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Oracle® Developer Suite Release Notes
10g (9.0.4) for Windows and UNIX
Part No. B10668-01
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11 Oracle Software Configuration Manager

This chapter discusses the following Oracle Software Configuration Manager (SCM) topics:

11.1 General Issues and Workarounds

11.1.1 Patchsets

The Oracle Software Configuration Manager development team are committed to producing regular patchsets following the release of Oracle Developer Suite 10g (9.0.4). The latest SCM patch sets are made available on OracleMetaLink ( Go to patches, then enter the patch ID (if known) or alternatively search Product or Family "Oracle Designer - Repository Family". For additional information about availability and compatibility of the latest releases, see Support note:60705.1.

Oracle Designer/SCM Patchset immediate installation may be required

Important: If your repository has been installed or upgraded via the repository administration utility (RAU) that came with Oracle Designer/SCM release, you must immediately patch all Oracle Designer clients by applying the Oracle Designer/SCM patchset

Oracle Designer/SCM works against an earlier version of the repository that came with Oracle Designer/SCM and will not work against a later repository from Oracle Designer/SCM release Oracle Designer/SCM patchset (a maintenance release) patches your installation allowing it to connect to the compatible repository.

If your repository is still at a version compatible with Oracle Designer/SCM, Oracle Designer/SCM will work with that repository. However, we strongly recommend that you install the Oracle Designer/SCM patchset on your clients and upgrade your repository as soon as possible.

If you wish to create a new repository, then, before doing so, we strongly recommend that you install the Oracle Designer/SCM patchset on your installation. This will prevent you subsequently having to upgrade it via the RAU when you later apply the Oracle Designer/SCM patchset.

11.1.2 Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Reports Developer Users

There may be product dependencies requiring Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Reports Developer patch sets. Follow Support Notes for any future updates.

11.1.3 Certification against Oracle RDBMS

Current certification details can be checked on OracleMetaLink ( by choosing the Certify & Availability option.

Also, see the "Compatibility of Oracle SCM 9.0.4 and Oracle Repository 6i Repositories" section below.

11.1.4 Upgrading from Oracle Designer Release 1.3.2

The earliest previous release from which Oracle SCM provides upgrade is Oracle Repository 6.0. Users of the older Oracle Designer Release 1.3.2 wishing to upgrade to Oracle SCM will therefore need to upgrade to Oracle Designer 6.0 first. The following alternatives exist for locating the upgrade to Oracle Designer 6.0:

  • If Oracle Designer 6.0 is installed, the upgrade from Oracle Designer 1.3.2 can be invoked from the Oracle Designer 6.0 Repository Administration Utility.

  • The upgrade CD in the iDS pack contains Oracle Designer Release 1.3.2 to 6.0 upgrade.

  • The Oracle Designer 1.3.2 to 6.0 upgrade can be obtained from OracleMetaLink.

11.1.5 Multi-Language Environment

When you install Oracle SCM, you can select a combination of different product languages to install on the same computer. If you select Japanese as one of these languages (for example, a selection of Japanese, Korean and English), you should be aware that the user interface (translations) will be in Japanese, and this cannot be altered by changing the NLS language on the client computer. If you do not select Japanese (for example, if you select Chinese, Korean and English), the user interface will be in English. Therefore, if you do not require the user interface to be in Japanese, then you should not select Japanese as one of the product languages.

If you select Japanese as one of the product languages, you should verify that a Japanese font has been installed.

11.1.6 Compatibility of Oracle SCM and Oracle Repository 6i Repositories

Details of compatibility of Oracle Repository 6i and Oracle SCM repositories can be found in support note 60705.1, available on OracleMetaLink.

To read the support note:

  1. Log in to OracleMetaLink (

  2. Enter the note number in the Search field and select Advanced.

  3. Select the DocID option and select Search.

  4. Select the document title.

11.1.7 Changes from the Previous Release (iDS 9.0.2 maintenance release

New feature: Instrumentation Report


RAU->HELP MENU->Instrumentation Report

Intended use by:

Designer/Repository Administrators, other DBAs and Oracle Support


Repository Administration Privileges, connection to the Designer schema instance (established via the RAU). An HTML Browser is required to view the output.

Feature Summary

This report is intended to assist with the diagnosis and resolution of common problems. The HTML output produced is mainly server and repository related although some of the client registry settings are also reported.

Typically you may be experiencing a problem as a result of one or more of the following:

  • Designer schema installation, upgrade or migration setup

  • Designer schema invalid, missing or disabled schema objects

  • Tablespace storage issues

  • Missing system privileges or grants

  • Invoking import/export or SQL*Plus utilities

If you are experiencing problems in these areas the report may help you to quickly identify and resolve the problem. An Oracle Support representative may also ask you to run the report and supply the output for further analysis.

The RAU will attempt to display the report in an appropriate HTML browser, provided your client is set up to use one. Otherwise the output files can be found in the respective oracle_home\REPADM61\LOGS directory.

You may also want to run this report after an installation, upgrade, or as part of your standard maintenance tasks, just to provide a general "health check" status of the schema.

Further Information

Please refer to the online help for further information on this feature.

