package My::DB;
use strict;
use 5.004;
use DBI;
use vars qw(%c);
use constant DEBUG => 0;
%c =
db => {
DB_NAME => 'foo',
SERVER => 'localhost',
USER => 'put_username_here',
USER_PASSWD => 'put_passwd_here',
use Carp qw(croak verbose);
#local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;
# untaint the path by explicit setting
local $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
# connect to the DB, Apache::DBI takes care of caching the connections
# save into a dbh - Database handle object
$self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$c{db}{DB_NAME}::$c{db}{SERVER}",
PrintError => 1, # warn() on errors
RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately
or die "Cannot connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
# we want to die on errors if in debug mode
$self->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1 if DEBUG;
# init the sth - Statement handle object
$self->{sth} = '';
bless ($self, $class);
} # end of sub new
### ###
### SQL Functions ###
### ###
# print debug messages
sub d{
# we want to print the trace in debug mode
print "
", @_)."\n" if DEBUG;
} # end of sub d
# return a count of matched rows, by conditions
# $count = sql_count_matched($table_name,\@conditions,\@restrictions);
# conditions must be an array so we can pass more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# Restrictions are the list of restrictions like ('order by email')
sub sql_count_matched{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $r_restr = shift || [];
# we want to print the trace in debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= "WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
# restrictions (DONT put commas!)
$do_sql .= " ". join " ", @{$r_restr} if @{$r_restr};
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
my ($count) = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_array;
d("Result: $count") if DEBUG;
return $count;
} # end of sub sql_count_matched
# return a count of matched distinct rows, by conditions
# $count = sql_count_matched_distinct($table_name,\@conditions,\@restrictions);
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# Restrictions are the list of restrictions like ('order by email')
# This a slow implementation - because it cannot use select(*), but
# brings all the records in first and then counts them. In the next
# version of mysql there will be an operator 'select (distinct *)'
# which will make things much faster, so we will just change the
# internals of this sub, without changing the code itself.
sub sql_count_matched_distinct{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $r_restr = shift || [];
# we want to print the trace in debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= "WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
# restrictions (DONT put commas!)
$do_sql .= " ". join " ", @{$r_restr} if @{$r_restr};
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
# $self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
# $self->{sth}->execute();
my $count = @{$self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($do_sql)};
# my ($count) = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_array;
d("Result: $count") if DEBUG;
# $self->{sth}->finish;
return $count;
} # end of sub sql_count_matched_distinct
# return a single (first) matched value or undef, by conditions and
# restrictions
# sql_get_matched_value($table_name,$column,\@conditions,\@restrictions);
# column is a name of the column
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# restrictions is a list of restrictions like ('order by email')
sub sql_get_matched_value{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $column = shift || '';
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $r_restr = shift || [];
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "SELECT $column FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= " WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
# restrictions (DONT put commas!)
$do_sql .= " ". join " ", @{$r_restr} if @{$r_restr};
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
return $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array($do_sql);
} # end of sub sql_get_matched_value
# return a single row of first matched rows, by conditions and
# restrictions. The row is being inserted into @results_row array
# (value1,value2,...) or empty () if none matched
# sql_get_matched_row(\@results_row,$table_name,\@columns,\@conditions,\@restrictions);
# columns is a list of columns to be returned (username, fname,...)
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# restrictions is a list of restrictions like ('order by email')
sub sql_get_matched_row{
my $self = shift;
my $r_row = shift || {};
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_cols = shift || [];
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $r_restr = shift || [];
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "SELECT ";
$do_sql .= join ",", @{$r_cols} if @{$r_cols};
$do_sql .= " FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= " WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
# restrictions (DONT put commas!)
$do_sql .= " ". join " ", @{$r_restr} if @{$r_restr};
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
@{$r_row} = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array($do_sql);
