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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86, and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

Part Number B10874-04
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G Oracle Collaboration Suite Client Installations

The Oracle Collaboration Suite Client CD-ROM contains the client products.

This appendix contains these topics:

G.1 Oracle Connector for Outlook

This section contains these topics:

G.1.1 System Requirements for Oracle Connector for Outlook

The following table contains the Oracle Connector for Outlook system requirements.

Table G-1 Oracle Connector for Outlook System Requirements

Requirement Value
Operating system
  • Windows NT 4.0
  • Windows 98

  • Windows 2000

  • Windows XP Professional

Administrative privileges are required to install Oracle Connector for Outlook on Windows NT, 2000, and XP.

Disk space Free disk space equivalent to the approximate size of the user's IMAP4 mailbox
RAM Refer to the RAM requirements of your Microsoft Outlook client.
  • Outlook 98
  • Outlook 2000

  • Outlook 2002

  • Outlook 2003 (supported in Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 (

  • Note: Native Language version or Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) is required for non-English version localization (see supported languages)

Calendar server
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5
  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4 (required for most of the new Oracle Calendar functionality)

E-mail servers SMTP server for outgoing mail included with Oracle Collaboration Suite

Oracle IMAP4 Server 9.0.3 and above

Other e-mail servers whose implementations are based upon the open standards of SMTP and the IMAP4 reference implementations Cyrus and University of Washington.

Conduits for PDA synchronization
  • PocketMirror 2.04 or 3.0 (3.0 recommended)
  • PocketJournal

  • Desktop To Go 2.5

  • Desktop To Go 2.509 (for Outlook 2002 only)

  • PSIWIN 2.3 or 2.31

  • ActiveSync 3.0, 3.1, or 3.5. Note: Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( supports ActiveSync versions up to 3.7.1

  • HotSync Manager 4.0 (for Windows XP only)

Devices The following devices have been certified with Oracle Connector for Outlook. Similar devices may work but the end-user experience may vary.

Pocket PC

  • Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC 2002 - Model 3870

  • Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC 2002 - Model 3970

  • HP iPAQ Pocket PC 2003 - Model h 1945


  • Palm III (3Com)

  • Palm V Handheld

Blackberry 6710 - Wireless Handheld

G.1.2 Preinstallation Requirements for Oracle Connector for Outlook

  • A supported Outlook version must be installed on a supported platform

  • Windows NT, 2000, and XP require you to have administrative privileges on your computer in order to install Oracle Connector for Outlook

  • Outlook 98 and Outlook 2000 must be installed in Corporate/Workgroup mode. Verify the Outlook configuration by choosing Tools > Options > Mail Services > Reconfigure Mail Support.

  • To avoid losing information, Oracle Corporation recommends that you synchronize your offline folders before upgrading

G.1.3 Installing Oracle Connector for Outlook

  1. Exit all Windows applications before installing Oracle Connector for Outlook.

  2. If you are upgrading from a previous version and want to add or change the languages installed, run con_outlook_904x.exe followed by the switch /Lang. Otherwise, just double-click the con_outlook_904x.exe file. Follow the on-screen installation instructions.


    To avoid conflict between POP3 and IMAP4 protocols, do not set up Microsoft's Internet Mail or Exchange service providers in the same profile as Oracle Connector for Outlook.

G.1.4 Silent Installation of Oracle Connector for Outlook

When run in silent mode, the Oracle Connector for Outlook installer consults a preset configuration file for all the information normally provided by the user through the installation dialogs. Available with Oracle Connector for Outlook is a sample file, called ctoc.ini. Use this file as a template, changing its parameter values to suit your installation. For more details on the parameters available, see Table G-2. Any parameters for which you do not supply a value and that do not have default values are prompted for at first startup.

To install Oracle Connector for Outlook from the command line without requiring any user interaction, run the product self-extracting executable with the -s option, and specify the configuration file to use with the -cfg option.

For example, where both the installer and configuration file exist in the root directory of drive C:, and the installer file name is con_outlook_904.exe, perform the following:

C:\> con_outlook_904.exe -s -cfg ctoc.ini

Two optional flags can also be specified:

  • -f

    If you specify -f in your command line, the Oracle Connector for Outlook installer attempts to remove any older versions of the product it finds before installing the current version.

