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Oracle® Application Server Containers for J2EE Services Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Windows or UNIX
Part No. B14012-01
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6 J2EE Interoperability

This chapter describes Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) support for allowing EJBs to invoke one another across different containers using the standard Remote Method Invocation (RMI)/Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP).

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to RMI/IIOP

Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) enables you to create distributed Java-based to Java-based applications, in which the methods of remote Java objects can be invoked from other Java virtual machines (JVMs), possibly on different hosts.

Version 2.0 of the EJB specification adds features that make it easy for EJB-based applications to invoke one another across different containers. You can make your existing EJB interoperable without changing a line of code: simply edit the bean's properties and redeploy. "Switching to Interoperable Transport" discusses redeployment details.

EJB interoperability consists of the following:

OC4J furnishes transport, naming, and security interoperability.


By default, OC4J EJBs use RMI/Oracle Remote Method Invocation (ORMI), a proprietary protocol, to communicate as described in Chapter 5, "Oracle Remote Method Invocation".


For the OC4J 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) implementation, load balancing and failover are supported only for ORMI, not IIOP.

In OC4J, you can easily convert an EJB to use RMI/IIOP, making it possible for EJBs to invoke one another across different EJB containers. This chapter describes configuring and using RMI/IIOP.


OC4J supports the CORBA CosNaming service. OC4J can publish EJBHome object references in a CosNaming service and provides a JNDI CosNaming implementation that allows applications to look up JNDI names using CORBA. You can write your applications using either the JNDI or CosNaming APIs.


OC4J supports Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIv2), which specifies different conformance levels; OC4J complies with the EJB specification, which requires conformance level 0.


The EJB2.0 specification stipulates an optional transactional interoperability feature. Conforming implementations must choose one of the following:

  • Transactionally interoperable: transactions are supported between beans that are hosted in different J2EE containers.

  • Transactionally noninteroperable: transactions are supported only among beans in the same container.

The current release of OC4J is transactionally noninteroperable, so when a transaction spans EJB containers, OC4J raises a specified exception.

Client-Side Requirements

To access EJBs, you must do the following on the client-side:

  1. Download the file from 
  2. Unzip it into a client-side directory. (for example, d:\oc4jclient).

  3. Add d:\oc4jclient\oc4jclient.jar to your CLASSPATH.

The file contains all the JAR files required by the client (including oc4jclient.jar and optic.jar). These JAR files contain the classes necessary for client interaction. You need to add only oc4jclient.jar to your CLASSPATH, because all other JAR files required by the client are referenced in the oc4jclient.jar manifest classpath.

If you download this file into a browser, you must grant certain permissions as described in the "Granting Permissions" section of the Security chapter in the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans Developer's Guide.

The rmic.jar Compiler

To invoke or be invoked by CORBA objects, RMI objects must have corresponding stubs, skeletons, and Internet Description Language (IDL). Use the rmic.jar compiler to generate stubs and skeletons from Java classes or to generate IDL, as described in "Configuring OC4J for RMI".

For use with RMI/IIOP, be sure to compile using the -iiop option.

Switching to Interoperable Transport

In OC4J, EJBs use RMI/ORMI, a proprietary protocol, to communicate (as described in Chapter 5, "Oracle Remote Method Invocation"). You can convert an EJB to use RMI/IIOP, making it possible for EJBs to invoke one another across EJB containers.


RMI/IIOP support is based on the CORBA 2.3.1 specification. Applications that were compiled using earlier releases of CORBA may not work correctly.

The following four sections provide details on making the conversions.

Simple Interoperability in a Standalone Environment

Follow these steps to convert an EJB to use RMI/IIOP in a standalone environment:

  1. Restart OC4J with the -DGenerateIIOP=true flag.

  2. Deploy your application using admin.jar. You must obtain the client's stub JAR file, using the -iiopClientJar switch. Here is an example:

    java -jar $J2EE_HOME/admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome -deploy -file filename -deployment_name application_name -iiopClientJar stub_jar_filename 


    You must use the -iiopClientJar switch to enable interoperability (IIOP) for the application you are deploying. In OC4J, interoperability is enabled on a per-application basis.

