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Oracle® Application Server 10g Forms and Reports Services Upgrade Guide
10g (9.0.4) for UNIX
Part No. B13547-01
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1 Performing an Upgrade

This chapter describes the Forms and Reports Services upgrade process, and explains how to use the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant to perform the majority of the Oracle Application Server Forms Services upgrade. The following topics are discussed:

Section 1.1, "The Forms and Reports Services Upgrade Process"

Section 1.2, "Stopping OracleAS Instances"

Section 1.3, "Using the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant"

1.1 The Forms and Reports Services Upgrade Process

This section provides a complete overview of the Forms and Reports upgrade process, and the prerequisite conditions for upgrading. The processing performed by the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant for each component is also summarized, with references to any manual tasks you may need to perform after the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant has finished processing.

1.1.1 An Overview of the Forms and Reports Upgrade Process

The Forms and Reports Services upgrade process is illustrated in Figure 1–1. The middle tier upgrade consists of the following steps:

  1. The Release 2 (9.0.2) Unified Messaging or Business Intelligence and Forms installation resides on its computer, containing applications and configuration data.

  2. A 10g (9.0.4) middle tier installation of the Forms and Reports Services installation type is installed into a new Oracle home on the same computer.

  3. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant, a tool installed with OracleAS that automates most Forms and Reports Services upgrade tasks, is executed. It copies the applications and configuration data from the source middle tier installation to the 10g (9.0.4) installation. Manual tasks may be necessary to complete the upgrade of some configurations.

  4. (Optional) The source installation is decommissioned.


    The installation of the 10g (9.0.4) middle tier will use some of the same port numbers as the Release 2 (9.0.2) middle tier. If you plan to use both middle tiers, you must re-assign port numbers in one of the middle tiers to avoid port conflicts. The components affected are Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle HTTP Server, and Oracle Application Server Web Cache.

Figure 1-1 Middle Tier Upgrade

Description of asmas026.gif follows
Description of the illustration asmas026.gif

1.1.2 Before You Begin The Upgrade

Before you perform any upgrade tasks, you must ensure that the installations you are working with comprise a supported upgrade path, and that all necessary conditions are in effect in the installations.


When upgrading from an installation of Oracle iAS 9.0.2 BI and Forms, and if this installation has Single Sign-On enabled, the OHS configure file 'httpd.conf' will have the following: include "/private/iasupgd/bifM21j/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf"

After upgrading to the Forms and Reports Services install type, this include statement will still exist. Since the Forms and Reports Services install type does not have SSO, you can safely comment out this line in httpd.conf. Supported Upgrade Paths for Forms and Reports Services

Table 1-1 shows the releases, installation types, and topologies of the upgrade paths supported for the Forms and Reports Services upgrade.

Table 1-1 Forms and Reports Services Upgrade Paths

Source Oracle Home Destination Oracle Home
Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Business Intelligence and Forms that uses an Infrastructure OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services
Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Business Intelligence and Forms that does not use an Infrastructure OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services
Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Unified Messaging that uses an Infrastructure OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services
Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Unified Messaging that does not use an Infrastructure OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services Requirements for Upgrade

The OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services installation must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services must be on the same computer as the Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) product.

  • The Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services must be installed by the same operating system user that installed the Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) product.

  • The Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Forms and Reports Services must be in a separate Oracle home from the Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) product.

  • Only components that are configured in both the source and the destination Oracle homes will be upgraded. OracleAS Upgrade Assistant Forms and Reports Services Processing

Table 1-2 describes all automated and manual processing performed in the Forms and Reports Services upgrade.

Table 1-2 Components Upgraded by the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant (in processing order) and Possible Manual Upgrade Tasks

Component The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant... Manual Tasks
Oracle Process Management and Notification
  • Converts the <source_MT_OH>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file to the 10g (9.0.4) format.
  • Merges the converted <source_MT_OH>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file with the <destination_MT_OH>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file. Inserts all custom nodes into <destination_MT_OH>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml except the node containing gid="dcm-daemon".

  • Note: The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant does not upgrade any changes that were made to Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE instances in opmn.xml. This includes the instances created by the installer (home, OC4J_WIRELESS, OC4J_DEMOS, OC4J_PORTAL OC4J_BI_FORMS) and instances created by users. The OC4J upgrade process upgrades the home instance and any user-defined instances with applications deployed in the source Oracle home. The other installer-created OC4J instances adopt the Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) settings in opmn.xml. If you want to preserve settings from Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), you must create them manually.

None required.
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE
  • The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant creates a separate process, which connects to the source Oracle home.
  • The process uses its Distributed Configuration Management version to examine the instances selected for upgrade.

  • Distributed Configuration Management creates a list of the instances in the source Oracle home in which the applications are deployed. It ignores Oracle-specific OC4J instances, such as OC4J_Portal, defined in the <source_MT_OH>/j2ee/deploy.ini* file. The instances are the OC4J upgrade candidates.

  • Distributed Configuration Management builds a list of EAR files for the applications listed.

  • The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant creates a backup of upgraded files, appending a preUpgrade suffix. If necessary, to create a unique file name, it appends an integer, for example, <file name>.preUpgrade.1.

  • The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant copies principals.xml, data-sources.xml, jazn-data.xml, and jazn.xml to the destination Oracle home.

  • Adds properties defined in the file to the opmn.xml file, using the SMI API.

  • The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant rebuilds, and then redeploys the EAR files to the destination Oracle home. In this step, the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant searches for all orion-specific files in the application-deployments directory of the applications. It also searches for application-specific configuration files, such as principals.xml and jazn-data.xml.

  • Distributed Configuration Management updates mod_oc4j.conf with the mount points associated with each deployed application.

Section 3.1, "Completing the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Upgrade"

Oracle HTTP Server
  • Copies the httpd.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, replacing the <source_MT_OH> path with <destination_MT_OH>, then applies 10g (9.0.4) file changes, and customizations made since Release 2 (9.0.2), to the corresponding file in the destination Oracle home.
  • Searches the mod_oc4j.conf file in <source_MT_OH> for Oc4jMount directives and copies the Oc4jMount directives that contain the string ajp13://, cluster:// or instance:// to the mod_oc4j.conf file in <destination_MT_OH>.

  • Copies the mod_osso.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, replacing the source Oracle home path with the destination Oracle home path. The osso.conf file referenced by the OssoConfigFile directive will be copied and converted into 10g (9.0.4) obfuscated files.

  • Copies the moddav.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, replacing the source Oracle home path with the destination Oracle home path.

  • Searches Include directives in the httpd.conf file recursively to locate user-defined configuration files; copies these files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home. If the files were found in the source Oracle home, the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant replaces the source Oracle home path with the destination Oracle home path. If the files were found outside of the source Oracle home, the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant saves a copy of the original file with a .preUpgrade extension in the destination Oracle home, then replaces the source Oracle home file with the new file.

  • Searches the LoadModule directives recursively to find related module dynamic libraries; copies the libraries from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Searches the SSLWallet directives recursively to find Oracle wallets; copies the wallets from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Locates CGI and fastcgi scripts by searching all configuration files for directories and files named in ScriptAlias or ScriptAliasMatch directives, and the ExecCGI option in Options directives (defined in Directory or File containers). Copies the directories and files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Copies static document directories found in the (non-default) location specified by the DocumentRoot directive from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home. If the DocumentRoot directive is the default, static documents are not upgraded.

  • Note: Web sites are often configured with Web Cache as the first listener; in these cases, the Oracle HTTP Server’s Listen port may need to be synchronized with equivalent Web Cache port values after upgrade. The settings are shown in Table 3-1, "Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Application Server Web Cache Port Settings".

    The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant does not upgrade the oracle_apache.conf and mod_plsql.conf files. Static files referenced by the Alias or mod_rewrite directives are not upgraded. Any such files in an Oracle home must be upgraded manually.

Section 3.2, "Completing the Oracle HTTP Server Upgrade"
Oracle Application Server Web Cache
  • Locates webcache.xml and internal.xml in the source Oracle home.
  • Moves configuration data from <source_MT_OH>/webcache/ webcache.xml to <destination_MT_OH>/webcache/webcache.xml.

