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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration
10g Release 1 (10.1)
Part No. B12013-03
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9 Reconfiguring the Management Agent and Management Service

This chapter describes how to reconfigure Enterprise Manager if you later revisit your configuration decisions after you have installed the software.

This chapter contains the following sections:

9.1 Reconfiguring the Oracle Management Agent

The following sections describe reconfiguration and tuning changes you can make to the Management Agent after you have installed Enterprise Manager. Refer to the following sections for more information:

9.1.1 Configuring the Management Agent to Use a New Management Service

When you install the Management Agent on a managed host, you associate the Agent with a particular Management Service. The Management Agent uses the Management Service URL address and port to identify and communicate with the Management Service.

After you install the Management Agent, you can later reconfigure the Management Agent so it is associated with a different Management Service. Reconfiguring the Agent requires no changes to the Management Service. The reconfigured Agent will begin communicating with the new Management Service after the Agent is restarted.

To associate the Management Agent with a new Management Service after you have installed the Agent:

  1. Stop the Management Agent.

  2. Locate the file in the Agent home directory:

  3. Use a text editor to open the file and locate the REPOSITORY_URL property.

  4. Modify the value for the REPOSITORY_URL property so it references the new Management Service.

    For example:

  5. Modify the value for the emdWalletSrcUrl and emdWalletDest properties so they reference the new Management Service and the new Oracle home path, respectively:

    For example, if the new Management Service is on a host called and the new Oracle home is /private/oracle/em10g, modify the properties as follows:

  6. Save your changes and close the file.

  7. Delete all the files in the following directories:

  8. Restart the Management Agent.

9.1.2 Changing the Management Agent Port

The Oracle Management Agent uses a predefined port number to receive requests from the Management Service. This port number is defined by default when you install the Agent on a managed host. If you later need to modify this port, you can use the following procedure. You might need to modify this port number if you have existing software that uses the default Agent port.

To change the Management Agent port:

  1. Stop the Management Agent.

  2. Locate the file in the Agent home directory:

  3. Use a text editor to open the file and locate the EMD_URL property.

    For example:

  4. Modify the port number in the EMD_URL property so the Agent uses a new unused port on the managed host.

    For example:

  5. Start the Management Agent.

9.1.3 Controlling the Amount of Disk Space Used by the Management Agent

Oracle designed the Management Agent to work within a set of disk space limits. These limits prevent the Management Agent from using too much disk space and causing performance or resource issues on your enterprise systems. However, if disk space becomes an issue, you can adjust the default settings that are used to control the amount of disk space used by the Management Agent.

As the Management Agent on a particular host gathers management data about the targets on the host, it saves the collected data on the local disk until the data is uploaded to the Management Repository. The agent saves this collected data and metadata in the following directory:


By default, the Management Agent will save up to 50MB of collected data in the upload directory. If the amount of collected data exceeds 50MB, data collection is stopped temporarily until the data is uploaded to the repository and more disk space becomes available.

In addition, the Management Agent checks to be sure that the percentage of disk space currently in use on the local disk does not exceed 98 percent. If the this value is exceeded, the Management Agent stops collected data and stops saving information to the Management Agent log and trace files.

You can modify these default settings as follows:

  1. Stop the Management Agent.

  2. Locate the file in the Agent home directory:

  3. Use a text editor to open the file and modify the entries shown in Table 9-1.

  4. Save your changes and exit the file.

  5. Restart the Management Agent.

Table 9-1 Properties for Controlling the Disk Space Used by the Management Agent

Property Explanation
UploadMaxBytesXML Use this property in the file to specify the maximum number of megabytes (MB) used by the collected data in the Management Agent upload directory. When this limit is exceeded, the Management Agent will stop collecting additional management data until the next upload to the repository reduces the amount of collected data in the upload directory.
UploadMaxDiskUsedPct Use this property in the file to specify the maximum percentage of disk space that can be in use on the local disk before the Management Agent temporarily stops collecting additional data and stops saving information to the Management Agent log and trace files.

The Management Agent will be begin collecting data again when the percentage of disk space in use falls to less than the percentage specified in the UploadMaxDiskUsedPctFloor property in the file.

9.1.4 About the Management Agent Watchdog Process

The Oracle Management Agent is the Enterprise Manager component that gathers the data you need to manage your enterprise efficiently. As a result, Enterprise Manager includes software that keeps track of the Management Agent processes and makes sure the Management Agent stays running.

For example, if the Management Agent quits unexpectedly, this self-monitoring process—referred to as the watchdog process—will restart the Management Agent automatically.

In most situations, the watchdog process works in the background and requires no configuration or maintenance. The watchdog process is controlled by the emwd script located in the following directory of the Management Agent home directory:


You can identify the watchdog process by using the following command UNIX systems:

$PROMPT> ps -ef | grep emwd

9.1.5 Setting the Management Agent Time Zone

In today's global economy, it is not uncommon for the systems you manage to reside in multiple locations throughout the world. For example, if your company headquarters are in New Hampshire, USA, you may need to manage systems that reside in California, Canada, and in Europe.

As Enterprise Manager collects monitoring data from Management Agents running on these remote systems, it is important that the data is correlated accurately. A software failure on a machine in Ontario, Canada might be the cause of a performance problem on a machine in Hoboken, New Jersey.

To correlate this data, it is important that Enterprise Manager obtains the correct time zone for each Management Agent that you install. The following sections describe how the Management Agent obtains the time zone and how to correct the problem if the time zone for a Management Agent is incorrect: Understanding How the Management Agent Obtains Time Zone Information

When you install the Management Agent, the software attempts to obtain the current time zone of the host computer. If successful, the installation procedure updates the agentTZRegion property setting in the following configuration file:


The agentTZRegion property can be set to any of the values listed in the following file, which is installed in the Management Agent home directory:

AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/suportedtzs.lst Troubleshooting Management Agent Time Zone Problems

Sometimes, during the Management Agent installation, the time zone detected by the Agent configuration tool is not recognized by the Management Agent. In other words, the time zone obtained by the configuration tool is not listed in the Management Agent list of supported time zones.

This problem prevents the Management Agent from starting and results in the an error similar to the following:

Could not determine agent time zone. Please refer to to the file:
ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/supportedtzs.lst and pick a timezone region with a
standard offset of +5:0 from GMT and update the property 'agentTZRegion' in the
file: ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/

This error appears in one of the log files shown in Table 9-2, depending upon which Enterprise Manager product you are using.

Table 9-2 Location of Time Zone Error in the Enterprise Manager Log Files

If you are using... Look for the Time Zone Error in This File...
Grid Control Console
Application Server Control Console
Database Control Console

See Also:

"Locating and Configuring Management Agent Log and Trace Files" for more information about the Oracle Management Agent log files

To configure the Management Agent to use a valid time zone:

  1. Enter the following command in the Management Agent home directory to identify the time zone currently being used by the host computer:

    AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl config agent getTZ
  2. Note the time zone that is returned by this emctl config agent getTZ command.

    This is the time zone of the host computer.

  3. Use a to open the following file in the Management Agent home directory:


    This file contains a list of all the time zones supported by the Management Agent.

  4. Browse the contents of the supportedtzs.lst file and note the supported time zone closest to the time zone of the host computer.

  5. Use a text editor to open the following Management Agent configuration file:

  6. Locate the following property near the end of the file:

  7. Set the value of this property to the time zone you identified as closest the host time zone in the supportedtzs.lst file.

    For example:

  8. Save your changes and close the file.

    You should now be able to start the Management Agent without generating the error in the log file. Troubleshooting Oracle Management Service Time Zone Problems

Section describes how to correct potential problems that result when the Management Agent cannot determine the proper time zone. Similar problems can occur when the Management Agent finds the correct time zone, but the time zone is not recognized by the the Management Service or the database where the Management Repository resides.

