This is a text description of samp_c07.gif. This figure shows the next step of the Chart Wizard. On this page, you specify formatting conditions, such as colors and fonts, when certain conditions are met. This example page shows 4 rows, with a More button to add more rows if needed. The rows are divided in 11 columns, with the following headings: Column (drop-down lists showing values: SAL, <NO CONDITION>, <NO CONDITION>, <NO CONDITION>), Condition (drop-down lists showing value for first row only: >), Value (fields showing value for first row only: 10000), Col/Bar (drop-down lists showing value for first row only: <BAR>), Color (drop-down lists showing value for first row only: Red), Type Face (drop-down lists showing blank), bold A, italic A, underscore A, Blink (check boxes showing none selected), Seq (all row fields empty).