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Oracle® Identity Management Application Developer's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14087-01
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4 Developing Provisioning-Integrated Applications

This chapter explains how to develop applications that can use the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service, a component of Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning. These applications can be either legacy or third-party applications that are based on the Oracle platform.

This chapter contains these topics:

4.1 Introduction to the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service

A big challenge in directory administration is managing provisioning information for the myriad accounts and applications that each user may need. For example, adding a user to an information system typically requires a substantial amount of application provisioning. It can include setting up an e-mail account, which in turn has specific settings for a mail quota, some default folders, and perhaps some distribution lists. If there are other connectivity applications that the user needs, then managing that user's accounts and personal profile can be overwhelming for a large enterprise. To meet this challenge, the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service provides a platform for integrating applications. It enables you to add a user seamlessly to many key systems in just one step.

The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service serves as a passthrough for user account information. Rather than provisioning a user with each individual application, you simply register applications with the provisioning service. This enables them to send provisioning information directly to Oracle Internet Directory and receive information from it. Users can then be provisioned at once for a default set of integrated applications. In this way, the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service eliminates redundant processing for each individual application.

In addition to a default set of provisioning events defined during installation, Oracle Internet Directory can define new events and propagate them appropriately to applications that subscribe to those events. The ability to both send and receive these provisioning events provides for seamless management of user accounts.

4.2 Developing Provisioning-Integrated Applications

Applications integrated with the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service can be either legacy or third-party applications based on the Oracle platform. Once it has registered with Oracle Internet Directory, an application can send and receive provisioning information to and from the directory.

To integrate an application with the directory provisioning integration service, you follow these general steps, each of which is explained more fully later in this chapter:

The section that follows uses a sample application to show how these steps are implemented.

4.2.1 Example of a Provisioning-Integrated Application

This example of a provisioning-integrated application is called Employee Self Service Application (ESSA). In this discussion, the terms "user" and "identity" are used interchangeably. Requirements of the Employee Self Service Application

This application requires that its entire user base be managed from Oracle Internet Directory. The application administrator creates, modifies, and deletes identities in Oracle Internet Directory. The identity information is propagated to the application as an event, namely, IDENTITY_ADD.

Although the application creates the identity as user data, this is not sufficient to authorize the employee to access the application. The presence of the identity in Oracle Internet Directory only facilitates a global login. The application must discover whether a particular identity is authorized to access the application. This is achieved by subscribing the identity for that application, a task that the application administrator can do. This subscribing triggers another event from Oracle Internet Directory to the application—namely, SUBSCRIPTION_ADD—indicating that the identity has now been subscribed in Oracle Internet Directory to use that application. The application can then query the directory to check whether a particular user is present in the application subscription lists before allowing the user access to the application.

In this example, the events for this application are received from Oracle Internet Directory. The application itself does not send any events to the directory. It could, however, also send events to Oracle Internet Directory. To do this, the application identity needs more directory privileges for the various operations that it wants to perform on the directory. This is explained in "Determining Provisioning Mode for the Employee Self Service Application".

The steps are as follows:

  1. A user is added in Oracle Internet Directory through either the Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console or some other means such as synchronization from third party sources or through command-line tools. The user information must be placed in the appropriate identity management realm.

  2. The IDENTITY_ADD event is propagated from Oracle Internet Directory to the application. This assumes that the application subscribed to the IDENTITY_ADD event during creation of the provisioning subscription profile.

  3. On receiving the event, the application adds this identity to its database. In this example, however, this does not mean that the user is authorized to access the application. An additional event is required to subscribe the user as an authorized user of that application.

  4. In Oracle Internet Directory, the user is subscribed to the application by using Oracle Delegated Administration Services.

  5. The SUBSCRIPTION_ADD event is propagated from Oracle Internet Directory to the application. This assumes that the application subscribed to the SUBSCRIPTION_ADD event during creation of the provisioning subscription profile.