  3. Change the client's classpath to include the stub JAR file that was obtained during deployment, by running admin.jar with the -iiopClientJar switch.

    A copy of the stub JAR file that was generated by OC4J can also be found in the server's deployment directory at:

  4. Edit the client's JNDI property java.naming.provider.url to use a corbaname URL instead of an ormi URL. For details on the corbaname URL, see "The corbaname URL".


    IIOP stub and tie class code generation occurs at deployment time, unlike ORMI stub generation, which occurs at runtime. This is why you must add the JAR file to the classpath yourself. If you run in the server, a list of generated classes required by the server and IIOP stubs is made available automatically.

  5. (Optional) To make the bean accessible to CORBA applications, run rmic.jar to generate IDL describing its interfaces. See "Configuring OC4J for Interoperability" for a discussion of command-line options.

Advanced Interoperability in a Standalone Environment

This section expands upon the preceding section, describing how to convert an EJB to use RMI/IIOP in a standalone environment.

  1. Specify CSIv2 security policies for the bean in orion_ejb_jar.xml and in internal_settings.xml. See "CSIv2 Security Properties (orion-ejb-jar.xml)" and "EJB Server Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)" for details.

  2. Restart OC4J with the -DGenerateIIOP=true flag.

  3. Deploy your application using admin.jar. You must obtain the client's stub JAR file using the -iiopClientJar switch. Here is an example:

    java -jar $J2EE_HOME/admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome -deploy -file filename -deployment_name application_name -iiopClientJar stub_jar_filename 


    You must use the -iiopClientJar switch to enable interoperability (IIOP) for the application that you are deploying. In OC4J, interoperability is enabled on a per-application basis.

  4. Change the client's classpath to include the stub JAR file that was obtained during deployment, by running admin.jar with the -iiopClientJar switch.

    You can also find a copy of the stub JAR file that was generated by OC4J in the server's deployment directory at:

  5. Edit the client's JNDI property java.naming.provider.url to use a corbaname URL instead of an ormi URL. For details on the corbaname URL, see "The corbaname URL".


    IIOP stub and tie class code generation occurs at deployment time, unlike ORMI stub generation, which occurs at runtime. This is why you must add the JAR file to the classpath yourself. If you run in the server, a list of generated classes required by the server and IIOP stubs is made available automatically.

  6. (Optional) To make the bean accessible to CORBA applications, run rmic.jar to generate IDL describing its interfaces. See "Configuring OC4J for Interoperability" for a discussion of command-line options.

Simple Interoperability in Oracle Application Server Environment

You can access an EJB using RMI/IIOP in an Oracle Application Server environment in two ways:

Configuring for Interoperability Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g

You can configure an EJB to be accessible by means of RMI/IIOP in an Oracle Application Server environment by using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to an OC4J instance in which you want to allow access to applications through RMI/IIOP. Figure 6-1 shows an OC4J instance named home.

Figure 6-1 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g System Components

Description of emsyscp4.gif follows
Description of the illustration emsyscp4.gif

  1. Click Server Properties in the Administration section for this OC4J instance. Figure 6-2 illustrates this.

Figure 6-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Server Properties

Description of emsysdp3.gif follows
Description of the illustration emsysdp3.gif

By default, RMI/IIOP is disabled in an Oracle Application Server environment. To enable RMI/IIOP, ensure that a unique IIOP port (or port range) exists for each OC4J instance by entering the value in the IIOP ports field, as shown in Figure 6-3. Then click Apply.

Figure 6-3 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Port Configuration

Description of EMPorts.gif follows
Description of the illustration EMPorts.gif

Use the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g deployment wizard to deploy your application.

Enable generation of client IIOP stubs for this application by selecting Generate IIOP stubs, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Stub Generation

Description of emstbgn2.gif follows
Description of the illustration emstbgn2.gif

Finish deploying your application using the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g deployment wizard.

