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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for hp Tru64 UNIX

Part Number B12232-02
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11 Configuring Oracle Email

This chapter discusses the administration tools and explains how to configure, start up, shut down, and reinitialize the Oracle Email system.

This chapter contains the following topics:

11.1 Pre-Configuration Checklist

This section describes pre-configuration procedures that must be done prior to configuring Oracle Email.

This section contains the following topics:

11.1.1 Verifying the Java and Oracle Text Options on the Information Store Database

The Java and Oracle Text options are installed by default when Oracle Email is installed. The installation fails, however, if the database user CTXSYS is not present at the time of installation.

To verify that the Java and Oracle Text Options were installed and configured on the information storage database, run the following SQL query as sysdba:

SQL> select comp_id, status from dba_registry;

If the Java and Oracle Text options were installed correctly, an output similar to the following displays:

COMP_ID                        STATUS
------------------------------ -----------
JAVAVM                         VALID
CATJAVA                        VALID
CONTEXT                        VALID

If the options are not installed and configured on the information storage database, they must be installed and configured manually.

11.1.2 Verifying and Starting the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and Application Servers

Verify that the infrastructure and application servers are running:

% ps -ef | grep http

To start the infrastructure and application servers:

% $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

11.1.3 Registering the Database with Oracle Internet Directory


This section only applies if you are not using the information storage database supplied with the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation. If you installed the information storage database from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Information Storage CD, you do not need to register the database with Oracle Internet Directory.

An Oracle9i Database Server is required to install the information store. Before a database can be configured as an information store, it must be registered with the Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure. If the database is not already registered with Oracle Internet Directory, it can be registered using the Oracle database configuration assistant. Once the database is registered with Oracle Internet Directory, any changes to the connect identifier can be made using Oracle Net Manager.

To register the information store database with the Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure, the following procedures must be performed using the Oracle Net configuration assistant and the database configuration assistant: Running the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant

To run the Oracle Net configuration assistant:

  1. Start the Oracle Net configuration assistant:

  2. Select Directory Service Usage Configuration.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Select Select the directory server you want to use. The directory server must already be configured for Oracle usage.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Select Oracle Internet Directory as the directory server you want to use.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Enter connect information for the Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Select the root OracleContext (cn=OracleContext) as the default Oracle Context in the directory and finish the Oracle Net configuration assistant configuration. Running the Database Configuration Assistant

To run the database configuration assistant:

  1. Start the database configuration assistant to register the information storage database with Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure.

  2. Select Configure database option in the database.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Select the information store database instances.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Directory Services screen, Select the Yes, register the database.

  7. Enter a user DN and password to connect to the Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure. For example, acmeadmin.

  8. Complete the database configuration assistant configuration.

11.1.4 Setting the Database init.ora Parameters on the Information Storage Database

Set the database init.ora parameters on the information storage database to the following values:

processes=150 or higher
open_cursors=300 or higher
dml_locks=200 or higher
shared_pool_size=32000000 or higher
java_pool_size=40000000 or higher

11.1.5 Creating Information Storage Tablespaces and Schema

The Oracle Email configuration wizard creates tablespaces and schema for the information store. If you want to customize tablespace storage parameters or data files, you can create them before running configuration wizard.

For the names of information store tablespaces and their default storage parameters refer to the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/install/sql/tblspc.sql script.

There is a tablespace named ESTERSTORE that is reserved for tertiary storage of old messages. To enable tertiary storage, pre-create the ESTERSTORE tablespace on a different disk prior to installation. After which, create an instance of the housekeeping server with the Tertiary Store parameter enabled, and set the Tertiary Storage Age Threshold parameter to the desired age value in terms of number of days (the default is 30). The housekeeping server instance automatically moves messages periodically.


If you pre-create tablespaces, the Oracle Email configuration wizard log shows some errors indicating tablespace creation failed. These errors can be ignored.

See Also:

Oracle Email Administrator's Guide for more information on tertiary storage and how to configure server processes

11.2 Configuring Oracle Email

This section describes how to configure the Oracle Email information store and middle tier servers using the graphical interface provided by the script.

This section contains the following topics:


The information store and middle tier must both be installed before you start the configuration. Also, you must configure the information storage database before you configure the middle tier.

11.2.1 Configuring the Oracle Email Information Storage Database

Configuring the information storage database does the following:

  • Creates tablespaces for the mail schema

  • Creates mail tables and indexes

  • Loads mail related PL/SQL packages

  • Loads mail related stored Java procedures

  • Configures the information storage database with Oracle Internet Directory

To configure the Oracle Email information storage database, perform the following steps on the middle tier server:

  1. Run the script located on the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier.


    The Unified Messaging Configuration screen displays.

