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Oracle® Application Server Adapter for SAP R/3 User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14061-01
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3 Deployment and Integration

This chapter describes Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) deployment and integration with OracleAS Integration InterConnect.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

See Also:

Oracle OC4J Integration

The following topic shows the basic commands for using CCI with packaged application adapters.

Application Development Using the CCI API

The following example shows the code structure for using CCI with packaged application adapters. The code sample is shown in five steps.

Step 1. Obtain the Connection Factory

The connection factory is obtained by JNDI lookup.

InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)context.lookup(iwayJndi)

Step 2. Obtaining a Connection for the Adapter

IWAFConnectionSpec is an implementation of ConnectionSpec used for creating a design time or runtime service adapter connection. The ConnectionSpec has seven parameters. Connection Pooling is fully supported and established based on these parameters, except log level.

Parameter Name Description
adapterName Name of the packaged application adapter.
config - Adapter configuration name. NOT REQUIRED FOR IWAEAdapter.
language Default is en.
country Default is us.
userName User name. If provided, it overwrites configuration.
password Password. If provided, it overwrites configuration.
logLevel It overwrites the level set by the ManagedConnectionFactory property.


Currently the OracleAS Adapter JCA supports only basic security mapping. The DEBUG log level provides detaild information on the mapping behavior. It functions as follows:
  • If the userName and password are not set, and no security is provided by the application server, the OracleAS Adapter JCA will still let it pass and rely on the adapter configuration security information.

  • If userName and password are set, these values will overwrite the adapter configuration. The OracleAS Adapter JCA compares this information with the security information provided by the application server and log in case the values do not match. However, it still allows the information through.

The iWAFConnectionSpec can be made to invoke an interaction with SAP by specifying the adapter name and configuration parameters in the ConnectionSpec. For example,

iWAFConnectionSpec cs = new IWAFConnectionSpec();
	  cs.setLogLevel(LOG_LEVEL);  // Adapter layer log level
	  Connection c = cf.getConnection(cs);// where cf is the connection factory

In this snippet, ADAPTER and TARGET refer to the adapter being invoked, in this case SAP, and the name of a target defined in Application Explorer. See "Complete Code Sample" for more information.

Step 3. Create interaction with interactionSpec for runtime

Interaction i = c.createInteraction();
	  IWAFInteractionSpec is = new IWAFInteractionSpec();

Two functions can be set: PROCESS and IWAE. PROCESS is used at runtime. IWAE is used when you are using the IAEAdapter at design time.

Step 4. Create Input Record and Execute Interaction

In this case, to complete the EIS invocation, an SAP RFC message is referenced. The schema is provided by Application Explorer.

A standard JCA Indexed Record is used in this example:

// Use JCA IndexRecord, named "input" for runtime processing.
		IndexedRecord rIn = cf.getRecordFactory().createIndexedRecord("input");
	  IndexedRecord rOut = (IndexedRecord)i.execute(is, rIn);

A special record is supported in this example:

//IWAFRecord rIn = new IWAFRecord("input");
		//IWAFRecord response = executeRunInteraction(c, rIn);
	  //IWAFRecord rOut = (IWAFRecord)i.execute(is, rIn);

Is an instance XML document generated from the schema created by Application Explorer. For example, the following is a sample SAP request XML document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Complete Code Sample

The following is a sample of the complete code:

import javax.resource.cci.*;
import com.ibi.afjca.cci.*;
import com.ibi.afjca.spi.*;
 * The purpose of this sample is to illustrate how to use the IWAF Universal
 * JCA connector.
 * Author: Marcelo Borges
 * Date: August, 2004
public class IWAFJCASimple {
	private static String  HOME 	   = "c:/iway/xfoc/components/iwafcont/dist";
	private static String  CONFIG    = "base"; 
	private static String  LOG_LEVEL = "FATAL";
	private static String ADAPTER = "SAP";
	private static String TARGET  = "SAP_connection";
	// Input Message
	private static String msg_run = "<SAP/>";
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		// 1. Getting the Connection factory through JNDI lookup
		// ---------------------------------------------------------
	  InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
	  ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)context.lookup(iwayJndi)
	  // 2. Getting a connection for a particular adapter target, in this case SAP
		// ---------------------------------------------------------
	  IWAFConnectionSpec cs = new IWAFConnectionSpec();
	  cs.setLogLevel(LOG_LEVEL);  // Adapter layer log level
	  Connection c = cf.getConnection(cs);// where cf is the connection factory
	  // 3. Create interaction with interactionSpec for RUNTIME 
		// ---------------------------------------------------------
	  Interaction i = c.createInteraction();
	  IWAFInteractionSpec is = new IWAFInteractionSpec();
	  // 4. Create input Record and execute interaction
		// ---------------------------------------------------------
	  // 4.1 Using JCA standard Indexed Record
		// Use JCA IndexRecord, named "input" for runtime processing.
		IndexedRecord rIn = cf.getRecordFactory().createIndexedRecord("input");
	  IndexedRecord rOut = (IndexedRecord)i.execute(is, rIn);
	  // 4.2 Our own Record is supported here
		//IWAFRecord rIn = new IWAFRecord("input");
		//IWAFRecord response = executeRunInteraction(c, rIn);
	  //IWAFRecord rOut = (IWAFRecord)i.execute(is, rIn);
  } // main()

Creating a Managed Connection Factory

The OC4J-ra.xml descriptor provides OC4J-specific deployment information for resource adapters. For example, the default jca_sample configuration in Application Explorer is represented in the OC4J-ra.xml file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE oc4j-connector-factories PUBLIC "-//Oracle//DTD Oracle Connector >
9.04//EN" ""
	   <connector-factory location="eis/OracleJCAAdapter/DefaultConnection" connector-name="IWAFJCA10">
		   <config-property name="IWayHome" value="../../adapters/application"/>
		   <config-property name="IWayConfig" value="jca_sample"/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoURL" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoUser" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoPassword" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="logLevel" value="debug"/>

The parameters are defined in the following table:

Parameter Name Description
IWayHome The base installation directory for the OracleAS packaged application adapter.
IWayConfig The adapter configuration name as defined in Application Explorer. For example, the OracleAS Adapter for SAP has a preconfigured jca_sample configuration in the Application Explorer.
IWayRepoURL The URL to use when opening a connection to the database. This is necessary only when using an Oracle database as the BSE repository. See"Configuring an Oracle Repository" in Chapter 2, "Adapter Configuration Using Application Explorer" for more information.
IWayRepoUser User name to use when connecting to the database. This is necessary only when using an Oracle database as the BSE repository. See"Configuring an Oracle Repository" in Chapter 2, "Adapter Configuration Using Application Explorer" for more information.
IWayRepoPassword Password. If provided, it overwrites configuration. This is necessary only when using an Oracle database as the BSE repository. See"Configuring an Oracle Repository" in Chapter 2, "Adapter Configuration Using Application Explorer" for more information.
loglevel It overwrites the level set by the ManagedConnectionFactory property.

Creating Multiple Managed Connection Factories

To establish Multiple Managed Connection Factories, you must edit the OC4J-ra.xml file to add the required information. The file can contain more than one <connector-factory> element. By adding more <connector-factory> elements, you can create Multiple Managed connection factories. For example, the default jca_sample configuration in Application Explorer is represented in the OC4J-ra.xml file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE oc4j-connector-factories PUBLIC "-//Oracle//DTD Oracle Connector 
9.04//EN" "">
	   <connector-factory location="eis/OracleJCAAdapter/DefaultConnection" connector-name="IWAFJCA10">
		   <config-property name="IWayHome" value="../../adapters/application"/>
		   <config-property name="IWayConfig" value="jca_sample"/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoURL" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoUser" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoPassword" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="logLevel" value="debug"/>

To create Multiple Managed Connection Factories, you must add new <connector-factory> nodes in the file. For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE oc4j-connector-factories PUBLIC "-//Oracle//DTD Oracle Connector 
9.04//EN" "">
   <connector-factory location="eis/OracleJCAAdapter/DefaultConnection1" connector-name="IWAFJCA10">
   <config-property name="IWayHome" value="../../adapters/application"/>
   <config-property name="IWayConfig" value="jca_sample"/>
   <config-property name="IWayRepoURL" value=""/>
   <config-property name="IWayRepoUser" value=""/>
   <config-property name="IWayRepoPassword" value=""/>
   <config-property name="logLevel" value="debug"/>
<connector-factory location="eis/OracleJCAAdapter/DefaultConnection2" connector-name="IWAFJCA10">
		   <config-property name="IWayHome" value="../../adapters/application"/>
		   <config-property name="IWayConfig" value="jca_sample2"/>
		   <config-property name="IWayRepoURL" value=""/>
		   <config-property name="IWayRepoUser" value=""/>
   		<config-property name="IWayRepoPassword" value=""/>
		   <config-property name="logLevel" value="debug"/>

Oracle Application Server Adapter JCA Architecture

Figure 3-1 shows deployment of the Connector to the Oracle Application Server. In a runtime service scenario, an Enterprise Java Bean (EJB), Servlet, or Java program client makes CCI calls to JCA resource adapters. The adapters process the calls as requests and send them to the EIS. The EIS response is then sent back to the client.

Figure 3-1 Oracle Application Server JCA Architecture

JCA architecture
Description of the illustration xipsa004.gif

OracleAS Adapter BSE Integration with OracleAS Integration InterConnect

BSE Architecture as Deployed to Oracle Application Server

Figure 3-2 shows adapter framework deployment with BSE to OracleAS Integration InterConnect. In a runtime service scenario, the OracleAS Integration InterConnect EIS Adapter Plugin (EIS Adapter Plugin) receives DTD-compliant XML from the agent component of the EIS Adapter Plugin. The EIS Adapter Plugin strips runtime information from the XML, wraps the XML in a SOAP envelope, and sends the result to BSE, including the runtime information in the SOAP request. BSE receives the request, removes the envelope, retrieves Web service method metadata, including adapter and connection information from the repository, and makes the adapter request.

BSE receives the adapter response, wraps the response XML in a SOAP envelope, and returns it to the EIS Adapter Plugin. The EIS Adapter Plugin then strips the SOAP envelope, strips the namespace prefix, if present, and passes the DTD-compliant XML to the agent component of the EIS Adapter Plugin.

Figure 3-2 BSE Architecture as Deployed to Oracle Application Server

Description of xipsa005.gif follows
Description of the illustration xipsa005.gif

Upon installation of the Oracle Web Services Adapter, an adapter.ini file is created. The file consists of all the initialization parameters that the adapter reads at startup. You can configure the OracleAS Integration InterConnect EIS Adapter Plugin by modifying these parameters.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Adapters Installation Guide