracle Internet Directory and deselect Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On on the Component Configuration screen for configuration on Host 1.

    2. Select Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On and deselect Oracle Internet Directory on the Component Configuration screen for configuration on Host 2.

    3. Point the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On configuration on Host 2 to the Oracle Internet Directory configuration on Host 1 (Oracle Universal Installer will prompt you for the location of your existing Oracle Internet Directory.)" Incorrect Recommendation for Processor

The Recommended Processor description in Appendix B, Table B-1 is incorrect. Instead of recommending a Pentium I 266 the recommendation is for a Pentium U 266. Incorrect Screen Name

In Appendix C, Section C.5.1, page C-36, there is an incorrect screen reference in Step 1. Instead of Available Products Screen it should read Install Type Screen.

3.4.3 Oracle9i Application Server Performance Guide

Following is the known issue regarding the Oracle9i Application Server Performance Guide: Screen Shot Must be Updated

Figure "Setting Java Heap Size for an OC4J Instance Using Oracle Enterprise Manager" in the "Optimizing J2EE Applications In OC4J" chapter of the Oracle9i Application Server Performance Guide is outdated. The OEM screen does not contain the configuration file path fields.

3.4.4 Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) to Release 2 (v9.0.2)

Following are the known issues regarding Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) to Release 2 (v9.0.2): Clarification for default_subscriber_dn Parameter in Wireless Migration Instructions

In Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) to Release 2 (v9.0.2), all occurrences of subscriber_name, mySubscriberName, etc. are synonomous with default_subscriber_dn as defined below:

default_subscriber_dn is the OID Subscriber Name specified at installation time. This, by default, is the DNS domain name of the machine on which Oracle9iAS is installed. For example, if the hostname is, the default_subscriber_dn is:

"dc=us, dc=oracle, dc=com" DCMCTL Replaces OPMNCTL In Wireless Migration Instructions

In Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) to Release 2 (v9.0.2), all references to OPMNCTL should be replaced by DCMCTL. Correction to Instructions for Migrating User Classes

In Oracle9i Application Server Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( to Release 2 (9.0.2) guide, the instructions in Step 2 of "Migrating Oracle9iAS SOAP" referred to a 'classes' directory, which may or may not exist in a Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( instance. There is no strict rule or convention on the location of user-written class files; Step 2 should read as shown below (referring to a sub-section on "Migrating User-written Classes"):

Migrating Oracle9iAS SOAP

This section describes how to migrate SOAP applications from Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( to Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2).

SOAP is implemented as a servlet. A servlet delegates service invocations to user supplied implementation classes. In Oracle9iAS Release 1 (, JServ was the default servlet engine. In Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), OC4J is the servlet engine. To migrate SOAP applications, you must copy and re-packaging the service implementation classes and descriptors, and also consider the configuration aspects of the JServ and OC4J containers.

See Also:

"Migrating Oracle9iAS SOAP" for more information on JServ and OC4J configuration

Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) contains empty (that is, containing no services) SOAP application and web application archives ready to install. These files are named soap.ear and soap.war, and are located in ORACLE_HOME\soap\webapps\soap.ear. The soap.war file is a copy of the WAR file contained in the soap.ear file.

The SOAP migration process involves inserting Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( files into a copy of the empty SOAP application, and then deploying the application in OC4J. Files can be "inserted" in one of two ways:

  • Using jar -x to unpack the soap.ear and soap.war files into component directories, copying old files to the corresponding directories, then using jar -c to create new .ear and .war files.

  • Using jar -u to update the contents of the .war and .ear files without unpacking them.

Below are the steps in the migration process.

  1. Copy ORACLE_HOME_2\soap\webapps\soap.ear and ORACLE_HOME_2\soap\webapps\soap.war to a convenient work directory (workdir, in this example).

  2. Copy all user-written class files for the SOAP services to soap.war.

    See Also:

    ""Migrating User-written Classes" section for an approach to handling user-written classes.

  3. Insert all jar files except soap.jar and samples.jar from ORACLE_HOME_1\soap\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\lib into workdir\soap.war.

