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Oracle® Application Server Quick Administration Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14126-01
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B Listing of DCM Commands

Distributed Configuration Management is a management framework that enables you to manage the configurations of multiple instances. Distributed Configuration Management (DCM) features enable you to:

Table B-1 describes the key DCM commands and illustrates their usage.

Table B-1 DCM Commands and Usage

DCM Commands Type Syntax Description Example
createCluster Configuration Management createCluster -cl cluster_name A managed cluster is created. dcmctl createCluster -cl cluster1
createComponent Configuration Management createComponent -ct oc4j -co component_name Creates a new OC4J instance belonging to the local application server instance. You cannot specify another instance with the –i option. The command operates locally dcmctl createComponent -ct oc4j -co OC4J_myapps
exportRepository Configuration Management exportRepository -f myFile [-force] Copies the File based repository information to the location specified. Use the –force option to overwrite an existing file. If you do not use the –force option and the named file exists, then an exception is thrown. exportrepository -f /export/repository_save_file
getRepositoryId Configuration Management getRepositoryId Returns the File based repository identifier of the farm to which the instance belongs. If the instance is a standalone instance, then this command returns the repository identifier for the instance. If the standalone instance is to be used to establish a new distributed File based repository, then use the returned repository identifier to initialize the repository host with joinFarm and the –r option. dcmctl getrepositoryid
importRepository Configuration Management importRepository -f file_name [-force] Moves a File based repository from one instance to another, based on a saved file from the exportRepository command. The repository may be restored to any instance in the farm. If the current instance is not hosting a repository, dcmctl prompts for confirmation of the action, unless the –force option is used. importrepository -f /export/repository_save_file
joinCluster Configuration Management joinCluster -cl cluster_name [-i instance_name] Adds an application server instance to the managed Oracle Application Server Cluster specified with the –cl option. By default, this command uses the local instance. You can specify a different instance with the –i option. dcmctl joinCluster -cl cluster1
JoinFarm Configuration Management joinFarm [-r repository_ID] With the –r option and a repository ID, it associates an instance with the named filebased repository. The repositoryId is a hostname and port. dcmctl joinFarm -r repository_ID
leaveCluster Configuration Management leaveCluster [-i instance_name] Removes an application server instance from its managed Oracle Application Server Cluster. By default, this command uses the local instance. You can specify a different instance with the –i option. dcmctl leaveCluster
leaveFarm Configuration Management leaveFarm Removes an application server instance from a farm. This command affects only the relationship between DCM and a repository, and has no impact on other components. dcmctl leaveFarm
listInstances Configuration Management listInstances [-cl cluster_name] With no options, this command lists the application server instances that belong to the same farm as the local instance, but are not part of a cluster. If you use the –cl option, it lists only the instances that are part of the specified cluster dcmctl listInstances
resyncInstance Configuration Management resyncInstance [-force]|[-i instance_name] Resynchronizes the instance configuration files with the contents of the DCM repository. This command takes all data from the repository that is not yet propagated and writes it out to the configuration files for the specified instance. It updates the Oracle HTTP Server, OC4J, and OPMN configuration files, as well as targets.xml dcmctl resyncinstance -i instance1
updateConfig Configuration Management updateConfig [-ct component_type [, component_type...]] [-force] Updates the DCM repository with the information in local configuration files. With no arguments, this command updates all DCM managed components, configuration files, as well as targets.xml dcmctl updateConfig
whichCluster Configuration Management whichCluster [-i instance_name] Returns the name of the cluster that contains the named instance. If no instance is specified, then returns the name of the cluster that contains the local instance. dcmctl whichCluster
whichFarm Configuration Management whichFarm [-i instance_name] Returns farm name, farm type (database or distributed file based repository), the hosting instance, and the host name. dcmctl whichFarm
shell Configuration Management dcmctl shell [-f file_name] Starts the dcmctl shell, and, optionally, executes the commands in a named file. dcmctl shell
applyArchiveTo Archive applyArchiveTo –src archiveName [-cl clusterName | -i instanceName] When configuration information is stored in the DCM repository, it is recognized as one of the following two types of information:
  • Information which is generic to any instance (cluster-wide information).

  • Information that is specific to a particular instance (instance specific information).

dcmctl applyarchiveto –src archive1 –i instance1
createArchive Archive createArchive -arch archiveName [-cl myCluster | -i myInstance] [-comment "myComments"] An archive is created of the named instance or cluster. If you don't specify a cluster or instance, then the current instance is archived. dcmctl applyarchiveto –src archive1 –i instance
exportArchive Archive exportArchive -arch archiveName -f myFile [-comment myComments] You can export an archive from the repository to a file, and then import the file back to the same repository or to a different repository dcmctl exportArchive –arch archive1 –f /exports/testConfig -comment "this is an export of archive1"
importArchive Archive importArchive [-arch archiveName] -f myFile [-comment "myComments"] Imports the named archive file to the current repository. Use –arch to change the name and –comment to change the comment during the import. dcmctl importArchive –arch Archive1 –f /exports/testConfig -comment "this is an import
deployApplication Application deployApplication -f file -a app_name [-co comp_name] [-enableIIOP] [-rc rootcontext] [-pa parent_name] The J2EE application is deployed to the local application server instance. dcmctl deployApplication -f app1.ear -a app1
redeployApplication Application redeployApplication -f file -a app_name [-co comp_name] [-enableIIOP] [-rc rootcontext] This command redeploys a J2EE application (WAR or EAR file) to the local application server instance dcmctl redeployApplication -f app1.ear -a app1
undeployApplication Application undeployApplication -a application_name -co instance_name Undeploys the named application in the named Containers for J2EE instance. undeployApplication -a testApp -co home
getReturnStatus dcmctl Properties getReturnStatus This command displays the status of the last dcmctl command the performed an asynchronous operation (as opposed to a command that returned information). This command is intended to be used to get the status of a previous command that timed out. dcmctl getReturnStatus
getState Configuration Management getState [-i instance_name] [-cl cluster_name] [-co component_name] This command returns the state of all components dcmctl getState