  • -1

    If you specify -1 (the numeral 1) in your command line, only the first part of the Oracle Connector for Outlook installation runs, copying necessary files and registering Oracle Connector for Outlook as an available service provider. The second part of the installation, in which Oracle Connector for Outlook is added to a profile, is not run.


    After running the silent install once, subsequent silent installations that do not specify the -f option only perform the first part of the installation, copying necessary files and registering Oracle Connector for Outlook as an available service provider. The installer does not continue with the second part of the installation.

For more information about large-scale deployments of Oracle Connector for Outlook, contact Oracle Consulting.

G.1.4.1 Oracle Connector for Outlook Silent Installation Configuration File Parameters

The following table contains a list of available parameters for Oracle Connector for Outlook silent installation, organized alphabetically by section. Listed default values are applied when the value of the parameter in question is blank or the parameter is left out of the configuration file completely.

All lines beginning with a semicolon (;) in the configuration file are comments not read by the installer.

Table G-2 Oracle Connector for Outlook Silent Installation Configuration Parameters

Component Parameter Accepted Values Default Description
A valid calendar server user name None Specifies this user's calendar account name
A valid Domain ID None Specifies the Domain ID representing your organization. The [Calendar] UseDNS and [Calendar] HostName parameters must also be specified.
A valid host name, or list of names in the format: host1;host2; hostN. For example: scooter;kermit None Specifies the host name or network address of the Calendar Domain Service host or hosts. The [Calendar] UseDNS and [Calendar] DomainID parameters must also be specified.
0 (Configure a calendar server connection using the [Calendar] parameters)

1 (Skip configuring the calendar server connection and ignore any values set by other parameters in the [Calendar] section)

0 Specifies that this user has no calendar server account, and ignores any values set by other parameters in the [Calendar] section
The valid password for this user's calendar account None Specifies this user's calendar password
0 (use the default)

A valid port

None Specifies the port to use to connect to the calendar server specified by the [Calendar] ServerName parameter
A valid host name, followed by a comma, followed by a valid node-ID. For example: kermit,1200 None Specifies the host name or network address of the calendar server, and the node-ID to which to connect, if desired
0 or empty ("Corporate Mode")

1 (Use DNS)

Use Calendar Domain Service
A valid user name None The account name of this user on the IMAP4 server
Any alphanumeric string None Sets the name to be displayed for all e-mail this user sends
A valid e-mail address None Specifies the current user's e-mail address
A valid host name None The host name or network address of the IMAP4 e-mail server
0 (Configure an IMAP4 server connection using the other IMAP4 configuration parameters in the [E-Mail] section)

1 (Skip configuring the IMAP4 server connection and ignore any values set by other IMAP4 configuration parameters in the [E-Mail] section)

Specifies that this user has no IMAP4 account, and ignores any values set by other IMAP4 configuration parameters in the [E-Mail] section
A valid port 143 The port for the IMAP4 server
0 (Do not use the same values set for the calendar server account name and password)

1 (Use the same values set for the calendar server account name and password)

0 Instructs the installer to use the same user name and password specified by the [Calendar] AccountName and [Calendar] Password parameters for the IMAP4 server. If this parameter is set to 1, the installer ignores any values set in the [E-Mail] AccountName and [E-Mail] Password parameters.
0 (Do not use SSL)

1 (Use SSL)

0 Instructs the installer to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for all communications with the IMAP4 e-mail server
Any alphanumeric string None Specifies the current user's organization to be included with outgoing e-mail (optional)
The valid password for this user's e-mail account None The password for this user on the IMAP4 server
A valid e-mail address None Specifies the destination e-mail address that mail is sent to when a user replies to mail sent by the current user (optional)
A valid host name None Specifies the host name or network address of the SMTP e-mail server
0 (No authentication required)

1 (User name and password required)

0 Instructs the installer that the specified SMTP e-mail server requires a user name and password
0 (Configure an SMTP server connection using the other SMTP configuration parameters in the [E-Mail] section)

1 (Skip configuring the SMTP server connection and ignore any values set by other SMTP configuration parameters in the [E-Mail] section)

0 Specifies that this user has no SMTP account, and ignores any values set by other SMTP configuration parameters in the [E-Mail] section
The valid password for the current user account None Specifies the password to use when connecting to the SMTP e-mail server, if the [E-Mail] SMTPAuthentication parameter is set to 1
A valid port 25 The port for the SMTP server
0 (Do not use the same values set for the IMAP4 server account name and password)

