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Oracle® Application Server 10g PL/SQL Web Toolkit Reference
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12098-01
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address tag, 1-6, 6-4
anchor, 1-6
applet tags, 1-2, 1-7
area tag, 1-8


base tag, 1-9
basefront tag, 1-10
bgsound tag, 1-10
big tag, 1-10
blockquote tag
closed, 1-11
open, 1-11
body tag, 1-11
bold tag, 1-12


cache, 2-1
center tag
center, 1-12
centerclose tag, 1-13
centeropen tag, 1-13
CGI environment variables, 9-8, 9-12
character formatting tags (PL/SQL cartridge), 1-4
checkbox form, 1-21
cite tag, 1-13
code tag, 1-14
comments in HTML, 1-14


locking, 5-1
dfn tag, 1-15
dirlistclose tag, 1-15
dirlistopen tag, 1-15
div tag, 1-15
dlistDef tag, 1-16
dlistTerm tag, 1-17
download_file, 1-17


emphasis tag, 1-18
environment variables
retrieving in the PL/SQL Cartridge, 9-8
escape_sc, 1-19
escape_url, 1-19
etag, 2-3
expires caching, 2-2


fontClose tag, 1-20
fontOpen tag, 1-20
big, 1-10
form tags, 1-3
formCheckbox, 1-21
formClose tag, 1-22
formFile, 1-22
formHidden, 1-23
formImage, 1-23
formOpen tag, 1-22
formPassword, 1-24
formRadio, 1-25
formReset, 1-26
formSelectClose, 1-26
formSelectOpen, 1-26
formSelectOption, 1-27
formSubmit, 1-28
formText, 1-29
formTextarea, 1-29
formTextarea2, 1-29
frame tag, 1-31
frame tags, 1-5
framesetClose, 1-32


get_download_files_list, 1-18


head tag, 1-33
heading tag, 1-33
HTML comment, 1-14
htmlClose tag, 1-34
htmlOpen tag, 1-34
htp.address, 1-6, 6-4
htp.anchor, 1-6
htp.anchor2, 1-6
htp.appletclose, 1-7
htp.appletopen, 1-7
htp.area, 1-8
htp.base, 1-9
htp.basefont, 1-10
htp.bgsound, 1-10
htp.big, 1-10
htp.blockquoteClose, 1-11
htp.blockquoteOpen, 1-11
htp.bodyClose, 1-11
htp.bold, 1-12, 1-44, 1-12
htp.centerClose, 1-13
htp.centerOpen, 1-13
htp.cite, 1-13
htp.code, 1-14
htp.comment, 1-14
htp.dfn, 1-15
htp.dirlistClose, 1-15
htp.dirlistOpen, 1-15
htp.div, 1-15
htp.dlistClose, 1-16
htp.dlistDef, 1-16
htp.dlistOpen, 1-16
htp.dlistTerm, 1-17
htp.em, 1-18
htp.emphasis, 1-18
htp.fontClose, 1-20
htp.fontOpen, 1-20
htp.formCheckbox, 1-21
htp.formClose, 1-22
htp.formFile, 1-22
htp.formHidden, 1-23
htp.formImage, 1-23
htp.formOpen, 1-22
htp.formPassword, 1-24
htp.formRadio, 1-25
htp.formReset, 1-26
htp.formSelectClose, 1-26
htp.formSelectOpen, 1-26
htp.formSelectOption, 1-27
htp.formSubmit, 1-28
htp.formText, 1-29
htp.formTextarea, 1-29
htp.formTextareaClose, 1-30
htp.frame, 1-31
htp.framesetClose, 1-32
htp.framesetOpen, 1-32
htp.headClose, 1-33
htp.header, 1-33
htp.headOpen, 1-33, 1-38
htp.htmlClose, 1-34
htp.htmlOpen, 1-34
htp.img, 1-35
htp.img2, 1-35
htp.isindex, 1-36
htp.italic, 1-37
htp.kbd, 1-37
htp.keyboard, 1-37
htp.line, 1-38
htp.linkRel, 1-39
htp.linkRev, 1-39
htp.listHeader, 1-40
htp.listingClose, 1-40
htp.listingOpen, 1-40
htp.listItem, 1-40
htp.mailClose, 1-42
htp.mailto, 1-41
htp.mapOpen, 1-42
htp.menulistClose, 1-42
htp.menulistOpen, 1-42
htp.meta, 1-43, 1-44
htp.nobr, 1-44
htp.noframesClose, 1-44
htp.noframesOpen, 1-44
htp.olistClose, 1-45
htp.olistOpen, 1-45
htp.para, 1-46
htp.paragraph, 1-46
htp.param, 1-46
htp.plaintext, 1-47
htp.preClose, 1-47
htp.preOpen, 1-47
htp.print, 1-48
htp.prints, 1-49
htp.prn, 1-48, 1-49
htp.s, 1-50
htp.sample, 1-50
htp.script, 1-50
htp.strike, 1-52
htp.strong, 1-52, 1-52
htp.sub, 1-53
htp.sup, 1-53
htp.tableCaption, 1-54
htp.tableClose, 1-56
htp.tableData, 1-54
htp.tableHeader, 1-55
htp.tableOpen, 1-56
htp.tableRowClose, 1-57
htp.tableRowOpen, 1-57
htp.teletype, 1-58
htp.textareaOpen, 1-30
htp.textareaOpen2, 1-30
htp.title, 1-59
htp.ulistClose, 1-59
htp.ulistOpen, 1-59
htp.underline, 1-60
htp.variable, 1-60
htp.wbr, 1-60


