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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for hp Tru64 UNIX

Part Number B12232-02
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D Default Port Numbers and Port Ranges

This appendix describes the port numbers automatically assigned by Oracle Universal Installer.

This appendix contains these topics:

D.1 Port Allocation Overview

Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite automatically assign port numbers to a component when it is configured. The port number is assigned from a preallocated set of default port numbers and port ranges.

The following method is used to assign port numbers:

  1. It is determined if the default port number is already in use by an Oracle or non-Oracle process.

  2. If the default port number is not in use, it is assigned to the component.

  3. If the default port number is already in use, an attempt is made to assign a number from the port range, starting with the lowest number and going up until a free port number is found.

D.2 Component Port Numbers

Oracle Universal Installer creates a file called portlist.ini showing the ports assigned during installation of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite. The installation process automatically detects any port conflicts and chooses an alternate port in the range allocated for that component. The file is located at:


The portlist.ini file lists component entries using the "port name = port value" format. For example:

Oracle HTTP Server port = 7777
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 4443
Oracle HTTP Server listen port = 7778
Oracle HTTP Server SSL listen port = 4444
Oracle HTTP Server Jserv port = 8007
Enterprise Manager Servlet port = 1810

You can also view the port numbers by pointing your browser to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Welcome page and selecting the Ports tab.


where the default port_number is 7777.


Oracle Universal Installer uses the port numbers for select components during installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite. If you are planning on adding additional Oracle Collaboration Suite instances, make sure the installed instances are running at the time of additional installation.

D.2.1 Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Port Usage

Installation of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure requires exclusive use of port 1521 on your computer. If one of your current system applications uses this port, then complete one of the following actions before installing Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

  • If you have an existing application using port 1521, then reconfigure the existing application to use another port.

  • If you have an existing Oracle Net listener and an Oracle9i database, then proceed with the installation of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure. Your Oracle9iAS Infrastructure uses the existing Oracle Net listener.

D.3 Oracle Port Usage (Sorted by Component)

Table D-1 lists Oracle ports by components names.

Table D-1 Oracle Port Usage (Sorted by Component)  

Component Default Port Number Port Number Range
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Collector Server 6675 Fixed
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Collector Agent 6666 Fixed
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Collector Agent 6666 6666-6674
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Execution Engine 6676 Fixed
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Viewer Same as Oracle HTTP Server Same as Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Runtime Administrator Same as Oracle HTTP Server Same as Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE AJP 3001 3001-3100
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE RMI 3101 3101-3200
Java Message Service (JMS) for Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE 3201 3201-3300
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE HTTP Listener 3301 3301-3400
Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Same as Oracle HTTP Server Same as Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle HTTP Server- non-SSL 7777 7777-7877
Oracle HTTP Server- SSL 4443 4443-4543
Oracle HTTP Server Listen- non-SSL 7777 7777-7877
Oracle HTTP Server- non-SSL if Oracle9iAS Web Cache is installed and configured 7778 7777-7877
Oracle HTTP Server- SSL 4443 4443-4543
Oracle HTTP Server- SSL- Oracle9iAS Web Cache is installed and configured 4444 4443-4543
Oracle HTTP Server JServ Servlet Engine 8007 8007-8107
Oracle HTTP Server- Oracle Notification Service Requested Port 6003 6003-6099
Oracle HTTP Server- Oracle Notification Service Local Port 6100 6100-6199
Oracle HTTP Server- Oracle Notification Service Remote Port 6200 6200-6299
Oracle HTTP Server- Java Object Cache 7000 7000-7010
Oracle9iAS Portal
Oracle9iAS Portal
Same as Oracle HTTP Server Same as Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On 5000 5000-5099
Oracle9iAS Reports Services
Oracle9iAS Reports Services
3000 3000-3010
SQL*Net- For 6i Backward Compatibility Only 1950 1950-1960
Visigenics CORBA- Reports 9i 14000 14000-14010
Oracle Email
Oracle Email
5100 5100-5200
IMAP4 143 Fixed
IMAP4- SSL 993 Fixed
POP3 110 Fixed
POP3- SSL 995 Fixed
SMTP 25 Fixed
NNTP 119 Fixed
NNTP- SSL 563 Fixed
Oracle9iAS Web Cache
Oracle9iAS Web Cache HTTP Listen- non-SSL 7777 7777-7877
Oracle9iAS Web Cache HTTP Listen- SSL 4443 4443-4543
Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration 4000 4000-4030
Oracle9iAS Wireless
Oracle9iAS Wireless
Same as Oracle HTTP Server Same as Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle9iAS Wireless PIM Notification Dispatcher 9000 9000-9100
Oracle Enterprise Manager
Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Administration Service 1810, 1811 1812-1820
Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent 1748, 1754, 1808, 1809 Fixed
Oracle Management Server 7771, 7772, 7773 7771-7773
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Internet Directory
389, 4031-4040 4031-4040
Oracle Internet Directory- non-SSL 4032  
Oracle Internet Directory- SSL 636, 4031-4040 4031-4040
Oracle Calendar
uniengd (UNIX daemon) 5730  
unisncd (UNIX daemon) 5731  
unidasd (UNIX daemon) 5732  
Oracle Calendar server manager 5734
Oracle Files
Oracle Files Domain Controller 53000 range (auto-assigned) Dynamic
Main Oracle Files Node 53000 range (auto-assigned) Dynamic
Oracle Files HTTP Node 53000 range (auto-assigned) Dynamic
LDAP- non-SSL Same as Oracle Internet Directory Same as Oracle Internet Directory
LDAP- SSL Same as Oracle Internet Directory Same as Oracle Internet Directory
AFP 548 Fixed
FTP 21 Other typical values: 2100 or 21000
NFS 2049 4048 and 4049 for Mount Server
SMB 139 Fixed
Oracle Workflow
TNS 1521 Fixed

D.4 Oracle Port Usage (Sorted by Port Number)

Table D-2 lists Oracle ports in ascending order.

Table D-2 Oracle Port Usage (Sorted By Port Number)  

Port Number Component
21 Oracle Files - FTP (default value)
110 Oracle Email - POP
119 Oracle Email - NNTP
139 Oracle Files - SMB
389 LDAP (Oracle Internet Directory)
548 Oracle Files - AFP
563 Oracle Email NNTP- SSL
636 Oracle Internet Directory- SSL
995 Oracle Email POP- SSL
1521 Oracle Workflow - TNS
1748 Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent
1754 Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent
1808 Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent
1809 Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent
1810 Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Service
1811 Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Service
1950 Oracle9iAS Reports Services SQL*Net
2049 Oracle Files - NFS (default value)
2070 Oracle9iAS Syndication Server (OSS); To access OSS
3001 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE - AJP
3101 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE - RMI
3201 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE - JMS
3301 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE HTTP Listener
4000 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration Port
4001 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Invalidation Port
4002 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Statistics
4031 Oracle Internet Directory SSL
4032 Oracle Internet Directory non-SSL
4443 Oracle HTTP Server- SSL, Oracle HTTP Server Listen- SSL, Oracle9iAS Web Cache Listen- SSL
4444 Oracle HTTP Server Listen- SSL if Oracle9iAS Web Cache is installed and configured
5000 Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On
5100 Oracle Email
5730 Oracle Calendar
5731 Oracle Calendar
5732 Oracle Calendar
5734 Oracle Calendar server manager
6003 Oracle HTTP Server- Oracle Notification Service Request Port
6100 Oracle HTTP Server- Oracle Notification Service Local Port
6200 Oracle HTTP Server- Oracle Notification Service Remote Port
6666 Oracle9iAS Clickstream Collector Agent
6675 Oracle9iAS Clickstream Collector Server
6676 Oracle9iAS Clickstream Execution Engine
7000 Oracle HTTP Server Java Object Cache
7771 Oracle Management Server
7772 Oracle Management Server
7773 Oracle Management Server
7777 Oracle HTTP Server- non-SSL, Oracle HTTP Server Listen- non-SSL, Oracle9iAS Web Cache Listen- non-SSL
7778 Oracle HTTP Server Listen- non-SSL if Oracle9iAS Web Cache is installed and configured
8007 Oracle HTTP Server JServ Servlet Engine
9000 Oracle9iAS Wireless PIM Notification Dispatcher
14000 Oracle9iAS Reports Services Visigenics - CORBA
16001 IIOP
53000 range Oracle Files Domain Controller and Nodes
53000 range Oracle Files Main Node
53000 range Oracle Files HTTP Node