This table shows the Business Protocol Details page. Below that title are the following links: General, Organization, Users, and Capabilities.

Below that is the Details section, with fields listing the Document Protocol, Exchange Protocol, and Process Protocol. Each of these protocol fields has a link to its right for more specific details.

Below this is the header Operational Capabilities. The title Supported Collaborations appears below this header. The Create Operational Capabilities button appears below this. A table with the following columns appears below this button: Collaboration, Collaboration Role, Version, Details, Update, and Delete

Below this table is the title Communication Capabilities. Below this is the header Delivery Channels. Below this is the Create Communication Capability button. Below this is a table with the following columns: Name, Document Exchange, Transport, Update, and Delete.

Below this is the header Document Exchanges. Below this is a table with the following columns: Name, Exchange Protocol Revision, and Update.

Below this is the header Transports. Below this is a table with the following columns: Name, Transport Server, URI, and Update.

Below this is the header Transport Servers. Below this is a table with the following columns: Name, Transport Protocol, Host Name, and Update.

Below this is the header Endpoints and a tip saying that endpoints are global to all trading partners. Below this is a table with the following columns: URI, Update, and Delete.