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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration
10g Release 1 (10.1)
Part No. B12013-03
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6 Configuring Application Service Level Management

This chapter describes how to configure Application Service Level Management (also known as Application Performance Management). Application Service Level Management is a feature available to users of the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console.

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 Before You Begin Configuring Application Service Level Management

Before you configure Application Service Level Management, you should:

6.2 Summary of Application Service Level Management Configuration Tasks

The configuration tasks in this chapter allow you to take advantage of four distinct features of Application Service Level Management. Each of these features is available from the Web Application target home page (Figure 6-1).

Figure 6-1 Web Application Target Home Page

Description of apm_web_app_homepage.gif follows
Description of the illustration apm_web_app_homepage.gif

Table 6-1 describes each of the four major Application Service Level Management features and how they can be accessed from the Web Application target home page.

Table 6-1 Summary of the Application Service Level Management Configuration Tasks

Feature Description Requirements Reference to Configuration Information
Transaction Performance Monitoring Allows you to use the Transaction Performance page to:
  • Proactively monitor business transactions

  • Use Beacons to model the performance of various end user communities

Click Manage Transactions on the Transaction Performance page and play back your transactions to review performance data.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later for creating and playing back transactions. "Basic Configuration of Transaction Performance Monitoring"
Interactive Tracing for Business Transactions Allows you to click Manage Transactions on the Transaction Performance page and use the Play with Trace button so you can:
  • Diagnose performance problems at the transaction level

  • Interactively trace transactions and analyze breakout of J2EE server activity times (servlet/JSP, EJB, JDBC time), including individual SQL statements.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later for creating and playing back transactions

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) for playing back a transaction with trace to view J2EE server activity times

"Configuring Business Transaction Tracing"
End-User Response Time Monitoring Allows you to use the Page Performance page to:
  • Understand real end-user page response times within your application

  • Assess the user impact of performance problems

  • Analyze end user response times by by page, domain, region, visitors, and Web server.

Oracle Application Server Web Cache (9.0.2, 9.0.3, or 9.0.4) "Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring"
Middle-Tier URL Performance Allows you to use the Page Performance page to:
  • Diagnose root cause of performance problems

  • View historical tracing of J2EE middle tier activity

  • View breakouts of J2EE server processing times (servlet, JSP, EJB, JDBC times), including individual SQL statements

  • Correlate server activity to other Web Application component metrics

  • View the full URL processing call stack.

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) "Configuring OC4J for Middle-Tier URL Performance Monitoring"

6.3 Configuring Transaction Performance Monitoring

Configuring Transaction Performance Monitoring involves three levels of configuration:

The following sections describe these configuration levels in more detail.

6.3.1 Basic Configuration of Transaction Performance Monitoring

To begin monitoring a Web application with Enterprise Manager:

  1. Install an Oracle Management Agent on each of the host computers where your Web application components reside.

    This step is required so you can manage all the components of your Web Application with the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console. For example, if your Web application depends upon a back-end database as a data source, install the Management Agent on the database host so you can manage the database from the Grid Control Console.

  2. Create a new Web Application target in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console.

    See Also:

    "Creating Web Application Targets" in the Enterprise Manager online help

  3. As you create this new Web Application target, add each of the managed targets that comprise the Web application.

    For example, be sure to include components such as the Oracle HTTP Server and the OC4J instance you used to deploy your application. Also include any backend databases you are using as a data source and the Oracle Application Server Web Cache instance you are using to improve the performance of your Web application.

See Also:

"About Beacons" in the Enterprise Manager online help

As soon as the Web Application appears in your list of managed targets, Enterprise Manager begins monitoring your application using the Local Beacon that is provided with the Management Agent you identified as the Monitoring Agent when you created the Web Application target.

This Local Beacon uses the home page URL you provided when you created the Web Application target to check the availability and performance of the application at periodic intervals.


