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Oracle® Application Server Administrator's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B13995-01
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A Managing and Configuring Application Server Control

When you install Oracle Application Server, the installation procedure automatically starts Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control and its related processes. You can then immediately start using the Application Server Control Console to manage the application server components.

You can also control and configure the Application Server Control. For example, you can start and stop the Application Server Control, change the Application Server Control Console password, and configure security for the Application Server Control.

This appendix covers how to manage and configure the Application Server Control. It contains the following topics:

A.1 Starting and Stopping the Application Server Control

To use the Oracle Enterprise Manager home pages, you must start the Application Server Control Console. The Application Server Control Console is automatically started after you install the application server. You must start it manually after each system restart, or create a script to automatically start it during system start.

Refer to the following sections for more information:

A.1.1 Starting and Stopping the Application Server Control Console on UNIX

If you need to start or stop the Application Server Control Console on a UNIX system, use the emctl command shown in Table A-1.

The emctl command is available in the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory after you install Oracle Application Server.

Table A-1 Starting and Stopping the Application Server Control Console

If you want to... Enter the command...
Start the Application Server Control Console emctl start iasconsole
Stop the Application Server Control Console emctl stop iasconsole
Verify the status of the Application Server Control Console emctl status iasconsole

You can verify the Application Server Control Console is started by pointing your browser to the Application Server Control Console URL:


You can locate the Application Server Control Console port number in ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini. For example:


A.1.2 Starting and Stopping the Application Server Control Console on Windows

To start or stop the Application Server Control Console on Windows systems:

  1. Open the Services control panel.

    For example, on Windows 2000, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools and then double-click the Services icon.

  2. Locate the Application Server Control in the list of services.

    The name of the service is usually consists of "Oracle," followed by the name of the home directory you specified during the installation, followed by the word "ASControl." For example, if you specified AS10g as the Oracle home, the Service name would be:

  3. After you locate the service, you can use the Services control panel to start or stop the Application Server Control service.

    By default, the Application Server Control service is configured to start automatically when the system starts.

A.2 Understanding Application Server Control Console Processes on UNIX

When you start the Application Server Control Console, Enterprise Manager starts up three distinct processes on your UNIX system. To identify these processes, you can do the following:

  1. Locate and view the contents of the following file in the application server home directory:


    This file contains the process ID for the Application Server Control Console. For example:

  2. Use the following operating system command to list information about the process, including the parent process ID:

    ps -ef | grep process_id_from_the_emctl.pid_file

    For example:

    ps -ef | grep 5874
    pjones 5874 7983 0 14:40:44 pts/13 1:08/
    disk03/oracle/app1/jdk/bin/java -Xmx256m
  3. Note the number that appears immediately after the process ID; this is the process ID for the Application Server Control Console parent process.

  4. Use the following operating system command to list all the processes associated with the Application Server Control Console:

    ps -ef | grep parent_process_id

    Sample output from this command is shown in Example A-1. Descriptions of each process shown in the example are provided in Table A-2.

Example A-1 Viewing Application Server Control Console Processes

ps -ef | grep 7983
pjones  5873  7983 0 14:40:44 pts/10 14:42 /disk03/oracle/app1/bin/emagent
pjones  7983    1  0 14:40:41 pts/10  0:27 /disk03/oracle/app1/perl/bin/perl
pjones  5874  7983 0 14:40:44 pts/10  2:05 /disk03/oracle/app1/jdk/bin/java
-Xmx256m -DORACLE_HOME=/private/90

Table A-2 Summary of Application Server Control Console Processes

Process Description
emagent This is the first process shown in Example A-1. This process is for the Oracle Management Agent, which is a local version of the Management Agent designed specifically for monitoring Oracle Application Server components.
perl This is the second process shown in Example A-1. This process is for the Management Watchdog Process, which monitors the Management Agent and the Application Server Control Console to make sure both processes are running and available at all times.
java This is the third process shown in Example A-1. This process is for the Application Server Control Console itself

A.3 Changing the ias_admin Password

The ias_admin password is required to use the Application Server Control Console. The following sections describe how you can change the ias_admin user password:

A.3.1 Changing the Password Using the Application Server Control Console

To change the ias_admin user password using the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console:

  1. Navigate to the Application Server home page and select Preferences in the top right corner of the page.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Change Password page.

  2. Enter the current ias_admin password, the new password, the new password again for confirmation.

    The new password must be between 5 and 30 characters, it must begin with an alphabetic character, and it must contain at least one number.

  3. Click OK to reset the ias_admin password for the current application server instance.

    The next time you log in, you must use the new password.

A.3.2 Changing the Password Using the emctl Command-Line Tool

To change the ias_admin user password using a command-line tool:

  1. Enter the following command in the Oracle home of your Oracle Application Server installation:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl set password old_password new_password
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl set password old_password new_password

    For example:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl set password m5b8r5 b8s0d9
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl set password m5b8r5 b8s0d9
  2. Restart the Application Server Control Console.

A.4 Configuring Security for Enterprise Manager Application Server Control Console

The Application Server Control Console relies on several underlying technologies, including a version of the Management Agent that is designed to provide monitoring data to the Application Server Control Console.

By default, you access the Application Server Control Console through your Web browser using the non-secure, HTTP protocol. In addition, communications between the local Management Agent and the Application Server Control Console are transferred over insecure connections.

To secure the communications between the Management Agent and the Application Server Control Console, and to provide HTTPS browser access to the Application Server Control Console, Enterprise Manager provides the emctl secure iasconsole command-line utility.

The emctl secure iasconsole utility enables HTTPS and public key infrastructure (PKI) components, including signed digital certificates, for communications between the Application Server Control Console and the local Management Agent.

To configure security for the Application Server Control Console:

  1. Stop the Application Server Control Console by entering the following command:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
    (Windows) net stop SERVICE_NAME
  2. Enter the following command:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl secure iasconsole
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl secure iasconsole

    Enterprise Manager secures the Application Server Control Console. Sample output of the emctl secure iasconsole command is shown in Example A-2.

  3. Start the Application Server Control Console by entering the following command:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
    (Windows) net start SERVICE_NAME
  4. Test the security of the Application Server Control Console by entering the following URL in your Web browser:


    For example:

  5. If you are using OracleAS Portal, update the Portal Service Monitoring link in OracleAS Portal so you can continue to access the Application Server Control Console directly from OracleAS Portal.

    See Also:

    "Updating Oracle Enterprise Manager Link in OracleAS Portal" in the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide

Example A-2 Sample Output from the emctl secure iasconsole Command

./emctl secure iasconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2004 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Generating Standalone Console Root Key (this takes a minute)...   Done.
Fetching Standalone Console Root Certificate...   Done.
Generating Standalone Console Agent Key...   Done.
Storing Standalone Console Agent Key...   Done.
Generating Oracle Wallet for the Standalone Console Agent...   Done.
Configuring Agent for HTTPS...   Done.
EMD_URL set in /dsk02/oracle/appserv1/sysman/config/
Generating Standalone Console Java Keystore...Certificate was added to keystore
Certificate reply was installed in keystore... Done.
Configuring the website ...   Done.
Updating targets.xml ...    Done.

A.5 Using the EM_OC4J_OPTS Environment Variable to Set Additional Application Server Control Options

The following topics describe how you can use the EM_OC4J_OPTS environment variable to configure some additional Application Server Control options:

A.5.1 Summary of the Options You Can Set with the EM_OC4J_OPTS Environment Variable

You can use the EM_OC4J_OPTS environment variable to set the following options, which can affect the performance of the Application Server Control Console pages:

  • By default, Application Server Control retrieves metric data as it is requested. In other words, each time you display a page that contains performance metrics, Application Server Control retrieves the data in real time by running a series of tasks that often involve connections to other software components. Depending upon the type of metric and the type of component, these operations can affect how quickly the page is displayed.

    To retrieve cached metrics (metrics which are collected and stored in memory by the Oracle Management Agent memory) define the environment variable EM_OC4J_OPTS to the following:


    Setting this option to TRUE can improve the performance of specific pages in the Application Server Control Console; however, the data displayed on those pages may not be as recent as it would be when this option is set to FALSE.

  • By default, the Application Server Control Console displays a progress page when operations take time to complete. To disable the processing page so that the Application Server Control Console waits for start, stop, and other such actions without displaying a progress page, define the environment variable EM_OC4J_OPTS to the following before starting the Application Server Control Console:

  • By default, when Application Server Control attempts to retrieve performance data, it waits two (2) seconds before displaying the requested page. If the data has not been retrieved within 2 seconds, some metric values do not appear on the page when it is rendered in the Web browser. To display the data after the page has been rendered, click the Refresh Data icon near the timestamps on the page.

