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Oracle® Application Server Web Services Developer’s Guide
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10447-01
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9 Web Services Tools

The Oracle Application Server Web Services assembly tool, WebServicesAssembler, assists in assembling Oracle Application Server Web Services. The Web Services assembly tool takes a configuration file which describes a Web Service, including the location of the Java classes, PL/SQL stored procedures or functions, or J2EE EAR, WAR, or JAR files and produces a J2EE EAR file that can be deployed under Oracle Application Server Web Services.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Running the Web Services Assembly Tool

Run the Web Services assembly tool as follows:

java -jar WebServicesAssembler.jar [-debug] -config [file]
java -jar WebServicesAssembler.jar [-debug]

Where file is a Web Services assembly tool configuration file. Without the -config option, a file named config.xml must be present in the same directory where WebServicesAssembler.jar is invoked.

With the -debug option, WebServicesAssembler displays verbose debugging comments.


When running WebServicesAssembler.jar from the command line, the PATH environment variable should include the JDK/bin directory (the directory with the javac compiler).

Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File Sample

The sample configuration file shown in Example 9-1 defines two services to be wrapped in an Enterprise ARchive file (EAR). The sample includes configuration information for services defined with <stateless-java-service> and <stateful-java-service> tags.

Example 9-1 Sample Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File


    <display-name>Web Services Example</display-name>
    <description>Java Web Service Example</description>
    <!-- Specifies the resulting web service archive will be stored in ./ws_example.ear -->
    <!-- Specifies the temporary directory that web service assembly 
         tool can create temporary files. -->
    <!-- Specifies the web service will be accessed in the servlet context
         named "/webservices". -->

    <!-- Specifies the web service will be stateless -->
        <!-- Specifies the web service will be accessed in the uri named
             "statelessTest" within the servlet context. -->
        <!-- Specifies the location of Java class files are under ./src -->

        <!-- Specifies the web service will be accessed in the uri named
             "statefulTest" within the servlet context. -->
        <!-- Specifies the location of Java class files are under ./src -->


Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File Sample Output

After running the Web Services Assembly tool with the sample input file shown in Example 9-1, the generated output is an EAR file (/tmp/ws_example.ear) The generated J2EE .ear file, ws_example.ear, has the structure shown in Example 9-2.

Example 9-2 Structure of Web Services Assembly Tool Sample Ear File

|   ‘---application.xml      

Generating WSDL Files and Client Side Proxies

This section describes using the <wsdl-gen> and <proxy-gen> tags in a WebServicesAssembler configuration file. These tags controls the options for generating WSDL files and client-side proxies for Web Services. A client-side developer can obtain and use the WSDL file or the client-side proxies to build an application that uses a Web Service. A server-side developer that is assembling Web Services can use these file for testing Web Services.

This section covers the following topics:

Generating and Assembling WSDL Files

Using Oracle Application Server Web Services, a Web Service developer has several choices for deciding how the WSDL file that is associated with a Web Service is generated:

  1. Using the <wsdl-gen> tag, you can specify that WebServicesAssembler create the WSDL file. At assembly time when the Web Service is prepared, the WebServicesAssembler generates and packages the WSDL file with the Web Service.

    Example 9-3 shows a configuration file that includes the <wsdl-gen> tag.

  2. Allowing the Oracle Application Server Web Services runtime to generate the WSDL file when the WSDL is requested by a Web Service client (after the WEB Service is deployed). In this case, you do not specify the <wsdl-gen> tag in the configuration file.

  3. Creating a WSDL file manually. In this case, use the <wsdl-gen> tag during assembly of the J2EE .ear file to specify the path to the WSDL file. At assembly time when the Web Service is prepared, the WebServicesAssembler packages the WSDL file with the Web Service.

Table 9-1 describes the <wsdl-gen> WebServicesAssembler configuration file sub-tags.


Using the <wsdl-gen> tag, the default behavior is to package the WSDL into the J2EE .ear file. To exclude the generated WSDL from the J2EE .ear file, use <option name="packageIt"> tag and set the value to false.

Table 9-1 WSDL Generation <wsdl-gen> Sub-Tags

Tag Description
<option name="force">
Setting value to true forces WebServicesAssembler to overwrite any existing WSDL file in the WSDL directory specified with the <wsdl-dir> tag.

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true

<option name="httpServerURL">
This tag sets the value for the HTTP server listener endpoint in the generated WSDL. Set the URL to point to the Web Service HTTP listener.


<option name="httpServerURL">http://localhost:8888</option>

<option name="packageIt">
Setting value to true tells WebServicesAssembler to include the generated WSDL in the assembled .ear file. When the value is false, the generated WSDL file is not included in the assembled .ear file.