  4. If you are sure that the old configuration file, ORACLE_HOME_1\soap\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\config\soapConfig.xml was never changed, go to step 6.

  5. Make a copy of the old configuration file, ORACLE_HOME_1\soap\webapps\oap\WEB-INF\config\soapConfig.xml, renaming it to soap.xml.

  6. Edit the file, examining the class attribute of the providerManager and serviceManager elements.


    The providerManager and serviceManager interfaces have changed from Release 1, so if you supplied the class, you must change and recompile your code, then insert it in workdir\soap.war. The location in soap.war is directly in WEB-INF, not WEB-INF\config. The SOAP javadocs on the Oracle9iAS documentation CD detail the changes.

    If you did not supply the class, delete the class attribute from the soap.xml file (the line containing class =). Replace the soap.xml file in workdir\soap.war with the new soap.xml.

    All of the code to be migrated is now in workdir\soap.jar.

  7. Insert the new workdir\soap.jar into workdir\soap.ear.

  8. Deploy the .ear file in OC4J.

  9. Activate the installed SOAP services as described in the Oracle9iAS Web Services Developer's Guide.

Migrating User-written Classes

The directory structures in Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( do not correspond directly to those in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2). Specifically, soap.ear is a SOAP sample application that runs in a SOAP server instance. It no longer contains soap.jar (which is in the OC4J system classpath).

For this reason, to migrate, it might be easiest to create a new .ear file (using soap.ear as a guide) for the services you want to deploy.

To migrate user-written classes from Release 1 to Release 2, follow these steps:

  1. Identify and locate the user-written class files by examining the JServ configuration files and/or ORACLE_HOME_1\soap\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\config\ files.

  2. Create an .ear file with a WEB-INF\classes directory that contains the class files that implement the services you want to deploy.

  3. Create a .war file that contains:

    • .jar or class files (under WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes) the application requires.

    • web.xml (under WEB-INF), the web application deployment descriptor. This file contains the SOAP servlet configuration and the servlet mapping set. You must specify oracle.soap.server.http.SOAPServlet as the servlet class, but the servlet name and mapping can be any names you choose. You must specify the initial parameter for the SOAP configuration file. To use the default location, copy the init-param from web.xml in the soap.ear file.

    • soap.xml (under WEB-INF), the SOAP servlet configuration file. You can start with the soap.xml file in soap.ear, and modify it as needed.

    • index.html, the index file specific to the application.

  4. Include the application .war file in the .ear file, and an application.xml file under WEB-INF. The application.xml file is not specific to SOAP; it contains application deployment information. (For required file entries, see the application.xml file in soap.ear.) Temporary Directory Creation Missing From Wireless Migration Instructions

In Oracle9i Application Server: Migrating from Oracle9i Application Server 1.x, guide the instructions should include creation of a temporary directory, as shown below:

In-place Migration


Both Installations on Same Computer

  1. .....

  2. .....

  3. Create a temporary directory called temp at the root of the drive on which ORACLE_HOME_2 is installed. For example:


  4. Run the script ptgUpgrade.bat in the ORACLE_HOME_2\wireless\upgrade directory, supplying the Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 1 ( Oracle home, Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 1 ( connect string, and Oracle9iAS Wireless Release 2 ( Oracle home. Correct Information Regarding Setting Environmental Variables in OC4J

Section "Setting Environment Variables in OC4J"in Chapter 3 "Migrating Internet Applications Components" of the Oracle9i Application Server: Migrating from Oracle9i Application Server 1.x contains the following incorrect statement:

"Use <java-bin> to specify a path to the Java executable. If this element is not specified, the ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/javai"

It should be:

"Use <java-bin> to specify a path to the Java executable. If this element is not specified, the ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin\java is used by default."

3.4.5 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE User's Guide

Following are the known issues regarding Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE User's Guide:

The text in the Architecture section of Chapter 9, "Oracle9iAS Clustering", incorrectly refers to DCM as Dynamic Configuration Management. DCM refers to Distributed Configuration Management.