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Oracle® Process Manager and Notification Server Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12057-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


adapter-framework, 11-9
af-class-name id, 11-9
af-string id, 11-8
ajp id, 6-6, 9-5
ajp ports, 9-5
alert|datafeeder|performance|messaging|notification module-id, 10-9, 10-10
Application Server Control, 2-2, 2-5, 17-4
application-parameters id, 15-6
async, 2-13, 2-16
syntax, 2-16
attribute name, 2-13


batch id, 12-8
bounce-parameters id, 13-16
bounce-process id, 13-16
bounce-time id, 13-16


cache-timeout attribute, 4-28
category element, 4-17
child process, 2-28
clu, 2-19
syntax, 2-15
cmp, 2-19
command, 2-8
command definitions
opmnctl, 2-14
complete configuration
custom process, 16-3
DCM Daemon, 15-3
Log Loader, 14-3
OC4J, 6-3
Oracle HTTP Server, 5-3
Oracle Internet Directory, 8-3
OracleAS Discoverer, 13-3
OracleAS Port Tunnel, 9-3
OracleAS ProcessConnect, 11-3
OracleAS Reports Services, 12-4
OracleAS Web Cache, 7-3
OracleAS Wireless, 10-5
components, OPMN-managed, 1-2
config-file id, 5-5, 6-7
configset id, 8-8
connect id, 8-6
count, 17-3
cpu, 2-19
process module, 16-2
custom id, 16-5
custom module
ping, 16-3
CUSTOM module-id, 16-5
custom process
complete configuration, 16-3
minimum configuration, 16-2


data element, 4-17
database element, 4-24
db-connect-info element, 8-5
DCM, 1-8
DCM Daemon
complete configuration, 15-3
minimum configuration, 15-2
process module, 15-2
dcm-daemon id, 15-4
DCMDaemon module-id, 15-4
default start time, 17-8
dependencies element, 4-23
dis51pr-extra-options id, 13-18
dis51pr-options id, 13-18
DISCO_DIR id, 13-5
working-dir attribute, 13-7
DISCO_JRE id, 13-6
Disco_OAD module-id, 13-10
Disco_OSAgent module-id, 13-7
Disco_PreferenceServer module-id, 13-17
Discoverer id, 13-5
dms id, 11-9
DMS port value, 11-6
dms-port-property-name id, 11-6


environment element, 4-20
event script
post-crash, 1-5
pre-start, 1-5
pre-stop, 1-5
event script arguments, 4-34
event scripts, 1-5, 17-5
event-scripts element, 4-34
example elements, 4-2
explicit, OPMN-managed components, 1-2


syntax, 2-15
option, 2-18
syntax, 2-18
fmtlist, 2-18
form factor key, 2-26
.formfactor file., 2-26
option, 2-18


general-parameters id, 12-7


opmnctl, 2-9, 2-22
HTTP ping, 16-3
HTTP_Server id, 5-4


ias-component, 2-12, 2-13
ias-component element, 4-22
ias-instance attribute, 4-31
ias-instance element, 4-19
IASPT id, 9-4
IASPT module-id, 9-4
idx, 2-19
iHAT, 2-28, 17-4
im-class-name id, 11-8
implicit, OPMN-managed components, 1-2
im-string id, 11-8
in-process mode
OracleAS Reports Services, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4
ins, 2-19
syntax, 2-15
instance value, 8-7
integration-manager|, 11-9
interval, 13-7, 17-3
ipaddr element, 4-4
ipm.log, 17-2, 17-7, 17-9
ip-parameters id, 11-5


jar-file id, 15-6
java options id, 6-7
java-bin id, 6-8, 10-12
justification, 2-19


option, 2-18
local instance
starting, 3-2
stopping, 3-2
local port, 2-27
log files
OPMN, 17-2
Log Loader
complete configuration, 14-3
minimum configuration, 14-2
process module, 14-2
log pag, 17-4
log-dir, 11-7
log-file element, 4-7, 4-11
LOGLDR module-id, 14-5
LogLoader id, 14-4
logloaderd id, 14-4


managed-process element, 4-30
max_retry, 2-22
mem, 2-19
minimum configuration
custom process, 16-2
DCM Daemon, 15-2
Log Loader, 14-2
OC4J, 6-2
Oracle HTTP Server, 5-2
Oracle Internet Directory, 8-2
OracleAS Discoverer, 13-2
OracleAS Port Tunnel, 9-2
OracleAS ProcessConnect, 11-2
OracleAS Reports Services, 12-2
OracleAS Web Cache, 7-2
OracleAS Wireless, 10-3
mode, 2-13
module, 4-13
module element, 4-13
module-data element, 4-15
module-id element, 4-18
PM, 1-7, 2-5
multiple instance
starting, 3-4
stopping, 3-4


option, 2-18
no-reverseping-failed-ping-limit id, 5-7, 6-9
notification-server element, 4-4
numprocs, 5-5
numprocs attribute, 5-5, 7-5
numprocs element, 5-5