  2. Select Mail Store Database Configuration.

  3. Click Next. The Mail Store Database Configuration screen displays.

  4. Enter the following information in the corresponding fields:

    Field Description
    Database Hostname The name of the system on which the database is located.
    SID The system identifier of the information store.
    Port Number The port number on which the listener is listening.
    system_password The system password for the host database.

  5. Click Next. The CTXSYS Password screen displays. If the CTXSYS password is locked and needs to be reset, it will prompt you for password confirmation. Enter the CTXSYS password. The default password is CTXSYS.

  6. Click Next. The ES_Mail Password screen displays.

  7. Enter the ES_MAIL password and confirm it. If an ES_MAIL password is not entered, the default is es.


    The information store schema is owned by the ES_MAIL database user.

  8. Click Next. The UMADMIN Password screen displays.


    UMADMIN is an administrator account created on the Oracle Internet Directory server during the application server installation of Oracle Email. The account owns specific Oracle Email entries in the directory. After installation, administrators should log in to the administration tool using the UMADMIN account and create an initial Oracle Email user. Thereafter, they can delegate system and domain administration responsibilities to other users.

  9. Enter the UMADMIN password and confirm it. If a password is not entered, the default value welcome is stored in Oracle Internet Directory and the database as the UMADMIN password.

  10. Click Next. The Create Unified Messaging Domain screen displays.

  11. Enter a domain name to be used for users' e-mail addresses.


    If you mistype the domain name and therefore create a bad domain, run the following command to correct the domain name:
    $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin/ UM_SYSTEM domain_name

  12. Click Next. The Configuration Tools screen displays and the information store configuration begins.

    Once the information store configuration is complete, the End of Installation screen displays.

  13. Inspect the log files created by for errors. The log files are located in the following directory:

  14. Inspect the installation logs in the following directory:

  15. If you are not using the information storage database that is provided on the Oracle Collaboration Suite information Storage CD-ROM, perform the procedures described in the following topics: Installing the umbackend Component


If the information storage database was not installed from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Information Storage CD and the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier and information store are installed on different operating systems, then the umbackend.tar file must be downloaded from the Oracle Technology Network Web site.

To install the umbackend component:

  1. If the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier and information store are installed on the same operating system (or platform), copy the umbackend.tar file from the $ORACLE_HOME/oes directory on the middle tier to the $ORACLE_HOME on the information storage database.

    If the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier and information store are installed on different operating systems, then you must download umbackend.tar for the same operating system as the information store from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

  2. Untar the umbackend.tar file:

    tar xvf umbackend.tar
  3. Start the Oracle Universal Installer:

    cd backend/Disk1
  4. Follow the screen prompts to complete the Oracle Email back-end installation. Loading the SQL Scripts for umbackend

To load the SQL scripts for umbackend:

  1. Change to the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/install/sql directory on the information storage database.

  2. Run SQL*Plus and log in to the database as sys.

  3. Load the install_backend_sys.sql script.

  4. Run SQL*Plus and log in to the database as the es_mail user.

  5. Load the install_backend_es_mail.sql script.


These scripts must be run only if the information store was not installed from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Information Storage CD.

11.2.2 Configuring the Oracle Email Middle Tier

Configuring the middle tier does the following:

  • Configures the middle tier with Oracle Internet Directory

  • Configures the middle tier with the information storage database

  • Creates Oracle Email server instances

To configure the Oracle Email middle tier servers:

  1. Shut down any applications that use port 25.

  2. Run the script located on the application server:


    The Unified Messaging Configuration screen displays.

  3. Select Middle Tier Configuration.

  4. Click Next. The Mail Store Database screen displays.

  5. Select the global name of the database to be used by this middle from the drop-down list.


    If the UMADMIN password and the domain name were specified during the information store configuration, the next screen that displays is the Start Processes screen. Otherwise, you must specify the UMADMIN password and the domain name.

  6. Click Next. The Create Unified Messaging Domain screen displays.

  7. Enter the name of the domain that is to be used as the local domain for SMTP and the List Server. This domain is used for users' e-mail addresses.

  8. Click Next. The Start Processes screen displays.

  9. Select Yes to automatically start the Oracle Email server processes after the configuration is complete. Otherwise, select No.

  10. Click Next. The Configuration Tools screen displays and the middle tier configuration begins.

    Once the middle tier configuration is complete, the End of Installation screen displays.

  11. Inspect the log files for errors. The log file for is located in the following directory:

  12. Inspect the installation logs in the following directory:


11.3 Using the Administration Tools

This section describes the different administration tools used to administer the Oracle Email system.

This section contains the following topics:

11.3.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager is a Web-based tool that enables administrators to perform some of the management tasks for the Oracle9i Database Server and Oracle9i Application Server. The Oracle Enterprise Manager can be used to administer Oracle Email service processes.

Through Oracle Enterprise Manager, administrators can perform the following tasks on an Oracle Email system:

  • Startup

  • Shutdown

  • Reinitialize

  • Modify default parameters

To perform administration tasks for Oracle Email through Oracle Enterprise Manager, navigate to the following URL:


11.3.2 Oracle Email Webmail Client

See Also:

Oracle Email Administrator's Guide for more information on domain and user provisioning

Using the Oracle Email Webmail client, administrators can perform domain and user provisioning tasks. Through the Oracle Email Webmail client, administrators can do the following:

  • Create and modify domain settings for users and distribution lists

  • Create, delete, modify, and view e-mail, fax users, voice mail users, and distribution lists

  • Add and delete members to and from distribution lists

  • View all the distribution lists of which a specific user is a member

  • Create, delete, modify, and view server-side filters

  • Create, delete, and modify lists

To perform administration tasks for Oracle Email using the Webmail client, navigate to the following URL:



  • host_name is the name of the host on which the Middle Tier is installed

  • port is the Oracle Web Cache port number

11.4 Starting Up, Shutting Down, and Reinitializing Oracle Email

This section explains how to start, stop, and reinitialize the Oracle Email system.

This section contains the following topics:

11.4.1 Verifying and Starting the Oracle Net Listener for the Information Store

Oracle Net Listener must be running on the information store database so that the system can establish database connections from the Oracle Email system and clients.

Use the following command to verify that the listener is running:

% $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl status

If the computer returns a message that contains the line no listener, the listener must be started.

Use the following command to start the listener:

% $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start

See Also:

Oracle10i Net Services Administrator's Guide for additional information on starting the listener

11.4.2 Verifying and Starting the Listener for the Middle Tier

Use the following command to verify that the listener is running:

% lsnrctl status

If the computer returns a message that contains the line no listener, the listener must be started.

Use the following command to start the listener:

  1. Configure the listener with protocol addresses and other configuration parameters, using the Oracle Net configuration assistant or Oracle Net Manager.

    See Also:

    Oracle10i Net Services Administrator's Guide, for listener configuration information

  2. Log in as superuser (root) and set file ownership and access permissions for the listener executable (tnslsnr) and its dependent shared libraries so that these files can be modified only by the superuser. The tnslsnr is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

  3. Verify that the permissions of the individual directories found in the path names to these files, starting with the root directory, are modified in the same way.

  4. Start the listener as root. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the $ORACLE_HOME directory. At the operating system prompt, enter the following command with optional command line arguments.

    tnslsnr [listener_es] [-user user] [-group group]
    Argument Description
    -user user
    The numerical identification of the UNIX account that owns the Oracle software.
    -group group
    Specifies the numerical identification of the UNIX group to which the Oracle owner belongs.

11.4.3 Starting the Oracle Email System

Starting an Oracle Email service starts all the processes comprising that service type, such as IMAP4 and SMTP.

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager, perform the following procedure to start an Oracle Email system:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle9i Application Server home page

  2. Select Unified Messaging.

  3. Click Start.

11.4.4 Stopping the Oracle Email System

Stopping an Oracle Email system sends a request to the operating system to shut down all of the Oracle Email processes. One reason an administrator would want to stop the Oracle Email system is to perform maintenance on the system, such as upgrading the server hardware or software. It is not possible for the processes to be running while certain kinds of upgrades are performed.

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager, perform the following procedure to stop an Oracle Email system:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle9i Application Server home page.

  2. Select Unified Messaging.

  3. Click Stop.

11.4.5 Reinitializing the Oracle Email System

Reinitializing an Oracle Email process informs the operating system to reload its operational settings from the Oracle Internet Directory server. The process does not stop running, which means that users continue to receive uninterrupted service. Whenever an Oracle Email process parameter is modified, it must be reinitialized for the changes take effect.

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager, perform the following procedure to reinitialize an Oracle Email process:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle9i Application Server home page.

  2. Select Unified Messaging.

  3. Click Restart.

11.4.6 Creating a Public User

After configuring Oracle Email, administrators must create a public user account on Oracle Internet Directory using Oracle Delegated Administration Services. To do this, navigate to http://infrastructure_host:port_number/oiddas.

This public user corresponds with the initial user that will be created using the Webmail client administration tool.

See Also:

Oracle Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide for more information on using Oracle Delegated Administration Services

Once the public user has been created, navigate to http://host_name: port_number/um/admin/UMAdminLogin.uix, to create the initial domain and user.