img tag, 1-35
IP address
retrieving in the PL/SQL cartridge, 7-2
isindex, 1-36
italic tag, 1-37


Java applets
referencing, 1-7


keyboard tag, 1-37


line tag, 1-38
link tag, 1-39
list item tag, 1-40
list tags, 1-2
listHeader tag, 1-40
listingClose tag, 1-40
listingOpen tag, 1-40


mailto tag, 1-41
map tags, 1-42
menu list tag, 1-42
meta tag, 1-43


new line tag, 1-44
no break tag, 1-44
noframes tags, 1-44


ordered list tag
olist, 1-45
owa_cache, 2-1
owa_cache.disable, 2-2
owa_cache.get_etag, 2-3
owa_cache.get_level, 2-3
owa_cache.set_not_modified, 2-3
owa_cookie.cookie data type, 3-1
owa_cookie.get function, 3-2
owa_cookie.get_all procedure, 3-2
owa_cookie.remove procedure, 3-3
owa_cookie.send procedure, 3-3
owa_cookie.vc_arr data type, 3-1
owa_image.get_x function, 4-2
owa_image.get_y function, 4-2
owa_image.NULL_POINT package variable, 4-1
owa_image.point data type, 4-2
owa_opt_lock.checksum function, 5-2
owa_opt_lock.get_rowid function, 5-3
owa_opt_lock.store_values procedure, 5-3
owa_opt_lock.vcArray data type, 5-2
owa_opt_lock.verify_values function, 5-4
owa_pattern.amatch function, 6-3
owa_pattern.change function and procedure, 6-5
owa_pattern.getpat procedure, 6-7
owa_pattern.match function, 6-8
owa_pattern.pattern data type, 6-11
owa_sec.get_client_hostname function, 7-1
owa_sec.get_client_ip function, 7-2
owa_sec.get_password function, 7-2
owa_sec.get_user_id function, 7-3
owa_sec.set_authorization procedure, 7-3
owa_sec.set_protection_realm procedure, 7-4
owa_text.add2multi procedure, 8-1
owa_text.multi_line data type, 8-2
owa_text.new_row_list, 8-2
owa_text.print_multi procedure, 8-3
owa_text.print_row_list procedure, 8-3
owa_text.row_list data type, 8-3
owa_text.stream2multi procedure, 8-4
owa_text.vc_arr data type, 8-4
owa_util.bind_variables function, 9-2
owa_util.calendarprint procedure, 9-3
owa_util.cellsprint procedure, 9-4
owa_util.choose_date procedure, 9-6
owa_util.dateType data type, 9-7
owa_util.get_cgi_env function, 9-8
owa_util.get_owa_service_path function, 9-8
owa_util.get_procedure function, 9-8
owa_util.http_header_close procedure, 9-9
owa_util.ident_arr data type, 9-9
owa_util.ip_address data type, 9-9
owa_util.listprint procedure, 9-10
owa_util.mime_header procedure, 9-11
owa_util.print_cgi_env procedure, 9-12
owa_util.redirect_url procedure, 9-12
owa_util.showpage procedure, 9-13
owa_util.showsource procedure, 9-14
owa_util.signature procedure, 9-14
owa_util.status_line procedure, 9-14
owa_util.tablePrint function, 9-15
owa_util.todate function, 9-20
owa_util.who_called_me procedure, 9-20