} # end of sub sql_get_matched_row
# return a ref to hash of single matched row, by conditions
# and restrictions. return undef if nothing matched.
# (column1 => value1, column2 => value2) or empty () if non matched
# sql_get_hash_ref($table_name,\@columns,\@conditions,\@restrictions);
# columns is a list of columns to be returned (username, fname,...)
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# restrictions is a list of restrictions like ('order by email')
sub sql_get_hash_ref{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_cols = shift || [];
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $r_restr = shift || [];
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "SELECT ";
$do_sql .= join ",", @{$r_cols} if @{$r_cols};
$do_sql .= " FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= " WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
# restrictions (DONT put commas!)
$do_sql .= " ". join " ", @{$r_restr} if @{$r_restr};
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
return $self->{sth}->fetchrow_hashref;
} # end of sub sql_get_hash_ref
# returns a reference to an array, matched by conditions and
# restrictions, which contains one reference to array per row. If
# there are no rows to return, returns a reference to an empty array:
# [
# [array1],
# ......
# [arrayN],
# ];
# $ref = sql_get_matched_rows_ary_ref($table_name,\@columns,\@conditions,\@restrictions);
# columns is a list of columns to be returned (username, fname,...)
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name. @conditions are being cancatenated with AND
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# results in
# WHERE foo > 15 AND foo < 30
# to make an OR logic use (then ANDed )
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign',['value1','value2']],
# foo => ['=',[15,24] ],
# bar => ['=',[16,21] ],
# );
# results in
# WHERE (foo = 15 OR foo = 24) AND (bar = 16 OR bar = 21)
# The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# restrictions is a list of restrictions like ('order by email')
sub sql_get_matched_rows_ary_ref{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_cols = shift || [];
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $r_restr = shift || [];
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "SELECT ";
$do_sql .= join ",", @{$r_cols} if @{$r_cols};
$do_sql .= " FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
if (ref $$r_conds[$i+1][1] eq 'ARRAY') {
# multi condition for the same field/comparator to be ORed
push @where, map {"($_)"} join " OR ",
map { join " ",
} @{$r_conds->[$i+1][1]};
} else {
# single condition for the same field/comparator
push @where, join " ",
} # end of for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= " WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
# restrictions (DONT put commas!)
$do_sql .= " ". join " ", @{$r_restr} if @{$r_restr};
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
return $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($do_sql);
} # end of sub sql_get_matched_rows_ary_ref
# insert a single row into a DB
# sql_insert_row($table_name,\%data,$delayed);
# data is hash of type (column1 => value1 ,column2 => value2 , )
# $delayed: 1 => do delayed insert, 0 or none passed => immediate
# * The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
# * The insert id delayed, so the user will not wait untill the insert
# will be completed, if many select queries are running
sub sql_insert_row{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_data = shift || {};
my $delayed = (shift) ? 'DELAYED' : '';
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "INSERT $delayed INTO $table ";
$do_sql .= "(".join(",",keys %{$r_data}).")";
$do_sql .= " VALUES (";
$do_sql .= join ",", sql_quote(sql_escape( values %{$r_data} ) );
$do_sql .= ")";
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
} # end of sub sql_insert_row
# update rows in a DB by condition
# sql_update_rows($table_name,\%data,\@conditions,$delayed);
# data is hash of type (column1 => value1 ,column2 => value2 , )
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# $delayed: 1 => do delayed insert, 0 or none passed => immediate
# * The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
sub sql_update_rows{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_data = shift || {};
my $r_conds = shift || [];
my $delayed = (shift) ? 'LOW_PRIORITY' : '';
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "UPDATE $delayed $table SET ";
$do_sql .= join ",",
map { "$_=".join "",sql_quote(sql_escape($$r_data{$_})) } keys %{$r_data};
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= " WHERE ". join " AND ", @where if @where;
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
# my ($count) = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_array;
# d("Result: $count") if DEBUG;
} # end of sub sql_update_rows
# delete rows from DB by condition
# sql_delete_rows($table_name,\@conditions);
# conditions must be an array so we can path more than one column with
# the same name.
# @conditions = ( column => ['comp_sign','value'],
# foo => ['>',15],
# foo => ['<',30],
# );
# * The sub knows automatically to detect and quote strings
sub sql_delete_rows{
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || '';
my $r_conds = shift || [];
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
# build the query
my $do_sql = "DELETE FROM $table ";
my @where = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$r_conds};$i=$i+2) {
push @where, join " ",
# Must be very careful with deletes, imagine somehow @where is
# not getting set, "DELETE FROM NAME" deletes the contents of the table
warn("Attempt to delete a whole table $table from DB\n!!!"),return unless @where;
# Add the where clause if we have one
$do_sql .= " WHERE ". join " AND ", @where;
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
# do query
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
} # end of sub sql_delete_rows
# executes the passed query and returns a reference to an array which
# contains one reference per row. If there are no rows to return,
# returns a reference to an empty array.
# $r_array = sql_execute_and_get_r_array($query);
sub sql_execute_and_get_r_array{
my $self = shift;
my $do_sql = shift || '';
# we want to print in the trace debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
} # end of sub sql_execute_and_get_r_array
# lock the passed tables in the requested mode (READ|WRITE) and set
# internal flag to handle possible user abortions, so the tables will
# be unlocked thru the END{} block
# sql_lock_tables('table1','lockmode',..,'tableN','lockmode'
# lockmode = (READ | WRITE)
# _side_effect_ $self->{lock} = 'On';
sub sql_lock_tables{
my $self = shift;
my %modes = @_;
return unless %modes;
my $do_sql = 'LOCK TABLES ';
$do_sql .= join ",", map {"$_ $modes{$_}"} keys %modes;
# we want to print the trace in debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
d("SQL: $do_sql") if DEBUG;
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($do_sql);
# Enough to set only one lock, unlock will remove them all
$self->{lock} = 'On';
} # end of sub sql_lock_tables
# unlock all tables, unset internal flag to handle possible user
# abortions, so the tables will be unlocked thru the END{} block
# sql_unlock_tables()
# _side_effect_: delete $self->{lock}
sub sql_unlock_tables{
my $self = shift;
# we want to print the trace in debug mode
d( "[".(caller(2))[3]." - ".(caller(1))[3]." - ". (caller(0))[3]."]") if DEBUG;
$self->{dbh}->do("UNLOCK TABLES");
# Enough to set only one lock, unlock will remove them all
delete $self->{lock};
} # end of sub sql_unlock_tables
# return current date formatted for a DATE field type
# Note: since this function actually doesn't need an object it's being
# called without parameter as well as procedural call
sub sql_date{
my $self = shift;
my ($mday,$mon,$year) = (localtime)[3..5];
return sprintf "%0.4d%0.2d%0.2d",1900+$year,++$mon,$mday;
} # end of sub sql_date
# return current date formatted for a DATE field type
# Note: since this function actually doesn't need an object it's being
# called without parameter as well as procedural call
sub sql_datetime{
my $self = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime();
return sprintf "%0.4d%0.2d%0.2d%0.2d%0.2d%0.2d",1900+$year,++$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;
} # end of sub sql_datetime
# Quote the list of parameters. Parameters consisting entirely of
# digits (i.e. integers) are unquoted.
# print sql_quote("one",2,"three"); => 'one', 2, 'three'
sub sql_quote{ map{ /^(\d+|NULL)$/ ? $_ : "\'$_\'" } @_ }
# Escape the list of parameters (all unsafe chars like ",' are escaped)
# We make a copy of @_ since we might try to change the passed values,
# producing an error when modification of a read-only value is attempted
sub sql_escape{ my @a = @_; map { s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g;$_} @a }
# DESTROY makes all kinds of cleanups if the fuctions were interuppted
# before their completion and haven't had a chance to make a clean up.
my $self = shift;
$self->sql_unlock_tables() if $self->{lock};
$self->{sth}->finish if $self->{sth};
$self->{dbh}->disconnect if $self->{dbh};
} # end of sub DESTROY
# Don't remove