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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

Part Number B12160-02
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Step 12 Setting Up Vacation Rule Options

Vacation rules handle notifications automatically when users are not available to manage their notifications personally. These rules are defined according to the item type with which notifications are associated. In Oracle Applications, you can control what item types are available for vacation rules using the WF: Routing Rule Item Types lookup type and the WF: Vacation Rules - Allow All profile option.

See Also

Defining Vacation Rules for Users

Vacation Rules, Oracle Workflow User's Guide

Adding Item Types for Vacation Rules

By default, the list of item types a user can select when creating a vacation rule displays those item types for which the user has previously received at least one notification. You can also choose to add item types that you want to appear in the list for all users. In this way you can allow users to create rules to handle any notifications they may receive from those item types in the future.

To add an item type to the list, define the internal name of the item type as a lookup code for the WF: Routing Rule Item Types lookup type.

Allowing Vacation Rules that Apply to All Item Types

Use the WF: Vacation Rules - Allow All profile option to determine whether the list of item types for vacation rules includes the "All" option. The "All" option lets users create a generic rule that applies to notifications associated with any item type.

Set the profile option to Enabled if you want the "All" option to appear in the list of item types for vacation rules, or to Disabled if you do not want the "All" option to appear. If you choose Disabled, then users must always specify the item type to which a vacation rule applies. The WF: Vacation Rules - Allow All profile option must be set at site level. The default value is Enabled. See: Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

After changing the value of this profile option, you must stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server for the change to take effect.

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