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Oracle® Application Server Integration InterConnect Adapter for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14072-01
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1 Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect (OracleAS Integration InterConnect) Adapter for IBM WebSphere MQ (WebSphere MQ adapter). It contains the following topics:

1.1 WebSphere MQ Adapter Overview

The WebSphere MQ adapter enables OracleAS Integration InterConnect to send and receive messages from the WebSphere MQ queues and topics. This allows an application that uses IBM's WebSphere MQ as its messaging technology to be integrated with other applications using OracleAS Integration InterConnect. As a result, the WebSphere MQ adapter is useful in all enterprise application integration scenarios involving WebSphere MQ-based applications.

The WebSphere MQ adapter is primarily used to provide messaging capabilities between OracleAS Integration InterConnect and the WebSphere MQ queuing systems. These capabilities include support for the publish and subscribe paradigm for message exchanges, such as, sending or receiving orders, invoices, and product updates.

In addition to the basic publish and subscribe messaging, the WebSphere MQ adapter also supports the OracleAS Integration InterConnect request and reply paradigm, which maps directly onto WebSphere MQ's own generic support for request and reply messages. This capability is based on the support for message correlation for OracleAS Integration InterConnect as well as in WebSphere MQ. Examples include inventory lookups, price calculations, and status requests.

This guide explains all necessary design time and runtime concepts of the WebSphere MQ adapter.

Figure 1-1 describes how the WebSphere MQ adapter interacts with an WebSphere MQ queue manager and OracleAS Integration InterConnect.

Figure 1-1 How the WebSphere MQ Adapter Interacts with an WebSphere MQ Queue Manager and OracleAS Integration InterConnect

Description of picture1.gif follows
Description of the illustration picture1.gif

The WebSphere MQ adapter uses four logical queues or destinations to support its interaction with the WebSphere MQ messaging system: three for inbound messages, from OracleAS Integration InterConnect to WebSphere MQ, and one for outbound messages, from WebSphere MQ to OracleAS Integration InterConnect.

Three queues are required for inbound messages to support sending of messages from OracleAS Integration InterConnect to WebSphere MQ in a transactionally safe manner. The queues are used in the following manner:

The two latter logical queues, for the logs and transaction IDs, can be combined into one physical queue.

See Also:


1.2 WebSphere MQ Adapter System Requirements

The following sections describe WebSphere MQ adapter system requirements:

1.2.1 Hardware Requirements

Table 1-1 lists the hardware requirements for the computer where the Oracle WebSphere MQ adapter is installed.

Table 1-1 Hardware Requirements

Hardware Windows UNIX
Disk Space 500 MB 500 MB
Memory 128 MB 128 MB

1.2.2 Software Requirements

The following sections list software requirements for the WebSphere MQ adapter:

Operating System Requirements

Table 1-2 lists operating system requirements for the computer the WebSphere MQ adapter is installed.

Table 1-2 Operating System Requirements

Operating System Version
HP Tru64 HP Tru64 UNIX (Alpha) 5.1b
HP-UX HP-UX (PA-RISC) 11.11, 11.23
IBM AIX AIX (POWER) version 5.2
Linux (x86) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, 3.0


Sun SPARC Solaris Sun SPARC Solaris 2.8 and 2.9
Microsoft Windows Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000( SP3 or higher)

JRE Requirements

OracleAS Integration InterConnect uses Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4, which is installed with its components.

WebSphere MQ Requirements

Table 1-3 lists the minimum software requirements for the installation of the WebSphere MQ adapter.

Table 1-3 WebSphere MQ Requirements

Software Supported Versions
WebSphere MQ: Publish/Subscribe Version 1.1 or latest supporting WebSphere MQ 5.2 or 5.3

Downloadable from

WebSphere MQ classes for Java and WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service (JMS) Only required with WebSphere MQ Version 5.2.x.

Downloadable from

WebSphere MQ Version 5.3 Client includes Java/JMS.

WebSphere MQ Client Version 5.2 or 5.3
WebSphere MQ Server Version 5.2 or 5.3

1.3 WebSphere MQ Adapter Knowledge Requirements

The installation of the WebSphere MQ adapter software components mentioned in WebSphere MQ Requirements should be performed by a WebSphere MQ system administrator.

To configure and use the WebSphere MQ adapter, you require the folowing:

You must create and start the WebSphere MQ queues and topics referred to in this guide before starting the WebSphere MQ adapter.

1.4 WebSphere MQ Adapter Interfaces

The following sections describe the WebSphere MQ adapter interfaces.

1.4.1 General

The WebSphere MQ adapter uses the WebSphere MQ JMS URI syntax for specifying the queues and topics that constitute the endpoints for inbound and outbound messages.

This format is derived from Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and allows you to specify remote queues and set other queue connection properties. Remote queues are on a queue manager other than the one to which you have connected.

The syntax for the queue URI is as follows:

queue://[queue-manager]/queue[?property=value [&property=value ]*] 

The URI for a queue starts with the sequence queue://, followed by the name of the queue manager where the queue resides, a further /, followed by the name of the queue, and optionally, a list of name-value pairs to set the remaining queue properties.

If the name of the queue manager is omitted, then the default queue manager, as specified in the adapter.ini file, is used.

The syntax for the topic URI is as follows:


The URI for a topic starts with the sequence topic://, followed by the full path to the topic, and optionally, a list of name-value pairs to set the remaining queue properties. The topic URI syntax does not specify the queue manager. It must be specified in the mq.default.queue_manager property in the adapter.ini file.

1.4.2 Inbound

Inbound interfaces consist of WebSphere MQ queues to which messages are sent by the WebSphere MQ adapter. The WebSphere MQ adapter only supports WebSphere MQ queues, not topics, for inbound interfaces, because of the following constraints:

  • The WebSphere MQ adapter must send messages to WebSphere MQ in a transactionally safe manner, because it implements the OracleAS Integration InterConnect SDK TransactionalMessageReceiver interface. This requires the use of a queue for keeping log records

  • The destination queue or topic and log queue must be updated within the same JMS transaction.

  • The WebSphere MQ JMS implementation does not support Universal JMS sessions, which would allow queues and topics to be updated within the same transaction.

  • Storing temporary log records in a topic is not practical.

1.4.3 Outbound

Outbound interfaces can consist of both queues and topics from which the WebSphere MQ adapter will receive messages. Additional configuration parameters in the adapter.ini file allow for defining a JMS selector expression, which can be used to filter messages that should be received by WebSphere MQ adapter. Another parameter controls whether the message consumption should be performed within a transactional or nontransactional JMS session.

1.4.4 Connection Types

WebSphere MQ supports the following connection types:

  • Local (bind)

  • Remote (client) Local Connections

For local connections, the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs on the same host as the WebSphere MQ adapter. In this case, the WebSphere MQ adapter only needs to know the queue name and the queue manager name in order to establish a queue connection. Remote Connections

For remote connections, the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs on a different host. In this case, the WebSphere MQ adapter needs WebSphere MQ client libraries, which must be installed separately, in order to establish a queue connection. The WebSphere MQ adapter also needs additional configuration information, such as the name of the remote host, the port number where the WebSphere MQ listener is listening, and the channel name.

displays a client connection.

Figure 1-2 Client Connection

Description of picture2.gif follows
Description of the illustration picture2.gif

1.5 Known WebSphere MQ Adapter Limitations

The WebSphere MQ adapter has the following limitations: