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Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum
Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows
Part No. A90336-10
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7 Web Services

This chapter discusses the following topic:

7.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS Web Services.

7.1.1 Running Stateless EJB Provider Sample Program for Oracle9iAS SOAP

There are errors in the bat script, located at

ORACLE_HOME/soap/samples/statelessejb/testit.bat, because:

  • It incorrectly echos that it is deploying stateful ejb provider and stateful EJB service.

  • The client side program samples.statelessejb.ejbtest is invoked twice with the incorrect number of arguments.

To fix these problems, use the following procedures replacing stateful with stateless in the script to modify the echo statements.

  • Replace line 9:

    echo Deploying the stateful EJB provider... 


    echo Deploying the stateless EJB provider... 
  • Replace line 12:

    echo Deploying the stateful ejb service...


    echo Deploying the stateless ejb service... 
  • Remove lines 18 and 19:

    echo  Running test while maintaining session between invocations 
    java JAXP samples.statelessejb.ejbtest SOAP_URL helloword true 
  • Replace line 22:

    java JAXP samples.statelessejb.ejbtest SOAP_URL helloword false


    java %JAXP% samples.statelessejb.ejbtest %SOAP_URL% helloword

7.1.2 Readme for SOAP Stock Quote Sample is Out Dated

The README for Oracle9iAS SOAP stock quote sample is out dated. Keep in mind of the following information when working with this sample.

  • You can also start OC4J using dcmctl.

  • Replace orion.jar with oc4j.jar.

To run stock quote sample behind the firewall:

  • If starting OC4J with dcmctl, define proxyHost and proxyPort in j2ee/home/config/ by adding the following lines:

proxyHost=<proxy host>
proxyPort=<proxy port>

  • If starting OC4J on command line, define the proxy properties with the following information:

java -DproxyHost=<proxy host> -DproxyPort=<proxy port> -jar oc4j.jar

7.1.3 Client Programs for Oracle Soap's Stored Proc Demo Need to be Modified

The following client programs for the Oracle SOAP Stored Procedure sample demo need to modified before compilation in order to run:


All these programs use java.math.BigDecimal as one of the input parameters of the SOAP call. Any reference to java.math.BigDecimal.class should be changed to int.class.