  6. On receiving this event, the application updates the identity record in its database indicating that this is also an authorized user. Registering the Employee Self Service Application in Oracle Internet Directory

The application must register itself as an application entity with its own identity entry in Oracle Internet Directory. You can decide which realm to create the application identity in, as long as that realm is a well-known location in the DIT. To create the necessary DIT elements in Oracle Internet Directory, you must follow a template described in this chapter.

The Oracle Context of the identity management realm has a container for the various application footprints. That container is: cn=products,cn=oraclecontext,identity_management_realm_DN.

If the application is meant for only one realm, then Oracle Corporation recommends that you create the application identity DN in this form: orclApplicationName=application_ name,cn=application_ type,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext,identity_management_realm_DN. The cn=application_type element is called the application container.

If the application is meant for multiple realms, you can create the application identity in the root Oracle Context, namely, cn=products,cn=oraclecontext.

In this example, the location and the content of the entry are as follows:

dn: \ orclApplicationCommonName=ESSA,cn=demoApps,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,o=ACME, dc=com
orclapplicationcommonname: ESSA
orclappfullname: Employee Self Service Application
userpassword: welcome123
description: This is an sample application for demonstration.
orclaci: access to entry by group="cn=odisgroup,cn=odi,cn=oracle internet direct
ory" (proxy) 
objectclass: orclApplicationEntity

In this example, the application type or application container is demoApps. The application name is ESSA.

All directory operations must be done on the behalf of the application by the provisioning server. Because the server does not have privileges to send or consume events under the domain, it must process events by impersonating the application identity. This, in turn, requires that the server be given the proxy privilege. In this example, it is assumed that the application identity already has the necessary privileges. Identifying the Management Context for the Employee Self Service Application

All identity management realms are generally present under the identity management realm base in the root Oracle Context. The application must be provisioned for the appropriate realm—that is, proper privileges must be assigned to this application identity so that it can administer its information under this realm. In this example, let us assume that the appropriate realm is o=ACME,dc=com. Determining Provisioning Mode for the Employee Self Service Application

You must decide whether the application only receives events or whether it also sends them to Oracle Internet Directory. The mode can be one of the following:

  • INBOUND: from the application to Oracle Internet Directory

  • OUTBOUND: from Oracle Internet Directory to the application

  • BOTH

The default mode is OUTBOUND.

In this example, because the application is interested in only receiving events from Oracle Internet Directory, we specify the events as OUTBOUND only. Determining Events for the Employee Self Service Application

During installation, a fixed set of events is predefined. You can define new events at runtime, but they can be propagated in the outbound mode only. The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service can process only a fixed set of predefined events for the inbound mode.

In this example, we do not need to define any new events. The following events in Oracle Internet Directory must be propagated to our sample application:

  • Identity creation (IDENTITY_ADD)

  • Identity modification (IDENTITY_MODIFY)

  • Identity employee deletion (IDENTITY_DELETE)

  • Identity subscription addition (SUBSCRIPTION_ADD)

  • Identity subscription modification (SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFY)

  • Identity subscription deletion (SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE) Provisioning the Employee Self Service Application for an Identity Management Realm

This is the most important step. It involves assigning the proper privileges to the application identity in the identity management realm. These privileges enable the application to read and apply the various events from Oracle Internet Directory and to send change events to Oracle Internet Directory. Inbound events, which result in modifying Oracle Internet Directory, require more privileges.

Generally, predefined groups are created when the identity management realm is created. The groups have different privileges as described in this section.

The following template describes all the appropriate ACLs required for an application to send or receive provisioning events.

The application identity must be added to the appropriate group, but this, in turn, depends on the privileges it requires. For example, if an application is interested only in receiving events from Oracle Internet Directory, then it does not need to be added to groups that can create or modify entries in this realm.

The template accepts a few variables. Once the variables are instantiated, the template becomes a proper LDIF file that can be executed against Oracle Internet Directory. You can adjust the variables according to the needs of your deployment.

In this example, the identity management realm is o=ACME,dc=com. The template of the LDIF file looks like this:

# This creates The Application Identity subtree 
# The following variables are used :
# (Some of them are OPTIONAL where the values oidprov tool can get  default  # values if not supplied.)
# %s_IdentityRealm% : Identity Realm DN: 
# (MANDATORY: This is the domain in which all the related users and groups are
# present. If Default Identity Realm needs to be used, 
# it can be queried in a directory install.                                  
# This value is stored in the root Oracle Context of the directory.
# The value  is  stored  in the 'orcldefaultsubscriber'                                 
# attribute in 'dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext')
#  %s_AppType% : Application Type (e.g EBusiness) 
#                       (MANDATORY : Name of the suite  )
#  %s_AppName% : Application Name (e.g HRMS,Financials,Manufacturing)
#                       (MANDATORY: Name of the Application in the suite.)
#  %s_SvcType% : Service Type (e.g Ebusiness) 
#                       (MANDATORY : Alias for name of suite. 
#                                   This value can be be same as %s_AppType%)
#  %s_SvcName% : Service Name (e.g HRMS,Financials,Manufacturing)
#                       (MANDATORY : Alias for name of Application.
#                                   This value can be same as %s_AppName%)
#  %s_AppURL% : Application URL if any. (set it to 'NULL' if there is nothing.)
# Apart from these variables this LDIF templates would also need the following 
# information to load this data to Oracle Internet Directory:
#  LDAP_HOST :  directory server hostname
#  LDAP_PORT :  directory server port number
#  BINDDN    :  cn=orcladmin
#  BINDPASSWD:  Password for orcladmin
# After replacing the variables in the template this data can be loaded into the 
# directory by running the following command:
#  ldapmodify -h %LDAP_HOST% -p %LDAP_PORT% -D %BINDDN% \
#  -w %BINDPWD% -f <this_template_file_name>

# First we create the Application container. This needs to be created just once 
# initially. If this container is existing  because some application was  
# already created using this template, please remove this entry 
# from the template/LDIF file.

dn: cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: add
cn: %s_AppType%
objectclass: orclContainer

# The application identity needs to created next. This is under the Applications 
# container. This object is of type "orclApplicationEntity"

dn: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,
changetype: add
orclapplicationcommonname: %s_AppName%
orclaci: access to entry by group="cn=odisgroup,cn=odi,cn=oracle internet directory"  
objectclass: orclApplicationEntity

# The following ACLs are for giving privileges to the application entities for 
# adding/modifying/deleting users in the relevant realm.

# All members of the group represented by this DN are allowed to create users 
# in the relevant realm:

dn: cn=OracleDASCreateUser,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,

# All members of the group represented by this DN are allowed to delete users in 
# the relevant realm:

dn: cn=OracleDASDeleteUser,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,

# All members of the group represented by this DN are allowed to edit users in the 
# relevant realm:

dn: cn=OracleDASEditUser,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,

# All members of the group represented by this DN are allowed to create groups in # the relevant realm:

dn: cn=OracleDASCreateGroup,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,

# All members of the group represented by this DN are allowed to delete groups in # the relevant realm:

dn: cn=OracleDASDeleteGroup,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,

# All members of the group represented by this DN are allowed to edit groups in
# the relevant realm:

dn: cn=OracleDASEditGroup,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,

# The container is being created to hold the various subscription lists of the 
# application for this realm. This container will hold lots of subscription
# information and resides just under the application identity.

dn: cn=subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,
changetype: add
cn: subscriptions
objectclass: orclContainer

# The following is the group that will hold administrators DNs for managing 
# subscription lists for this application. The application identity should also be 
# in this list and will be added here.

dn: cn=Subscription_Admins,cn=Subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
changetype: add
cn: Subscription_Admins
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectclass: orclACPGroup
objectclass: orclprivilegegroup

# The following is the group that will hold DNs of users who can just view the 
# subscription lists for this application. The application identity should also be 
# in this list and will be added here.

