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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration
10g Release 1 (10.1)
Part No. B12013-03
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12 Additional Configuration Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

12.1 Understanding Default and Custom Data Collections

When you install the Oracle Management Agent on a host computer, Enterprise Manager automatically begins gathering a default set of metrics that you can use to monitor the performance and availability of each targets on that host. For some of these target metrics, Enterprise Manager provides default threshold settings that determine when you will be notified that there is a problem with the metric.

See Also:

"About Alerts" in the Enterprise Manager online help

For selected metrics, you can customize the default thresholds. When you make these types of customizations, Enterprise Manager saves the new settings in a file on the local disk. The following sections provide more information about how these settings are saved:

12.1.1 How Enterprise Manager Stores Default Collection Information

Enterprise Manager stores the default collection criteria for each target in the following location on each Oracle Management Agent host:


For some targets, you can use the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console to modify the default metric collection settings. For example, you can modify the default thresholds for your host targets. When you make these types of modifications, Enterprise Manager creates a new default collection file in the following directory:


This collection file overrides the default collection information stored in the sysman/admin/default_collection directory.

12.1.2 Restoring Default Collection Settings

If you have made modifications to the metric thresholds for a particular target, you can restore the default metric collection settings by deleting the customized collection information in the sysman/emd/collection directory.

For example, if you want to restore the default collections for a particular database target, remove the customized collection file for that target from the sysman/emd/collection directory. Enterprise Manager will begin using the metric collection information stored in the sysman/admin/default_collection directory.

12.2 Enabling Multi-Inventory Support for Configuration Management

Every time you install an Oracle software product on a host computer, Oracle Universal Installer saves information about the software installation on your hard disk. The directories and files that contain this software configuration information are referred to as the Oracle Universal Installer inventory.

See Also:

Oracle Universal Installer Concepts Guide

When you use Enterprise Manager to monitor your Oracle software installations, Enterprise Manager takes advantage of information saved in the Universal Installer inventory.

As it gathers information about the configuration of your host computer, by default, Enterprise Manager assumes that you have one Oracle Universal Installer inventory on the host. Specifically, Enterprise Manager recognizes the inventory that Oracle Universal Installer uses when you run the Universal Installer on the host.

However, in some cases, you may have more than one inventory. For example, you may have worked with Oracle Support to clone your Oracle software installations. For those cases, you can use the following procedure to be sure that Enterprise Manager can track and manage the software information in multiple inventories on the same host.


Enabling support for multiple inventories is optional and available only for advanced users who are familiar with the Oracle Universal Installer inventory architecture and who have previously worked with multiple inventories on a managed host. This procedure is not required for hosts where normal installations have been performed.

To set up Enterprise Manager so it can read multiple inventories on a host:

  1. Locate the OUIinventories.add file in the following directory:

  2. Open OUIinventories.add using a text editor.

    Instructions within the file describe the format to use when identifying multiple inventories, as well other techniques for mapping Oracle Homes.

  3. Carefully review the instructions within the file.

  4. Add entries to the file for each additional inventory on the managed host.

  5. Save your changes and close the file.

    During its next collection of host configuration information, Enterprise Manager will start gathering software configuration information from the inventories that you identified in the OUIinventories.add file, in addition to the default inventory that Enterprise Manager normally collects.

    Alternatively, to see the data gathered from the additional inventories before the next regularly-scheduled collection, navigate to the Host home page in the Grid Control Console, click the Configuration tab, and click the Refresh Data icon next to the page timestamp.


If there any irrecoverable problems during the collection of the default inventory (for example, if the inventory file or directory protections prevent Enterprise Manager from reading the inventory), inventories listed in OUIinventories.add file are also not collected.

If the Enterprise Manager is able to read the default inventory, but there is a problem reading an additional inventory listed in the OUIinventories.add file, Enterprise Manager issues a collection warning for those inventories, but Enterprise Manager does collect the configuration information for the other inventories.

12.3 Manually Configuring a Database Target for Complete Monitoring

When you first discover an Oracle Database 10g target, you should check the monitoring credentials to be sure the password for the DBSNMP database user account is set correctly in the database target properties.

Besides setting the monitoring credentials, no other configuration tasks are required in order to monitor an Oracle Database 10g target.

However, when you monitor an Oracle9i database or an Oracle8i database, there is some additional configuration required if you want to monitor certain types of database performance metrics using the Grid Control Console.

To monitor these additional performance metrics Enterprise Manager requires that Oracle Statspack and some additional Enterprise Manager packages be installed and configured in the database you are monitoring.

See Also:

"Using Statspack" in Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference in the Oracle9i Documentation Library

If these additional objects are not available and configured in the database, Enterprise Manager will not be able to gather the data for the complete set of performance metrics. In addition, Enterprise Manager will not be able to gather information that otherwise could be readily available from the Database home page, such as Bad SQL and the Top SQL Report.

You can use the Configure Database wizard in the Grid Control Console to install the required packages into the database, or you can use the following manual procedure.

See Also:

"Modifying Target Properties" in the Enterprise Manager online help for information on configuring managed targets, including database targets.

To manually install Statspack and the other required database objects into an Oracle9i database that you are managing with Enterprise Manager, you can use SQL*Plus and the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the database host using an account with privileges that allow you to write to the database home directory and to the Management Agent home directory.

    For each of the commands in this procedure, replace AGENT_HOME with the actual path to the Oracle Management Agent home directory and replace ORACLE_HOME with the path to database home directory.

  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database using the SYS account with SYSDBA privileges.

    For example:

    $PROMPT> ./sqlplus "connect / as sysdba"
  3. Enter the following command to run the Database dbmon script:

    SQL> @AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/db/config/dbmon

    The script will display the following prompt:

    Enter value for dbm_password:
  4. When prompted, enter the password for the DBSNMP account.

    The script performs several configuration changes and returns you to the SQL*Plus prompt.

  5. Connect as the DBSNMP user.

    For example:

    SQL> connect DBSNMP
  6. Enter the following command:

    SQL> @AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/db/config/response.plb
    SQL> grant EXECUTE on dbsnmp.mgmt_response to OEM_MONITOR;
  7. Connect as SYS enter the following command to create the PERFSTAT user:

    SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spcreate


    The spcreate script will prompt you for a default tablespace and default temporary tablespace for the PERFSTAT user. Do not specify the SYSTEM tablespace as the default tablespace for the PERFSTAT user. For more information, see "Using Statspack" in the Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.

  8. Connect as the PERFSTAT user.

    For example:

    SQL> connect PERFSTAT;
  9. Enter the following commands from the PERFSTAT user account:

    SQL> define snap_level='6';
    SQL> define cinterval='1';
    SQL> define cjobno='-1';
    SQL> @AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/db/config/spset
  10. Connect as the SYS user and enter the following command:

    SQL> grant OEM_MONITOR to dbsnmp;
  11. If the database you are modifying is an Oracle8i database, also enter the following commands as the SYS user:

    grant select on sys.ts$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.seg$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.user$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.obj$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.sys_objects to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.file$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.attrcol$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.clu$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.col$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.ind$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.indpart$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.indsubpart$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.lob$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.lobfrag$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.partobj$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.tabpart$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.tabsubpart$ to OEM_MONITOR;grant select on sys.undo$ to OEM_MONITOR;
  12. For any supported database version, enter the following command from the SYS account:

    SQL> show parameter job_queue_processes

    If the output from the show parameter command is zero, then perform the following steps to modify the job_queue_processes initialization parameter:

    If you start the database using an spfile, enter the following command:

    SQL> alter system set job_queue_processes = 2 SCOPE=BOTH;

    Otherwise, do the following:

    1. Enter the following command:

      SQL> alter system set job_queue_processes = 2;
    2. Exit SQL*PLUS and update theinit.ora database configuration file with the following entry so the parameter will be applied whenever the database is restarted:

  13. Exit SQL*Plus and change directory to the following directory in the home directory of the Management Agent that is monitoring the database:

  14. Reload the agent by entering the following command:

    $PROMPT> ./emctl agent reload
  15. Using Grid Control, return to the Database home page and verify that the Bad SQL and Top SQL Report metrics are now being gathered.

12.4 Modifying the Default Login Timeout Value

To prevent unauthorized access to the Grid Control Console, Enterprise Manager will automatically log you out of the Grid Control Console when there is no activity for a predefined period of time. For example, if you leave your browser open and leave your office, this default behavior prevents unauthorized users from using your Enterprise Manager administrator account.

By default, if the system is inactive for 45 minutes or more, and then you attempt to perform an Enterprise Manager action, you will be asked to log in to the Grid Control Console again.


As stated in the previous paragraphs, the timeout value for logging in to the Grid Control Console is defined in order to protect your system from unauthorized logins. If you make changes to the login timeout value, be sure to consider the security implications of leaving your session open for other than the default timeout period.

To increase or decrease the default timeout period:

  1. Change directory to the following location in the Oracle Application Server home directory where the Management Service was deployed:

  2. Using your favorite text editor, open the file and add the following entry:

  3. For example, if you want to change the default timeout period to one hour, add the following entry:

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Restart the Management Service.


    The default timeout value does not apply when you restart the Web server or the Oracle Management Service. In both of those cases, you will be asked to log in to the Grid Control Console, regardless of the default timeout value.