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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for Windows

Part Number B12239-01
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7 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a Single Computer

In situations where Oracle Collaboration Suite is deployed in an enterprise with a small number of users and where scalability is not a consideration, installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer in a Windows environment is a viable option. Oracle Corporation recommends, however, that Oracle Collaboration Suite be installed on a distributed architecture.

Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer simply means that all three tiers of Oracle Collaboration Suite—information storage, infrastructure, and the middle tier—are installed on a single computer.

The installation is performed using a single DVD-ROM, as opposed to a CD-ROM for each tier.

Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer is no different than installing it on several. This chapter discusses the few differences between the two installations and provides step by step procedures for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer.

This chapter contains these topics:

Single-Computer Installation Overview

While installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer is basically the same as installing on several, there are a few differences between the two procedures, including

Preinstallation Requirements

Installing and configuring all three tiers of Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single system necessitates disk and memory requirements different from those of a multi-system installation. Table 7-1 lists the various hardware requirements for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer.

Table 7-1 Hardware Requirements for Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a Single Computer

Requirement Value
CPU Minimum: 300 MHz

Recommended: 1 GHz, or faster

Memory Minimum: 1 GB
Swap Minimum: 1 GB
Disk Space Minimum: 9 GB
Temp Space Minimum: 400 MB

Because the amount of installation data is substantial, the Oracle Collaboration Suite single-computer installation is released only on DVD-ROM. Therefore, a standard DVD-ROM drive is required to perform a single-computer installation.

See Also:

Chapter 2, " Preparing for Installation " to ensure that all other preinstallation requirements are met

Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite

This section guides you through the installation process for Oracle Collaboration Suite. While the installation process is continuous, the section is broken down into three parts, one each for the information storage database, infrastructure, and middle tier.

To install Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer:

  1. Insert the Oracle Collaboration Suite (32-bit) Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows Single-Box Installation DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM drive.

    The Autorun window automatically displays. If the Autorun window does not display:

    1. Choose Start > Run.

    2. Enter the following:

  2. Click Install to display the Welcome screen of the Oracle Universal Installer.

  3. Click Next to display the Specify File Locations screen.

    • In the Source section, accept the default path

    • In the Destination section, specify a base directory name in the Name field. The name must not exceed 12 characters and the directory must have at least 9 GB of available space into which Oracle Collaboration Suite will be installed. Files will be copied into three sub-directories of the base directory specified in the Specify File Locations screen, as follows:

      • base_directory\stg: The information storage Oracle home

      • base_directory\infra: The infrastructure Oracle home

      • base_directory\mtier: The middle tier Oracle home

    • In the Path field of the Destination section, specify the full path to the base directory. This will be the %ORACLE_HOME%.

      An Oracle home name will be assigned for each of the three tiers based on the value entered in the Name field, as follows:

      • %ORACLE_HOME%_stg: The information storage Oracle home name

      • %ORACLE_HOME%_inf: The infrastructure Oracle home name

      • %ORACLE_HOME%_mt: The information storage Oracle home name

  4. Click Next to display the Language Selection screen.

    Select from the list languages supported by Oracle Collaboration Suite any languages you want supported by your installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite. Click Next.


    • Languages selected here enable users to access your installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite in their native language, as long as that language is supported by Oracle Collaboration Suite.

    • Supported languages cannot be added after the installation is complete. In order to add other languages, you must completely reinstall Oracle Collaboration Suite.

  5. Click Next to display the Oracle Collaboration Suite Single-box Installation Methodology screen.

    This screen is for informational purposes, only, regarding the methodology of installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer.

Installing the Information Storage Database
  1. Click Next to begin the installation.

    The Oracle Universal Installer displays a progress screen before the Database Identification screen displays.

  2. Enter the Global Database Name and SID. If required, change the default SID.

  3. Click Next to display the Database File Location screen.

  4. Accept the default and click Next to display the Summary screen.

  5. Click Install to begin the information storage database installation.

    Installation commences and the progress is shown. After files are copied, the information storage Oracle home is configured.

    Another progress screen displays showing the progress of various configuration assistants as they configure the information storage Oracle home and create the information storage database instance.

    The Database Configuration Assistant screen displays.

  6. Enter new passwords for the SYS and SYSTEM users of the information storage database.

  7. Click Password Management.

    Select all checkboxes on the screen after verifying that your computer meets the minimum pre-installation requirements.

  8. Locate the CTXSYS account and unlock it by clicking the box in the Lock Account column.

  9. Enter and confirm a new CTXSYS password.

  10. Click OK to display the Confirm Pre-Install Requirements screen.

  11. Click Next to display the Create Instance Name and ias_admin Password screen.

    The installation of the information storage database is complete.

Installing the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure
  1. Choose an Instance Name and choose and confirm an ias_admin Password in the Create Instance Name and ias_admin Password screen.


    • If you have previously installed Oracle9iAS on the same system into which you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, you will be prompted to enter the ias_admin password for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site that is actively managing all Oracle9iAS instances on the system because there can be only one active management node on the system.

    • The Instance Name is not a database instance name but a name for the Oracle9iAS infrastructure instance.