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true

Specifies the directory for the WSDL file source that is included in the generated Web Service .ear file.

When you are manually supplying the WSDL file, place a copy of the WSDL file in the specified directory and use the <option name="force"> tag with the value false.

Example 9-3 WebServicesAssembler Configuration File Including <wsdl-gen>


    <display-name>Stateless Java Document Web Service</display-name>
    <description>Stateless Java Document Web Service Example</description>
    <option name="source-path">converter.xsl</option> 


    <!-- generate the wsdl -->
       <!-- over-write a pregenerated wsdl , turn it 'false' 
            to use the pregenerated wsdl-->
	       <option name="force">true</option>
	       <option name="httpServerURL">http://localhost:8888</option>


Manually Producing a WSDL File

When you do not want to use either the WebServicesAssembler tool generated WSDL or the Oracle Application Server Web Services runtime generated WSDL file, and you want to supply your own version of the Web Service WSDL file, perform the following steps:

  1. Manually create the WSDL file for your service.

  2. Name the WSDL file with a name using the .wsdl extension placed after the service name. For example, service1.wsdl for a service named service1.

  3. Create a configuration file that includes the <wsdl-gen> tag, including <option name="force"> set to false and <option name="packageIt"> set to true.

  4. Place the WSDL file that you create in the directory specified with the <wsdl-dir> tag.

  5. Run the WebServicesAssembler with the specified configuration file.

Generating Client-Side Proxies with WSDL

When the <proxy-gen> tag is included in a configuration file with the <wsdl-gen>, the generated WSDL is used to generate the proxy that is placed in the specified directory (this occurs when WebServicesAssembler runs during the Web Service assembly process).

Table 8-2 lists the <proxy-gen> sub-tags.


Using <proxy-gen>, the generated proxy is not assembled in the J2EE .ear file.

Example 9-4 shows a sample configuration file that includes both the <wsdl-gen> and the <proxy-gen> tags.

Example 9-4 WebServicesAssembler Configuration File Including <wsdl-gen>

  <description>Test program</description>
  <option name="source-path">Workspace1/common/classes</option>


    <option name="force">true</option>
    <option name="httpServerURL">http://localhost:8888</option>
    <option name="packageIt">false</option>

    <option name="include-source">true</option>


Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File Specification

The input file for WebServicesAssembler is an XML file conforming to the Web Services Assembly Tool configuration file DTD.

Example 9-5 shows the Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration file DTD.

Example 9-5 Assembly Tool Input File DTD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UCS-2"?> 
<!-- Specify the properties of the web services to be assembled. --> 
<!ELEMENT web-service ((display-name)?,(description)?,destination-path,temporary-directory,context,(datasource-JNDI-name)?,(stateful-java-service)*,(stateless-java-service)*,(stateless-stored-procedure-java-service)*,(stateless-session-ejb-service)*,(jms-doc-service)*,(option)*,(wsdl-gen)?,(proxy-gen)?)> 
<!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)*> 
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the full path of the resulting EAR file. For example, 
"/home/demo/webservices.ear" --> 
<!ELEMENT destination-path (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify a directory where the assembly tool can create temporary 
directories and files. --> 
<!ELEMENT temporary-directory (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the context root of the web services. For example, "/webservices". --> 
<!ELEMENT context (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- for specifying database  resource refs -->
<!ELEMENT datasource-JNDI-name (#PCDATA)*>

<!-- Specify the properties of a stateful  Java service --> 
<!ELEMENT stateful-java-service ((interface-name)?,class-name,uri,(java-resource)*,(ejb-resource)*,(scope)*,(session-timeout)*,(message-style)?)> 
<!-- Specify the properties of a stateless Java service --> 
<!ELEMENT stateless-java-service ((interface-name)?,class-name,uri,(java-resource)*,(ejb-resource)*,(message-style)?)> 
<!-- Specify the properties of a stateless stored procedure Java service --> 
<!ELEMENT stateless-stored-procedure-java-service ((interface-name)?,(class-name)?,uri,database-JNDI-name,(java-resource)?,(jar-generation)?)> 
<!-- Specify the properties of a stateless session ejb service --> 
<!ELEMENT stateless-session-ejb-service (path,uri,ejb-name,(ejb-resource)*)> 

<!-- Specify the java interface which defines the public methods to be exposed 
in the web service. For example, "". --> 
<!ELEMENT interface-name (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the java class to be exposed as a web service. If interface-name is 
not specified, all the public methods in this class will be exposed. For example, 
     "". --> 
<!ELEMENT class-name (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the uri of this service. This uri is used in the URL to access the 
WSDL and client jar, and invoke the web service. For example, "/myService". --> 
<!ELEMENT uri (#PCDATA)*> 
Specify the java resources used in this service.
The value can be a directory or a file that implements the web services. If it 
is a directory, all the files and subdirectories under the directory are copied 
and packaged in the Enterprise ARchive. If the java resource should belong to a 
java package, you should either package it as a jar file and specify it as a 
java resource, or create the necessary directory and specify the directory which  
contains this directory structure as java resource. For example, you want to 
include  "" class as a java resource of the web 
services, you can either package this class file in foo.jar and specify 
<java-resource>c:/mydir/foo.jar</java-resource>, or place the class under 
d:/mydir/com/mycompany/mypackage/foo.class and specify the java resource as 
<!ELEMENT java-resource (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the ejb resources used in this service. ejb-resource should be a 
jar file that implements a enterprise java bean. --> 
<!ELEMENT ejb-resource (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the database JNDI name for stateless PL/SQL web service. --> 
<!ELEMENT database-jndi-name (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specifies the path of the EJB jar file to exposed as web services. --> 
<!ELEMENT path (#PCDATA)*> 
<!-- Specify the ejb-name of the session bean to be exposed as web services. 
ejb-name should match the <ejb-name> value in the META-INF/ejb-jar.xml of the bean. --> 
<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)*>
<!-- Specify scope of Stateful Java service -->
<!ELEMENT scope (#PCDATA)*>
<!-- Specify session timeout  of Stateful Java service -->
<!ELEMENT session-timeout (#PCDATA)*>
<!-- Specify the directory location of the generated wsdl-->
<!ELEMENT wsdl-dir (#PCDATA)*>
<!-- Specify that wsdl generation is to happen 'force' 'httpServerURL' 'packageIt'-->
<!ELEMENT wsdl-gen (wsdl-dir,(option)*)>
<!-- Specifyg the directory location of the generated proxy-->
<!ELEMENT proxy-dir (#PCDATA)*>
<!ELEMENT option (#PCDATA)*>

<!-- Specifying that proxy generation is asked for , it can have optional tags as 
'include-source' 'wsdl-location' -->
<!ELEMENT proxy-gen (proxy-dir,(option)*)>
<!ELEMENT jar-generation (db-package-name,db-schema,db-url,prefix,(method-name)*)> 
<!ELEMENT database-JNDI-name (#PCDATA)*>  
<!ELEMENT db-package-name (#PCDATA)*> 
<!ELEMENT db-url (#PCDATA)*> 
<!ELEMENT db-schema (#PCDATA)*> 
<!ELEMENT prefix (#PCDATA)*> 
<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)*> 
 <!-- specify the message style ,if this tag is not present it is considered to have 'rpc' can have values of 'rpc' or 'doc' or 'document' -->
<!ELEMENT message-style (#PCDATA)*>

<!ELEMENT connection-factory-resource-ref (#PCDATA)*> 
<!ELEMENT topic-resource-ref (#PCDATA)*>  
<!ELEMENT queue-resource-ref (#PCDATA)*>  
<!--Resource ref of the return destination factory-->
<!ELEMENT reply-to-connection-factory-resource-ref (#PCDATA)*> 
<!--Resource ref of the return destination Topic. --> 
<!ELEMENT reply-to-topic-resource-ref (#PCDATA)*> 
<!--Resource ref of the return destination Queue. -->  
<!ELEMENT reply-to-queue-resource-ref (#PCDATA)*>  
<!--jms-priority ,jms-message-type,jms-delvery-mode ,jms-expiration The JMS properties are only set for enqueuing operations, i..e, for send operations only. -->
<!ELEMENT jms-priority (#PCDATA)*>  
<!ELEMENT jms-message-type (#PCDATA)*>  
<!ELEMENT jms-delivery-mode (#PCDATA)*>  
<!ELEMENT jms-expiration (#PCDATA)*>  
<!-- operation property is optional. Possible values for this parameter are: send, receive, and both. If not provided, the value defaults to both. -->
<!ELEMENT operation (#PCDATA)*>  
<!ELEMENT jms-doc-service (uri,connection-factory-resource-ref,(topic-resource-ref)?,(queue-resource-ref)?,(reply-to-connection-factory-resource-ref)?,(reply-to-topic-resource-ref)?,(reply-to-queue-resource-ref)?,(jms-priority)?,(jms-message-type)?,(jms-delivery-mode)?,(jms-expiration)?,(operation)?)>

Web Services Assembly Tool Limitations

The WebServicesAssembler tool has the following limitations: