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Oracle® Application Server Certificate Authority Administrator's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14080-01
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E Enabling SSL and PKI on SSO

The procedures in this Appendix are all the necessary and advisable steps for enabling SSL and PKI on OracleAS Single Sign-On as of OracleAS 10g Release 2 (10.1.2). Detailed descriptions with additional context explanations appear in the following manuals:

By default, OracleAS Single Sign-On authentication is based on user name and password. OracleAS Single Sign-On can be configured to authenticate each user based on that user's certificate. Although the configuration steps are already documented in OracleAS Single Sign-On and OHS documentation, they are scattered in many places. For user convenience, these steps are combined in this Appendix.Three separate steps are needed to configure this feature: enable SSL for OracleAS Single Sign-On server, configure OracleAS Single Sign-On to use certificates, and register OCA with the SSL-enabled OracleAS Single Sign-On server.Notes: This document applies to both UNIX and WINDOWS platforms, except that for WINDOWS, the path separator should be '\', instead of '/'.

To achieve the objective of enabling SSL and PKI on OracleAS Single Sign-On, you must complete three sets of procedures:

Enabling SSL on SSO

For this section, the ORACLE_HOME to use is the location where the OracleAS Single Sign-On server is installed.

  1. Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file:

  2. Search for ' id="HTTP_Server"', and then, four lines down, change the following line:

    <data id="start-mode value="ssl-disabled">

    to read instead as follows:

    <data id="start-mode value="ssl-enabled">
  3. Restart opmn using the new xml file:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload
  4. Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.conf file:

  5. On the line before </VirtualHost>, add the following:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteOptions inherit
  6. Disable the SSL session cache to force SSL to perform a handshake when logging out of OracleAS Single Sign-On, as follows:

    Comment out the SSLSessionCache and SSLSessionCacheTimeout directives in ssl.conf.sec:

    # SSLSessionCache
    # SSLSessionCacheTimeout 15

    Then add the following line:

    SSLSessionCache none
  7. Update the wallet. If OCA was installed in the same machine, you can use OCA's SSL wallet for the OracleAS Single Sign-On server.

    If not, you need to use Oracle Wallet Manager to generate a wallet for the OracleAS Single Sign-On server: see its documentation in the Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide.

    Typically an existing SSL wallet generated by OCA is located in /app/oracle/oca/wallet/ssl. Locate the SSLWallet directive in this file (ssl.conf) and comment it out:

    # SSLWallet file:/app/oracle/product/sec_inf/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.wlt/default

    and insert a new one that reads as follows:

    SSLWallet file:/app/oracle/oca/wallet/ssl
  8. Set client authentication by commenting out the following line:

    # SSLVerifyClient require

    and inserting a new one that reads as follows:

    SSLVerifyClient optional
  9. Reconfigure the OracleAS Single Sign-On server to use the SSL port. The command form is:

    $ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ https  hostname  ohs_ssl_port

    So if the hostname is and ohs_ssl_port is 4443, then the command becomes the following line:

    $ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ https 4443
  10. Register mod_osso for sso by running the following command in the Oracle Home where OracleAS Single Sign-On was installed:

    -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME   -site_name sso   -config_mod_osso TRUE
    –update_mode CREATE   -u root 


    For Windows, the command is:
    -oracle_home_path orcl_home_path
    -site_name site_name
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url
    -u userid
    -update_mode CREATE

  11. Restart OHS for OracleAS Single Sign-On by running the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc type=ohs

Enabling PKI on SSO

For this section, the ORACLE_HOME to use is the location where the OracleAS Single Sign-On server is installed.

The steps listed below enable PKI on OracleAS Single Sign-On.

  1. Edit $ORACLE_HOME/sso/conf/ to set the default authentication level to High and to set the correct corresponding plugin, as follows:

    DefaultAuthLevel = MediumHighSecurity
    MediumHighSecurity_AuthPlugin =

  2. Configure OCA to use username and password for provisioning, using lines of the following form:

    MediumSecurity_AuthPlugin =
    Oca_hostname\:port = MediumSecurity

  3. For example, if the Oca_hostname is and the OCA port is 4400, then the above line becomes the following:\:4400=MediumSecurity

  4. With these options all set, a user logging in to any partner application is required to have a certificate, except for OCA, where he can get a certificate.

    Restart the OracleAS Single Sign-On server using the following commands:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc  process-type=OC4J_SECURITY
    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc  process-type=OC4J_SECURITY

Re-registering OCA's Virtual Host with the SSL-Enabled SSO

For this section, the ORACLE_HOME to use is the location where OCA is installed.

Each time the administrator enables the OracleAS Single Sign-On server to use SSL, the OCA virtual host must be re-registered with the SSL-enabled OracleAS Single Sign-On server. All OracleAS Single Sign-On-using applications must do so. Re-registration is done by using the single sign-on registration tool, ossoreg.jar. OCA's use of this tool is explained here; its general use for all Single Sign-On enabled applications is explained in Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide.

  1. Re-register mod_osso for OCA by running the following command:

    -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME -site_name oca -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url  -u root 
    -config_file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/oca/osso.conf

    Running this tool on the machine hosting the OracleAS Single Sign-On server generates OCA's mod_osso record in the osso.conf file, reflecting SSL settings on the single sign-on server.

  2. Restart OHS for OCA by running the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc type=ohs

Example of Re-Registration OCA

Suppose that the OCA host name is and the OCA server authentication port is 4400. The following steps accomplish the re-registration:

  1. Use these two commands to set the variables to be used by the actual command (in step 2):

    setenv ORACLE_HOME /sso_server/oracle_home


    For Bourne and ksh shells, these setenv commands would instead be:
    ORACLE_HOME=/private/oracle/gitm1; export ORACLE_HOME

  2. Using these variables as set, the actual command would be as follows (although on a single line):

    -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME -site_name "my_oca_site_name" 
    -config_mod_osso TRUE  -mod_osso_url
    -u root -config_file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/oca/osso.conf


    For Windows, the commands are:
    set ORACLE_HOME=c:\sso_server\oracle_home
    -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME
    -site_name "my_oca_site_name"
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -u SYSTEM 
    -config_file $ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\osso\oca\osso.conf