Other changes from the previous release of Oracle Repository 6i are bug fixes.

The registration feature (transfer of an existing Oracle schema into the repository) is still available, but has been de-supported.

11.1.8 Fixed Bugs

A list of the bugs that have been fixed in this release of Oracle SCM is available on OracleMetaLink. To see the fixed bugs:

  1. Log in to OracleMetaLink (

  2. Click the Bugs button on the left of the screen.

  3. In the Bug Database Search dialog:

    1. From the Product list, select Oracle Repository (the bug database uses the old product name).

    2. From the Status list, select one of the "Closed" options (e.g. "Closed, verified by filer").

    3. In the Fixed in Version field, enter a product version number to search (e.g. "9.0.2%").

    4. Enter values in any other fields to restrict the search as required.

    5. Click the Search Bugs button.

11.1.9 API and Model Reference Guide

The API and Model Reference Guide is available on the Oracle Technology Network ( From the navigator frame on the left of the screen, choose Documentation > Oracle SCM (Repository) > Repository API and Model Reference Guide.

11.2 Known Problems and Restrictions

This section documents known problems and restrictions for:

11.2.1 Migration

ERROR: 'ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from R212', encountered during migration from Designer 6.0 to 6i/9i (bug 2758364)
Cause: The following error has been reported during the migration process, during the stage CK_UPGRADE_MOD:

ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from R212


RME-02124 Failed to execute SQL statement: begin ck_upgrade_mod.init(:b1, b2);


Note, It is also possible that other similar errors may also occur at different stages of the migration process.

Sometimes the problem can be resolved by clicking on the retry button on the RAU control panel, or restarting the migration at the point of failure after shutting down and restarting the instance, but if this is a persistent problem then it could be related to the fact that the source or target instances may not be setup correctly (see below).

Action: If such an error occurs it may be as a result of insufficient open cursors setting on the source Designer 6.0 instance.

You can verify this by looking in the init.ora parameter file to see the settings for open_cursors, if one does not exist then the default which is 50 will be used.

Try running the following SQL command from SYS to verify this (8.0.x):

3 where upper(NAME) like 'OPEN_CURSORS'

Name Value
open_cursors 50

Note: it is recommended that you run this SQL as the value in the init.ora file may differ to that that has been applied to the instance. On 8i or above you need to use the following command:

SQL> show parameter open_cursors

open_cursors integer 50

Action: Please refer to the install guide for your Designer 6.0 instance (chapter 2). Depending on your hardware environment you must at least be using the minimum recommended settings for open_cursors. For example on a PC, open_cursors=400 is recommended as a minimum. To apply the change you must shutdown and restart the instance. If this does not resolve the problem please contact Oracle support.

It is worth checking all the init.ora parameters match or exceed the minimum recommended values in the documentation that came with your product. This is true for both Designer 6.0 (migration source instance) and the SCM (migration target instance).

User-extended element name conflicts with 9i element name (bug 1386747)
Cause: When migrating to a Release 9.0.2 or 9.0.4 repository, an attempt to migrate a user-extended element with a name that is reserved in 9i (for instance "Project") results in the following warning message:

Skipping insert of Element element_ID because ..... Duplicate Plural Name

Action: A workaround is available but please contact your Oracle Support representative for assistance with this.
PL/SQL definitions not migrated correctly on multibyte database (bug 2247066)
Cause: When migrating Designer 6.0 data to a later Designer repository on a multibyte database, the text property 'PL/SQL Block' is not migrated correctly for PL/SQL definitions of type PACKAGE. No error message will be displayed but, after migration, any text in the 'PL/SQL Block' property will have been moved into its 'Private Declaration' property.

This bug is a duplicate of bug 2641774, which is in the process of being fixed.

Action: No workaround is currently available.

11.2.2 SCM Java Tools

SCM Java tools fail to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: Unable to invoke a SCM Java tool when connected to a repository on an Oracle9i server. This problem can be encountered when trying to invoke any of the SCM Java tools, which are:
  • Command Line Tool

  • Dependency Manager

  • Version History Viewer (VHV)

  • Version Event Viewer (VEV)

  • Compare Utility

  • Merge Utility

The failure to invoke a Java tool may occur in the following ways:

  1. Problem: Java application does not invoke

    This occurs when invoking the Command Line Tool from a short cut or from the Repository Object Navigator.

  2. Problem: [JDK2] No message error at ...RepositoryConnection.setConnection(

    This occurs when trying to use the 'connect' command from the Command Line Tool.

  3. Problem: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : ErrorDialog: null message vector

    This occurs when running the Dependency Manager (ckdm61) from the DOS command prompt.

  4. Problem: CDR-03120 : Internal Error - Problem making a Repository Connection

    This occurs when invoking the VHV, VEV or Compare Utility from the Repository Object Navigator.

  5. Problem: Connect dialog keeps appearing

    This occurs when invoking the Dependency Manager from the Repository Object Navigator or the Oracle Designer Front Panel.

All of these problems stem from the same cause. There is a bug with the thin JDBC driver (bug 2346116) such that connections will fail if the length of the connect string is in the range 184 - 192 characters. See bugs 2181931 and 2346116 for more details.