dn: cn=Subscription_Viewers,cn=Subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
changetype: add
cn: Subscription_Viewers
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectclass: orclACPGroup
objectclass: orclprivilegegroup

# The following is just a container for the actual subscription lists.

dn: cn=subscription_data,cn=subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
changetype: add
cn: subscription_data
objectclass: orclContainer

# The following is a sample subscription list. We are calling it "cn=ACCOUNTS" 
# since it signifies accounts in the application.

dn: cn=ACCOUNTS,cn=subscription_data,cn=subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: add
uniquemember: cn=orcladmin
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectclass: orclGroup

# The following is a container for the service instance entries in the Root Oracle   
# Context. An application publishes itself as a service by creating
# a service instance entry under this container. These service 
# instance entries are created outside any realm and in the root Oracle Context.

dn: cn=%s_SvcType%,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
cn: %s_SvcType%
objectclass: orclContainer

# The following is a container for the service instance entries in the Root Oracle  
# Context for that service type.

dn: cn=ServiceInstances,cn=%s_SvcType%,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
cn: ServiceInstances
objectclass: orclContainer

# The following is a service instance entry. An application publishes itself as a  
# service by creating this service instance. 

dn: cn=%s_SvcName,cn=ServiceInstances,%,cn=%s_SvcType%,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
cn: %s_SvcName%
orclServiceType: %s_SvcType%
presentationAddress: %s_AppURL%
objectclass: orclServiceInstance

# The following is a container for service instance reference entry that resides
# in the relevant realm.

dn: cn=%s_SvcType%,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: add
cn: %s_SvcType%
objectclass: orclContainer

# It is a reference entry which actually points to the actual service instance  
# entry as well as to the subscription list container for the application.

dn: cn=%s_SvcName%,cn=%s_SvcType%,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%
changetype: add
cn: %s_SvcName%
description: Link To the Actual Subscription Location for the Application and the actual Service instance.
orclServiceInstanceLocation: cn=%s_SvcName%,cn=%s_SvcType%,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
orclServiceSubscriptionLocation: cn=subscription_data,cn=subscriptions,
objectclass: orclServiceInstanceReference

# This LDIF operation gives appropriate privileges to the subscription admin and  
# subscription viewers group. The groups have already been created.

dn: cn=subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,cn=%s_AppType%,cn=Products,
changetype: modify
replace: orclaci
orclaci: access to entry by group="cn=Subscription_Admins,cn=Subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
 cn=%s_AppType%,cn=products,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%" (browse,add,delete) by  group="cn=Subscription_Viewers,cn=Subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
 cn=%s_AppType%,cn=products,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%" (browse) 
orclaci: access to attr=(*) by group="cn=Subscription_Admins,cn=Subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
 cn=%s_AppType%,cn=products,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%" (search,read,write,compare) by  group="cn=Subscription_Viewers,cn=Subscriptions,orclApplicationCommonName=%s_AppName%,
 cn=%s_AppType%,cn=products,cn=OracleContext,%s_IdentityRealm%" (search,read,compare) Determining Scheduling Parameters for the Employee Self Service Application

The scheduling interval determines how often the provisioning servers send or receive events. The server sends or receives events, and, when it has finished sending or receiving all of them, it sleeps for a period specified in seconds in the scheduling interval. The number of events it can send or receive at one time is dictated by the ÒMaximum Events per ScheduleÓ parameter.

Let us assume that we need events to be propagated every two minutes, and a maximum of 100 events each time.

Use the following to determine the interface connection information:

  • Interface Type: This is the event propagation medium. Currently, only PL/SQL is supported.

  • Interface Name: This is the name of the PL/SQL package that the application must implement and that the provisioning server invokes to send and receive events. For our sample application. let us assume ESSA_INTF to be the interface name.

  • Interface Connection information: This is used by the server to connect to the application database to invoke the PL/SQL interface.

The connection information is in this format:

Database Host: Listener Port: Database SID: DB Account: Password

For a high-availability, RAC-enabled database, the connection information should be in this format:

Database Host: Listener Port: Service Name: DB Account: Password; Database Host: Listener Port: Service Name: DB Account: Password; Database Host: Listener Port: Service Name: DB Account: Password

The entire string should be specified in one line as a single value.

For our sample application, the connection information is:

localhost: 1521: iasdb : scott : tiger

The Oracle directory integration and provisioning server uses JDBC to connect to the application database using the connect information provided, and then invokes the PL/SQL APIs to propagate or receive events. Determining the Interface Connection Information for the Employee Self Service Application

Use the following to determine the interface connection information:

  • Interface Type: This is the event propagation medium. Currently only PL/SQL is supported.

  • Interface Name: This is the name of the PL/SQL package that the application must implement and that the provisioning server invokes to send and receive events. For our sample application, let us assume that ESSA_INTF is the interface name.

  • Interface Connection information: This is used by the server to connect to the application database to invoke the PL/SQL interface.

The following types of Database connection formats are supported:

  • Database Host: Listener Port: Database SID: DB Account: Password. This is the old format, which is still supported. Nevertheless, do not use it because SID support might soon be obsolete. In this case, the provisioning server uses JDBC thin driver to connect. For example:

    localhost: 1521: iasdb: scott: tiger
  • Database Host: Listener Port: DB Service Name: DB Account: Password. This is recommended. In this case, the provisioning server uses JDBC thin driver to connect. For example:

    localhost: 1521: iasdb: scott: tiger
  • For a database configured for active failover clusters, the connection information should be in one of the following two formats:


    In this case, the provisioning server uses JDBC OCI (thick) driver to connect. The net service name needs to be defined in the local tnsnames.ora file on which the provisioning server is running.


    In this case, the provisioning server uses JDBC thin driver to connect. Database Registration should already have occurred in the directory. the driver connects to the directory using the directory host and port. It retrieves the database connect information and then connects to the database. Implementing the Interface Specification for the Employee Self Service Application

The interface is described in detail in Chapter 13, "Provisioning Integration API Reference".

For outbound events—that is, events from Oracle Internet Directory to the application—the following interfaces must be implemented:

    PROCEDURE PutOIDEvent (event         IN  LDAP_EVENT,
                           event_status  OUT LDAP_EVENT_STATUS);

For inbound events—that is, events from application to Oracle Internet Directory—the following interfaces must be implemented:

PROCEDURE PutAppEventStatus(event_status IN LDAP_EVENT_STATUS)

For our sample application, because we are handling only outbound events, we implement all interfaces concerning those events. Creating the Provisioning Subscription Profile for the Employee Self Service Application

To create the provisioning subscription profile, use the following settings:

ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidprovtool operation=create ldap_host=localhost \  ldap_port=389 ldap_user_dn=cn=orcladmin ldap_user_password=welcome \
organization_dn="o=ACME,dc=com" \
cn=OracleContext,o=ACME,dc=com" \
interface_name=ESSA_INTF  interface_type=PLSQL \
interface_connect_info="localhost:1521:iasdb:scott:tiger" \
event_subscription="IDENTITY:o=oracle,dc=com:ADD(cn,sn,mail,description, telephonenumber)" \
telephonenumber)" \
event_subscription="IDENTITY:o=oracle,dc=com:DELETE" \
dc=com:ADD(orclactivestartdate,orclactiveenddate,cn) \
dc=com:MODIFY(orclactivestartdate,orclactiveenddate,cn) \

4.3 Provisioning Integration Prerequisites

To use the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service, an application must be Oracle RDBMS-based, and it must be enabled for Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On.

As an application developer, you should be familiar with:

In addition, Oracle Corporation recommends that you understand single sign-on concepts.