Configuring for Interoperability Manually

Follow these steps to manually configure an EJB for remote access by RMI/IIOP in an Oracle Application Server environment:

  1. By default, RMI/IIOP is disabled in an Oracle Application Server environment. To enable RMI/IIOP, confirm in OPMN's configuration file, J2EE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml, that a unique IIOP port (or port range) exists for each OC4J instance to be managed by OPMN.


    You must specify an IIOP port (or port range) for each OC4J instance in which interoperability is to be enabled. Failure to do so causes OC4J to not configure an IIOP listener, thus automatically disabling interoperability, regardless of the configuration in the internal-settings.xml file of OC4J.

    Here is an example:

    <ias-component id="OC4J">
              <process-type id="home" module-id="OC4J">
                   <port id="ajp" range="3000-3100"/>
                   <port id="rmi" range="23791-23799"/>
                   <port id="jms" range="3201-3300"/>
                   <port id="iiop" range="3401-3500"/>
                   <process-set id="default_island" numprocs="1"/>
  2. If you modify any configuration file manually, you must update the configuration with dcmctl. Use the following command:

    dcmctl updateConfig 
  3. Using opmnctl or Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, restart all OC4J instances that are managed by OPMN.

    For information on opmnctl, use the following command:

    opmnctl help 

    To stop and restart OPMN and all OPMN-managed processes, first use the following command:

    opmnctl stopall 

    Then use this command:

    opmnctl startall

    For information on Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, see the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User's Guide.

  4. Deploy your application using dcmctl, specifying the -enableIIOP option. Here is an example:

    dcmctl deployApplication -f filename -a application_name -enableIIOP 
  5. Change the client's classpath to include the stub JAR file that was generated by OC4J. This file is normally found in the server's deployment directory:

  6. Edit the client's JNDI property java.naming.provider.url to use an OPMN or corbaname URL instead of an ormi URL. For details on the corbaname URL, see "The corbaname URL". For details on the OPMN URL, see "The OPMN URL".


    IIOP stub and tie class code generation occurs at deployment time, unlike ORMI stub generation, which occurs at runtime. This is why you must add the JAR file to the classpath yourself. If you run in the server, a list of generated classes required by the server and IIOP stubs is made available automatically.

  7. (Optional) To make the bean accessible to CORBA applications, run rmic.jar to generate IDL describing its interfaces. See "Configuring OC4J for Interoperability" for a discussion of command-line options.

Advanced Interoperability in Oracle Application Server Environment

You can access an EJB using RMI/IIOP in an Oracle Application Server environment in two ways:

Configuring for Interoperability Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g

The advanced configuring for interoperability using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g differs from the simple configuring described under "Configuring for Interoperability Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g" only in the specification of ports. That is, you must specify an iiop, iiops1, and iiops2 port (or port range) for each OC4J instance in which interoperability with CSIv2 is to be enabled. Failure to do so causes OC4J to not configure an IIOP listener, thus automatically disabling interoperability, regardless of the configuration in the internal-settings.xml file of OC4J. Figure 6-5 shows this.

Figure 6-5 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Port Specifications

Description of emprtad2.gif follows
Description of the illustration emprtad2.gif

Configuring for Interoperability Manually

This section expands upon the preceding section, describing how to convert an EJB to use RMI/IIOP in an Oracle Application Server environment.

  1. Specify CSIv2 security policies for the bean in orion_ejb_jar.xml and in internal_settings.xml. See "CSIv2 Security Properties (orion-ejb-jar.xml)" and "EJB Server Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)" for details.

  2. By default, RMI/IIOP is disabled in an Oracle Application Server environment. To enable RMI/IIOP, confirm in the OPMN configuration file, J2EE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml, that a unique iiop, iiops1, and iiops2 port (or port range) exists for each OC4J instance to be managed by OPMN. These are the port meanings:

    iiop—standard IIOP port

    iiops1—IIOP/SSL port used for server-side authentication only

    iiops2—IIOP/SSL port used for both client and server authentication


    You must specify an iiop, iiops1, and iiops2 port (or port range) for each OC4J instance in which interoperability with CSIv2 is to be enabled. Failure to do so causes OC4J to not configure an IIOP listener, thus automatically disabling interoperability, regardless of the configuration in the internal-settings.xml file of OC4J.

    Here is an example:

    <ias-component id="OC4J">
        <process-type id="home" module-id="OC4J">
            <port id="ajp" range="3000-3100"/>
            <port id="rmi" range="23791-23799"/>
            <port id="jms" range="3201-3300"/>
            <port id="iiop" range="3401-3500"/>
            <port id="iiops1" range="3501-3600"/> 
            <port id="iiops2" range="3601-3700"/>
            <process-set id="default_island" numprocs="1"/>


    If you choose to configure your client's JNDI property java.naming.provider.url to use an OPMN URL, then your client cannot connect to iiops1 or iiops2 ports because OPMN-allocated ports are not reported to OC4J.

  3. Using opmnctl or Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, restart all OC4J instances that are managed by OPMN.

    For information on opmnctl, use the following command:

    opmnctl help

    To stop and restart OPMN and all OPMN-managed processes, first use the following command:

    opmnctl stopall 

    Then use this command:

    opmnctl startall 

    For information on Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, see the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User's Guide.

  4. Deploy your application using dcmctl, specifying the -enableIIOP option. Here is an example:

    dcmctl  deployApplication -f filename -a application_name -enableIIOP 
  5. Change the client's classpath to include the stub JAR file that was generated by OC4J. This is normally found in the server's deployment directory:

  6. Edit the client's JNDI property java.naming.provider.url to use an OPMN or corbaname URL instead of an ormi URL. For details on the corbaname URL, see "The corbaname URL". For details on the OPMN URL, see "The OPMN URL".


    IIOP stub and tie class code generation occurs at deployment time, unlike ORMI stub generation, which occurs at runtime. This is why you must add the JAR file to the classpath yourself. If you run in the server, a list of generated classes required by the server and IIOP stubs is made available automatically.

  7. (Optional) To make the bean accessible to CORBA applications, run rmic.jar to generate IDL describing its interfaces. See "Configuring OC4J for Interoperability" for a discussion of command-line options.

The corbaname URL

To interoperate, an EJB must look up other beans using CosNaming. This means that the URL for looking up the root NamingContext must use the corbaname URL scheme instead of the ormi URL scheme. This section discusses the corbaname subset that EJB developers use most often. For a full discussion of the corbaname scheme, see section 2.5.3 of the CORBA Naming Service specification. The corbaname scheme is based on the corbaloc scheme, which section of the CORBA specification discusses.

The most common form of the corbaname URL scheme is:


This corbaname URL specifies a conventional DNS host name or IP address, and a port number. For example, 

A corbaname URL can also specify a naming context by following the host and port by # and NamingContext in string representation. The CosNaming service on the specified host is responsible for interpreting the naming context.


For example: 


This section describes OPMN URL details that are specific to RMI/IIOP. For general information about the OPMN URL, see "JNDI Properties for RMI".

In an Oracle Application Server environment, IIOP ports for all OC4J processes within each Oracle Application Server instance are dynamically managed by OPMN. Because of this, it may not be possible for clients to know the ports on which OC4J processes are actively listening for IIOP requests. To enable clients to successfully make RMI/IIOP requests in an Oracle Application Server environment without having to know the IIOP ports for all active OC4J processes, modify the jndi.naming.provider.url property (in the client's file) with a URL of the following format:


For example:



  • For the OC4J 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) implementation, load balancing and failover are supported only for ORMI, not IIOP.

  • If you use an OPMN URL, your client cannot connect to iiops1 or iiops2 (ssl-port or ssl-client-server-auth-port) ports.

Exception Mapping

When EJBs are invoked over IIOP, OC4J must map system exceptions to CORBA exceptions. Table 6-1 lists the exception mappings.

Table 6-1 Java-CORBA Exception Mappings

OC4J System Exception CORBA System Exception






java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
java.rmi.AccessException NO_PERMISSION
java.rmi.MarshalException MARSHAL
java.rmi.RemoteException UNKNOWN

Invoking OC4J-Hosted Beans from a Non-OC4J Container

EJBs that are not hosted in OC4J must add the file oc4j_interop.jar to the classpath to invoke OC4J-hosted EJBs. OC4J expects the other container to make the HandleDelegate object available in the JNDI name space at java:comp/HandleDelegate. The oc4j_interop.jar file contains the standard portable implementations of home and remote handles, and metadata objects.

Configuring OC4J for Interoperability

To add interoperability support to your EJB, you must specify interoperability properties. Some of these properties are specified when starting OC4J and others in bean properties that are specified in deployment files.

Interoperability OC4J Flags

The following OC4J startup flags support RMI interoperability:

  • -DGenerateIIOP=true generates new stubs and skeletons whenever you redeploy an application.

  • -Diiop.debug=true generates deployment-time debugging messages, most of which have to do with code generation.

  • -Diiop.runtime.debug=true generates runtime debugging messages.

Interoperability Configuration Files

Before EJBs can communicate, you must configure the parameters in the configuration files listed in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Interoperability Configuration Files

Context File Description
Server server.xml The <sep-config> element in this file specifies the path name, normally internal-settings.xml, for the server extension provider properties. For example:

<sep-config path="./internal-settings.xml">

internal-settings.xml This file specifies server extension provider properties that are specific to RMI/IIOP. See "EJB Server Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)" for details.
Application orion-ejb-jar.xml The <ior-security-config> subentity of the <session-deployment> and <entity-deployment> entities specifies Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIv2) security properties for the server. See "CSIv2 Security Properties" for details. This file specifies client-side security properties for an EJB. See "EJB Client Security Properties (" for details. This file specifies the URL of the initial naming context used by the client. See "JNDI Properties for Interoperability (" for details.

EJB Server Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)

You specify server security properties in the internal-settings.xml file.


  • You cannot edit the internal-settings.xml file with the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g.

  • If you configure your client's JNDI property java.naming.provider.url to use an OPMN URL, then your client cannot connect to ssl-port and ssl-client-server-auth-port ports because OPMN-allocated ports are not reported to OC4J.

This file specifies certain properties as values within <sep-property> entities. Table 6-3 contains a list of properties.

Table 6-3 EJB Server Security Properties

Property Meaning
port IIOP port number (defaults to 5555).
ssl true if IIOP/SSL is supported, false otherwise.
ssl-port IIOP/SSL port number (defaults to 5556). This port is used for server-side authentication only. If your application uses client and server authentication, you also must set ssl-client-server-auth-port.
ssl-client-server-auth-port Port used for client and server authentication (defaults to 5557). This is the port on which OC4J listens for SSL connections that require both client and server authentication. If not set, OC4J listens on ssl-port + 1 for client-side authentication.
keystore Not supported in release 10.1.2.
keystore-password Not supported in release 10.1.2.
trusted-clients Comma-separated list of hosts whose identity assertions can be trusted. Each entry in the list can be an IP address, a host name, a host name pattern (for instance, *, or *. An * alone means that all clients are trusted. The default is to trust no clients.
truststore Not supported in release 10.1.2.
truststore-password Not supported in release 10.1.2.

If OC4J is started by the Oracle Process Management Notification service (OPMN) in an Oracle Application Server (as opposed to a standalone) environment, then ports specified in internal-settings.xml are ignored. If OPMN is configured to disable IIOP for a particular OC4J instance, then, even though IIOP may be enabled through internal-settings.xml (as pointed to by server.xml), IIOP is not enabled.

