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Table of Contents Image Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User's Guide
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Part Number B10322-01
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1 OC4J Overview

Introduction to OC4J
JDK 1.4 Considerations: Cannot Invoke Classes Not in Packages
Navigating the OC4J Documentation Set
OC4J Installation
Using OC4J in an Enterprise or Standalone Environment
Managing Multiple OC4J Instances in an Enterprise Environment
Managing a Single OC4J Instance
OC4J Documentation Set Assumptions
OC4J Communication
HTTP Communication

2 Configuration and Deployment

OC4J Home Page Overview
Applications Page
Administration Page
Starting and Stopping OC4J
Testing the Default Configuration
Creating the Development Directory
Configuring the FAQ Application Demo
Environment Setup for FAQ Demo
OC4J System Configuration for FAQ Demo
Deploy the FAQ Demo
Deployment Details Explained
Deploying Applications
Basic Deployment
Recovering From Deployment Errors
Undeploying Web Applications

3 Advanced Configuration,
Development, and Deployment

Configuring OC4J Using Oracle Enterprise Manager
OC4J Instance Level Configuration
Application Level Configuration
Overview of OC4J and J2EE XML Files
XML Configuration File Overview
XML File Interrelationships
What Happens When You Deploy?
OC4J Tasks During Deployment
Configuration Verification of J2EE Applications
Sharing Libraries
Understanding and Configuring OC4J Listeners
HTTP Requests
RMI Requests
Configuring Oracle HTTP Server With Another Web Context
Building and Deploying Within a Directory
Developing Startup and Shutdown Classes
OC4J Startup Classes
OC4J Shutdown Classes
Setting Performance Options
Performance Command-Line Options
Thread Pool Settings
Statement Caching
Task Manager Granularity
Enabling OC4J Logging
Viewing OC4J System and Application Log Messages
Redirecting Standard Out and Standard Error
OC4J Debugging
Servlet Debugging Example
Remote Debugging Using Oracle JDeveloper

4 Data Sources Primer

Definition of Data Sources
Retrieving a Connection From a Data Source

5 Servlet Primer

A Brief Overview of Servlet Technology
What Is a Servlet?
Servlet Portability
The Servlet Container
Request and Response Objects
Learning More About Servlets
Running a Simple Servlet
Create the Hello World Servlet
Deploy the Hello World Servlet
Run the Hello World Servlet
Automatic Compilation
Running a Data-Access Servlet
Create the HTML Form
Create the GetEmpInfo Servlet
Deploy GetEmpInfo and the HTML Page
Run GetEmpInfo
Creating and Deploying the Servlet Primer Samples WAR File
WAR File Structure
Deploy the WAR File

6 JSP Primer

A Brief Overview of JavaServer Pages Technology
What Is JavaServer Pages Technology?
JSP Translation and Runtime Flow
Key JSP Advantages
Overview of Oracle Value-Added Features for JSP Pages
Running a Simple JSP Page
Create and Deploy welcomeuser.jsp
Run welcomeuser.jsp
Running a JSP Page That Invokes a JavaBean
Create the JSP: usebean.jsp
Create the JavaBean:
Deploy usebean.jsp and
Run usebean.jsp
Running a JSP Page That Uses Custom Tags
Create the JSP Page: sqltagquery.jsp
Files for Tag Library Support
Deploy sqltagquery.jsp
Run sqltagquery.jsp
Creating and Deploying the JSP Primer Samples EAR File
EAR and WAR File Structure
Deploy the EAR File

7 EJB Primer

Develop EJBs
Create the Development Directory
Implement the EJB
Access the EJB
Create the Deployment Descriptor
Archive the EJB Application
Prepare the EJB Application for Assembly
Modify the Application.xml File
Create the EAR File
Deploy the Enterprise Application to OC4J

8 OC4J Clustering

The OC4J Instance in a Cluster
The OC4J Process in a Cluster
J2EE Applications Involved in a Cluster
Instance-Specific Parameters
OC4J Clustering Examples
Software Failure
Hardware Failure
State Replication
OC4J Cluster Configuration
OC4J Instance Configuration
Configuring OC4J Instance-Specific Parameters

A Additional Information

Description of XML File Contents
OC4J Configuration XML Files
J2EE Deployment XML Files
Elements in the server.xml File
Configure OC4J
Reference Other Configuration Files
Elements in the application.xml File
Elements in the orion-application.xml File
Elements in the application-client.xml File
Elements in the orion-application-client.xml File
Configuration and Deployment Examples
OC4J Command-Line Options and System Properties

B Third Party Licenses

Third-Party Licenses
Apache HTTP Server
Apache JServ


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