When the Management Service does not recognize the time zone established by the Management Agent, Enterprise Manager generates the following error:

OMS does not understand the timezone region of the agent.
Either start the OMS using the extended list of time zones supported by 
the database or pick a value of time zone from
ORACLE_HOME/emdw/sysman/admin/nsupportedtzs.lst, update the property 'agentTZRegion' in the file
ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/ and restart the agent.
A value which is around an offset of  -05:00 from GMT should be picked.

This error appears in one of the log files shown in Table 9-2, depending upon which Enterprise Manager product you are using.

There are two ways to correct this problem:

  • Restart the Management Repository database using the more extensive list of time zones in the timezlrg.dat database configuration file, and then start the Management Agent.

    See Also:

    "Specifying the Database Time Zone File" in the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

  • Specify a new time zone for the Management Agent that the Management Repository database will recognize.

    See Also:

    "Troubleshooting Management Agent Time Zone Problems" for instructions on changing the time zone assigned to the Management Agent

9.2 Reconfiguring the Oracle Management Service

The following sections describe configuration changes you can make to the Management Service after you install Enterprise Manager:

9.2.1 Configuring the Management Service to Use a New Repository

When you install and deploy the Management Service, you associate the Management Service with a Management Repository. The Management Service uses the database host, database system identifier (SID), database port, management user, and management password to identify and communicate with the Repository.

This repository information is stored in the file, which can be found in the following directory of the Oracle Application Server Home where the Oracle Management Service is installed and deployed:


The following sections describe how to modify the repository information in the file and provide details about how Enterprise Manager keeps the Management Repository password secure. Changing the Repository Properties in the File

To associate the Oracle Management Service with a new repository, you must modify the repository properties saved in the configuration file:

  1. Stop the Management Service.

  2. Locate the file in the following directory of the Oracle Application Server Home where you installed and deployed the Management Service:

  3. Edit the file by updating the appropriate values for the properties described in Table 9-3.

    shows sample entries in the file.

  4. Restart the Management Service.

Table 9-3 Repository Properties in the File

Property Description
emdRepUser The Management Repository user name. The default value is SYSMAN.
emdRepPwd The Management Repository password. The default value is sysman, but when you open the file you will notice that the value for this property is an encrypted string.

Remove the encrypted string and enter the management password for the new Management Repository.

emdRepSID The System Identifier (SID) for the database where the Management Repository schema resides.
emdRepServer The name of the server or host computer where the repository database resides.
emdRepPort The port number for the repository database.
emdRepPwdEncrypted This property must be set to FALSE so you can manually modify the management password (emdRepPwd) property.

For more information, see "About Changing the Repository Password".

Example 9-1 Sample Repository Properties in the File

oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPort=1521 About Changing the Repository Password

For security reasons, the password stored in the file is encrypted as soon as you start the Management Service. For this reason, when you edit the file after the Management Service has been started at least once, you will notice that the emdRepPwdEncrypted property is set to TRUE.

As a result, to modify the repository password, you must do the following:

  1. Stop the Management Service.

  2. Open the file.

  3. Change the emdRepPwdEncrypted property to FALSE.

  4. Change the emdRepPwd property to the new password.

  5. Save the changes and close the file.

  6. Restart the Management Service.

    When the Management Service starts, it opens the file, encrypts the password, and changes the emdRepPwdEncrypted property to TRUE.

9.2.2 Configuring the Management Service to Use a New Port

When you install the Management Service, the port number for the Management Service is automatically set to 4889. The following procedure describes how to manually change the port number after the Enterprise Manager installation. For example, you will have to modify the port number if you attempt to install two Oracle Management Services on the same host computer.

To change the default Management Service port:

  1. Stop the Management Service.

  2. Locate the following httpd_em.conf file located in the following directory in the Oracle Application Server home directory where you installed and deployed the Management Service:

  3. Open the http_em.conf file with a text editor and change all occurrences of 4889 to the new port number you want to use.

  4. Save and close the http_em.conf file.

  5. Locate the file in the same sysman/config directory.

  6. Open the file with a text editor and change the following entry so it references the new port number of the Management Service:

  7. Restart the Management Service.

  8. Reconfigure each Agent on your managed hosts to use the new management port.