    To increase the timeout for status and host-related metrics such as Memory and CPU usage on the Application Server home page, define the environment variable EM_OC4J_OPTS to the following before starting the Application Server Control Console:


    When this option is set to TRUE, certain Application Server Control Console pages may take longer to display, but you will experience fewer metric collection errors.

    Note that this setting affects only components that are not managed by Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN).

    See Also:

    Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrator's Guide for a complete list of the Oracle Application Server components that are managed by OPMN

A.5.2 Setting the EM_OC4J_OPTS Environment Variable

On UNIX system, set the EM_OC4J_OPTS environment variable as follows:

setenv EM_OC4J_OPTS "-Doracle.sysman.eml.util.iAS.waitForCompletion=true"

To set multiple configuration options with the EM_OC4J_OPTS variable, separate the options with a space and enclose the entire value of the variable within quotation marks. For example:

setenv EM_OC4J_OPTS "-Doracle.sysman.eml.util.iAS.waitForCompletion=true

On Windows systems, use the System Properties control panel to define EM_OC4J_OPTS as a system variable.

A.6 Enabling ODL for the Application Server Control Log File

By default, the log file generated for Application Server Control is saved in text format. However, you can configure Application Server Control so its log file will be saved using the Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) format.

When you enable ODL for the Application Server Control log files, the logging and diagnostic information is saved in XML format and the contents of the log files are loaded automatically into the Log Repository. You can then use the Log Repository to search for diagnostic information generated by the Application Server Control.

By default, Application Server Control logs information and errors to the following log file in the application server home directory:

(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/log/emias.log
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config\log\emias.log

After you perform the following procedure, Application Server Control will instead log information and error messages to the following file, which formats the data according to the ODL standard:

(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/log/log.xml
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config\log\log.xml

As soon as Application Server Control creates the log.xml file and you start the Log Loader, the Log Loader begins loading the logging data into the Oracle Application Server Log Repository on the Log Loader's next run.

Refer to the following sections for more information:

A.6.1 Modifying the Application Server Control Logging Properties

To configure the Application Server Control to support ODL:

  1. Use a text editor to edit the following file in the Oracle Application Server home directory:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config\
  2. Follow the instructions in the file to replace the default properties with those that are commented by default.

    Example A-3 shows the properties in the file that enable ODL for the Application Server Control log file.

    Table A-3 describes the logging properties available in the file.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart Application Server Control.

Example A-3 ODL Logging Properties for the Application Server Control Console

# To support the ODL log appender, replace the lines above
# with the following and restart EM.  The resulting ODL log files
# will be read by the Log Loader and written to the Log Repository.
# log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender=oracle.core.ojdl.log4j.OracleAppender
# log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.ComponentId=EM
# log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.LogDirectory=/private/shiphomes/
# log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.MaxSize=20000000
# log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.MaxSegmentSize=5000000

Table A-3 ODL Properties in Application Server Control Console Logging Properties

Property Description
log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.LogDirectory Determines the directory where the log.xml file will be saved.
log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.MaxSize Determines the maximum amount of disk space to be used by the log.xml file and the logging rollover files. For more information, see Section A.6.2, "More About the Application Server Control Console Log File Properties".
log4j.appender.emiaslogAppender.MaxSegmentSize Determines the maximum size of the log.xml file. When the log.xml file reaches this size, a rollover file is created. For more information, see Section A.6.2, "More About the Application Server Control Console Log File Properties".

A.6.2 More About the Application Server Control Console Log File Properties

When you enable ODL, the resulting log.xml file increases in size over time as information is written to the file. The file is designed to reach a maximum size, determined by the MaxSegmentSize property shown in Example A-3. When the file reaches the predefined maximum size, Application Server Control renames (or rolls) the logging or trace information to a new file name and starts a new log or trace file. This process keeps the log file from growing too large.

To be sure you have access to important log information, Application Server Control will rollover the log.xml file until the log file and its rollover files consume a predefined, maximum amount of disk space, determined by the MaxSize property shown in Example A-3. When the log file and its rollover files reach this predefined target, Application Server Control deletes the oldest rollover file.

As a result, you will often see multiple log files in the log directory. The following example shows three Application Server Control rollover files and the current log file in the log directory:


A.7 Enabling Enterprise Manager Accessibility Mode

The following sections provide information on the benefits of running Enterprise Manager in accessibility mode, as well as instructions for enabling accessibility mode:

A.7.1 Making HTML Pages More Accessible

Enterprise Manager takes advantage of user interface development technologies that improve the responsiveness of some user operations. For example, when you navigate to a new record set in a table, Enterprise Manager does not redisplay the entire HTML page.

However, this performance-improving technology is generally not supported by screen readers. When you enable accessibility mode, you disable this feature, and as a result, make the Enterprise Manager HTML pages more accessible for disabled users.

A.7.2 Providing Textual Descriptions of Enterprise Manager Charts

Throughout Enterprise Manager, charts are used to display performance data. For most users, these charts provide a valuable graphical view of the data that can reveal trends and help identify minimum and maximum values for performance metrics.

However, charts do not convey information in a manner that can be read by a screen reader. To remedy this problem, you can configure Enterprise Manager to provide a complete textual representation of each performance chart. When you enable accessibility mode, Enterprise Manager displays a small icon for each chart that can be used as a drill-down link to the textual representation.

Figure A-1 shows an example of the icon that appears below each chart after you enable accessibility mode.

Figure A-1 Icon Representing the Textual Representation of a Chart

Icon Representing the Textual Representation of a Chart
Description of the illustration ias_accessible_chart.gif

A.7.3 Modifying the uix-config.xml File to Enable Accessibility Mode

  1. Locate the uix-config.xml configuration file in the Oracle Application Server home directory:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\webapps\emd\WEB-INF
  2. Open the uix-config.xml file using your favorite text editor and locate the following entry:

    <!-- An alternate configuration that disables accessibility features  -->
  3. Change the value of the accessibility-mode property from inaccessible to accessible.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Restart the Application Server Control Console.

A.8 Managing Multiple Oracle Application Server Instances on a Single Host

If you have installed multiple Oracle Application Server instances on a single host, you can optionally reduce the memory and CPU consumption by performing the following postinstallation configuration procedure.

By default, each Oracle Application Server instance on the host has its own Application Server Control, which is used to manage the components of that particular Oracle Application Server instance.

Use the instructions in this document to configure a single Application Server Control to manage two Oracle Application Server instances installed on the same host.


The Application Server Control that you use to manage both application server instances on the host is referred to as the active Application Server Control. The other Application Server Control on the host is referred to as the inactive Application Server Control.

This document contains the following sections:

A.8.1 Restrictions and Supported Configurations

The following sections describe the restrictions and supported configurations for performing the procedure described in this document:

A.8.1.1 General Restrictions

Before you begin configuring a single Application Server Control to manage multiple application server instances on a host, consider the following restrictions:

  • This procedure allows you to manage multiple Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) instances that were installed on the same host using the Oracle Universal Installer. This procedure does not support previous versions of Oracle Application Server or Oracle Application Server instances installed without the use of the Oracle Universal Installer.

  • This procedure can be performed only if all the application servers running on the host have been installed using the same operating system user account.

A.8.1.2 Supported Installation Types

The procedures described in this document are supported only for specific Oracle Application Server configurations. Specifically, you can perform this procedure to support two Oracle Application Server instances on the same host.

This procedure can be performed in both secure (HTTPS) and nonsecure (HTTP) installations.

Table A-4 shows the configurations that are supported, as well as notes about each installation type combination.

Table A-4 Supported Configurations for Managing Multiple Application Server Instances with a Single Application Server Control

Instance 1 Instance 2 Notes
J2EE and Web Cache J2EE and Web Cache This configuration is supported only if you are not using Oracle Application Development Framework Runtime Libraries. Oracle ADF Runtime Libraries is not supported when you use one Application Server Control to manage two J2EE and Web Cache instances.

The active Application Server Control can reside in either home.

J2EE and Web Cache OracleAS Infrastructure The active Application Server Control must reside in the J2EE & Web Cache Oracle home.
Portal and Wireless OracleAS Infrastructure The active Application Server Control must reside in the Portal & Wireless Oracle home.

A.8.1.3 Support for Separately Installed Components

When performing the procedure described in this document, you should consider whether or not you have installed additional software on top of your standard Oracle Application Server installations. Specifically:

  • If you have installed Oracle Content Management SDK (Oracle CM SDK), then the Oracle CM SDK software must be installed in the Oracle home for the active Application Server Control.

    In addition, when performing this procedure, Oracle CM SDK is supported only when it is installed in a J2EE and Web Cache Oracle home or in a Portal and Wireless Oracle home.

  • If you have installed Oracle Workflow, then the Oracle Workflow software must be installed in the Oracle home for the active Application Server Control.

    In addition, when performing this procedure, Oracle Workflow is supported only when it is installed in a Portal and Wireless Oracle home.

A.8.2 Creating a New targets.xml for the Active Application Server Control

By default, each Oracle Application Server instance has its own Application Server Control Console URL and its own list of targets to manage. The targets managed by each Application Server Control are defined in the following configuration file in the home directory of the Oracle Application Server instance:

$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml (UNIX)
%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\emd\targets.xml (Windows)

The first step in managing multiple application server instances from a single Application Server Control is to combine the targets.xml files for each instance into one.

To create a new targets.xml that includes the application server targets for multiple application server instances, use the following procedure:

  1. Stop the Application Server Control for each of the application server instances on the host.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command in each Oracle Application Server Oracle home to stop the Application Server Control:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to stop the Application Server Control service for each Oracle home.

  2. If it's not set already, set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable so it represents the complete path to the home directory of the active Application Server Control, which you will use to manage multiple application server instances on the host.

    For example:

    (UNIX): setenv ORACLE_HOME /dev01/oracle/oas1/ 
    (Windows): set ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\oas1\ 
  3. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable so it represents the location of your Java executable.

    For example:

    (UNIX): setenv JAVA_HOME $ORACLE_HOME/jdk 
    (Windows):  set JAVA_HOME=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk 
  4. Change directory to the following location in the home directory of the active Application Server Control:

    (UNIX): $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/ 
    (Windows): %ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\emd\ 
  5. Copy the targets.xml file so you have a backup copy that will not be overwritten:

    (UNIX): cp targets.xml old_targets.xml
    (Windows): copy targets.xml old_targets.xml 
  6. Enter the following command at the command prompt:

    (UNIX): $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar
     listtargetsfully source_home active_home > targets_temp.xml
    (Windows): %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar
     listtargetsfully source_home active_home targets_temp.xml 

    Replace source_home with the full path to the Oracle home of the application server instance that will be managed by the active Application Server Control.

    Replace active_home with the full path to the Oracle home for the active Application Server Control.

    For example:

    (UNIX): $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar
     listtargetsfully /dev0/oracle/oas2/ $ORACLE_HOME > targets_temp.xml
    (Windows): %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar
     listtargetsfully C:\oracle\oas2 %ORACLE_HOME% > targets_temp.xml 

    This command lists the contents of the targets.xml file in the source Oracle home and redirects the output to a temporary version of the targets.xml file. This temporary version of the file (targets_temp.xml) contains the contents of the targets.xml files in the source Oracle home. The temporary file also includes any encrypted information (such as target monitoring credentials) in a format that can be read successfully by the active Application Server Control.


    It is important that you use the emConfigInstall.jar administrative tool to create the targets_temp.xml temporary file. Do not attempt to copy and paste the contents of the inactive targets.xml into the targets.xml of the active Oracle home; otherwise, encrypted information in the targets.xml file will be lost.

  7. Using a text editor, open the targets_temp.xml file and copy all of the content, except the following:

    • The <Targets> and </Targets> tags at the beginning and at the end of the file

    • The target definition for the host target. For example:

      <Target TYPE="host" NAME="" 
      DISPLAY_NAME="" VERSION="1.0">
  8. Paste the content you copied from the targets_temp.xml file into the targets.xml file in the Oracle home of the active Application Server Control.

    Be sure to paste the content at the end of the file, but before the </Targets> tag. In other words, be sure that all the target definitions are within the <Targets> and </Targets> tags.

  9. Locate the following entry for each oracle_ias target type in the new targets.xml file:

    <Property NAME="StandaloneConsoleURL" 

    This entry identifies the URL and port number of the Application Server Control Console used to manage the application server instance.

  10. Make sure the port number for each of these entries matches the port number of the active Application Server Control Console, which you will be using to manage multiple application server targets on this host.

  11. Save and close the updated targets.xml file.

A.8.3 Updating the StandaloneConsoleURL Property in the Inactive targets.xml File

By default, when you install multiple instances of Oracle Application Server on a host, each instance is assigned a unique port number from which you can view the Application Server Control Console for that instance. However, when you configure your system to use only one Application Server Control for multiple instances, all the instances on the host must reference the same URL and port number.

As a result, you must make sure that other software components on the system also use only the port for the active Application Server Control.

Specifically, you must make sure that the Distributed Configuration Management (DCM) software associated with the inactive Application Server Control is updated to recognize the port number of the active Application Server Control.

You accomplish this task by updating the original targets.xml in the Oracle home directory of the inactive Application Server Control so that the StandaloneConsoleURL property refers to the active Application Server Control URL and port number.


In the following procedure, the term INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME refers to the Oracle home that will not be running an Application Server Control. The inactive Oracle home will be managed by the active Application Server Control.

Perform the following task in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control:

  1. If you have not done so already, stop the inactive Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command:

     INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to stop the Application Server Control service for the inactive Oracle home.

  2. Use a text editor to open the targets.xml file, which is located in the following directory of the inactive Oracle home:

    (UNIX): INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/ 
    (Windows): INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\ 
  3. Locate the StandaloneConsoleURL property for the oracle_ias target:

    <Property NAME="StandaloneConsoleURL" 

    This entry identifies the URL and port number of the Application Server Control Console used to manage this application server instance.

  4. Make sure the port number for this entry matches the port number of the active Application Server Control Console, which you will be using to manage this application server target.

  5. Save and close the updated targets.xml file.

  6. Start and then stop the inactive Application Server Control Console.

    On UNIX systems, use the following commands to start and then stop the Application Server Control:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start and then stop the inactive Application Server Control service.

    When you restart the Application Server Control Console, DCM is initialized and registers the new port value.

    Now that you have configured the active Application Server Control, you no longer need to run this instance of the Application Server Control.

A.8.4 Updating the opmn.xml File to Refer to the Active Application Server Control

The Oracle Process Management and Notification (OPMN) software within each Oracle Application Server Oracle home is configured to work with the local Application Server Control for that instance.

When you configure your system to use only one Application Server Control, you must edit the OPMN configuration file in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control. Specifically, you must configure OPMN so that it references the active Application Server Control and not the local, inactive Application Server Control.


In the following procedure, the term INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME refers to the Oracle home that will not be running an Application Server Control. The inactive Oracle homes will be managed by the active Application Server Control.

Perform this procedure in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control:

  1. Stop OPMN.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to stop the process manager service for the inactive Oracle home.

  2. Use a text editor to open the opmn.xml file for the instance:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml (UNIX)
    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml (Windows)
  3. Locate the following entry in the file:

    <ias-component id="dcm-daemon" status="enabled" id-matching="true">
            <data id="java-parameters" value="-Xmx256m -Xrs
  4. Add the following to the existing java-parameters data tag:


    For example:

    <data id="java-parameters" value="-Xmx256m -Xrs

    Note that the additional Java parameter must be inserted before the closing quotation mark.

  5. Save and close the opmn.xml file.

  6. Start OPMN.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the process manager service for the inactive Oracle home.

A.8.5 Restarting the Active Application Server Control and Verifying the Results

The procedure you use to verify the results of this procedure varies depending upon your configuration. See the following topics for more information:

A.8.5.1 Verifying the Procedure for Infrastructure Installations

Use the following verification procedure if one of the application server instances you are managing with a single Application Server Control is an OracleAS Infrastructure installation that includes Oracle Identity Management:

  1. Navigate to the home directory of the Identity Management installation and start Oracle Internet Directory by entering the following command:

    (UNIX): INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=oid 
    (Windows): INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc ias-component=oid 
  2. Start the active Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, use the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the Application Server Control service.

    There is no need to start the Application Server Control in the other, inactive Oracle Application Server home directory.

  3. Open your browser and enter the host name and port for the active Application Server Control Console.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Farm page, which lists the application server instances that are currently using this OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    When you click an application server name on the Farm page, notice that you are navigating to the same port number in all cases. You have access to all the management features, but only one Application Server Control is running on the host.