1 (Use the same values set for the IMAP4 server account name and password)

0 Instructs the installer to use the same user name and password specified by the [E-Mail] AccountName and [E-Mail] Password parameters for the SMTP server. If this parameter is set to 1, the installer ignores any values set in the [E-Mail] SmtpAccount and [E-Mail] SmtpPassword parameters.
A valid user name on the SMTP server None Specifies the account name to use when connecting to the SMTP e-mail server, if the [E-Mail] SMTPAuthentication parameter is set to 1
0 (Do not use SSL)

1 (Use SSL)

0 Instructs the installer to use SSL for all communications with the SMTP e-mail server
Any alphanumeric string None Specifies the name of the company employing the registered user
A valid path name
\Program Files
Specifies the path in which to install Oracle Connector for Outlook
Any alphanumeric string None Specifies the name of the registered user. Also used as default values for the [Calendar] AccountName and [E-Mail] DisplayName parameters.
0 (Hide error messages)

1 (Show error messages)

0 Displays a button used to open a log file containing error messages encountered during the installation. If ShowOutput is 1, the button appears in the installation progress box. If ShowOutput is 0, the button appears in a separate dialog box.
0 (Hide output)

1 (Show output)

0 Displays the output of the Oracle Connector for Outlook installer as it progresses through the silent installation
0 (Hide success message)

1 (Show success message)

0 Displays a status message when installation is completed successfully
0 (Do not shut down Outlook automatically)

1 (Shut down Outlook automatically)

0 Instructs the installer to close Outlook automatically before installing Oracle Connector for Outlook, if Outlook is running. Outlook must not be running in order for the installer to function correctly.
[Languages] (None) Acceptable language values, such as:

Where the number represents the language, and the string is the same as that appended to the Oracle Connector for Outlook DLL and help files for that language.

None. Unless a value is specified, Oracle Connector for Outlook installs in English. Sets the language used by Oracle Connector for Outlook
Any alphanumeric string Oracle Connector for Outlook
Specifies the profile in which to add Oracle Connector for Outlook. If the profile name specified does not already exist, the installation creates a new profile with this name and adds Oracle Connector for Outlook to that profile.
[Off-line] Path A valid path A default path determined by the current platform and profile name Specifies a location for the current user's offline storage
[Off-line] Use 0 (Offline access disabled)

1 (Offline access enabled)

0 Instructs the installer to enable offline access and synchronization for the current user
[Settings] DisableCfgUI 0 (Show the configuration dialog box normally)

1 (Disable the ability to create or modify profiles)

0 Hides the Oracle Connector for Outlook configuration dialog box normally available through the Windows Mail control panel, so that users cannot modify their sign-in and offline settings
[Settings] DisablePwd 0 (Allow password saving)

1 (Disable password saving)

0 Instructs the installer to ignore passwords set for the calendar, IMAP4, and SMTP server, and requires the current user to provide an account password at each login
[Settings] ForceReboot 0 (No reboot)

1 (Force reboot)

0 Instructs the installer to restart the operating system after the first part of the installation (copying files and installing Oracle Connector for Outlook as a service provider)
[Settings] HideCTimePwdMenu 0 (Show the Change Password option)

1 (Hide the Change Password option)

0 Hides the Change Password option in the Tools menu, to prevent users from changing their calendar server passwords through Outlook
[Settings] NoServerMail 0 (Enable connections to mail servers normally)

1 (Skip connections to both IMAP4 and SMTP servers)

2 (Skip connection to the IMAP4 server)

3 (Skip connection to the SMTP server)

0 Skips connecting to the IMAP4 and SMTP servers. Use this parameter if you want to use another service provider such as Microsoft's Internet E-Mail for mail instead of Oracle Connector for Outlook. If 1, 2 or 3 is specified, the corresponding server properties page in Outlook will be hidden.
[Settings] ShowSrvIcon 0 (Do not show the unavailable servers icon)

1 (Show the unavailable servers icon)

0 Shows a small information icon in the lower right corner of the main Outlook window when a calendar or mail server is unavailable

G.1.5 Upgrading Microsoft Outlook

If you upgrade your Outlook installation, you must reinstall Oracle Connector for Outlook after the upgrade. See Installing Oracle Connector for Outlook for installation instructions.

G.1.6 Deinstalling Oracle Connector for Outlook

To remove Oracle Connector for Outlook:

  1. Double-click Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

  2. Choose Oracle Connector for Outlook and click Add/Remove.

G.2 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

This section contains these topics:

G.2.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows system requirements.

Table G-3 Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows system requirements

Requirement Value
Operating system
  • Windows 98
  • Windows ME

  • Windows NT

  • Windows 2000

  • Windows XP Home

  • Windows XP Professional

If you are installing Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows on a Windows NT computer, you must install Microsoft Windows Service Pack 6 or later.

Administrative privileges are required to install Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows on Windows NT, 2000, and XP.

Disk space 25 MB
RAM 20 MB minimum
Calendar server
  • Oracle CorporateTime server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4.x

G.2.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows.

  1. Log in with administrative privileges if you are installing on Windows NT, 2000, or XP.

  2. Run the self-extracting executable cal_win_904x.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

G.2.3 Silent Installation of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows 9.0.4 offers silent and customizable installations to ease large-scale deployment. The desktop client incorporates MSI installer technology to offer configurable levels of user interaction ranging from the regular interactive install to a completely silent behind-the-scenes procedure with no user feedback or prompts at all.

G.2.3.1 Performing the Silent Installation

Unzipping the self-extracting executable cal_win_904x.exe will extract the following: setup.exe, Oracle Calendar 9.0.4.msi, some CAB files, and a folder containing the unison.ini file. The Oracle Calendar 9.0.4.msi file is the main installer package that runs in the MSI engine. This file cannot be run directly because it depends on the InstallShield setup scripts which are available only through the setup.exe file. The CAB files contain the compressed data to be installed on the end user's machine. The only file left uncompressed is the template unison.ini file. The setup.exe file is the InstallShield wrapper that runs the MSI installer engine with the Oracle Calendar 9.0.4.msi file. The setup.exe file is also responsible for upgrading the user's machine if it does not already have the MSI installer engine.

Note that users installing Oracle Calendar must have administrator privileges on the machine. Although this is the default setting for Windows 98 and Windows ME, it may not be the case for multi-user operating systems such as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Administrator privileges on the machine are required to write to the registry and install certain required files.

The installer will upgrade any previous versions of CorporateTime, OpenTime and Oracle Calendar on the user's machine. The installer will also upgrade any beta versions of Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows 9.0.4.

To configure the level of user interaction, run the self-extracting executable cal_win_904x.exe file from the command line with the /s option. In addition, use the /v option to specify any information that should be passed by the InstallShield wrapper to the Windows Installer. The value of this option is a string specified inside double-quotes, which should provide a nested flag to control the level of user feedback given by the Windows Installer. Flags available include:

  • /qn to specify a completely silent installation

  • /qb to provide basic user feedback such as progress indicators during the installation, but prevent users from modifying any installation parameters or information. For example, users can see the progress indicator while files are being copied but not allowed to specify the destination path.

For more details on the levels of user interaction available with Windows Installer's /q option, see the Windows Installer documentation.

In the string value provided for the /v option, it is recommended to also include the REINSTALL and REINSTALLMODE parameters which instruct the installer to upgrade any Alpha or Beta versions of the software that may already be present on the system.

The basic recommended command line for a completely silent installation is therefore constructed as follows:

setup.exe /s /v"/qn REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=voums"


The /v option should always be the last one specified on the command line.

G.2.3.2 Customizing the Oracle Calendar Preferences File

Most calendar preferences and setup information can be specified in the client-side unison.ini file. When you install the application, you can provide the installer with a template unison.ini file preset with a variety of preferences and other information. The template unison.ini file is used only when no personal unison.ini file exists. Once such a personal file exists for any given user, subsequent client upgrades will NOT remove it or replace it. In other words, the ability to preset unison.ini preferences through the client installer is only available for users who have not yet used any version of Oracle Calendar on the current machine. For those users, Oracle Calendar will simply use their old set of preferences. There are two reasons for this behavior:

  • On multi-user operating systems such as Windows NT and 2000, the user upgrading the application cannot necessarily view and modify files in other users' profile folders, where the individual unison.ini files are stored. In other words, the installer cannot locate all the unison.ini files on the current machine in order to replace them with the new template.

  • All user preferences not stored directly in the calendar server or specified in the template unison.ini file would be lost if the user's personal unison.ini were replaced.

G.2.4 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows

To remove Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows:

  1. Double-click Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

  2. Choose Oracle Calendar 9.0.4 and click Add/Remove.

G.3 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

This section covers these topics:

G.3.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux x86

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux system requirements.

Table G-4 Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux system requirements

Requirement Value
Operating system
  • Red Hat Linux 7.x, to 9.0
  • SuSE Linux 7.1

  • Linux x86 with kernel 2.4.x or later

Disk space 33 MB
RAM 15 to 20 MB
Calendar server
  • Oracle CorporateTime server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4.x

G.3.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux x86

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux.

  1. Unpack the distribution archive in a temporary directory. /tmp is the sample directory used in the following instructions.

    cd /tmp
    gtar zxvf /tmp/cal_linux_904x.tar.gz
  2. Change to the OracleCalendar_inst directory.

    cd OracleCalendar_inst
  3. To install using a full graphical interface, run To install using a text mode interface, run You will be prompted for installation and shortcut directories.

G.3.3 Silent Installation of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux x86

To run a silent installation of Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux, follow the steps described in "Installing Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux x86", except run the file This file reads the following parameters from the ocal_conf/ file:

  • USER_INSTALL_DIR: Where the application will be installed

  • USER_SHORTCUTS: Where the shortcut used to start Oracle Calendar will be placed

Both values must be fully-qualified paths, such as /local/OracleCalendar. Relative paths may not be used.

G.3.4 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux x86

To deinstall Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux, remove the OracleCalendar directory:

rm -rf /OracleCalendar

G.4 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

This section contains these topics:

G.4.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh system requirements.

Table G-5 Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh System Requirements

Requirement Value
Operating system Mac OS 9.x (with CarbonLib 1.6), Mac OS X 10.1.4 to 10.2.6. Note: Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( supports Mac OS 9.22 to OS 10.3.
Disk space 20 MB minimum
Calendar server
  • Oracle CorporateTime server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4.x

G.4.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

Mac OS 9.x

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh for Mac OS 9.x.

  1. Ensure that you have administrative privileges.

  2. Ensure that the CarbonLib file is installed in the Extensions folder of your active System Folder to run the installer.

  3. Double-click cal_mac_OS9_904x.hqx and follow the on-screen instructions.

    The installer extracts the application and copies the Readme.htm file into the destination folder you have selected. It also extracts all shared libraries to the Extensions folder and Oracle Calendar Help to the Help folder of your active System Folder.

    If your CarbonLib file is prior to version 1.6, it is updated. Restart the computer for the new file version to take effect.

  4. Double-click the Oracle Calendar desktop icon to start the application when installation is completed.

Mac OS X

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh for Mac OS X.

  1. Ensure that you have administrative privileges.

  2. Double-click cal_mac_OSX_904x.hqx and follow the on-screen instructions.

    The installer extracts the application and copies the Readme.htm file into a destination folder you select. It also extracts all shared libraries to the /Library/CFMSupport/ folder and the Oracle Calendar Help folder to the /Library/Documentation/Help/ folder.

  3. Double-click the Oracle Calendar desktop icon to start the application when installation is complete.

G.4.3 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

Mac OS 9.x

This section describes how to deinstall Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh for Mac OS 9.x.

  1. To remove the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh, you must delete these components:

    • Shared libraries and ACE plug-ins

    • Help

    • Preferences

    • Oracle Calendar Desktop Client application

    • Oracle Calendar data (offline files)

  2. To remove the shared libraries and ACE plug-ins, go to your hard disk and open the System folder. Open the Extensions folder and delete these files:

    • OCALACipher1EncrLib

    • OCALLightEncrLib

    • OCALSimpleCompLib

    • OCALStdAuthLib

    • OCALSASLAuthLib

    • OCALGssapiAuthLib

    • Unison Library

  3. To remove the Help, go to your hard disk and open the System folder. Open the Help folder, select the Oracle Calendar Help folder, and delete it.

  4. To remove your Preferences, go to your hard disk and open the System folder. Open the Preferences folder, select the Oracle Calendar Prefs file, and delete it.

