This image shows the following main elements: Application Explorer (design time), Oracle Application Server, InterConnect adapter, Web container containing BSE, which hosts the adapter framework within which the adapters reside, and an Oracle InterConnect Repository. To the right of the illustration is an element representing Siebel. The central elements are superimposed upon each other in the following order to indicate where each is deployed: the adapters reside in the adapter framework, which is in BSE, which is in the Web container, which itself is on top of Oracle Application Server.

Application Explorer is shown separately to the left of Oracle Application Server. A bidirectional arrow between Application Explorer and BSE indicates the bidirectional connection between the two. To the left and below Application Explorer is an element representing the InterConnect adapter. It has a bidirectional arrow connecting it to BSE to indicate that SOAP clients make SOAP requests over HTTP to BSE, which hosts the adapters within the adapter framework. Below Oracle Application Server are four elements connected bidirectionally to BSE. These elements represent an Oracle RDBMS, a business services file that is the output of Web service creation using BSE, a DTD file, and iStudio. BSE creates DTD files for use by iStudio. On the right side of the illustration, a bidirectional arrow between the adapter and the Siebel element indicates that the adapter connects to Siebel to complete service requests, receive responses from Siebel, and then communicate the responses through the framework and BSE back to the SOAP client. The bidirectional arrow also indicates the adapter event capabilities. Adapters detect events in Siebel and pass the event data to a destination configured during design time using Application Explorer.