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Oracle® Application Server Globalization Support Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14004-01
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B GDK Error Messages

The appendix lists the error messages for the Globalization Developer Kit (GDK).

GDK-03001 Invalid or unsupported sorting rule
Cause: An invalid or unsupported sorting rule name was specified.
Action: Choose a valid sorting rule name and check the Globalization Support Guide for the list of sorting rule names.
GDK-03002 The functional-driven sort is not supported.
Cause: A functional-driven sorting rule name was specified.
Action: Choose a valid sorting rule name and check the Globalization Support Guide for the list of sorting rule names.
GDK-03003 The linguistic data file is missing.
Cause: A valid sorting rule was specified, but the associated data file was not found.
Action: Make sure the GDK jar files are correctly installed in the Java application.
GDK-03005 Binary sort is not available for the specified character set .
Cause: Binary sorting for the specified character set is not supported.
Action: Check the Globalization Support Guide for a character set that supports binary sort.
GDK-03006 The comparison strength level setting is invalid.
Cause: An invalid comparison strength level was specified.
Action: Choose a valid comparison strength level from the list. The levels are PRIMARY, SECONDARY or TERTIARY.
GDK-03007 The composition level setting is invalid.
Cause: An invalid composition level setting was specified.
Action: Choose a valid composition level from the list. The levels are NO_COMPOSITION or CANONICAL_COMPOSITION.
GDK-04001 Cannot map Oracle character to Unicode.
Cause: The program attempted to use a character in the Oracle character set that cannot be mapped to Unicode.
Action: Write a separate exception handler for the invalid character, or call the withReplacement method so that the invalid character can be replaced with a valid replacement character.
GDK-04002 Cannot map Unicode to Oracle character.
Cause: The program attempted to use an Unicode character that cannot be mapped to a character in the Oracle character set.
Action: Write a separate exception handler for the invalid character, or call the withReplacement method so that the invalid character can be replaced with a valid replacement character.
GDK-05000 A literal in the date format is too large.
Cause: The specified string literal in the date format was too long.
Action: Use a shorter string literal in the date format.
GDK-05001 The date format is too long for internal buffer..
Cause: The date format pattern was too long.
Action: Use a shorter date format pattern.
GDK-05002 The Julian date is out of range.
Cause: An illegal date range was specified.
Action: Make sure that date is in the specified range 0 - 3439760.
GDK-05003 Failure in retrieving date/time.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05010 Duplicate format code found.
Cause: The same format code was used more than once in the format pattern.
Action: Remove the redundant format code.
GDK-05011 The Julian date precludes the use of the day of the year.
Cause: Both the Julian date and the day of the year were specified.
Action: Remove either the Julian date or the day of the year.
GDK-05012 The year may only be specified once.
Cause: The year format code appeared more than once.
Action: Remove the redundant year format code.
GDK-05013 The hour may only be specified once.
Cause: The hour format code appeared more than once.
Action: Remove the redundant hour format code.
GDK-05014 The AM/PM conflicts with the use of A.M./P.M.
Cause: AM/PM was specified along with A.M./P.M.
Action: Use either AM/PM or A.M./P.M, but do not use both.
GDK-05015 The BC/AD conflicts with the use of B.C./A.D.
Cause: BC/AD was specified along with B.C./A.D.
Action: Use either BC/AD or B.C./A.D., but do not use both.
GDK-05016 Duplicate month found.
Cause: The month format code appeared more than once.
Action: Remove the redundant month format code.
GDK-05017 The day of the week may only be specified once.
Cause: The day of the week format code appeared more than once.
Action: Remove the redundant day of the week format code.
GDK-05018 The HH24 precludes the use of meridian indicator.
Cause: HH24 was specified along with the meridian indicator.
Action: Use either the HH24, or the HH12 with the meridian indicator.
GDK-05019 The signed year precludes the use of BC/AD.
Cause: The signed year was specified along with BC/AD.
Action: Use either the signed year, or the unsigned year with BC/AD.
GDK-05020 A format code cannot appear in a date input format.
Cause: A format code appeared in a date input format.
Action: Remove the format code.
GDK-05021 Date format not recognized.
Cause: An unsupported format code was specified.
Action: Correct the format code.
GDK-05022 The era format code is not valid with this calendar.
Cause: An invalid era format code was specified for the calendar.
Action: Remove the era format code or use anther calendar that supports the era.
GDK-05030 The date format pattern ends before converting entire input string.
Cause: An incomplete date format pattern was specified.
Action: Rewrite the format pattern to cover the entire input string.
GDK-05031 The year conflicts with the Julian date.
Cause: An incompatible year was specified for the Julian date.
Action: Make sure that the Julian date and the year are not in conflict.
GDK-05032 The day of the year conflicts with the Julian date.
Cause: An incompatible day of year was specified for the Julian date.
Action: Make sure that the Julian date and the day of the year are not in conflict.
GDK-05033 The month conflicts with the Julian date.
Cause: An incompatible month was specified for the Julian date.
Action: Make sure that the Julian date and the month are not in conflict.
GDK-05034 The day of the month conflicts with the Julian date.
Cause: An incompatible day of the month was specified for the Julian date.
Action: Make sure that the Julian date and the day of the month are not in conflict.
GDK-05035 The day of the week conflicts with the Julian date.
Cause: An incompatible day of the week was specified for the Julian date.
Action: Make sure that the Julian date and the day of week are not in conflict.
GDK-05036 The hour conflicts with the seconds in the day.
Cause: The specified hour and the seconds in the day were not compatible.
Action: Make sure the hour and the seconds in the day are not in conflict.
GDK-05037 The minutes of the hour conflicts with the seconds in the day.
Cause: The specified minutes of the hour and the seconds in the day were not compatible.
Action: Make sure the minutes of the hour and the seconds in the day are not in conflict.
GDK-05038 The seconds of the minute conflicts with the seconds in the day.
Cause: The specified seconds of the minute and the seconds in the day were not compatible.
Action: Make sure the seconds of the minute and the seconds in the day are not in conflict.
GDK-05039 Date not valid for the month specified.
Cause: An illegal date for the month was specified.
Action: Check the date range for the month.
GDK-05040 Input value not long enough for the date format.
Cause: Too many format codes were specified.
Action: Remove unused format codes or specify a longer value.
GDK-05041 A full year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0.
Cause: An illegal year was specified.
Action: Specify the year in the specified range.
GDK-05042 A quarter must be between 1 and 4.
Cause: Cause: An illegal quarter was specified.
Action: Action: Make sure that the quarter is in the specified range.
GDK-05043 Not a valid month.
Cause: An illegal month was specified.
Action: Make sure that the month is between 1 and 12 or has a valid month name.
GDK-05044 The week of the year must be between 1 and 52.
Cause: An illegal week of the year was specified.
Action: Make sure that the week of the year is in the specified range.
GDK-05045 The week of the month must be between 1 and 5.
Cause: An illegal week of the month was specified.
Action: Make sure that the week of the month is in the specified range.
GDK-05046 Not a valid day of the week.
Cause: An illegal day of the week was specified.
Action: Make sure that the day of the week is between 1 and 7 or has a valid day name.
GDK-05047 A day of the month must be between 1 and the last day of the month.
Cause: An illegal day of the month was specified.
Action: Make sure that the day of the month is in the specified range.
GDK-05048 A day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year).
Cause: An illegal day of the year was specified.
Action: Make sure that the day of the year is in the specified range.
GDK-05049 An hour must be between 1 and 12.
Cause: An illegal hour was specified.
Action: Make sure that the hour is in the specified range.
GDK-05050 An hour must be between 0 and 23.
Cause: An illegal hour was specified.
Action: Make sure that the hour is in the specified range.
GDK-05051 A minute must be between 0 and 59.
Cause: Cause: An illegal minute was specified.
Action: Action: Make sure the minute is in the specified range.
GDK-05052 A second must be between 0 and 59.
Cause: An illegal second was specified.
Action: Make sure the second is in the specified range.
GDK-05053 A second in the day must be between 0 and 86399.
Cause: An illegal second in the day was specified.
Action: Make sure second in the day is in the specified range.
GDK-05054 The Julian date must be between 1 and 5373484.
Cause: An illegal Julian date was specified.
Action: Make sure that the Julian date is in the specified range.
GDK-05055 Missing AM/A.M. or PM/P.M.
Cause: Neither AM/A.M. nor PM/P.M. was specified in the format pattern.
Action: Specify either AM/A.M. or PM/P.M.
GDK-05056 Missing BC/B.C. or AD/A.D.
Cause: Neither BC/B.C. nor AD/A.D. was specified in the format pattern.
Action: Specify either BC/B.C. or AD/A.D.
GDK-05057 Not a valid time zone.
Cause: An illegal time zone was specified.
Action: Specify a valid time zone.
GDK-05058 Non-numeric character found.
Cause: A non-numeric character was found where a numeric character was expected.
Action: Make sure that the character is a numeric character.
GDK-05059 Non-alphabetic character found.
Cause: A non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected.
Action: Make sure that the character is an alphabetic character.
GDK-05060 The week of the year must be between 1 and 53.
Cause: An illegal week of the year was specified.
Action: Make sure that the week of the year is in the specified range.
GDK-05061 The literal does not match the format string.
Cause: The string literals in the input were not the same length as the literals in the format pattern (with the exception of the leading whitespace).
Action: Correct the format pattern to match the literal. If the "FX" modifier has been toggled on, the literal must match exactly, with no extra whitespace.
GDK-05062 The numeric value does not match the length of the format item.
Cause: The numeric value did not match the length of the format item.
Action: Correct the input date or turn off the FX or FM format modifier. When the FX and FM format codes are specified for an input date, then the number of digits must be exactly the number specified by the format code. For example, 9 will not match the format code DD but 09 will match.
GDK-05063 The year is not supported for the current calendar.
Cause: An unsupported year for the current calendar was specified.
Action: Refer to the Globalization Support Guide to find out what years are supported for the current calendar.
GDK-05064 The date is out of range for the calendar.
Cause: The specified date was out of range for the calendar.
Action: Specify a date that is legal for the calendar.
GDK-05065 Invalid era.
Cause: An illegal era was specified.
Action: Make sure that the era is valid.
GDK-05066 The datetime class is invalid.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05067 The interval is invalid.
Cause: An invalid interval was specified.
Action: Specify a valid interval.
GDK-05068 The leading precision of the interval is too small.
Cause: The specified leading precision of the interval was too small to store the interval.
Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an interval with a smaller leading precision.
GDK-05069 Reserved for future use.
Cause: Reserved.
Action: Reserved.
GDK-05070 The specified intervals and datetimes were not mutually comparable.
Cause: The specified intervals and date times were not mutually comparable.
Action: Specify a pair of intervals or date times that are mutually comparable.
GDK-05071 The number of seconds must be less than 60.
Cause: The specified number of seconds was greater than 59.
Action: Specify a value for the seconds to 59 or smaller.
GDK-05072 Reserved for future use.
Cause: Reserved.
Action: Reserved.
GDK-05073 The leading precision of the interval was too small.
Cause: The specified leading precision of the interval was too small to store the interval.
Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an interval with a smaller leading precision.
GDK-05074 An invalid time zone hour was specified.
Cause: The hour in the time zone must be between -12 and 13.
Action: Specify a time zone hour between -12 and 13.
GDK-05075 An invalid time zone minute was specified.
Cause: The minute in the time zone must be between 0 and 59.
Action: Specify a time zone minute between 0 and 59.
GDK-05076 An invalid year was specified.
Cause: A year must be at least -4713.
Action: Specify a year that is greater than or equal to -4713.
GDK-05077 The string is too long for the internal buffer.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05078 The specified field was not found in the datetime or interval.
Cause: The specified field was not found in the date time or interval.
Action: Make sure that the specified field is in the date time or interval.
GDK-05079 An invalid hh25 field was specified.
Cause: The hh25 field must be between 0 and 24.
Action: Specify an hh25 field between 0 and 24.
GDK-05080 An invalid fractional second was specified.
Cause: The fractional second must be between 0 and 999999999.
Action: Specify a value for fractional second between 0 and 999999999.
GDK-05081 An invalid time zone region ID was specified.
Cause: The time zone region ID specified was invalid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05082 Time zone region name not found.
Cause: The specified region name cannot be found.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05083 Reserved for future use.
Cause: Reserved.
Action: Reserved.
GDK-05084 Internal formatting error.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05085 Invalid object type.
Cause: An illegal object type was specified.
Action: Use a supported object type.
GDK-05086 Invalid date format style.
Cause: An illegal format style was specified.
Action: Choose a valid format style.
GDK-05087 A null format pattern was specified.
Cause: The format pattern cannot be null.
Action: Provide a valid format pattern.
GDK-05088 Invalid number format model.
Cause: An illegal number format code was specified.
Action: Correct the number format code.
GDK-05089 Invalid number.
Cause: An invalid number was specified.
Action: Correct the input.
GDK-05090 Reserved for future use.
Cause: Reserved.
Action: Reserved.
GDK-0509 Datetime/interval internal error.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
GDK-05098 Too many precision specifiers.
Cause: Extra data was found in the date format pattern while the program attempted to truncate or round dates.
Action: Check the syntax of the date format pattern.
GDK-05099 Bad precision specifier.
Cause: An illegal precision specifier was specified.
Action: Use a valid precision specifier.
GDK-05200 Missing WE8ISO8859P1 data file.
Cause: The character set data file for WE8ISO8859P1 was not installed.
Action: Make sure the GDK jar files are installed properly in the Java application.
GDK-05201 Failed to convert to a hexadecimal value.
Cause: An invalid hexadecimal string was included in the HTML/XML data.
Action: Make sure the string includes the hexadecimal character in the form of &x[0-9A-Fa-f]+;.
GDK-05202 Failed to convert to a decimal value.
Cause: An invalid decimal string was found in the HTML/XML data.
Action: Make sure the string includes the decimal character in the form of &[0-9]+;.
GDK-05203 Unregistered character entity.
Cause: An invalid character entity was found in the HTML/XML data.
Action: Use a valid character entity value in HTML/XML data. See HTML/XML standards for the registered character entities.
GDK-05204 Invalid Quoted-Printable value.
Cause: An invalid Quoted-Printable data was found in the data.
Action: Make sure the input data has been encoded in the proper Quoted-Printable form.
GDK-05205 Invalid MIME header format.
Cause: An invalid MIME header format was specified.
Action: Check RFC 2047 for the MIME header format. Make sure the input data conforms to the format.
GDK-05206 Invalid numeric string.
Cause: An invalid character in the form of %FF was found when a URL was being decoded.
Action: Make sure the input URL string is valid and has been encoded correctly; %FF needs to be a valid hex number.
GDK-05207 Invalid class of the object, key, in the user-defined locale to charset mapping."
Cause: The class of key object in the user-defined locale to character set mapping table was not java.util.Locale.
Action: When you construct the Map object for the user-defined locale to character set mapping table, specify java.util.Locale for the key object.
GDK-05208 Invalid class of the object, value, in the user-defined locale to charset mapping.
Cause: The class of value object in the user-defined locale to character set mapping table was not java.lang.String.
Action: When you construct the Map object for the user-defined locale to character set mapping table, specify java.lang.String for the value object.
GDK-05209 Invalid rewrite rule.
Cause: An invalid regular expression was specified for the match pattern in the rewrite rule.
Action: Make sure the match pattern for the rewriting rule uses a valid regular expression.
GDK-05210 Invalid character set.
Cause: An invalid character set name was specified.
Action: Specify a valid character set name.
GDK-0521 Default locale not defined as a supported locale.
Cause: The default application locale was not included in the supported locale list.
Action: Include the default application locale in the supported locale list or change the default locale to the one that is in the list of the supported locales.
GDK-05212 The rewriting rule must be a String array with three elements.
Cause: The rewriting rule parameter was not a String array with three elements.
Action: Make sure the rewriting rule parameter is a String array with three elements. The first element represents the match pattern in the regular expression, the second element represents the result pattern in the form specified in the JavaDoc of ServletHelper.rewriteURL, and the third element represents the Boolean value "True" or "False" that specifies whether the locale fallback operation is performed or not.
GDK-05213 Invalid type for the class of the object, key, in the user-defined parameter name mapping.
Cause: The class of key object in the user-defined parameter name mapping table was not java.lang.String.