Note: This happens only when connecting to an Oracle9i server. If connecting to an Oracle 8.1.7 server, all possible variations of TNSNAMES.ORA entries that work for SQL*Plus and the repository C++ tools will work and allow the Java tools to be invoked.

Action: Ensure that the connect string passed to the JDBC driver is not in the range 184 - 192 characters. There are many environmental factors that affect the length of this string, for example:
  • database instance name

  • database host name

  • database host domain

  • client computer network name

  • client computer username

  • name of Oracle home directory for Oracle SCM

Thus there is no simple workaround that will work for all situations. If you encounter this problem with a particular TNS alias, the workaround is to change the length of the alias entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Increase or decrease the length of the entry, preferably by a minimum of 9 characters. The simplest way to do this when using Oracle Net configuration tools is to add the domain to, or remove the domain from, the hostname, for example:

  • Use host.domain instead of host if you have not previously specified the domain.

  • Use host instead of host.domain if you have previously specified the domain.

11.2.3 Repository Administration Utility (RAU)

End of communication channel error in stage CKREPINI during upgrade (bug 1889920)
Cause: On Oracle 8.1.7 computers during upgrade, the stage CKREPINI may fail with the following error:
end-of-file-communication channel
ORA-24323: value not allowed
Error accessing package DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO
ORA-03114: not connect to ORACLE

Action: Apply server patch 1408453, taking care to download the patch specific to your database version. Once the server has been patched, run 'Full Reconcile' from the Repository Administration Utility. This will rerun the stage CKREPINI, which will now succeed.
Subordinate users must be explicitly enabled to do migration
Cause: In previous releases of the Repository Administration Utility, subordinate users were able to perform migration as well as the repository owner. This has now been changed so that, by default, only the repository owner can run the Migration utility. However, some sites may still wish to allow subordinate users to perform migration.
Action: In the Repository Administration Utility, the repository owner can explicitly grant a subordinate user access to the Migration utility by enabling the "Migration Utility (RAU)" checkbox on the Repository User Properties dialog for that user.
Need to do a reconcile after a UE remap, but not told to do so (bug 1304800)
Cause: In the Repository Administration Utility, no reminder is displayed about performing a full reconcile after remapping an existing user-extended element type.
Action: Always perform a full reconcile after remapping a user-extended element type.

11.2.4 Repository Object Navigator

Files and Folders

If using only files and folders, you might want to turn off the heading "Files" in the Navigator window. To do so, choose Navigator > Show Hide, select Objects in the Show Type Headings field and select the Never option button.

Check In Contents

To check in the contents of a workarea or container, choose Version > List Checkouts, select the sub-context and click OK. In the List Checkouts dialog box, click Select All, then click Check In.


Note that if you purge versions from a workarea, prior versions, or other versions depending on the appropriate workarea compilation rule, will not appear until the workarea is refreshed.

Memory usage when running Java utilities from the Repository Object Navigator

The Compare and Merge utilities, and the Version History Viewer and Version Event Viewer are written in Java. The first time one of these tools is invoked, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is started within the Repository Object Navigator process. It will then appear that the Navigator is using a great deal more memory. The JVM is not shut down until the process ends, so this memory usage will not decrease until the Repository Object Navigator is shut down, even though the tool window may have been closed.

The memory parameters used by the JVM at startup can be controlled by registry settings. Memory allocations may need to be increased or adjusted depending on usage and the host environment. You can do this by changing the values of the following Windows registry variables, all of which are shown in bytes under the following registry keys:




  • Key



(where HOMEn is home number of the home installed into for a multiple Oracle home environment, but is not present where the default Oracle home is being used).

There is also a problem in that the memory used by each invocation of one of these Java tools is not completely freed up. This may result in out-of-memory conditions arising after many invocations. If this happens, shut down and restart the Repository Object Navigator, or invoke the utilities from the Command Line Tool, which runs in its own JVM.

Edit File Registry: default for %.DOC and %.doc (MS Word) should be binary (bug 1321896)
Cause: In the Repository Object Navigator, the default rule in the file registry is Text File for files with .DOC or .doc extensions, but on Win32 computers these extensions are most likely to be used for MS Word files, which are binary.
Action: From the Utilities menu, choose Edit File Registry and use the Edit Rule option to change the rule to Binary File for files with these extensions.
Unable to connect to VHV, VEV, Dependency Manager and Compare utilities when client and repository are on same computer (bug 2028385)
Cause: If you are using the Repository Object Navigator and are connected to a repository on the default database of the local computer (i.e. connected as repos/manager with no connect identifier specified), you will not be able to invoke the VHV, VEV, Dependency Manager and Compare utilities. The following error will be displayed:

CDR-03120 : Internal Error - Problem making a repository connection.

The Command Line Tool will invoke and immediately close down. If you invoke the Command Line Tool directly and try to connect to a repository on the default database of the local computer you will get a Java error.

Action: Connect to the repository on the default database of the local computer by specifying a Net8 alias e.g. repos/manager@local, where local has been set up as an alias or Net8 connect identifier for the local database by Net8 Configuration.
Import fails due to conflicts in user extensions between source and target repositories (bug 2088494)
Cause: In the Repository Object Navigator, the import of an application system may fail with an error indicating that conflicts have been detected between user extensions exported from the source repository and the target repository, and that these must be resolved before import can proceed.
Action: Using the Repository Administration Utility, extract the user extension definitions from the source repository and load them into the target repository. The import of the application system in the Repository Object Navigator should now work.
Repository Object Navigator may hang when invoking VHV for configuration (bug 2187553)
Cause: When invoking the VHV for a configuration in the Repository Object Navigator, the dialog 'Set Context Workarea' may be displayed and the Repository Object Navigator hangs.
Action: Before invoking the VHV for a configuration, invoke the VHV for any other object and then close it. Now, invoking the VHV for a configuration will work.

An alternative workaround is to use the Command Line Tool instead of the Repository Object Navigator to invoke the VHV for the configuration. The Command Line Tool will prompt the user to set the workarea context but, once this has been done, the VHV for the configuration will be successfully invoked.

Copy of ORACLE_DATABASE element fails (bug 960764)
Cause: If using a repository on an Oracle9i server, attempting to copy an ORACLE_DATABASE Designer element can result in the following error:

PLS-00123: program too large

Action: There is currently no workaround for a repository on an Oracle9i server.

11.2.5 Compare Utility

SCM Java tool fails to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: If the Compare Utility fails to invoke, this may be as a result of a common problem shared by other SCM Java tools.
Action: The full problem description and workaround can be found in Section 11.2.2, "SCM Java Tools".
Compare utility may hang after compare of Oracle Forms files (bug 2209993)
Cause: If the Compare utility has been invoked from the Command Line Tool, it may hang after a compare of Oracle Forms files.
Action: Invoke the Compare utility from the Repository Object Navigator instead of from the Command Line Tool and this problem will not occur.
GPF on closing Compare window when invoked from the RON (bug 2019369)
Cause: When the Compare utility is invoked from the Repository Object Navigator, a program failure can occur if the Compare window is maximized, the window divide bar is moved and then the close button (x) at the top right is pressed.
Action: Invoke the Compare utility from the Version History Viewer or the Command Line Tool and this problem does not occur. Alternatively, if invoked from the Repository Object Navigator, do not maximize the Compare window.
Cannot compare or merge .FMB file that was previously merged (bug 1319068)
Cause: In the Repository Object Navigator or Version History Viewer, an attempt to compare or merge a generated .FMB file that has already been merged may fail. Messages from the Repository Object Navigator are:

CDR-03100: Diff/Merge internal error: java.lang.IllegalStateException (compare)

CDR-03126: Internal Error - Object Delta retrieval (merge)

The message from the Version History Viewer for either compare or merge is:


Action: No workaround is currently available.
Unable to compare versions of a subclassed form that are in the same workarea or configuration (bug 1502828)
Cause: The Compare utility cannot compare versions of a subclassed form that are in the same workarea or configuration. In addition, rather than reporting an error, the utility sometimes appears to have successfully compared the versions of the subclassed form.

A warning dialog box (currently undocumented in the online help) is displayed to inform you that that it is not possible to compare in these circumstances. You should ignore this warning when not comparing versions of a subclassed form in the same workarea or configuration.

Action: This warning can be turned off by adding a string value to the registry key:


Create a string value "SUBCLASS_WARNING" with value "FALSE". Any other value (or the string not existing) results in the warning being displayed.

Any compare of a subclassed form must be carried out on versions that are in different workareas or configurations.

Comparing Oracle Forms

The Compare utility enables you to compare different versions of the same Oracle Form file, but not two different Forms files. When comparing files other than Oracle Forms, two different files can be compared.

11.2.6 Merge

SCM Java tool fails to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: If Merge fails to invoke, this may be as a result of a common problem shared by other SCM Java tools.
Action: The full problem description and workaround can be found in Section 11.2.2, "SCM Java Tools".
Merge window may hang after merge of Oracle Forms files (bug 2209987)
Cause: If the Merge window has been invoked from the Command Line Tool, it may hang after a merge of Oracle Forms files.
Action: Invoke the Merge window from the Repository Object Navigator instead of from the Command Line Tool and this problem will not occur.

Merge Window, clarification on saving changes

After making changes, use File > Save to save your changes. Earlier versions had a Save button' which did this.

11.2.7 Version History Viewer

SCM Java tool fails to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: If the Version History Viewer fails to invoke, this may be as a result of a common problem shared by other SCM Java tools.
Action: The full problem description and workaround can be found in Section 11.2.2, "SCM Java Tools".

11.2.8 Version Event Viewer

Date format in Version Event Viewer is incorrect in Japanese
Cause: Date appears as DD-MON-YY, where DD and YY are both corrupted. Occurs only when the Version Event Viewer is called from either the Command Line Tool, or the Design Editor, in a Japanese environment, before the RON has been invoked.

This also occurs for any client configured to use a NLS language other than the default "US".

  1. Invoke the RON.

  2. Navigate to the General Settings panel (Options > General Settings).

  3. Type in the default date format that you want to use.

NOTE: You will need to perform this procedure for each client where you intend to use the VEV.

