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Oracle® Application Server Adapter for Siebel User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14062-01
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5 Troubleshooting and Error Messages

This chapter explains the limitations and workarounds when connecting to Siebel. The following topics are discussed:


This topic provides troubleshooting information for Siebel, separated into four categories:


Log file information that can be relevant in troubleshooting can be found in the following locations:
  • The OracleAS Adapter JCA trace information can be found under the OracleAS_home\opmn\logs directory.

  • BSE trace information can be found under the OracleAS_home\j2ee\home\applications\ws-app-adapter\ibse\ibselogs directory.

  • The log file for Application Explorer can be found under the OracleAS_home\adapters\application\tools directory.

Application Explorer

To use Application Explorer on Windows for debugging or testing purposes, invoke the ae batch script, ae.bat, found under OracleAS_home\adapters\application\tools or on UNIX invoke the ae script,, found under OracleAS_home/adapters/application/tools.

Error Solution
Siebel does not appear in the Application Explorer Adapter node list. Ensure that the Siebel jar files supplied with your Siebel distribution media have been placed in the OracleAS_home\adapters\application\lib directory. For example, for Siebel 7.03 environments, the SiebelJI_Common.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar should be placed in the OracleAS_home\adapters\application\lib directory.
Target Type drop down contains only Java Data Bean Connection and COM connection type is desired. Ensure that the Siebel thin client is installed correctly on the machine hosting Application Explorer so that appropriate COM environment is available.
An error message that includes the name of the Siebel Gateway server appears when you try to connect to a Siebel target. For example,

Problem activating adapter (ariba0x). Check logs for more information.

Ensure that the name of the Siebel Gateway server is correctly defined for the target you are using.
You receive the following error when trying to connect to a Siebel target:

Problem activating adapter. (You have entered an invalid set of logon parameters. Please type in your logon parameters again.). Check logs for more information.

Ensure that the User ID and password parameter values to connect to your Siebel system are correct.
You receive the following error when trying to connect to a Siebel target:

Problem activating adapter. (Couldn't get nameserver connection). Check logs for more information.

Check on network connectivity to Siebel environment. Correct networking problem and retry connection.
You receive the following error when attempting to connect to a Siebel target:

Problem activating adapter. (NSReadKey request failed (no error information)...). Check logs for more information.

Ensure that the values defined for Siebel Server, Enterprise Name, and Object Manager for the target you are using are correct, and retry the connection
You receive the following error when attempting to connect to a Siebel target:

Problem activating adapter. (Error loading translatable messages: com.siebel.locale.enux.messages.SSAMessages_enux). Check logs for more information

Ensure that the value of the Language parameter on the Advanced tab is defined correctly for the target you are using to connect to your Siebel system (for example, enu for English).
A successful connection is made to Siebel environment but no values are available in Business Object, Business Service, and Integration Object nodes in Application Explorer tree. The Repository Name specified on the Advanced tab in the Siebel target configuration is either void or empty of any components in the targeted Siebel environment or that Repository Name is not valid for the targeted Siebel environment. Verify that the Repository Name is valid and contains components for interrogation then re-connect.


The error messages listed can occur when using the adapter with either a BSE or OracleAS Adapter JCA repository project.

Error Solution
A successful connection is made to Siebel environment but no values are available in Business Object, Business Service, and Integration Object nodes in Application Explorer tree. The Repository Name specified on the Advanced tab in the Siebel Target configuration is either void or empty of any components in the targeted Siebel environment or that Repository Name is not valid for the targeted Siebel environment. Verify that the Repository Name is valid and contains components for interrogation then re-connect.
When executing a request, the following error message appears:

AdapterException: Unsupported Action: {0} Tquery

Verify that method is available for specific request by verifying schema.
When executing a request, the following error message appears:

AdapterException: Field 'NFame' does not exist in definition for business component 'Account'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration.

Ensure that field names are valid within request document by referring to schema for that specific object, and then re-submit the request.
When connecting to releases prior to Siebel 7.7 using the Java Data Bean Interface, you cannot reconnect after initial connection loss. This might occur when Application Explorer experiences a brief loss of network connection or if the Siebel Server or Gateway Service is restarted while Application Explorer is logged into the Siebel application. Restart OC4J and Application Explorer in order to log in successfully to the Siebel application. This is a known Siebel API issue. See Siebel Alert 984 for more information.

OracleAS Adapter JCA

Error Solution
In Application Explorer, the following error message appears when you attempt to connect to an OracleAS Adapter JCA configuration:

Could not initialize JCA

In the Details tab in the right pane, ensure that the directory specified in the Home field points to the correct directory, for example, OracleAS_home\adapters\application

BSE Error Messages

This topic discusses the different types of errors that can occur when processing Web services through Business Services Engine (BSE).

General Error Handling in BSE

Business Services Engine (BSE) serves as both a SOAP gateway into the adapter framework and as the engine for some of the adapters. In both design time and execution time, various conditions can cause errors in BSE when Web services that use adapters are running. Some of these conditions and resulting errors are exposed the same way, regardless of the specific adapter; others are exposed differently, based on the adapter being used. This topic explains what you can expect when you encounter some of the more common error conditions on an adapter-specific basis.Usually the SOAP gateway (agent) inside BSE passes a SOAP request message to the adapter required for the Web service. If an error occurs, how it is exposed depends on the adapter and the API or interfaces that the adapter uses. A few scenarios cause the SOAP gateway to generate a SOAP fault. In general, anytime the SOAP agent inside BSE receives an invalid SOAP request, a SOAP fault element is generated in the SOAP response. The SOAP fault element contains fault string and fault code elements. The fault code contains a description of the SOAP agent error.The following SOAP response document results when BSE receives an invalid SOAP request:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">  
         <faultstring>Parameter node is missing</faultstring>

In this example, BSE did not receive an element in the SOAP request message that is mandatory for the WSDL for this Web service.

Adapter-Specific Error Handling

When an adapter raises an exception during execution, the SOAP agent in BSE produces a SOAP fault element in the generated SOAP response. The SOAP fault element contains fault code and fault string elements. The fault string contains the native error description from the adapter target system. Since adapters use the target system interfaces and APIs, whether or not an exception is raised depends on how the target systems interface or API treats the error condition. If a SOAP request message is passed to an adapter by the SOAP agent in BSE, and that request is invalid based on the WSDL for that service, the adapter may raise an exception yielding a SOAP fault. While it is almost impossible to anticipate every error condition that an adapter may encounter, the following is a description of how adapters handle common error conditions and how they are then exposed to the Web services consumer application.

Oracle Application Server Adapter for Siebel Invalid SOAP Request

When the Oracle Application Server Adapter for Siebel receives a SOAP request message that does not conform to the WSDL for the Web services being executed, the following SOAP response is generated

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<faultstring>XD[FAIL] Parse failure (IS) 3: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.</faultstring>

Empty Result From Siebel Request

When the Oracle Application Server Adapter for Siebel cannot connect to Siebel when executing a Web service, the following SOAP response is generated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
  <faultstring><Exception> - major:4096 minor: -1 message:NSReadKey request 11 was abandoned  
after 37846ms connection:12a due to Connection shutdown request
Connection reset by peer:JVM_recv in socket input stream 
stream read DetailedMessage:Unknown</Exception></faultstring>

Oracle Application Server Integration Adapter

The OracleAS Adapter connects BSE to adapters whose engine is another Oracle server. Therefore, since this adapter is used to connect BSE to many different target systems, the error handling behavior is consistent. Check the user guide for your adapter to see if you require the Oracle Application Server Integration Adapter when running Web services.

Invalid SOAP Request

When the Oracle Application Server Adapter receives a SOAP request message that does not conform to the WSDL for the Web services being executed, the following SOAP response is generated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
  <faultstring>RPC server connection failed: Connection refused: connect</faultstring>

Empty Result From Oracle Application Server Adapter Request

When the Oracle Application Server Adapter executes a SOAP request using input parameters passed that do not match records in the target system, the following SOAP response is generated.


The condition for this adapter does not yield a SOAP fault.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" 
xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <m:RunDBQueryResponse xmlns:m="urn:schemas-iwaysoftware-com:iwse"
        <RunDBQueryResult run="1" />