If the home page URL you provided while creating the Web Application target uses the HTTPS protocol, you must configure the Local Beacon so it can monitor the URL over the secure HTTPS protocol. For more information, see Section 4.7.2

You can see the results of the home page URL transaction by viewing the Web Application home page, which includes a chart that shows the average response time of the home page URL each time it is run by the Local Beacon (Figure 6-1).

6.3.2 Advanced Configuration of Transaction Performance Monitoring

By default, when you first create a Web Application target, the Local Beacon attempts to access the application's home page URL at periodic intervals. When the Beacon successfully accesses this URL, Enterprise Manager considers your Web application available to your users.

See Also:

"About Web Application Availability" in the Enterprise Manager online help

Beyond the default home page URL and Local Beacon, you can customize your Web application as follows:

  • To obtain more detailed information about the performance of pages other than the home page URL, you can create additional transactions to measure the availability and performance of specific pages or features of your application.

    You create additional transactions by using the Manage Transactions link on the Administration page of the Web Application target home page.

    See Also:

    "Creating Transactions" in the Enterprise Manager online help

  • To monitor the availability and performance of your application from multiple locations on your Intranet or on the Internet, you can identify additional Beacons to run your availability transactions.

    You add additional Beacon targets to the Grid Control Console by selecting Beacon from the Add drop-down list on the Agent home page. Use the Manage Beacons link on the Administration page of the Web Application target home page to identify which Beacon targets are used to monitor your Web application.

    See Also:

    "Using Beacons to Monitor Web Application Availability" in the Enterprise Manager online help

6.3.3 Configuring Business Transaction Tracing

When you use transactions to monitor your Web application, some of the transactions you create often involve application components such as servlets, Java Server Pages (JSPs), Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), and JDBC connections. Often, the best way to solve a performance problem is to trace these more complex transaction and analyze the time spent processing each back-end application component.

Enterprise Manager provides a mechanism for tracing these transactions. Use the Manage Transactions link on the Administration page on the Web Application target home page to create your transactions and to trace the transactions as they are processed by the servlets, JSPs, EJBs, or JDBC connections of your application.

However, before you can take advantage of transaction tracing, you must first enable tracing for the OC4J instance used to deploy the application.

To enable tracing for an OC4J instance:

  1. Navigate to the OC4J Home page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console.

  2. Click Administration to display the Administration page.

  3. On the Administration page, click Server Properties.

  4. In the Command Line Options section of the Server Properties page, click Tracing Properties.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Tracing Properties page.

  5. Select the three check boxes to enable general, interactive, and historical tracing.

    Click Help for more information about enabling OC4J tracing.

    See Also:

    "Enabling OC4J Tracing" in the Enterprise Manager online help

  6. Click Apply.

    Enterprise Manager prompts you to restart the OC4J instance.

  7. Click Yes to restart the instance.

6.4 Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring

After you have performed the basic configuration tasks for Transaction Performance Monitoring, you can then configure End-User Performance Monitoring.

The following steps describe how to enable End-User Performance Monitoring after you have configured Transaction Performance Monitoring in the Grid Control Console. Specifically, this procedure assumes you have created a Web Application target that includes at least one instance of Oracle Application Server Web Cache.


To enable End-User Performance Monitoring for a Web Application target, you must be using Oracle Application Server Web Cache to improve the performance of your Web application and the Oracle Application Server Web Cache instance you are using must be listed as a managed target in the Grid Control Console.

In addition, you must include the Oracle Application Server Web Cache target as a component of the Web Application target you created in the section "Basic Configuration of Transaction Performance Monitoring".

The procedure you use to enable End-User Performance Monitoring depends upon the version of Oracle Application Server Web Cache you are using. The following sections provide more information:

6.4.1 Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring Using Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.4)

The following sections describe how to configure and start End-User Performance Monitoring: Configuring Oracle Application Server Web Cache 9.0.4 for End-User Performance Monitoring

End-User Performance Monitoring uses data from Oracle Application Server Web Cache to gather statistics about the performance of pages within your Web applications. As a result, you must configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache so it logs your Oracle Application Server Web Cache activity and that the data is in the correct format.