A.8.5.2 Verifying the Procedure for Middle-Tier Installations

If you are managing two J2EE and Web Cache instances, use the following procedure to verify that you have configured the active Application Server Control successfully:

  1. Start the active Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, use the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the Application Server Control service.

    There is no need to start the Application Server Control in the other, inactive Oracle Application Server home directory.

  2. Open your browser and enter the host name and port for the active Application Server Control Console.

    The result depends upon whether or not the instances you are managing are part of an Oracle Application Server Farm:

    • If the instances are not part of an OracleAS Farm, Enterprise Manager displays the Application Servers page, which lists the application servers on the host. Click the name of an application server to navigate to the Application Server home page for that instance.

    • If the instances are part of an OracleAS Farm, Enterprise Manager displays the OracleAS Farm page, which lists all the application server standalone instances and OracleAS Clusters that use this Farm repository.

    In either situation, when you click the name of an application server instance, notice that you are navigating to the same port number in all cases. You have access to all the management features, but only one Application Server Control is running on the host.

A.8.6 Deinstallation Procedures

After you have performed the procedures in this document, you may want to deinstall one of the application server instances on the host.

The following sections provide instructions you should follow before you remove either the active or the inactive application server instance:

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for instructions on deinstalling Oracle Application Server instances

A.8.6.1 Deinstalling the Oracle Home with the Active Application Server Control

If you deinstall the Oracle home with the active Application Server Control, use the following instructions to configure the inactive Application Server Control so it can once again manage the remaining Oracle Application Server instance:

  1. Stop OPMN in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to stop the process manager service for the inactive Oracle home.

  2. Remove the -DemLocOverride entry from the opmn.xml file.

    Refer to the instructions in the section "Updating the opmn.xml File to Refer to the Active Application Server Control" to locate the entry in the opmn.xml file.

  3. Start OPMN.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the process manager service for the inactive Oracle home.

  4. Modify the StandAloneConsoleURL property in the targets.xml file so it refers to the original port number of the Application Server Control Console in the inactive Oracle home.

    Refer to the instructions in the section "Updating the StandaloneConsoleURL Property in the Inactive targets.xml File" to locate the entry in the targets.xml file.

    To identify the original port number for the StandaloneConsoleURL property, check the contents of the following file, which contains the original port numbers assigned during the installation procedure:

    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/install/setupinfo.txt (UNIX)
    INACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME\install\setupinfo.txt (Windows)
  5. Start the inactive Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, use the following commands to start the Application Server Control:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the Application Server Control service.

    When you start the Application Server Control, DCM is initialized and registers the new port value in the opmn.xml file.

After you have reconfigured the inactive Application Server Control, you can manage the remaining instance with its original Application Server Control.

A.8.6.2 Deinstalling the Oracle Home with the Inactive Application Server Control

If you deinstall the Oracle home with the inactive Application Server Control, you must modify the targets.xml in the Oracle home of the active Application Server Control so it no longer references components that were in the inactive Oracle Application Server instance.

To remove the references to components in the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control:

  1. If you have not done so already, stop the active Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command:

    ACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to stop the Application Server Control service for the active Oracle home.

  2. Use a text editor to open the targets.xml file, which is located in the following directory of the active Oracle home:

    ACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/ (UNIX)
    ACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\ (Windows)
  3. Remove all the target definitions that refer to components in the inactive Oracle home that you will be deinstalling.

    One way to identify the targets that represent components in the inactive Oracle home is by checking the OracleHome property. Each target (except the Host target) should have an OracleHome property, which indicates the location of the component. For example:

    <Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\oracle\appserv42"/>

    As a result, you can remove the targets that include an OracleHome property that references the Oracle home of the inactive Application Server Control.

    For each component in the inactive Oracle home, be sure to remove the <target> and </target> tags, as well as all the XML tags between the <target> and </target> tags.

  4. After you remove all the target tags that refer to the inactive Oracle home, save the updated targets.xml file and start the active Application Server Control.

    On UNIX systems, use the following command to start the Application Server Control:

    ACTIVE_ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the Application Server Control service.

After you reconfigure and restart the active Application Server Control, you can manage the remaining active instance with its original Application Server Control.