  5. To remove the Oracle Calendar data files, go to your hard disk and open the Applications (Macintosh OS 9) folder. Select the Oracle Calendar folder and delete it.

Mac OS X

This section describes how to deinstall Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh for Mac OS X.

  1. To remove the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh, you must delete these components:

    • Shared libraries and ACE plug-ins

    • Help

    • Preferences

    • Oracle Calendar Desktop Client application

    • Oracle Calendar data (offline files)

  2. To remove the shared libraries and ACE plug-ins, go to your hard disk and open the Library folder. Open the CFMSupport folder and delete these files:

    • OCALACipher1EncrLib

    • OCALLightEncrLib

    • OCALSimpleCompLib

    • OCALStdAuthLib

    • OCALSASLAuthLib

    • OCALGssapiAuthLib

    • Unison Library

  3. To remove the Help, go to your hard disk and open the Library folder. Open the Documentation folder, and then open the Help folder. Select the Oracle Calendar Help folder and delete it.

  4. To remove your Preferences, go to your hard disk and open the Users folder and go to the User folder that has your name on it. Open the Library folder, and then open the Preferences folder. Select the following files and delete them:

    • com.Oracle.Oracle Calendar.plist

    • Oracle Calendar Prefs

  5. To remove the Oracle Calendar application, go to your hard disk and open the Applications folder. Select the Oracle Calendar folder and delete it.

G.5 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

This section contains these topics:

G.5.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris system requirements.

Table G-6 Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris system requirements

Requirement Value
Operating system Solaris 8, 9 (SPARC only)

Netscape Navigator or Netscape Communicator release 4.0 or later is required to use the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client online Help. The directory that contains the Netscape executable must be set in your path.

Disk space 40 MB
RAM 20 to 25 MB
Calendar server
  • Oracle CorporateTime server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4.x

G.5.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

This section describes how to install the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris.

  1. Untar the distribution archive into a temporary directory. /tmp is the sample directory used in the following commands.

    cd /tmp
    gtar zxvf /tmp/cal_sun_os_904x.tar.gz
  2. Change to the OracleCalendar_inst directory.

    cd OracleCalendar_inst
  3. To install using a full graphical interface, run To install using a text mode interface, run You will be prompted for installation and shortcut directories.

G.5.3 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

To desinstall the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris, remove the OracleCalendar directory:

rm -rf /OracleCalendar

G.5.4 Silent Installation of Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

To run a silent installation of Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris operating environment (SPARC 32-bit), follow the steps described in "Installing Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)", except run the file This file reads the following parameters from the ocal_conf/ file:

  • USER_INSTALL_DIR: Where the application will be installed

  • USER_SHORTCUTS: Where the shortcut used to start Oracle Calendar will be placed

Both values must be fully-qualified paths, such as /local/OracleCalendar. Relative paths may not be used.

G.6 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

This section contains these topics:

G.6.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows system requirements.

Table G-7 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows system requirements

Requirement Value
Operating system
  • Windows 98
  • Windows 2000

  • Windows ME

  • Windows XP

  • Windows NT 4.0

Disk space 75 MB
Calendar server
  • CorporateTime server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4

Palm Desktop Palm Desktop 3.1 to 4.1
  • Palm m100, m500, m505, III, IIIx, V, Vx, Tungsten T, Tungsten W
  • Handspring Visor

G.6.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows.

If you have a previous version of Oracle Calendar Sync (CorporateSync) installed, Oracle Corporation recommends that you perform a synchronization before you install Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows.

  1. Ensure HotSync is installed on your computer.

  2. Run the cal_syncpalm_win_904x.exe setup program provided with the distribution package and follow the on-screen InstallShield instructions.

  3. Choose an installation type. If you choose Custom, there is no difference between This feature will be installed on local hard drive and This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on your local hard drive. Select the conduits you want to install.

  4. Enter your user information, including user name, password, calendar server, and node ID.

  5. Follow the rest of the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  6. Ensure that your device is in its cradle, then perform a synchronization. The first time you do this after installation, a full synchronization will take place.

G.6.3 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

To remove Oracle Calendar Sync:

  1. Double-click Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

  2. Choose Oracle Calendar Sync 9.0.4 for Palm and click Add/Remove.

G.7 Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

This section contains these topics:

G.7.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC system requirements.