SCM Java tool fails to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: If the Version Event Viewer fails to invoke, this may be as a result of a common problem shared by other SCM Java tools.
Action: The full problem description and workaround can be found in Section 11.2.2, "SCM Java Tools".
With start date year 99 or older, does not give any data in VEV (bug 1476771)
Cause: Running the Version Event Viewer with a start date in which the year is set to 99 or earlier causes no event data to be displayed in the viewer window.
Action: No workaround is currently available.

11.2.9 Importing and Exporting

Import/Export in database format - Import or refresh of workarea fails due to orphaned object (bug 2166873)
Cause: Importing into a workarea or refreshing a workarea can fail with the following error:

CDR-01062: Compilation leaves file filename orphaned. Need to include container

This may have been caused by deletion of a previously imported folder that contained a share of an object, where the original object was not imported and does not exist in the workarea. In this situation, it is the share of the object that is causing this error.

Action: Restore the deleted folder from the Wastebasket. Invoke the Command Line Tool and reattach the shared object from the Lost+Found container. The shared object will now be seen as an original object and can be deleted causing no further problems.
Identifier 'SYS.LT_EXPORT_PKG' must be declared when exporting from an Oracle9i database (bug 2143951)
Cause: This occurs when exporting from an Oracle9i 9.0.1 database and the user has insufficient privileges. Users with DBA privilege or any of those shown in the given workaround will not encounter this problem. (This is fixed in Oracle9i 9.2.)
Action: Grant any of the following:

GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.lt_export_pkg TO exp_full_database;

GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.lt_export_pkg TO PUBLIC;

GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.lt_export_pkg TO user;

Unable to create a new workarea from the Import Wizard when importing a workarea containing a versioned object (bug 1429821)
Cause: When importing a workarea containing versioned objects into the same repository using the option 'Create new version where objects exist in the destination repository, otherwise create new objects', the import will fail if you try and create a new workarea by specifying a new workarea name in the wizard.
Action: Create a new workarea with the relevant name before you run the Import Wizard.

Import/Export in database format - exported objects may contain dangling references

The repository utilities Export and Import in database format are designed to take advantage of the universal uniqueness property of the Repository Object Internal Identifier. For example an object can be copied from one repository to another using Export and Import without having to change its internal identifier.

This feature is used by the Export and Import utilities to allow new versions of objects to be copied to other repositories even though the logical identifier or user's identifier (e.g. NAME) has changed. It also means that object versions can be exported which have references to other objects not included with the export, i.e. an object version may contain dangling references. This is not a problem so long as a) a subsequent export or import copies in the missing referenced objects, or b) the dangling references are resolved, either by deleting that part of the dangling object's structure which includes the reference, or by nullifying the reference property.

You should always precede an export operation with a check for external references within the set of candidate export objects. For example, a workarea or container may include the definition of a module object which references a language object not included in the workarea or container.

To resolve dangling references automatically at the target repository, select the "Remove dangling references" option on the Advanced Options dialog box in the Import Wizard. This option is highly recommended if the Import is creating 'brand new objects' as it will not be possible to copy new versions or related versions later on.

Import/Export in database format - Import utility may require specific repository privileges or access rights

For a versioned repository, depending on the kind of export performed, the Import utility will execute operations on your behalf which may require certain privileges, for instance:

  • Manage Workareas - allows user to create a workarea

  • Compile - allows user to compile or refresh a workarea

  • Version - allows user to create new versions of objects within a workarea

If an error is returned by any of these operations, check that you have the appropriate repository privileges (assigned via the Repository Administration Utility) and workarea and container access rights (assigned via the Repository Object Navigator).

For a non-versioned repository, none of the above operations apply. The Import Wizard will normally detect this case.

11.2.10 Dependency Manager

Dependency Analyzer must be run against Pro*C files not the C files generated by the Pro*C compiler

The dependency analyzer should be run on a Pro*C (.pc) file to extract the dependencies from the SQL embedded in the file. The analyzer will look at both the C and SQL dependencies in the Pro*C file.

If the dependency analyzer is run on a C file generated by the Pro*C compiler, then it is likely that the analyzer will fail. This is because the dialect of C generated by the Pro*C compiler will trigger one or more underlying bugs in the dependency analyzer C parser (e.g. bug 2744718 - DA FAILS TO PARSE SELECT STATEMENT WHEN IT'S CONCATENATED WITH '\'). Analyzing the C file generated by the Pro*C compiler will also fail to extract the SQL dependencies, as there is no special handling for the generated OCI API. If the SQL dependencies are desired, then the Pro*C file itself must be analyzed.

C Parser fails to parse if certain preprocessor definitions are used (bug 1411270)
Cause: If any token used within a PRO*C SQL statement has been #typedeffed with the C code or referenced header files, then the parsing of that SQL statement will fail.
Action: Remove the #typedef.
C Parser fails to parse if Pro*C declarations are between function def and body (bug 1411271)
Cause: If Pro*C declarations are between a function’s definition and body, the C parser will fail.
Action: Move the declarations.
SCM Java tool fails to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: If the Dependency Manager fails to invoke, this may be as a result of a common problem shared by other SCM Java tools.
Action: The full problem description and workaround can be found in Section 11.2.2, "SCM Java Tools".
Cannot purge dependencies without running out of extents (bug 1317468)
Cause: Running a purge from the Dependency Manager fails because of lack of extents for rollback segment.
Action: Force dependency purge to use suitably sized rollback segment; only one rollback segment (of sufficient size) needs to be available. You can achieve this by making all rollback segments offline except for one large rollback segment. See the Oracle SCM Repository Installation Guide for instructions to do this.

11.2.11 Command Line Tool

Switching off case matching for object names

The MATCH_CASE session variable can be used to switch on and off the matching of case for names of objects. Switching the MATCH_CASE session variable off, using the command

set match_case off

command, may degrade performance in larger repositories.

SCM Java tool fails to invoke for some configurations of TNSNAMES.ORA (bug 2181931)
Cause: If the Command Line Tool fails to invoke, this may be as a result of a common problem shared by other SCM Java tools.
Action: The full problem description and workaround can be found in Section 11.2.2, "SCM Java Tools".
Command Line Tool exits on CTRL-C (bug 976364)
Cause: When attempting to exit from a long running command, CTRL-C not only terminates the command that is running but also the Command Line Tool. All outstanding uncommitted changes will be lost.
Action: Do not use CTRL-C unless you want to terminate the command line session completely and you are not concerned about any changes that have not been committed.

11.2.12 Other Known Problems and Restrictions

Operating System Authentication (bug 2683221)

The SCM Java based tools, which include:

  • Version History Viewer

  • Version Event Viewer

  • Dependency Manager

  • Command Line Utility

all use JDBC thin client as the mechanism to connect to Repository. As a result these tool do not support OS authenticated connections.

Use of public and private synonym access

Public synonym access is recommended only if you have a single Oracle SCM repository on the Oracle instance. If you have more than one such repository, we recommend that you use only private synonym access for each of them. Avoid the case where one repository is using public synonym access and the others are using private synonym access since this may lead to unpredictable behavior.

ORA-12514 Message not found
Cause: In some circumstances message ORA-12514 is displayed without its intended text.

The message should read

ORA-12514 : TNS:listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME given in connect descriptor

The error occurs because the SERVICE_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA was not found in the listener's tables.

Action: Check to make sure that the SERVICE_NAME specified is correct.

This error will be returned if the database instance has not registered with the listener; the instance may need to be started.

Configurations based on workareas include elements that do not exist in the workarea (bug 1312715)
Cause: If you create a configuration based on the current contents of a workarea, the configuration will consist of the entire contents of the workarea, possibly including objects to which you do not have access.
Action: Either manually remove the inaccessible objects from the configuration (e.g. Remove Members in the Configuration Wizard) or create the configuration based on the workarea specification rather than the workarea contents (e.g. use "from specification" in the Configuration Wizard rather than "from current contents").
Modifying workarea fails when workarea rules are more than 30k bytes (bug 2888993)
Cause: Creating or updating a workarea will fail if a workarea specification is used, whose text exceeds 30K.

You will see one of the following two failures:

  • You will see the following error messages:

    ORA-01403: no data found

    RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL statement: begin jr_workarea.define_spec(:wa,:spec); :iserror := 0; :sqlcode := 0; exception when others then :iserror := 1; :sqlcode := sqlcode; end;

  • The workarea update simply does not add the new rule, because if the file is bigger than 30000 bytes, only the first 30000 bytes are read, terminating the later portion.

Action: Create a configuration and use it to identify the member versions and then base a workarea on this configuration.
Workarea based only on a configuration does not refresh correctly (bug 1152274)
Cause: This applies when building a workarea based only on a configuration and with no check-in branch specified. If you use the workarea to check out and check in an object, the object now exists at the revised version. If you attempt to revert to the original object version by refreshing the workarea, the object disappears from the workarea completely rather than existing at its original version.
Action: No workaround is currently available.
Container and workarea uniqueness enforcement (bug 954545)
Cause: It is possible to create multiple identical objects in the same container without raising a uniqueness violation. An object can be created in a container in the context of one workarea and an identical object (e.g. with the same name in the same container) in the context of another workarea. If a workarea is created (or recompiled) which includes both objects (for example by including all objects within the container), the name uniqueness rules are violated without an error being raised.
Action: Manually perform name uniqueness check after workarea compilation.

.RVI files visible on file system

When creating a folder mapping, extra files called .RVI files are created. The repository uses .RVI files to store information about which file and folder objects have been updated. Do not delete these .RVI files.

Repository restore is unsuccessful in certain circumstances

If a repository containing tables with LOB columns is backed up, the tables with LOB columns must be restored to a tablespace with the same name as the original, otherwise the restore fails with the message:

ORA-00959: tablespace tablespace_name does not exist

If a repository is restored from a backup that contains tables with columns based on types (e.g. SDW_USERS and SDW_ACCESS_RIGHTS) and a type name with the same object identifier (OID) as one being imported already exists anywhere in the target database, neither the types nor the tables are restored. The following error messages are displayed:

IMP-00015: following statement failed because the object already exist: "CREATE TYPE ... "
IMP-00061: Warning: Object type "..." already exists with a different identifier
IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "..." because object type "..." cannot be created or has different identifier

However, if the same type name exists but with a different OID and the IGNORE parameter is set to Y, the types are imported followed by the tables.