The following example shows a typical internal-settings.xml file:

<server-extension-provider name="IIOP"
    <sep-property name="port" value="5555" />
    <sep-property name="host" value="localhost" />
    <sep-property name="ssl" value="false" />
    <sep-property name="ssl-port" value="5556" />
    <sep-property name="ssl-client-server-auth-port" value="5557" />
    <sep-property name="keystore" value="keystore.jks" />
    <sep-property name="keystore-password" value="123456" />
    <sep-property name="truststore" value="truststore.jks" />
    <sep-property name="truststore-password" value="123456" />
    <sep-property name="trusted-clients" value="*" />


Although the default value of port is one less than the default value for ssl-port, this relationship is not required.

Here is the DTD for the internal-settings.xml file:

<!-- A server extension provider that is to be plugged in to the server. 
<!ELEMENT server-extension-provider (sep-property*) (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST server-extension-provider name class CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT sep-property (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST sep-property name value CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- This file contains internal server configuration settings. --> 
<!ELEMENT internal-settings (server-extension-provider*)>

CSIv2 Security Properties

CSIv2 is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for a secure interoperable wire protocol that supports authorization and identity delegation. Configure CSIv2 properties in three different locations:

CSIv2 Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)

This section discusses the semantics of the values that you set within the <sep-property> element in the internal_settings.xml file. For details of syntax, see "EJB Server Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)" .

To use the CSIv2 protocol with OC4J, you must both set ssl to true and specify an IIOP/SSL port (ssl-port).

  • If you do not set ssl to true, then CSIv2 is not enabled. Setting ssl to true permits clients and servers to use CSIv2, but does not require them to communicate using SSL.

  • If you do not specify an ssl-port, then no CSIv2 component tag is inserted by the server into the IOR, even if you configure an <ior-security-config> entity in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

When IIOP/SSL is enabled on the server, OC4J listens on two different sockets—one for server authentication alone, and one for server and client authentication. You specify the server authentication port within the <sep-property> element. The server and client authentication listener uses the port number immediately following.

For SSL clients using server authentication alone, you can specify:

  • Truststore only

  • Both keystore and truststore

  • Neither

If you specify neither keystore nor truststore, then the handshake may fail if there are no default truststores established by the security provider.

SSL clients using client-side authentication must specify both a keystore and a truststore. The certificate from the keystore is used for client authentication.

CSIv2 Security Properties (

If the client does not use client-side SSL authentication, you must set client.sendpassword in the file for the client runtime to insert a security context and send the user name and password. You must also set server.trustedhosts to include your server.


Server-side authentication takes precedence over a user name and password.

If the client does use client-side SSL authentication, the server extracts the DistinguishedName from the client's certificate and then looks it up in the corresponding user manager. It does not perform password authentication.

Trust Relationships

Two types of trust relationships exist:

  • Clients trusting servers to transmit user names and passwords using non-SSL connections

  • Servers trusting clients to send identity assertions, which delegate an originating client's identity

Clients list trusted servers in the EJB property oc4j.iiop.trustedServers. See Table 6-4, "EJB Client Security Properties" for details. Servers list trusted clients in the trusted-client property of the <sep-property> element in internal-settings.xml. See "EJB Server Security Properties (internal-settings.xml)" for details.

Conformance level 0 of the EJB standard defines two ways of handling trust relationships:

  • Presumed trust, in which the server presumes that the logical client is trustworthy, even if the logical client has not authenticated itself to the server, and even if the connection is not secure

  • Authenticated trust, in which the target trusts the intermediate server, based on authentication either at the transport level, or in the trusted-client list, or both


    You can also configure the server both to require SSL client-side authentication and to specify a list of trusted client (or intermediate) hosts that are allowed to insert identity assertions.

OC4J offers both kinds of trust. You configure trust using the bean's <ior-security-config> element in orion-ejb-jar.xml. See "CSIv2 Security Properties (orion-ejb-jar.xml)" for details.

CSIv2 Security Properties (orion-ejb-jar.xml)

This section discusses the CSIv2 security properties for an EJB. You configure each individual bean's CSIv2 security policies in its orion-ejb-jar.xml file. The CSIv2 security properties are specified within <ior-security-config> elements. Each element contains a <transport-config> element, an <as-context> element, and an <sas-context> element.

