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1 Overview of Tag Libraries and Utilities

Overview of Tag Libraries and Utilities Provided with OC4J
Tag Syntax Symbology and Notes
Overview of Extended Type JavaBeans
Overview of JspScopeListener for Event-Handling
Overview of Integration with XML and XSL
Summary of Data-Access JavaBeans and Tag Library
Summary of JSP Markup Language (JML) Custom Tag Library
Summary of Oracle Application Server Personalization Tag Library
Summary of Web Services Tags
Summary of File Access and Mail Tags
Summary of EJB Tags
Summary of JSP Utility Tags
Summary of Oracle Caching Support for Web Applications
Oracle Application Server and JSP Caching Features
Role of the JSP Web Object Cache
Summary of Tag Libraries for Caching
Support for the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
Overview and Philosophy of JSTL
Summary of JSTL Expression Language
Overview of JSTL Tags and Additional Features
JSTL Usage Notes and Future Considerations
Overview of Tag Libraries from Other Oracle Components
Oracle Business Components for Java Tag Library
Oracle JDeveloper User Interface Extension (UIX) Tag Library
Oracle JDeveloper BC4J UIX JSP Tag Library
Oracle Reports Tag Library
Oracle Application Server Wireless Location Tag Library
Oracle Application Server MapViewer Tag Library
Oracle Ultra Search Tag Library
Oracle Application Server Portal Tag Library
Oracle Business Intelligence Beans Tag Library
Oracle Application Server Multimedia Tag Library

2 JavaBeans for Extended Types

Overview of JML Extended Types
JML Extended Type Descriptions
Type JmlBoolean
Type JmlNumber
Type JmlFPNumber
Type JmlString
JML Extended Types Example

3 JSP Markup Language Tags

Overview of the JSP Markup Language (JML) Tag Library
JML Tag Library Philosophy
JML Tag Categories
JSP Markup Language (JML) Tag Descriptions
Bean Binding Tag Descriptions
Logic and Flow Control Tag Descriptions

4 Data-Access JavaBeans and Tags

JavaBeans for Data Access
Introduction to Data-Access JavaBeans
Data-Access Support for Data Sources and Pooled Connections
Data-Access JavaBean Descriptions
SQL Tags for Data Access
Introduction to Data-Access Tags
Data-Access Tag Descriptions

5 XML and XSL Tag Support

Overview of Oracle Tags for XML Support
XML Producers and XML Consumers
Summary of OC4J Tags with XML Functionality
XML Utility Tags
XML Utility Tag Descriptions
XML Utility Tag Examples

6 JESI Tags for Edge Side Includes

Overview of Edge Side Includes Technology and Processing
Edge Side Includes Technology
Oracle Application Server Web Cache and ESI Processor
Overview of JESI Functionality
Advantages of JESI Tags
Overview of JESI Tags Implemented by Oracle
JESI Usage Models
Invalidation of Cached Objects
Personalization of Cached Pages
JESI Fallback Execution
Oracle JESI Tag Descriptions
Descriptions of Tags for Dynamic Caching
Descriptions of Tags and Subtags for Invalidation of Cached Objects
Description of Tag for Page Personalization
JESI Tag Handling and JESI-to-ESI Conversion
Example: JESI-to-ESI Conversion for Included Pages
Example: JESI-to-ESI Conversion for a Template and Fragment

7 Web Object Cache Tags and API

Overview of the Web Object Cache
Benefits of the Web Object Cache
Web Object Cache Components
Cache Policy and Scope
Key Functionality of the Web Object Cache
Cache Block Naming: Implicit Versus Explicit
Cloneable Cache Objects
Cache Block Runtime Functionality
Data Invalidation and Expiration
Attributes for Policy Specification and Use
Cache Policy Attributes
Expiration Policy Attributes
Web Object Cache Tag Descriptions
Cache Tag Descriptions
Cache Invalidation Tag Description
Web Object Cache API Descriptions
Cache Policy Object Creation
CachePolicy Methods
Expiration Policy Object Retrieval
ExpirationPolicy Methods
CacheBlock Methods
Tag Code Versus API Code
Cache Policy Descriptor
Cache Policy Descriptor DTD
Sample Cache Policy Descriptor
Cache Policy Descriptor Loading and Refreshing
Cache Repository Descriptor
Cache Repository Descriptor DTD
Sample Cache Repository Descriptor
Configuration for Back-End Repository
Configuration Notes for Oracle Application Server Java Object Cache
Configuration Notes for File System Cache

8 File Access and Mail Beans and Tags

File-Access JavaBeans and Tags
Overview of OC4J File-Access Functionality
File Upload and Download JavaBean and Class Descriptions
File Upload and Download Tag Descriptions
Mail JavaBean and Tag
General Considerations for the Mail JavaBean and Tag
Mail Attachments
SendMailBean Description
The sendMail Tag Description

9 JSP Utilities and Utility Tags

JSP Event-Handling with JspScopeListener
General Use of JspScopeListener
Use of JspScopeListener in OC4J and Other Servlet 2.3 Environments
Examples Using JspScopeListener
EJB Tags
EJB Tag Configuration
EJB Tag Descriptions
EJB Tag Examples
General Utility Tags
Display Tags
Miscellaneous Utility Tags

10 Personalization Tags

Overview of Personalization
General Overview of Personalization
Introduction to Oracle Application Server Personalization
Overview of Recommendation Engine API Concepts and Features
Overview of Personalization Tag Functionality
Recommendation Engine Session Management
Use of Items in Personalization Tags
Mode of Use for Item Recording Tags
Use of Tuning, Filtering, and Sorting for Recommendation and Evaluation Tags
Personalization Tag and Class Descriptions
Session Management Tag Descriptions
Recommendation and Evaluation Tag Descriptions
Item Recording and Removal Tag Descriptions
Item Class Description
Personalization Tag Constraints
Personalization Tag Library Configuration Files
The personalization.xml Files
Element Descriptions for personalization.xml
Sample personalization.xml File

11 Web Services Tags

Overview of Web Services
General Web Services Overview
Overview of SOAP and Related Features
Overview of Web Services Description Language Key Elements
Overview of Web Service Messages and XML Schema Definitions
Web Service Example
OC4J Web Services Tags
Overview of OracleAS Web Services and the Tag Library Implementation
Overview of Functionality of Web Services Tags
Web Services Tag Descriptions
Web Services Tag Examples

A JML Compile-Time Syntax and Tags

JML Compile-Time Syntax Support
JML Bean References and Expressions, Compile-Time Implementation
Attribute Settings with JML Expressions
JML Compile-Time Tag Support
The taglib Directive for Compile-Time JML Support
JML Tag Summary, Compile-Time Versus Runtime
Descriptions of Additional JML Tags, Compile-Time Implementation

B Third Party Licenses

Apache HTTP Server
The Apache Software License
Apache JServ
Apache JServ Public License
The Jaxen Software License
The SAXPath License


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