Everyone has full access to the global wastebasket (bug 1208420)

This unexpected behavior is not known to cause any problems.

Migration issue with different multi-byte character sets
Cause: If the database that is hosting the new instance is created with a multi-byte character set and this is different to that of the database hosting the existing 6.0 instance, it is possible that during migration errors will occur because character data has become too big. For example, if the 6.0 repository used a character set of WE8ISO8859P1 but the target database uses UTF8, characters in the range 128-255 will go from requiring 1 byte to 2 bytes to hold them. This would include all the none ASCII characters. If an object in the repository had a name that included such a character, and the name was already the maximum length for the column definition in which it was stored, the migrated data becomes too large and raises an error during migration when it is attempted to be inserted into the new repository.
Action: Follow Oracle's recommendations for changing the character set of the 6.0 repository database before attempting to migrate.

Naming convention for user-defined version labels

If checking in to a default checkin branch using user-defined labelling, the version label becomes user label.

For information about automatic version labelling, refer to the online documentation.

Screen resolution types

Oracle SCM can be run under SVGA (recommended) or VGA.

System font size

Oracle recommends that you set the system font size to Small Fonts (Control Panel > Display > Settings > Font Size).


Please note that where you see Copyright 2002 this is also covered by Copyright 2003.

11.3 Known Restrictions to Keyboard Controls

This section documents known restrictions to keyboard controls, and is organized in the following sections:

11.3.1 General Keyboard Control Restrictions

This section documents general keyboard control restrictions.

Dependency Manager

When the Dependency Manager is started from the Repository Object Navigator, keyboard focus may be unreliable. Therefore, the Dependency Manager must always be started from the Command Line Tool to make full use of the keyboard controls.

Version Event Viewer

When the Version Event Viewer is started from the Repository Object Navigator, keyboard focus may be unreliable. Therefore, the Version Event Viewer must always be started from the Command Line Tool to make full use of the keyboard controls.

Version History Viewer

When the Version History Viewer is started from the Repository Object Navigator, keyboard focus may be unreliable. Therefore, the Version History Viewer must always be started from the Command Line Tool to make full use of the keyboard controls.

11.3.2 Non-Standard Keyboard Controls

This section documents areas of the user interface for which standard keyboard controls are not implemented and contains the following sections: Dependency Manager

This section documents the parts of the Dependency Manager for which non-standard keyboard controls exist, but for which alternative keyboard controls are available.

Build Dependencies Dialog Box

The Build Dependencies dialog box contains a table and a number of controls. To navigate between the cells in the table, use the Tab key. To navigate from the table to the other controls in the dialog box, first navigate to the last cell in the table, then use Ctrl+Tab. To navigate between controls outside of the table, use the Tab key.

Change Workarea Dialog Box

To choose OK from the Change Workarea dialog box, focus must be on the OK button before activating the Enter key. If focus is on the list of workareas field when the Enter key is pressed, the dialog box is canceled without changing the workarea.

Search for Out of Workarea Objects Dialog Box

To navigate between the cells of the Configurations table, use the Tab key. To move focus out of the Configurations table, press Ctrl+Tab.

Selection Drop-Down Lists

A number of selection drop-down lists exist within the Dependency Manager. When using selection drop-down lists, use the following keyboard controls:

  • Press F4 to open the drop-down list, and navigate to the required entry using the Up and Down arrow keys.

  • If the selection drop-down list is a column in a table, press F2 first (to select the cell for edit), then F4 to open the drop-down list, and use the Up and Down arrows to navigate to the required entry.


To change focus from the Toolbar to the Navigator, press Shift+Tab, then use the Up and Down arrows to move within the Navigator tree. Repository Administration Utility

This section documents the parts of the Repository Administration Utility for which non-standard keyboard controls exist.

Main RAU Panel

The Repository Administration Utility (RAU) panel comprises a number of buttons that provide access to administration features. To use the keyboard controls to access a feature from its associated RAU button, first navigate to the appropriate button (using the Tab key) and then press the spacebar.

User Maintenance Screen

On the User Maintenance screen, the options are Add Users, Delete Users, Expand Nodes, Collapse Nodes and View Properties. To use the keyboard to perform these tasks, use the Windows Menu key to display the context menu, then use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose the required option from the menu. Repository Object Navigator

This section documents the parts of the Repository Object Navigator for which non-standard keyboard controls exist.

Navigator Window

Each time the Repository Object Navigator is started a Navigator window and a Property Palette are displayed by default. To use keyboard controls to navigate through the Navigator window immediately after the Repository Object Navigator has been started, press F4 to switch context to the Property Palette, then press F3 to return to the Navigator window.

Color Dialog Box

Color can be used to distinguish text items in the Repository Object Navigator, the Property Palette and the TextPad. To use the keyboard to change the color of text, invoke the Color dialog box (as described in the online help system) and use the Up, Down, Left and Right arrow keys to pick the required color.