Table G-8 Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

Requirement Value
Operating system
  • Windows 98
  • Windows 2000

  • Windows ME

  • Windows XP

  • Windows NT 4.0

Disk space 75 MB
Calendar server
  • CorporateTime server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4

Pocket PC Pocket PC (Windows CE 3.0) with MIPS, SH3, ARM or XScale processor
ActiveSynch Version 3.0 to 3.7, as appropriate for your device. If you are running an older version of Microsoft ActiveSyncj, check your manufacturer's site for updates.
  • HPC 2000
  • Compaq iPAQ

  • HP iPAQ H1910

  • HP Jornada 500 series

  • HP Jornada 700 series

  • Handheld PC

  • Pocket PC 2002

If you are running an older version of Microsoft ActiveSync, check your manufacturer's site for updates.

G.7.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC.

If you have a previous version of Oracle Calendar Sync (CorporateSync) installed, Oracle Corporation recommends that you perform a synchronization before you install Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC.

  1. Ensure that ActiveSync is installed on your computer.

  2. Run the cal_syncppc_win_904x.exe setup program provided with the distribution package and follow the on-screen InstallShield instructions.

  3. Choose an installation type. If you choose Custom, there is no difference between This feature will be installed on local hard drive and This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on your local hard drive. Select the conduits you want to install.

  4. Ensure that you install Oracle Calendar Sync Helper files when prompted by the application. Your device must be connected to install these files.


    To connect at a later time and install the files, click Start > Programs > Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC > Install Device Files.

  5. Enter your user information, including user name, password, calendar server, and node ID.

  6. Follow the rest of the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  7. Remove your device from its cradle.

  8. If you are upgrading from a previous version, select File > Delete Partnership.

  9. Return your device to the cradle. The ActiveSync Partnership Wizard starts.

  10. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new ActiveSync Partnership. Select Oracle Calendar as your plug-in for Calendar, Tasks and Contacts.

  11. Open Microsoft ActiveSync if it does not open automatically.

  12. Click Sync if synchronization is not automatically initiated. The first time you synchronize, a full synchronization will occur.

G.7.3 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

To remove Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC:

  1. Double-click Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

  2. Choose Oracle Calendar Sync 9.0.4 for Pocket PC and click Add/Remove.

To remove Oracle Calendar Sync Helper files from your mobile device:

  1. On your device, choose Start > Settings.

  2. Under System, click Remove Programs.

  3. Select Oracle Calendar Sync Helper Files and click Remove.

G.8 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

This section contains these topics:

G.8.1 System Requirements for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

The following table contains the Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh system requirements.

Table G-9 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh system requirement

Requirement Value
Operating system Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X 10.1.4 to 10.2.6. Note: Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( supports Mac OS 9.22 to OS 10.3.
Disk space 15 MB. If the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh is already installed, only 5 MB of disk space is required.
RAM 8 MB (64 MB is recommended)
Calendar server
  • Oracle CorporateTime Server 5.4
  • Oracle Calendar server 5.5

  • Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4.x

Palm Palm Desktop version 4.0
Device Any Palm compatible device running Palm OS 3.3 to 3.5x, Palm OS 4 or Palm OS 5

G.8.2 Preparing to Install Over Previous Versions

If you already have Sync software installed on your computer and you have data stored in Palm Desktop, perform a HotSync.

If you have a Beta version of Oracle Calendar Sync installed, or if you have version 2.1.4 or earlier of Oracle Corporate Sync installed, you must do the following before installing Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh, in order to protect your data.

  1. Remove the Oracle Calendar Sync application (also known as CS Setup) from your Palm organizer.

  2. Purge all items from your Date Book and To Do List. If you do not do this, duplicates of the items will be created when you perform your first HotSync after installing Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh. Note the following when purging data:

    • Ensure that Save archive copy on PC is selected.

    • To Do items that have not been marked as completed must be manually deleted.

    • To delete the majority of, or all, Date Book events, advance the date on your organizer by several years, then do your purge. For example, change your organizer's date to 2015, then purge all events older than 1 week to delete all events from the past up until the year 2015.

G.8.3 Installing Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

This section describes how to install Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh.

  1. Double-click the cal_syncpalm_macOS9_904.hqx (cal_syncpalm_macOSX_904.hqx if you are using Mac OS X) file. This creates the Oracle Calendar Sync installer.

  2. Double-click Oracle Calendar Sync Install. The installer checks for existing Sync files and installs the program. Depending on your setup, this may take several minutes. Some error messages may be generated and saved to the install log; you can ignore these messages.

  3. Copy Oracle Calendar Sync.prc from the /Applications/Palm /Add-on/ directory to the /Users/user/Documents/Palm/Users/user/Files to Install/ directory. user is the name of the relevant Mac user.

    If you have recently installed Palm Desktop and the Files to Install folder does not exist, create this folder manually.


    The installer will move the Datebook and ToDo conduits to a folder entitled Disabled Conduits.

  4. Turn on the Palm organizer and place it in its cradle.

  5. Press the HotSync button on the front of the Palm organizer cradle. The Oracle Calendar Sync application will be installed on your Palm organizer.


    You may get error messages in the HotSync log saying that Oracle Calendar Sync cannot be located. Ignore these messages.

  6. If the HotSync Manager is running, the installer will ask if you want to close it. Click Yes to exit the HotSync Manager.

  7. Click the HotSync icon in your HotSync folder and select HotSync Manager.

  8. From the HotSync menu, choose Conduit Settings. A list of synchronizable items appears. Choose how you want Oracle Calendar Events and Tasks to be synchronized by double-clicking each item. A dialog box appears with the following choices:

    • Synchronize the files: Synchronizes all information that exists on both your Palm organizer and in Oracle Calendar

    • Macintosh overwrites hand-held: Information in your Oracle Calendar Agenda overwrites Events, Tasks, or Addresses on the Palm organizer

    • Do Nothing: The specified Entry type is not synchronized

  9. Select a user name from the top of the Conduit Settings dialog box. If there is only one user name, it is selected automatically.

  10. Open Oracle Calendar Sync on your Palm organizer and enter your Oracle Calendar user name, password, server and node ID. If you do not know this information, ask your Network Administrator.

Oracle Calendar Sync is now installed but no Entry information has been synchronized.

G.8.4 Troubleshooting the Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh Installation

Occasionally, after installing Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh, you may have difficulty performing a HotSync. This can be due to a conflict with Palm Desktop files. To fix the problem, do the following:

  1. Delete the Users folder located in your Documents Folder under /Users /your_user_name/Documents/Palm/Users.

  2. Delete the com.palm.Desktop.plist file, located in the /Users /your_user_name/Library/Preferences/ directory.

  3. Delete the following files located in the /Users /your_user_name/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ directory:

    • com.palm.HS.T.S.xxxxxxxx.plist

    • com.palm.HS.T.PC.xxxxxxxx.plist

    • com.palm.HS.T.USB.xxxxxxxx.plist

  4. Start HotSync Manager. You will be prompted for a user name, provided you deleted the files and folders as described in the preceding steps.

  5. Enter your user name and any other necessary HotSync information.

  6. Close HotSync Manager and perform a HotSync.

G.8.5 Deinstalling Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

This section describes how to deinstall Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh.

  1. Remove the Oracle Calendar Events and Oracle Calendar Tasks conduits from the HotSync Conduits folder:

  2. Remove the Unison Library shared library from the active (Mac OS 10.2.1) Library\CFM Support folder.

  3. Return the contents of the Disable Conduits folder to the HotSync conduits folder.

G.9 Oracle FileSync

This section contains these topics:

G.9.1 Installing Oracle FileSync for Windows

Oracle FileSync is a Windows client software application that enables users to keep files synchronized between their local machine and Oracle Files. To install Oracle FileSync, users should follow these steps:

  1. Save and exit all Windows applications.

  2. Log in to Oracle Files and click Help. On the main online help page, click the link in the Oracle FileSync section.

  3. Save the install executable to your hard drive.

  4. Double-click FileSync.exe to run the installation program.

  5. Follow the instructions and accept the defaults. The application is installed in the Windows client machine in the following directory:

    c:\Program Files\Oracle\Oracle FileSync
  6. To start the Oracle FileSync application, select Oracle FileSync from the Windows Start -> Programs menu.

G.9.2 Deinstalling Oracle FileSync for Windows

To remove Oracle FileSync for Windows:

  1. Double-click Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

  2. Select Oracle FileSync and click Add/Remove.