When Oracle Application Server Web Cache is properly configured, End-User Performance Monitoring can begin collecting the end-user performance data and load it into the Oracle Management Repository. After the data is collected and loaded into the repository, the performance data can be viewed on the End-User Performance page of the Web Application home page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console.

See Also:

"Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring" in the Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide

To configure the Oracle Application Server Web Cache Manager:

  1. Navigate to the Web Application home page in the Grid Control Console and click Administration.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Web Application Administration page.

  2. Click Configure Web Application Web Caches.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Configure Web Application Web Caches page.

  3. Click Configure Logging.

    A new browser windows opens. It displays the OracleAS Web Cache Welcome page.

  4. Click Log on to Web Cache Manager.

    OracleAS Web Cache displays a dialog box so you can log in to OracleAS Web Cache Manager.

  5. Log in to the Oracle Application Server Web Cache Manager.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide for information about the default passwords for Oracle Application Server Web Cache

    You can also log in to the OracleAS Web Cache Manager using the ias_admin username and password you selected during the Oracle Application Server installation.

  6. Enable OracleAS Web Cache logging for End-User Performance Monitoring:

    1. Select Logging and Diagnostics > End-User Performance Monitoring in the OracleAS Web Cache Manager navigator frame.

      You can enable monitoring for a particular cache or for an entire site.

    2. To enable monitoring for a particular cache, select the cache from the Cache-Specific End-User Performance Monitoring section and click Enable.

      Be sure to enable the cache that you are using as a front-end to your Web application.

    3. To enable monitoring for the entire site, select the site from the Site-Specific End-User Performance Monitoring section and click Enable.

  7. Configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache to use the Web Cache Log Format (WCLF):

    1. Select Logging and Diagnostics > Access Logs in the OracleAS Web Cache Manager navigator frame.

    2. In the Cache-Specific Access Log Configuration table, click Edit Selected and enable the access log for your selected cache.

    3. In the Site-Specific Access Log Configuration table, make sure that the Format style of the selected Site Name is WCLF and that it is enabled.

  8. Click Apply Changes at the top of the Web Cache Manager window and restart OracleAS Web Cache by clicking Restart on the Web Cache Manager Cache Operations page.

  9. Close the Web Cache Manager browser window and return to the Configure Web Application Web Caches page in the Grid Control Console. Starting and Stopping End-User Performance Monitoring

After you configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache for End-User Performance Monitoring, you can then start collecting end-user performance data:

  1. Navigate to the Web Application home page in the Grid Control Console and click Administration.

  2. Click Configure Web Application Web Caches in the Monitoring of End-User Response Time section of the page.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Configure Web Application Web Caches page.

  3. For the Web Cache you are using to improve the performance of your Web application, select the check box in the Collecting column of the table.

  4. In the Interval (minutes) column, enter the interval at which Enterprise Manager will collect performance data.

To stop collecting end-user performance data:

  1. Navigate to the Configure Web Application Web Caches page.

  2. Clear the check box in the Collecting column of the table and click Apply.

6.4.2 Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring Using Earlier Versions of Oracle Application Server Web Cache

If you are managing an earlier version of the Oracle Application Server using the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console, you can monitor your Web applications with End-User Performance Monitoring, but you cannot configure your Oracle Application Server Web Cache instance from within the Grid Control Console.

Instead, you configure End-User Performance Monitoring for Oracle Application Server Web Cache 9.0.2 and 9.0.3 by running the chronos_setup script on the computer that hosts your Oracle HTTP Server.


Before you can enable End-User Performance Monitoring, you should have already configured Transaction Performance Monitoring, as described in the section "Basic Configuration of Transaction Performance Monitoring".

In addition, the Oracle Application Server Web Cache instance you are using for your Web application must be included as a component of the Web Application target you created. About the chronos_setup Configuration Script

Before you begin, consider the following:

  • The chronos_setup script is installed in the bin directory of your Management Agent home when you install the Management Agent using the instructions in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic Configuration.