See Also:

Oracle Email Administrator's Guide for more information on creating the initial domain and user

11.5 Manually Configuring Oracle Email

This section describes how to manually configure Oracle Email without running the The procedures are particular useful when you need to add additional computing resources for the information storage database or middle tier server.

This section contains these topics:

11.5.1 Manually Configuring the Webmail Client

The Webmail client is automatically configured the first time you run However, if you are performing the entire Oracle Email configuration manually, without using the graphical interface provided by, enter the following to configure the Webmail client:

if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_UM/config/application.xml ] && [ ! -f $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_UM/config/application.xml.pre_libmod ]
          $ORACLE_HOME/um/scripts/ $ORACLE_HOME 
          $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc type=oc4j gid=OC4J_UM 

11.5.2 Manually Configuring the Oracle Email Information Storage Database

Enter the following to configure the Oracle Email information storage database using the command line instead of the graphical interface provided by

%cd $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin connect_str \
%sys_password \
%system_passwd \
%CTXSYS_passwd \   
%mail_store_SID \
%host_name \
%port_number \
%installation_name \
%es_mail_passwd \
%umadmin_passwd \
%oid_flag \

The following table lists the variables and a description of their expected values:

Variable Description
Information store database connect string
sys_password SYS password for the host database
SYSTEM password for the host database
Password for the Oracle Text account
Information storage database SID
Information storage database host name
Information storage database port number. The default value is 1521.
installation_name Name of the installation. The default value is UM_SYSTEM
ORACLE_HOME Oracle home specification
Password for the ES_MAIL database user. If an ES_MAIL password is not entered, the default is es.
UMADMIN is an administrator account created on the Oracle Internet Directory server during the application server installation of Oracle Email. It account owns specific Oracle Email entries in the directory. After installation, administrators should log in to the administration tool using the UMADMIN account and create an initial Oracle Email user. Thereafter, they can delegate system and domain administration responsibilities to other users.

If a password is not entered, the default value welcome is stored in Oracle Internet Directory and the database as the UMADMIN password.

If Oracle Email entries have been created in Oracle Internet Directory, then the value is 1; otherwise it is 0.

To determine if the Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure is configured for Oracle Email, run the following commands from the middle tier ORACLE_HOME.


rm $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/exists.txt
java -classpath
$ORACLE_HOME/jlib/providerutil.jar oracle.mail.install.
ESDSInstallQuery $ORACLE_HOME um_system.

After running this query, check if the $ORACLE_HOME/oes /log/exists.txt file exists. If it exists, then the value of oid_flag should be 1; otherwise, the value is 0.

On Windows:

del %ORACLE_HOME%\oes\log\exists.txt
java -classpath
oracle.mail.install.ESDSInstallQuery %ORACLE_HOME% 

After running this query, check if the %ORACLE_HOME%\oes \log\exists.txt file exists. If the file exists, then the oid_flag value should be 1; otherwise it is 0.

The name of the default domain to be created when the first information store is added, such as If this is not the first information store, the domain name is ignored.

Note: This domain must exist.



11.5.3 Manually Configuring the Oracle Email Middle Tier

Enter the following to configure the Oracle Email middle tier using the command line instead of the graphical interface provided by

%cd $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin  connect_string \
%installation_name \
%umadmin_passwd \
%OID_flag \
%global_db_name \
%domain_name \

The following table lists the variables and a description of their expected values:

Variable Description
connect_string The information storage database connect
mail_store_SYSTEM_password The SYSTEM password for the information storage database
installation_name Name of the installation. The default value is UM_SYSTEM
ORACLE_HOME The Oracle home specification
UMADMIN is an administrator account created on the Oracle Internet Directory server during the application server installation of Oracle Email. This account owns specific Oracle Email entries in the directory. After installation, administrators should log in to the administration tool using the UMADMIN account and create an initial Oracle Email user. Thereafter, they can delegate system and domain administration responsibilities to other users.

If a password is not entered, the default value welcome is stored in Oracle Internet Directory and the database as the UMADMIN password.

If Oracle Email entries have been created in Oracle Internet Directory, the value is 1. Otherwise, it is 0.

To determine if the Oracle Internet Directory infrastructure is configured for Oracle Email, run the following commands from the middle tier ORACLE_HOME.

rm $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/exists.txt
java -classpath
$ORACLE_HOME/jlib/providerutil.jar oracle.mail.install.
ESDSInstallQuery $ORACLE_HOME um_system.

After running this query, check if the $ORACLE_HOME/oes /log/exists.txt file exists. If it exists, the value of oid_flag should be 1, otherwise, the value is 0.

The database global name. For example,
The local domain name. For example,
start_proc Specifies whether or not to start the procedure. Acceptable values are 0 and 1.