  • Copies error pages and wallet files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant upgrades wallets by copying them from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home. Wallets outside of the source Oracle home need not be copied. Oracle Application Server Web Cache can have multiple listening ports, and each port can have a different wallet. When connecting to the origin server, it can use another wallet (OSWALLET in the example below).

    <LISTEN IPADDR="ANY" PORT="4445" PORTTYPE="NORM" SSLENABLED="SSLV3_V2H"> <WALLET><destination_MT_OH>/webcache/wallets/subdir1</WALLET></LISTEN> <LISTEN IPADDR="ANY" PORT="4447" PORTTYPE="NORM" SSLENABLED="SSLV3_V2H"> <WALLET>/some/other/path/wallets/default</WALLET> </LISTEN> ...... ...... <OSWALLET><destination_MT_OH>/webcache/wallets/default</OSWALLET>

    In this example, Oracle Application Server Web Cache is using three wallets. The first and third are in the source Oracle home. The first wallet will be copied to <destination_MT_OH>/webcache/wallets/subdir1. The third wallet will be copied to <destination_MT_OH>/webcache/wallets/default. The second wallet will not be copied, since it does not reside in the Oracle home. After upgrade, the wallet in webcache.xml will be pointing to the original directory.

  • Note: If you customized the directory location of the event log (specified by ACCESSLOG LOGDIR property in the webcache.xml file) in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), be aware that this customization will not be upgraded.

  • Note: Web sites are often configured with Web Cache as the first listener; in these cases, the Oracle HTTP Server’s Listen port may need to be synchronized with equivalent Web Cache port values after upgrade. The settings are shown in Table 3-1, "Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Application Server Web Cache Port Settings".

Section 3.3, "Completing the OracleAS Web Cache Upgrade"
  • Locates dads.conf and cache.conf in the source Oracle home.
  • Parses each source item, keeping results in memory.

  • Applies the parsing results to the destination Oracle home.

  • If necessary, uses the default value (<destination_MT_OH>/Apache/modplsql/cache/) for the PlsqlCacheDirectory property in the cache.conf file.

  • Copies the oradav.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

None required.
Oracle Enterprise Manager
  • Examines the <source_MT_OH>sysman/emd/targets.xml file for port entries related to the targets in the file.
  • Replaces the corresponding port entries in the <destination_MT_OH>sysman/emd/targets.xml file.

Section 3.5.2, "Integrating OracleAS Reports Services with Oracle Enterprise Manager"
Oracle Application Server Forms Services
  • Locates the following files:


    <source_MT_OH>/forms90/java/oracle/forms/ registry/Registry.dat

    User-defined Oracle Application Server Forms Services *.htm files used by formsweb.cfg






    <source_MT_OH>/j2ee/properties/ (Oracle Application Server Forms Services deployment entries)

    User-defined Oracle Application Server Forms Services configuration files that are equivalents of formsweb.cfg and default.env

  • Makes a backup file with a preUpgrade suffix of the files below and Copies the files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home without modification.


    <source_MT_OH>/forms90/java/oracle/forms/ registry/Registry.dat

    User-defined Oracle Application Server Forms Services *.htm files used by formsweb.cfg

  • Copies the files below from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, appending a 902 suffix to each file:



  • Makes a backup of the files below with a preUpgrade suffix, and extracts customizations from the file in the source Oracle home and merges it into the file in the destination Oracle home.




    <source_MT_OH>/j2ee/properties/ (Oracle Application Server Forms Services deployment entries)

    User-defined Oracle Application Server Forms Services configuration files that are equivalents of formsweb.cfg and default.env

Section 3.4, "Completing the Oracle Application Server Forms Services Upgrade"
Oracle Application Server Reports Services
  • Copies all configuration files except jdbcpds.conf from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.
  • Copies all resource files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Copies <source_MT_OH>/bin/ to the destination Oracle home, and adds the NLS_LANG environment variable, if it is not in the script.

  • Copies reports server persistent files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

Section 3.5, "Completing the Oracle Application Server Reports Services Upgrade"

1.2 Stopping OracleAS Instances

Stop all processes in the source and destination Oracle homes with these commands shown below.

1.3 Using the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant

This section provides instructions for using the graphical user interface or the command-line version to perform an upgrade, and describes properties you can configure to specify logging behaviors for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant. These topics are included:

Section 1.3.1, "Specifying Logging Behaviors for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant"

Section 1.3.2, "Starting the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant To Use Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations"

Section 1.3.3, "Performing an Upgrade with the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant (Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version)"

Section 1.3.4, "Performing an Upgrade with the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant (Command-line Version) "

1.3.1 Specifying Logging Behaviors for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant

You can configure the logging behavior of the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant by setting properties in the <destination_MT_OH>/upgrade/ file. The logging properties and their uses are:

  • log.level — Use this property to specify the level of logging for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant and all component plug-ins. For example, log.level=NOTIFICATION would set the logging level for all components upgraded by the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant to NOTIFICATION.

  • <plug-in name>.log.level — Use this property to specify the level of logging for a specific component plug-in, used to override the log.level property for a given component upgrade. For example, OC4J.log.level=TRACE would set the logging level for the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE upgrade to TRACE, even if the log level for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant was set to NOTIFICATION.

  • log.append — Use this property to specify whether to append log entries to the existing log file or create a new log file. For example, log.append=TRUE would append log entries to the existing log file. (TRUE is the default.)


Property names are case sensitive. Property values are case insensitive.

Table 1-3 Logging Properties for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant

Property Name Description Valid Values
log.level Level of logging for the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant and all component plug-ins WARNING







<plug-in name>.log.level Level of logging for a specific component plug-in, used to override the log.level property for a given component upgrade. OPMN


Web Cache



Oracle Enterprise Manager



log.append Specifies whether to append log entries to the existing log file or create a new log file. TRUE


1.3.2 Starting the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant To Use Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations

The Oracle Universal Installer creates an inventory file, /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc, (or etc/orainst.loc on Linux and AIX) when it installs Oracle products. This file contains the location (full path) of the Universal Installer inventory directory, and the group name of the user who installed it. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant populates its source Oracle home drop-down list with the information from this directory, the default inventory. Additional inventories are sometimes created after installation for the purpose of managing Oracle homes independently (thereby circumventing the Oracle Universal Installer features that track all Oracle homes in a single inventory).

If there are multiple inventory location files on the computer on which you are performing an upgrade, and you want to be able to select a non-default inventory location, you must start the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant with the -invptrloc argument, specifying the inventory location file(s) for the Oracle homes involved in the upgrade. The syntax for starting the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant for multiple inventory locations is provided below.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version: [[-invptrloc <Oracle Universal Installer inventory pointer file>]...]

Command-line Version: -sourcehome <9.0.2 Oracle home path> [[-invptrloc <Oracle Universal Installer inventory pointer file>]...] [-verbose] [-noprompt]

1.3.3 Performing an Upgrade with the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant (Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version)

This section provides step-by step instructions for using the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant GUI version to perform an upgrade.

  1. Start the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant with the command:



    Use the -invptrloc argument, described in Section 1.3.2, "Starting the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant To Use Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations" if there are multiple inventories involved in the upgrade.

  2. The Welcome screen appears. Click Next.

  3. The Oracle Homes screen appears. The Source Oracle Home drop-down list contains the names of Release 2 (9.0.2) and Release 2 (9.0.3) Oracle homes found in the inventory of Oracle products on the current computer. The destination Oracle home is the 10g (9.0.4) Oracle home in which the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant is running.

    Select the source Oracle home from the drop-down list. Then click Next.

  4. The Pre-Upgrade Requirements screen appears. Ensure that all requirements are fulfilled, and check the box for each. The Next button is active only when all boxes are checked.

  5. Click Next. The Examining Components dialog box appears. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant examines each component in the source Oracle home to determine whether it needs to be upgraded. The Status column for each component contains one of the following:

    Table 1-4 OracleAS Upgrade Assistant Component Examination Status

    Status Meaning
    in progress... The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant is examining the component’s upgrade items.
    pending... The component will be examined when the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant finishes examining the current component.
    succeeded All of the component’s upgrade items are valid for upgrade.
    failed The component has upgrade items that are missing or did not meet upgrade criteria. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant cannot upgrade the component.