  • You must run the chronos_setup script as an operating system user with the privilege to write to the document root of your Oracle HTTP Server.

  • If you have trouble running the script, run it with no arguments to display the help text.

To enable End-User Performance Monitoring for Oracle Application Server Web Cache 9.0.2 or Oracle Application Server Web Cache 9.0.3, you must run the chronos_setup script three times, each time with a different argument:

  • Once to configure the document root for each Web server in your Web site

  • Once to configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache

  • Once to start collecting response time data

The following sections describe each step of enabling End-User Performance Monitoring for Oracle Application Server Web Cache 9.0.2 or Oracle Application Server Web Cache 9.0.3. Configuring the Document Root for Each Web Server

When you run the chronos_setup script with the webserver argument, the script:

  • Creates a new directory inside the document root. The directory is called:

  • Installs two files into the oracle_smp_chronos directory:


The oracle_smp_chronos.js must be installed in the document root of each Web server that serves content for your Web site.


If you have more than one document root, you must run the chronos_setup script on each document root.

For example, if Oracle Application Server Web Cache and your Web server are on different machines and an Oracle Management Agent is present on the Web server machine, you must run the chronos_setup script with the webserver option on the Web Server host to configure the document root for the remote Web server.

If Oracle Application Server Web Cache and your Web server are installed on different machines and you have no plans to install a Management Agent or to monitor the Web server, you will need to create a directory called oracle_smp_chronos under the Web server document root directory, and using FTP, place the oracle_smp_chronos.js file in the oracle_smp_chronos directory.

To configure the document root for each Web server:

  1. Change directory to the /bin directory in the Management Agent home directory.

    For example:

    $PROMPT> cd AGENT_HOME/bin
  2. Make sure you have write access to the Web server document root directory and then run the script as follows:

    $PROMPT> ./chronos_setup webserver location_of_the_webserver_DocumentRoot

    An example of a Document Root is as follows:


    To find the location of the document root:

    • Log in to the Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2) Enterprise Manager Web site and navigate to the Oracle HTTP Server Home Page. The document root is displayed in the General section of the HTTP Server Home Page.


    • Use a text editor or a command-line search utility to search for the term DocumentRoot in the following Oracle HTTP Server configuration file:

      $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf Configuring Oracle Application Server Web Cache for End-User Performance Monitoring

To configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache for End-User Performance Monitoring, you run the chronos_setup script with the webcache argument. The script sets up Oracle Application Server Web Cache for End-User Performance Monitoring, and stops and restarts Oracle Application Server Web Cache automatically.

To configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache for End-User Performance Monitoring:

  1. Make sure you have write access to the Oracle Application Server Web Cache directory.

    For example, if Web Cache is installed in an Oracle Application Server home directory, you will need access to the IAS_HOME/webcache directory.

  2. Change directory to the /bin directory in the Management Agent home directory.

    For example:

    $PROMPT> cd /private/agent_home/bin
  3. Run the script as follows:

    $PROMPT> ./chronos_setup webcache webcache_installation_directory


    After running chronos_setup, if you cannot restart Oracle Application Server Web Cache, back out of the configuration process by copying the following files back to their original name and location:
    • internal.xml<timestamp>

    • webcache.xml<timestamp> Starting End-User Performance Monitoring

To start End-User Performance Monitoring, you run the chronos_setup script with the collection argument. The script creates a collection file for the specified target and restarts the agent.

To start End-User Performance Monitoring:

  1. Log in as the user who installed the Management Agent so you have write access to the following directory:

  2. Change directory to the /bin directory in the Management Agent home directory.

    For example:

    $PROMPT> cd AGENT_HOME/bin
  3. Locate the name of the Oracle Application Server Web Cache target.

    You can locate the name of the target in one of three ways:

    • From the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console, locate the Oracle Application Server Web Cache target on the Targets tab. The name listed in the first column of the Target table is the name you must enter as an argument to the chronos_setup script. Note the use of spaces and underscores.