p_expires, 2-2
paragraph formatting tags (PL/SQL cartridge), 1-4
paragraph tag, 1-46
parameter tag, 1-46
plaintext tag, 1-47
PL/SQL cartridge
applet tags, 1-2
character formatting tags, 1-4
form tags, 1-3
frame tags, 1-5
list tags, 1-2
paragraph formatting tags, 1-4
subprograms summary, 1-2
table tags, 1-3
PL/SQL Web Toolkit
htf package, 1-1
htp package, 1-1
owa_cookie package, 3-1
owa_image package, 4-1
owa_opt_lock package, 5-1
owa_pattern package, 6-1
owa_sec package, 7-1
owa_text package, 8-1
owa_util package, 9-1
preformatted text tag, 1-47
print tag, 1-48


regular expressions, 6-2
revision tag, 1-39


sample tag, 1-50
script tag, 1-50
strike tag, 1-52
regular expressions, 6-2
strong tag, 1-52
style tag, 1-52
subscript tag, 1-53
superscript tag, 1-53


table tags (PL/SQL cartridge), 1-3
tableCaption tag, 1-54
tableClose tag, 1-56
tableData tag, 1-54
tableHeader tag, 1-55
tableOpen tag, 1-56
tableRowClose tag, 1-57
address, 1-6, 6-4
applet, 1-7
area, 1-8
base, 1-9
basefront, 1-10
bgsound, 1-10
big, 1-10
closed, 1-11
open, 1-11
body, 1-11
bold, 1-12
centerclose, 1-13
centeropen, 1-13
cite, 1-13
code, 1-14
dfn, 1-15
dirlistclose, 1-15
dirlistopen, 1-15
div, 1-15
dlistDef, 1-16
dlistTerm, 1-17
emphasis, 1-18
fontClose, 1-20
fontOpen, 1-20
formClose, 1-22
formOpen, 1-22
frame, 1-31
head, 1-33
header, 1-33
htmlClose, 1-34
htmlOpen, 1-34
img, 1-35
italic, 1-37
keyboard, 1-37
line, 1-38
link, 1-39
listHeader, 1-40
listitem, 1-40
mapClose, 1-42
mapOpen, 1-42
menulistClose, 1-42
menulistOpen, 1-42
meta, 1-43
nl, 1-44
nobr, 1-44
noframes, 1-44
paragraph, 1-46
parameter, 1-46
plaintext, 1-47
pre, 1-47
print, 1-48
revision, 1-39
sample, 1-50
script, 1-50
strike, 1-52
strong, 1-52
style, 1-52
sub, 1-53
sup, 1-53
tableCaption, 1-54
tableData, 1-54
tableHeader, 1-55
teletype, 1-58
title, 1-59
underline, 1-60
unordered list, 1-59
variable, 1-60
wbr, 1-60
teletype tag, 1-58
title tag, 1-59


underline tag, 1-60
unordered list tag, 1-59


validation caching, 2-1
variable tag, 1-60
vc_arr data type, 3-1


wbr tag, 1-60

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