This image shows the Create Agreement page. In the upper right are the Cancel and Apply buttons. below the Create Agreement title is the Participants section. Three list boxes display: Trading Partner, Supported Business Protocol, and Supported Collaboration. Below this is a multicolumn table. The first column on the far left is entitled Host Trading Partner. Below this are RN-TradingPartner1 and ipdev. The second column is entitled Trading Partner Identification. Below this are two lists entitled Trading Partner Identification. The first list has a selection of Name - RN-TradingPartner1. The second list has a selection of Name - ipdev. The third column is entitled Trading Partner Delivery Channel. Below this are two lists entitled Trading Partner Delivery Channel. The first list has a selection of DC - RN1. The second list has a selection of Host-DC.

Below this is the title Host Delivery Channel and Callout Usage. There are four lists below this title: Internal Delivery Channel, Callout Usage, Responding Internal Delivery Channel, and Responding Callout Usage.