    • Search the contents of the targets.xml configuration file, which lists all the targets managed by the Management Agent. Locate the Oracle Application Server Web Cache entry in the file and use the NAME attribute for the Web Cache target. The targets.xml file is located in the following directory of the Management Agent home:

    • Use the emctl config agent listtargets command to list the target names and target types currently being monitored by the Management Agent.

  4. Start the collection for the Oracle Application Server Web Cache target by running the script as follows:

    $PROMPT> ./chronos_setup collection webcache_targetname


    If the name of the Oracle Application Server Web Cache target includes spaces, you must use quotation marks around the name.

    See Also:

    "Creating Web Application Targets" in the Enterprise Manager online help

6.4.3 Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring Using Standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache

Oracle Application Server Web Cache is available as a standalone download from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). The standalone version of Oracle Application Server Web Cache allows you to improve the performance and reliability of your Web server even if you are not using Oracle Application Server.

If you are using standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache with a third-party Web server, you can still manage Oracle Application Server Web Cache using the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console. As a result, you can also use End-User Performance Monitoring to monitor the Web applications that your users access through Oracle Application Server Web Cache.

Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring for standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache involves the following steps, which are described in the following sections: Installing Standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache

To install the standalone version of Oracle Application Server Web Cache:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):
  2. Locate and select the Oracle Application Server Web Cache download option and follow the links for your operating system.

  3. Use the instructions on the OTN Web site to download Oracle Application Server Web Cache.

  4. Use the instructions in the Web Cache readme file to install Oracle Application Server Web Cache in its own Oracle Home. Configuring Standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache

End-User Performance Monitoring uses data from Oracle Application Server Web Cache to gather statistics about the performance of pages within your Web applications. As a result, Enterprise Manager obtains End-User Performance Monitoring data only when Oracle Application Server Web Cache is configured to improve the performance and reliability of your Web server.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide for complete instructions for configuring Oracle Application Server Web Cache

Specifically, you must perform the following Oracle Application Server Web Cache configuration tasks:

  1. Change the default listening port of your HTTP Server (for example, 7777) to a new port number (for example, 7778) and restart the HTTP Server.

    See Also:

    "Specifying Listening Addresses and Ports" in the Enterprise Manager online help if you are using Oracle HTTP Server and managing the server with Enterprise Manager

    Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide for information about modifying the httpd.conf file if you are not managing the server with Enterprise Manager

  2. Start Oracle Application Server Web Cache and its administration tools.

  3. Configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache so it receives requests on the default port previously assigned to your Web server (for example, 7777).

  4. Configure Oracle Application Server Web Cache so it so it sends cache misses to your newly defined Web server default port number (for example, 7778), which is also referred to as the origin server.

  5. Create an Oracle Application Server Web Cache site and map the site to your origin server.

  6. Apply the changes and restart Oracle Application Server Web Cache.

  7. Test the installation to be sure Oracle Application Server Web Cache and your Web server are working properly. Enabling End-User Performance Monitoring for Standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache

After you have installed and configured Oracle Application Server Web Cache and tested the configuration to be sure your Web site data is being cached, you can then enable End-User Performance Monitoring.

The procedure for enabling End-User Performance Monitoring is similar to the procedures documented earlier in this chapter; however, the steps vary depending upon the version of standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache you are using.

To enable End-User Performance Monitoring for standalone Oracle Application Server Web Cache:

  1. Perform the basic configuration tasks to enable Transaction Performance Monitoring.

    Basic configuration of Transaction Performance Monitoring involves adding the Oracle Application Server Web Cache target and creating a Web Application target.

  2. Use the Oracle Application Server Web Cache Manager to configure End-User Performance Monitoring, and use the Grid Control to start End-User Performance Monitoring, as described in "Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring Using Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.4)".