4.4 Development Usage Model for Provisioning Integration

This section shows how an application interacts with the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service. It contains these topics:

4.4.1 Initiating Provisioning Integration

When an application is installed, the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service is provided with three kinds of information:

  • Information that enables an application entry to be registered in the directory

  • database connect information, which is also registered in the directory

  • Information that enables the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service to service the application

Database connect information for the application is also registered.

Figure 4-1 shows the first phase of provisioning—namely, passing user events from Oracle Internet Directory through the Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning platform provisioning filter to the application.

Figure 4-1 How an Application Obtains Provisioning Information by Using the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service

Description of oiddg013.gif follows
Description of the illustration oiddg013.gif

In Figure 4-1:

  1. The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service retrieves the changes to users and groups from the Oracle Internet Directory change log. It determines which changes to send to the application.

  2. The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service sends the changes to the application—using database connect information—by invoking a generic provisioning interface.

  3. The generic provisioning interface invokes application-specific logic. The application-specific logic translates the generic provisioning event to one that is application-specific. It then makes the necessary changes in the application repository.

4.4.2 Returning Provisioning Information to the Directory

It is now possible to return provisioning information to Oracle Internet Directory. Figure 4-2 shows the steps involved in this process, which is essentially the reverse of the provisioning process.

  1. The application repository generates the application event data and sends it to the Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning platform.

  2. The Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning platform filters the event data and returns the change information to the directory server.

  3. The change is applied in Oracle Internet Directory.

The updated information is stored in Oracle Internet Directory, ready to be accessed by other applications.

Figure 4-2 How an Application Returns Provisioning Information to Oracle Internet Directory Provisioning Service

Description of oiddg014.gif follows
Description of the illustration oiddg014.gif

Figure 4-3 shows the relationship between the services and the subscribed applications in a provisioning-integrated deployment.

Figure 4-3 Provisioning Services and Their Subscribed Applications in a Typical Deployment

Description of oiddg017.gif follows
Description of the illustration oiddg017.gif

Figure 4-3 shows a DIT in which the entries for two services—Oracle Human Resources and Oracle Financials—point to their corresponding subscription list containers.

  • Oracle Human Resources is represented as cn=HRMS,cn=EBusiness,cn=Services,dc=com.

    It points to its subscription list: cn=Accounts,cn=subscription_data, cn=subscriptions,orclapplicationcommonname=HRMS, cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext.

  • Oracle Financials is represented as cn=Financials,cn=EBusiness,cn=Services,dc=com.

    It points to its subscription list: cn=Accounts,cn=subscription_data,cn=subscriptions,orclapplicationcommonname=FINANCIALS, cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext.

4.5 Development Tasks for Provisioning Integration

To develop applications for synchronized provisioning, you perform these general tasks:

  1. Develop application-specific logic to perform provisioning activities in response to events from the provisioning system.

  2. Modify application installation procedures to enable the applications to subscribe to provisioning events.

This section contains these topics:

4.5.1 Application Installation

Modify the installation logic for each application to run a post-installation configuration tool.

During application installation, the application invokes the Provisioning Subscription Tool (oidprovtool). The general pattern of invoking this tool is:

oidprovtool param1=p1_value param2=p2_value param3=p3_value ...

See Also:

"Development Usage Model for Provisioning Integration" for details of what the post-installation tool should do

4.5.2 User Creation and Enrollment

First, create users in Oracle Internet Directory; then enroll them in the application.

When using either of these interfaces, you must enable the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service to identify users presently enrolled in the application. This way, the delete events it sends correspond only to users enrolled in the application.

Implement the application logic so that the user_exists function verifies that a given user in Oracle Internet Directory is enrolled in the application.

4.5.3 User Deletion

The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service primarily propagates the user deletion events from Oracle Internet Directory to the various provisioning-integrated applications.

Using the PL/SQL callback interface, the application registers with the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service and provides:

  • The name of a PL/SQL package the application is using

  • The connect string to access that package

The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service in turn connects to the application database and invokes the necessary PL/SQL procedures.

Figure 4-4 illustrates system interactions for the PL/SQL callback interface.