Action: When you construct the Map object for the user-defined parameter name mapping table, specify java.lang.String for the key object.
GDK-05214 The class of the object, value, in the user-defined parameter name mapping, must be of type \"java.lang.String\."
Cause: The class of value object in the user-defined parameter name mapping table was not java.lang.String.
Action: When you construct the Map object for the user-defined parameter name mapping table, specify java.lang.String for the value object.
GDK-05215 Parameter name must be in the form [a-z][a-z0-9]*.
Cause: An invalid character was included in the parameter name.
Action: Make sure the parameter name is in the form of [a-z][a-z0-9]*.
GDK-05216 The attribute \"var\" must be specified if the attribute \"scope\" is set.
Cause: Despite the attribute "scope" being set in the tag, the attribute "var" was not specified.
Action: Specify the attribute "var" for the name of variable.
GDK-05217 The \"param\" tag must be nested inside a \"message\" tag.
Cause: The "param" tag was not nested inside a "message" tag.
Action: Make sure the tag "param" is inside the tag "message".
GDK-05218 Invalid \"scope\" attribute is specified.
Cause: An invalid "scope" value was specified.
Action: Specify a valid scope as either "application," "session," "request," or "page".
GDK-05219 Invalid date format style.
Cause: The specified date format style was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid date format style as either "default," "short," or "long"
GDK-05220 No corresponding Oracle character set exists for the IANA character set.
Cause: An unsupported IANA character set name was specified.
Action: Specify the IANA character set that has a corresponding Oracle character set.
GDK-05221 Invalid parameter name.
Cause: An invalid parameter name was specified in the user-defined parameter mapping table.
Action: Make sure the specified parameter name is supported. To get the list of supported parameter names, call LocaleSource.Parameter.toArray.
GDK-05222 Invalid type for the class of the object, key, in the user-defined message bundle mapping.
Cause: The class of key object in the user-defined message bundle mapping table was not "java.lang.String."
Action: When you construct the Map object for the user-defined message bundle mapping table, specify java.lang.String for the key object.
GDK-05223 Invalid type for the class of the object, value, in the user-defined message bundle mapping.
Cause: The class of value object in the user-defined message bundle mapping table was not "java.lang.String."
Action: When you construct the Map object for the user-defined message bundle mapping table, specify java.lang.String for the value object.
GDK-05224 Invalid locale string.
Cause: An invalid character was included in the specified ISO locale names in the GDK application configuration file.
Action: Make sure the ISO locale names include only valid characters. A typical name format is an ISO 639 language followed by an ISO 3166 country connected by a dash character; for example, "en-US" is used to specify the locale for American English in the United States.
GDK-06001 LCSDetector profile not available.
Cause: The specified profile was not found.
Action: Make sure the GDK jar files are installed properly in the Java application.
GDK-06002 Invalid IANA character set name or no corresponding Oracle name found.
Cause: The IANA character set specified was either invalid or did not have a corresponding Oracle character set.
Action: Check that the IANA character is valid and make sure that it has a corresponding Oracle character set.
GDK-06003 Invalid ISO language name or no corresponding Oracle name found.
Cause: The ISO language specified was either invalid or did not have a corresponding Oracle language.
Action: Check to see that the ISO language specified is either invalid or does not have a corresponding Oracle language.
GDK-06004 A character set filter and a language filter cannot be set at the same time.
Cause: A character set filter and a language filter were set at the same time in a LCSDetector object.
Action: Set only one of the two -- character set or language.
GDK-06005 Reset is necessary before LCSDetector can work with a different data source.
Cause: The reset method was not invoked before a different type of data source was used for a LCSDetector object.
Action: Call LCSDetector.reset to reset the detector before switching to detect other types of data source.
ORA-17154 Cannot map Oracle character to Unicode.
Cause: The Oracle character was either invalid or incomplete and could not be mapped to an Unicode value.
Action: Write a separate exception handler for the invalid character, or call the withReplacement method so that the invalid character can be replaced with a valid replacement character.
ORA-17155 Cannot map Unicode to Oracle character.
Cause: The Unicode character did not have a counterpart in the Oracle character set.
Action: Write a separate exception handler for the invalid character, or call the withReplacement method so that the invalid character can be replaced with a valid replacement character.