6.4.4 Confirming that End-User Performance Monitoring is Enabled

When End-User Performance Monitoring is properly enabled, you will see response time data on the Page Performance tab of the Web Application home page as shown in Figure 6-2.

However, note that it may take some time for Enterprise Manager to gather and display the end-user monitoring data. You must also be sure that enough users are accessing your Web application so that enough end-user performance data can be gathered and stored in the Oracle Management Repository.

See Also:

"Verifying and Troubleshooting End-User Performance Monitoring" in the Enterprise Manager online help for more information about confirming that End-User Performance Monitoring is configured and operating correctly.

Figure 6-2 End-User Performance Data on the Web Application Home Page

Description of apm_eu_perf_tab.gif follows
Description of the illustration apm_eu_perf_tab.gif

6.5 Configuring OC4J for Middle-Tier URL Performance Monitoring

When combined with the tracing features of OC4J, Application Performance Management can gather critical middle-tier performance data about your Web application. Enterprise Manager displays this performance data on the Web Application Performance Page, just below the End-User Performance Monitoring data.

This feature can be instrumental when you are diagnosing application server and back-end performance issues.

See Also:

"About Monitoring Page Performance" in the Enterprise Manager online help

Before you can begin collecting middle-tier URL performance data and before this data can appear on the Web Application Page Performance page, you must first enable the logging and tracing capabilities of the OC4J instance that you used to deploy your application.

For more information, see the following:

6.5.1 Configuring OC4J Tracing for Middle-Tier URL Monitoring

To configure OC4J tracing so you can begin collecting middle-tier URL performance data:

  1. Navigate to the Web Application home page and click Administration.

  2. Click Configure Web Application OC4Js.

    Enterprise Manager displays the Configure Web Application OC4Js page.

  3. For the OC4J instance that you used to deploy your application, select the check box in the Collecting column.

  4. In the Interval (minutes) column, enter the interval at which to collect OC4J tracing data.

    The recommended interval setting is 60 minutes.

  5. Click Enable Logging.

    Enterprise Manager opens another browser window and displays the Tracing Properties page for the OC4J instance in the Application Server Control.

    If you are prompted to log in to the Application Server Control Console, enter the credentials for the ias_admin adminstrator's account.

  6. Select the following options on the Tracing Properties page:

    • Enable JDBC/SQL Performance Details

    • Enable Interactive Trace

    • Enable Historical Trace

    You can use the default values for most of the tracing properties. However, Oracle recommends that you set the Frequency to Generate Trace File (seconds) field to 3600 seconds (equivalent to 60 minutes).


    Modifying the value in the Trace File Directory field is not supported.

  7. Click Apply.

    If this is the first time you are enabling OC4J tracing for this application server, Enterprise Manager displays a message stating that the transtrace application is being deployed. The Application Server Control then prompts you to restart the OC4J instance.

  8. Click Yes to restart the instance and enable the tracing properties.

  9. Return to the Grid Control Console.

    Middle-Tier Performance data should begin to appear on the Web Application Page Performance page as soon as data for the OC4J instance is collected and uploaded into the Management Repository.

6.5.2 Additional Configuration for Monitoring UIX Applications

If you used Oracle User Interface XML (UIX) to build your application, there is an additional configuration step you must perform before you can monitor the middle-tier URLs of your application.

See Also:

Your JDeveloper documentation for information on using UIX to develop Web applications

Before you can monitor the middle-tier URLs of your UIX application, you must do the following:

  1. Enable tracing for the OC4J instance you used to deploy your application, as described in "Configuring OC4J Tracing for Middle-Tier URL Monitoring".

  2. Locate the following configuration file in the Application Server home directory where you deployed your UIX application:


    For example, if you deployed your application in the OC4J instance called "home," locate the following configuration file:

  3. Open the file using your favorite text editor and add the following line to the end of the file:

  4. oracle.dms.transtrace.dollarstrippingenabled=true
  5. Save your changes and close the file.

  6. Restart the OC4J instance.