  6. If one or more components failed, the Examination Failure Warning dialog box appears. Continue with Step 7.

    If all components succeeded, the Summary screen appears. Continue with Step 8.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • Remedy all conditions that caused the examination to fail, using the instructions in Section 2.1, "Resolving Errors". Then, select the Retry option and click OK.

    • Select the Continue with an incomplete upgrade option and click OK.

    • Select the Specify a different source Oracle home option, click OK, then return to Step 3.

    • Select the Cancel the upgrade process option and click OK. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant stops.

      If the examination was successful, or you chose to continue with an incomplete upgrade, the Summary screen appears.

  8. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant Summary screen appears. You can scroll to view the components, clicking the plus symbol (+) to expand a component’s upgrade items. Review the components, then click Finish.


    The Summary screen is the last screen before upgrade processing begins. Before you click Finish, verify that the choices on previous screens are correct and the upgrade items listed are ready to upgrade.

  9. The Upgrading screen appears. The Status column for each component contains one of the following:

    Table 1-5 OracleAS Upgrade Assistant Upgrading Status

    Status Meaning
    in progress... The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant is upgrading the component’s upgrade items.
    pending... The component will be upgraded when the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant finishes upgrading the current component.
    succeeded The component was upgraded successfully.
    failed The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant could not upgrade the component.

  10. After the upgrade completes, the Upgrade Failed or Upgrade Succeeded screen appears. Do one of the following.

    The Upgrade Succeeded screen specifies the location of the upgrade log file and lists the post-upgrade tasks to be performed for various components.

1.3.4 Performing an Upgrade with the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant (Command-line Version)

This section explains how to start and use the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant command-line version to perform an upgrade.


The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant examines components differently in the command-line version and the GUI version.

If the examination of a component fails in the command line version, then the upgrade is not performed.

If the examination of a component fails in the GUI version, the following choices are provided: retry, continue with an incomplete upgrade, specify another Oracle home, or cancel the upgrade.

    1. Start the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant with the command:

      <destination_MT_OH>/upgrade/ -sourcehome <source_MT_OH>


      The argument -sourcehome is required to start the command-line version of the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant ( without this argument starts the GUI version). You can also use the following optional arguments when starting the command-line version:

      -verbose to output detailed information to the screen during upgrade

      -noprompt to turn off prompting and user confirmation during upgrade (by default, prompting and user confirmation are on)

      -invptrloc to specify a different inventory location than the default one.


      Use the -invptrloc argument, described in Section 1.3.2, "Starting the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant To Use Multiple Oracle Universal Installer Inventory Locations" if there are multiple inventories involved in the upgrade.

      A prompt appears listing all the pre-upgrade requirements and asking you to verify that they have been met.

      Validating Oracle homes

      Validating component plug-ins

      Initializing component plug-ins

      Pre-upgrade requirements:

      The destination Oracle home has not been modified since it was installed

      The source and destination OracleAS instances are not runningThe source and destination Oracle Enterprise Manager processes are not running

      Verify that each of the pre-upgrade requirements above have been met.

      Have the pre-upgrade requirements been met?[No]Yes

    2. Ensure that all the listed requirements are met. Then answer the prompt [Y] Yes to continue.

      Messages similar to the following appear (The messages vary according to components found in the Oracle home):

      Examining component "Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN)"

      Examining component "Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J)"

      Examining component "Oracle HTTP Server"

      Examining component "OracleAS Web Cache"

      Examining component "Oracle mod_plsql"

      Examining component "Oracle Enterprise Manager"

      Examining component "OracleAS Forms Services"

      Examining component "OracleAS Reports Services"

      Upgrading component "Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN)"

      Upgrading component "Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J)"

      Upgrading component "Oracle HTTP Server"

      Upgrading component "OracleAS Web Cache"

      Upgrading component "Oracle mod_plsql"

      Upgrading component "Oracle Enterprise Manager"

      The command completed successfully

    3. If any error messages are displayed in Step 2, correct the errors as explained in Section 2.1, "Resolving Errors". Then restart the Upgrade Assistant and perform the upgrade process again.