    • The ias_admin password chosen here will also be the Oracle Internet Directory administrator's password for the infrastructure.

  2. Click Next to display the Guest Account Password screen.

    Enter and confirm a guest account password.

  3. Click Next to display the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Summary screen.

  4. Click Install to begin the infrastructure installation.


    Unlike infrastructure installations on multiple computers, you cannot configure identity management services, such as Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On, separately from metadata services used by Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tiers. Nor can you distribute identity management services across multiple systems in the enterprise, such as configuring Oracle Internet Directory separately from Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On. Instead, when performing an installation on a single computer, both identity management and metadata services are configured automatically for you on the system, and are available for use by the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier that will be configured after the infrastructure installation is complete.

    Installation commences and the progress is shown. After files are copied, the infrastructure Oracle home is configured.

    Another progress screen displays showing the progress of various configuration assistants as they configure the infrastructure Oracle home. Identity management and metadata services are configured automatically with no input required.

    The Component Configuration screen displays.

Installing the Middle Tier
  1. Select the components you want to configure and click Next to display the Existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On screen.

    Enter the host name and port number for your existing instance of Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On.


    Because this is an installation on a single computer, and because Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On was automatically configured during the infrastructure installation, enter the fully qualified host name of the computer on which this installation is being performed. You can verify the port number in the following file:

    Locate the [Ports] section of the portlist.ini file. The value for the Oracle HTTP Server port is the value to enter in the Single Sign-On Specification screen.

  2. Click Next to display the Oracle Internet Directory screen.

    Accept the default user name and specify the ias_admin password used in step 17 in the "Installing the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure" section.

  3. Click Next to display the Create Instance Name screen.

    Specify a unique name for the middle tier instance and enter the password for the ias_admin user you used during the infrastructure installation.

  4. Click Next to display the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Repository Location screen. Enter the required information in all the fields.

  5. Click Next to display the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Repository Details screen.

    Choose and confirm passwords for the RTC and RTC_APP schemas.

  6. After entering the information, click Next to display the Oracle Calendar Default Time Zone screen.

  7. Select the default time zone for new Oracle Calendar users. Click Next to display the Oracle Calendar Services screen.

  8. The Oracle Calendar Services screen appears. Enter the password for the specified user. Click Next.

  9. If you did not choose to install Oracle Email, the Oracle Calendar Mail Notification screen opens. Enter the fully qualified domain name of your SMTP server. Click Next to display the Oracle Calendar Node-ID screen.

  10. Specify a unique numerical ID for the Oracle Calendar node between 1 and 49999. Click Next to display the Oracle Calendar Master Node screen.

  11. Select Yes in the Oracle Calendar Master Node screen to make the current installation the master node. You must have one master node on your network in order for Web services and Sync Server to work.

  12. Click Next to display the Summary screen.

  13. Click Install to begin installing the middle tier.

    Installation commences and the progress is shown. After files are copied, the middle tier Oracle home is configured.

    Another progress screen displays showing the progress of various configuration assistants as they configure the middle tier Oracle home.

Configuring Oracle Files

If you chose to configure Oracle Files, the Oracle Files configuration assistant launches during the configuration of the middle tier.

See Also:

Chapter 14, " Configuring Oracle Files" for detailed instructions regarding the Oracle Files configuration assistant


  • When prompted by the Oracle Files configuration assistant for information storage database or Oracle Internet Directory location information, indicate that these services reside locally.

  • In the Database Host Name field of the Database Selection Screen of the Oracle Files configuration assistant, enter the name of the information storage database that you entered in the Database Identification screen in step 7 in the "Installing the Information Storage Database"section.

  • In the Website Information Screen of the Oracle Files configuration assistant, enter the host name and port number of the Oracle HTTP Server that was installed and configured in step 21 in the "Installing the Middle Tier" section.

  • In the Oracle Internet Directory Login Screen of the Oracle Files configuration assistant, enter the local host name in the Server field and the password that you entered in step 17 in the "Installing the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure" section in the Super User Password field. Enter the port number assigned to the Oracle Internet Directory (non-SSL) property in the [Ports] section of the following file:


Once the Oracle Files configuration assistant completes, the installation of the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier proceeds.

Configuring Oracle Calendar

If you chose to configure Oracle Calendar, the Oracle Calendar configuration assistant launches during the configuration of the middle tier.

See Also:

Chapter 11, " Configuring Oracle Calendar" for detailed instructions regarding the Oracle Calendar configuration assistant


When prompted by the Oracle Calendar configuration assistant for the Oracle Internet Directory password, enter the password used in step 17 in the "Installing the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure" section.

Once the Oracle Calendar configuration assistant completes, the installation of the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier proceeds with the rest of the middle tier configuration until the End of Installation screen displays.

  1. The Exit button is disabled. To exit the installation close the window and click Yes when prompted by the Oracle Universal Installer.

Postinstallation Tasks

See the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release Notes for resolving issues regarding Oracle Files and Oracle Email being installed on the same host.

See the following sections of this document for further postinstallation tasks:

See the various component configuration chapters in this document to complete the installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite.