This image shows an example of a trading partner agreement. The title at the top is Trading Partner Agreement: Acme_3A4. The box on the left is labeled Remote Trading Partner. The box on the right is labeled Host Trading Partner.

In between the boxes are a number of text labels that point bidirectionally to each box.

The first one is labeled Participant. Participant points to Acme in the Remote Trading Partner box on the left and points to GlobalChips ** in the Host Trading Partner box on the right. The ** references a note at the bottom that says: Automatically included in the trading partner agreement.

Business Protocol (below Participant) points to RosettaNet over RNIF in the Remote Trading Partner box on the left and points to RosettaNet over RNIF ** in the Host Trading Partner box on the right. The ** references a note at the bottom that says: Automatically included in the trading partner agreement.

Collaboration * (Operational Capabilities) (below Business Protocol) points to Buyer - 3A4 - V02.00 in the Remote Trading Partner box on the left and points to Seller - 3A4 - V02.00 ** in the Host Trading Partner box on the right. The * references a note at the bottom that says: If the RosettaNet over RNIF business protocol is used, collaborations are part of the trading partner agreement. If any EDI or Custom Document business protocol is used, Business Actions are part of the trading partner agreement. The ** references a note at the bottom that says: Automatically included in the trading partner agreement.

Trading Partner Identification (below Collaboration * (Operational Capabilities)) points to 123456789 in the Remote Trading Partner box on the left and points to 372463489 in the Host Trading Partner box on the right.

Delivery Channel (below Trading Partner Identification) points to Acme_DC in the Remote Trading Partner box on the left and points to GlobalChips_DC in the Host Trading Partner box on the right.