Oracle Application Server Documentation Library
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

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Select a topic from the following list: Introduction Oracle Application Server Portal documentation Oracle Portal Development Kit Oracle Ultra Search

Most companies have too many Web sites, each created and maintained by different teams or departments. The result is an inefficient maze of information.

The solution is Oracle Application Server Portal, a simple, browser-based environment for building and deploying Enterprise Information Portals (EIPs). An enterprise portal provides access to summarized versions of applications and Web content in defined regions of the page, named portlets.

For detailed, up-to-the-minute white papers, documentation, support information, and more, visit the Portal Center at

Oracle Portal Development Kit

The Oracle Portal Development Kit (PDK) is the framework for seamless integration into OracleAS Portal. Use it to develop portlets and services on any platform that take advantage of the OracleAS Portal platform.

For more information visit

Oracle Application Server Portal
Configuration Guide HTML PDF
User's Guide HTML PDF
Error Messages Guide HTML PDF
Developer's Guide HTML PDF

Oracle Ultra Search
Administrator's Guide HTML PDF
API Reference Javadoc

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