OAD id, 13-10
oad-extra-options, 13-13
oad-java-options, 13-12
oadutil-extra-options id, 13-14
oadutil-java-options id, 13-14
complete configuration, 6-3
minimum configuration, 6-2
process module, 6-2
OC4J element, 6-5
OC4J id, 6-5
OC4J module-id, 6-5
oc4j-options id, 6-7
OHS module id, 5-5
OID element, 4-25
OID id, 8-4
OID module-id, 8-4
oidmon-parameters id, 8-6
ONS, 4-5
ONS (Oracle Notification Server), 2-4
ons.log, 17-2, 17-8
OPMN, 1-2, 1-6, 1-7, 2-2, 2-3, 2-5
functionality, 2-2
log files, 17-2
OPMN daemon, 2-10, 2-13
opmn element, 4-4
OPMN local listener, 2-26
opmnctl, 1-4, 2-2, 2-10
command definitions, 2-14
help, 2-9, 2-22
options, 2-18
ping, 2-9, 2-22
process control commands, 2-12
quick reference, 2-9
reload, 2-9, 2-11, 2-12
restartproc, 2-9, 2-12
shutdown, 2-9, 2-11
start, 2-9, 2-10
startall, 2-9, 2-11
startproc, 2-9, 2-12
status, 2-9, 2-20
stopall, 2-9, 2-11
stopproc, 2-9, 2-11, 2-12
syntax, 2-8
usage, 2-9, 2-11, 2-24
validate, 2-9, 2-25
verbose, 2-17
opmnctl attributes, 2-16
opmnctl commands, 2-9
opmnctl debug, 17-3
opmnctl usage status, 2-21
opmnctl validate, 17-7
opmn.xml file, 1-7, 2-4, 2-6
-fmt, 2-18
-fsep, 2-18
-l, 2-18
-noheaders, 2-18
-rsep, 2-18
options, 2-8
opmnctl, 2-18
Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control, 2-5
Oracle HTTP Server
complete configuration, 5-3
minimum configuration, 5-2
process module, 5-2
Oracle Internet Directory
complete configuration, 8-3
minimum configuration, 8-2
process module, 8-2
Oracle Notification Server see ONS
Oracle Process Manager Modules see PM Modules, 2-5
Oracle Process Manager see PM, 2-4
Oracle wallet, 4-9
OracleAS Discoverer
complete configuration, 13-3
minimum configuration, 13-2
process module, 13-2
OracleAS Port Tunnel
complete configuration, 9-3
minimum configuration, 9-2
process module, 9-2
OracleAS ProcessConnect
complete configuration, 11-3
minimum configuration, 11-2
OracleAS Reports Services, 12-2
complete configuration, 12-4
in-process mode, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4
process module, 12-2
standalone mode, 12-2, 12-3, 12-5
OracleAS Web Cache
complete configuration, 7-3
minimum configuration, 7-2
process module, 7-2
OracleAS Wireless
complete configuration, 10-5
minimum configuration, 10-3
process module, 10-2
process module, 11-2
OSAgent id, 13-7
osagent-extra-options, 13-8
osagent-options id, 13-8
osfind-java-options, 13-9, 13-10
osfind-options id, 13-9
OSSO element, 4-28


path attribute, 4-7
pid, 2-19
custom module, 16-3
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-22
ping element, 4-39
ping parameters category, 5-6
ping timeout, 17-9
ping-host id, 16-9
ping-limit id, 16-10
ping-parameters id, 13-9, 13-13, 16-8
ping-port id, 16-10
ping-timeout id, 16-10
ping-type id, 16-9
ping-url id, 5-6, 16-9
PM, 2-4
modules, 1-7
PM Modules, 2-5
por, 2-19
port element, 4-6, 4-40
event script, 1-5
post-crash element, 4-37
PreferenceServer id, 13-16
event script, 1-5
pre-start element, 4-35
event script, 1-5
pre-stop element, 4-36
process control command
opmnctl, 2-12
process module
custom, 16-2
DCM Daemon, 15-2
Log Loader, 14-2
OC4J, 6-2
Oracle HTTP Server, 5-2
Oracle Internet Directory, 8-2
OracleAS Port Tunnel, 9-2
OracleAS ProcessConnect, 11-2
OracleAS Reports Services, 12-2
OracleAS Web Cache, 7-2
OracleAS Wireless, 10-2
ProcessConnect id, 11-4
process-manager element, 4-10
process-modules element, 4-13
process-set, 2-12, 2-13
process-set element, 4-41
process-set id, 11-10
process-set-id attribute, 4-31
process-type, 2-12, 2-13
process-type element, 4-33
process-type id attribute, 4-31
prs, 2-19
prt, 2-19
publish-subscribe model, 2-4
Put Path_value here value, 12-7