Property Palette

For some repository elements it is possible to specify reference properties, that is, references to repository elements that already exist. A reference property can be chosen from the Select Objects dialog box. To display the Select Objects dialog box from a Property Palette, position the cursor in the appropriate reference property field and press the Enter key.

Configuration Wizard

To invoke any button in the Configuration Wizard dialogs, first navigate to the button using the Tab key and then use the spacebar to choose that button.

Dialog Boxes with Grid Controls

A number of dialog boxes in the Repository Object Navigator contain grid controls, for example, the Customize Navigator Groups dialog box. When using dialog boxes with grid controls, use the following keyboard controls:

  • To navigate around a grid, use the Up, Down, Left and Right arrow keys.

  • To navigate out of a grid to the next control, use Ctrl+Tab. Note that pressing Tab in the last cell of a grid navigates to the next window in the dialog box, if one exists.

Dialog Boxes with Query Windows

A number of dialog boxes in the Repository Object Navigator (for example, the Customize Navigator Views dialog box) contain query windows that contain buttons for actions, such as grouping conditions.

When using dialog boxes with query windows, use the following keyboard controls:

  • To move a row up the list for sorting purposes, use Ctrl+Up Arrow.

  • To move a row down the list for sorting purposes, use Ctrl+Down Arrow.

  • To group selected cells together, use Alt+G.

  • To undo a grouping for selected cells, use Alt+U.

  • To duplicate cells, use Alt+D.

  • To clear a condition, use Alt+C.

  • To toggle between AND and OR settings, use the spacebar.

  • To toggle check boxes, use the spacebar. General Restrictions for Java Tools

This section documents general keyboard controls required to use the Version History Viewer, Version Event Viewer and Dependency Manager.

  • To navigate to a field with a mnemonic, use Alt + the mnemonic.

  • If the focus is on a tree, the Enter key opens or closes a branch instead of activating the default button (e.g., closing the dialog box).

  • If the focus is on a table, the Enter key navigates to the next row instead of activating the default button.

  • If the focus is in a multi-line text field, the Tab key navigates through the text. Use Ctrl+Tab to navigate to the next field.

  • If mnemonics are used to navigate to an editable drop-down list field, the field will not be in focus until the Tab key is pressed.

11.3.3 Known Problems and Workarounds

This section documents known problems and workarounds for keyboard controls: Merge Window

JAWS does not read Merge window
Cause: This is an issue for users of the JAWS screen reader.

When the Merge window has been invoked from the Command Line Tool, JAWS reads either blank, unavailable or nothing at all when the user navigates through the merge document. However, this problem will not occur if the Merge window is invoked from the Version History Viewer.

Action: The following workarounds are available:
  • Use Alt+Tab to go to another window, then Alt+Tab to return to the Merge window.

  • Iconify the Merge window, and then de-iconify it.

  • Open and close any of the menus in the menu bar without selecting a menu item.

One of these workarounds will also need to be applied when the user navigates from the merge document to the toolbar and then back to the merge document. Repository Object Navigator

JAWS repeats last visible entry with each entry in 'View Copied Properties' dialog (bug 1930763)
Cause: This is an issue for users of the JAWS screen reader.

This problem occurs when properties copied via 'Copy Properties' are being viewed via 'View Copied Properties', and the down arrow key is being used to trigger JAWS to read out the visible information for each property. When more than five properties have been copied, the reading for each property is preceded by a reading of the last property visible in the 'View Copied Properties' dialog.

Action: If five or fewer properties can be copied, this problem will not occur. However, if it is necessary to copy more than five properties, the audible duplication in the reading for each entry should be ignored. Other Known Problems and Restrictions

Issue for JAWS users invoking VEV, VHV or Compare utilities.

When invoking the Version Event Viewer, Version History Viewer or Compare utility from the Repository Object Navigator JAWS will read the name of the dialog window as it is created, but it will then read the text of the Repository Object Navigator main window once the dialog has been established. This may suggest incorrectly that the invoked dialog has failed (and disappeared).

To verify that the dialog has been correctly created: Press the TAB key. This will highlight (focus on) the first control/menu item in the dialog, which JAWS will read.

Disabled tabs

It may be possible for a user to navigate via the keyboard to disabled tabs that would not be accessible to a user navigating with a mouse.

11.3.4 Command Line Tool Accessibility

In order for JAWS to read output from the Command Line Tool correctly, users should download a set of scripts from the Oracle Technology Network (

11.4 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds

11.4.1 Windows Platform Issues and Workarounds

Windows issues are documented as part of Section 11.1, "General Issues and Workarounds" and Section 11.2, "Known Problems and Restrictions".

11.4.2 UNIX Platform Issues and Workarounds General UNIX Platform Issues and Workarounds

There are currently no general UNIX platform issues. Solaris Issues and Workarounds

Broadcast Server - Solaris computers

The broadcast server does not work on Solaris computers (bug 1325598). Linux Issues and Workarounds

There are currently no general Linux platform issues. HP-UX Issues and Workarounds

There are currently no general HP-UX platform issues.

11.5 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

There are currently no configuration issues.

11.6 Administration Issues and Workarounds

There are currently no administration issues.

11.7 Documentation Errata

There are currently no documentation errata.