Figure 4-4 PL/SQL Callback Interface

Description of oiddg012.gif follows
Description of the illustration oiddg012.gif

As Figure 4-4 shows, deleting a user from an application comprises these steps:

  1. The administrator deletes the user in Oracle Internet Directory by using Oracle Directory Manager or a similar tool.

  2. The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service retrieves that change from the Oracle Internet Directory change-log interface.

  3. To see if the user deleted from the directory was enrolled for this application, the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service invokes the user_exists() function of the provisioning event interface of the application.

  4. If the user is enrolled, the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service invokes the user_delete() function of the provisioning event interface.

  5. The application-specific PL/SQL logic deletes the user and the related footprint from the application-specific repository. This step is the responsibility of the developer.

4.5.4 Extensible Event Definitions

This feature enables you to extend the abilities of the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service to return predefined sets of provisioning information to applications. Configure the following events at installation to propagate them to the appropriate applications.

Table 4-1 Extensible Event Definitions

Event Definition Attribute
Event Object Type (orclODIPProvEventObjectType) Specifies the type of object the event is associated with—for example, USER, GROUP, or IDENTITY.
LDAP Change Type (orclODIPProvEventChangeType) Indicates what kinds of LDAP operations can generate an event for this type of object—for example, ADD, MODIFY, or DELETE)
Event Criteria (orclODIPProvEventCriteria) The additional selection criteria that qualifies an LDAP entry to be of a specific object type. For example, Objectclass=orclUserV2 means that any LDAP entry that satisfies this criteria can be qualified as this object type, and any change to this entry can generate appropriate event(s).

4.5.5 Application Deinstallation

You must enable the deinstallation logic for each provisioning-integrated application to run the Provisioning Subscription Tool (oidprovtool) that unsubscribes the application from the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service.

4.5.6 LDAP_NTFY Function Definitions

The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service invokes the following callback functions. FUNCTION user_exists

A callback function invoked by the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service to check if a user is enrolled with the application.


FUNCTION user_exists ( user_name    IN VARCHAR2,
 user_guid    IN VARCHAR2,
 user_dn      IN VARCHAR2)


Table 4-2 Function user_exists Parameters

Parameter Description
User identifier
Global user identifier
DN attribute of the user entry

Return Value

Returns a positive number if the user exists FUNCTION group_exists

A callback function invoked by the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service to check whether a group exists in the application.


FUNCTION group_exists ( group_name IN VARCHAR2,
group_guid IN VARCHAR2,
group_dn   IN VARCHAR2)


Table 4-3 Function group_exists Parameters

Parameter Description
Group simple name
GUID of the group
DN of the group entry

Return value

Returns a positive number if the group exists. Returns zero if the group does not exist.

4.5.7 FUNCTION event_ntfy

A callback function invoked by the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service to deliver change notification events for objects modeled in Oracle Internet Directory. Currently modify and delete change notification events are delivered for users and groups in Oracle Internet Directory. While delivering events for an object (represented in Oracle Internet Directory), the related attributes are also sent along with other details. The attributes are delivered as a collection (array) of attribute containers, which are in un-normalized form. This means that, if an attribute has two values, two rows are sent in the collection.


FUNCTION event_ntfy ( event_type  IN VARCHAR2,
event_id    IN VARCHAR2,
event_src   IN VARCHAR2,
event_time  IN VARCHAR2,
object_name IN VARCHAR2,
object_guid IN VARCHAR2,
object_dn   IN VARCHAR2,
profile_id  IN VARCHAR2,
attr_list   IN LDAP_ATTR_LIST )


Table 4-4 Parameters for FUNCTION event_ntfy

Parameter Description
Event id (change log number).
DN of the modifier responsible for this event.
Time when this event occurred.
Simple name of the entry.
GUID of the entry.
DN of the entry
Name of the Provisioning Agent
Collection of ldap attributes of the entry

Return Values

Success returns a positive number. Failure returns zero.