This is a text description of samp_c09.gif. This figure shows a portion of the Display Options page of the Chart Wizard. Here, you choose specific options that affect the appearance of the chart displayed in a full Web page. Under the heading of Full Page Options, this example page shows the following fields: Type Face drop-down list has Tahoma selected; Font Color drop-down list has no selection; Font Size drop-down list has 12pt selected; Chart Type drop-down list has Horizontal selected; Axis drop-down list has Zero (Standard) selected; Bar Image field has MULTI typed in it; Chart Scale drop-down list has 200% selected; Bar Width drop-down list has 15 selected; Bar Height drop-down list has 30 selected; Value Format Maskfield has 999,999,999,999,999 typed in it; Maximum Rows per Page fields has 20 typed in it; Summary Options scrollable list shows Average value, Axis Name, Count of values, First value; Log Activity, Show Timing, and Show Query Conditions check boxes are not selected.