quick reference
opmnctl, 2-9


range, 11-10
range attribute, 6-6
range value, 9-5
ready-parameters id, 16-11
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-12
remote instance
starting, 3-2
stopping, 3-2
remote port, 2-27
remote request, 2-27
ReportsModule module-id, 12-6
/reports/rwservlet/pingserver?start=auto id, 12-9
ReportsServer1 id, 12-6
request validation, 2-26
restart element, 4-39
restart timeout, 10-14
restart-args id, 16-8
restart-executable id, 16-8
restart-on-death attribute, 7-5
restart-parameters category, 5-7
restart-parameters id, 6-8
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-12
reverseping-failed-ping-limit element, 6-9
reverseping-failed-ping-limit id, 5-8, 6-9
reverse-ping-interval id, 13-15
reverseping-timeout id, 5-7, 6-9
rmi id, 6-6
option, 2-18
run-oidctl id, 8-7


scope, 1-4, 2-8, 2-15
script ping, 16-3
script-args id, 16-11
script-executable id, 16-11
sessionserver-parameters id, 13-15
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-11
shutdown-command id, 11-7
shutdown-event-name id, 13-15
sleep id, 8-7
SSL, 2-26
ssl, 4-26
SSL element, 17-10
ssl element, 4-9, 4-29
sta, 2-19
standalone mode
OracleAS Reports Services, 12-2, 12-3, 12-5
standard out output log, 17-7
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-10
start element, 4-38, 17-8
start order dependencies, 1-4
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-11
start-args id, 16-6
start-command id, 11-7
start-executable id, 16-6
local instance, 3-2
multiple instance, 3-4
remote instance, 3-2
starting OPMN, 3-2
startodisrv id, 8-9
startoidldapd id, 8-8
startoidrepld id, 8-9
start-parameters category, 5-5
start-parameters id, 6-7
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-12
statname, 2-19
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-20
stm, 2-19
stop element, 4-38
stop timeout, 10-13
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-11
stop-args id, 16-7
stop-executable id, 16-7
stop-parameters id, 6-8
local instance, 3-2
multiple instance, 3-4
remote instance, 3-2
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-11, 2-12
sync, 2-13, 2-16
opmnctl ping, 2-22
syntax, 2-16
attribute, 2-16
cluster, 2-15
farm, 2-15
-fmtlist, 2-18
instance, 2-15
opmnctl, 2-8
opmnctl help, 2-22
opmnctl options, 2-18
opmnctl reload, 2-12
opmnctl restartproc, 2-12
opmnctl shutdown, 2-11
opmnctl start, 2-10
opmnctl startall, 2-11
opmnctl startproc, 2-12
opmnctl status, 2-20
opmnctl stopall, 2-11
opmnctl stopproc, 2-12
opmnctl usage, 2-24
opmnctl validate, 2-25
opmnctl verbose, 2-17
scope, 2-15
value, 2-16


targets.xml file, 9-4
timeout, 2-13, 2-16
timeout attribute, 4-27, 17-8
timeout value, 2-11
tnsnames.ora file, 8-5
typ, 2-19


ui, 2-19
uid, 2-18
uniqueid, 2-13, 2-18
urlping-parameters id, 12-9
opmnctl, 2-9, 2-11, 2-24
use-ping-for-ready id, 16-11
utm, 2-19


opmnctl, 2-9, 2-25
value, 2-16
syntax, 2-16
variable element, 4-20
VBROKER_DIR id, 13-5
verbose, 2-8
opmnctl, 2-17


wallet file, 2-27
WebCache id, 7-4
WebCache module-id, 7-5
WebCacheAdmin id, 7-4
width, 2-19
wireless id, 10-9
working-dir attribute, 4-34, 8-5
DISCO_DIR/util, 13-7

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