The <transport-config> Element

This element specifies the transport security level. Each element within <transport-config> must be set to supported, required, or none. The setting none means that the bean neither supports nor uses that feature; supported means that the bean permits the client to use the feature; required means that the bean insists that the client use the feature. The elements are:

  • <integrity>: Is there a guarantee that all transmissions are received exactly as they were transmitted?

  • <confidentiality>: Is there a guarantee that no third party was able to read transmissions?

  • <establish-trust-in-target>: Does the server authenticate itself to the client?

  • <establish-trust-in-client>: Does the client authenticate itself to the server?


    • If you set <establish-trust-in-client> to required, this overrides specifying username_password in <as-context>. If you do this, you must also set the <required> node value in the <as-context> section to false; otherwise, access permission issues will arise.

    • Setting any of the <transport-config> properties to required means that the bean will use RMI/IIOP/SSL to communicate.

The <as-context> element

This element specifies the message-level authentication properties.

  • <auth-method>: must be set to either username_password or none. If set to username_password, beans use user names and passwords to authenticate the caller.

  • <realm>: must be set to default at the current release.

  • <required>: if set to true, the bean requires the caller to specify a user name and password.

The <sas-context> element

This element specifies the identity delegation properties. It has one element, <caller-propagation>, that can be set to supported, required, or none. If the <caller-propagation> element is set to supported, then this bean accepts delegated identities from intermediate servers. If it is set to required, then this bean requires all other beans to transmit delegated identities. If set to none, this bean does not support identity delegation.

Here is an example:


The DTD for the <ior-security-config> element is:

<!ELEMENT ior-security-config (transport-config?, as-context? 
sas-context?) >
<!ELEMENT transport-config (integrity, confidentiality, 
establish-trust-in-target, establish-trust-in-client) >
<!ELEMENT as-context (auth-method, realm, required) >
<!ELEMENT sas-context (caller-propagation) >
<!ELEMENT integrity (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT confidentiality (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT establish-trust-in-target (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT establish-trust-in-client (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT auth-method (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT realm (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT required (#PCDATA)> <!-- Must be true or false --> 
<!ELEMENT caller-propagation (#PCDATA) >

EJB Client Security Properties (

Any client, whether running inside a server or not, has EJB security properties. Table 6-4 lists the EJB client security properties controlled by the file. By default, OC4J searches for this file in the current directory when running as a client, or in J2EE_HOME/config when running in the server. You can specify this file's location explicitly with -Dejb_sec_properties_location=pathname.

Table 6-4 EJB Client Security Properties

Property Meaning
# oc4j.iiop.keyStoreLoc The path name for the keystore.
# oc4j.iiop.keyStorePass The password for the keystore.
# oc4j.iiop.trustStoreLoc The path name for the truststore.
# oc4j.iiop.trustStorePass The password for the truststore.
# oc4j.iiop.enable.clientauth Whether the client supports client-side authentication. If this property is set to true, you must specify a keystore location and password.
oc4j.iiop.ciphersuites Which cipher suites are to be enabled. Here are the valid cipher suites:









nameservice.useSSL Whether to use SSL when making the initial connection to the server.
client.sendpassword Whether to send user name and password in clear form (unencrypted) in the service context when not using SSL. If this property is set to true, the user name and password are sent only to servers listed in the trustedServer list.
oc4j.iiop.trustedServers A list of servers that can be trusted to receive passwords sent in clear form. Has no effect if client.sendpassword is set to false. The list is comma-separated. Each entry in the list can be an IP address, a host name, a host name pattern (for instance, *, or *. An * alone means that all servers are trusted.


The properties marked with a # can be set either in or as system properties. The settings in always override settings that are specified as system properties.

JNDI Properties for Interoperability (

The following RMI/IIOP properties are controlled by the client's file:

  • java.naming.provider.url may be an OPMN or a corbaname URL for the bean to be interoperable. For details on corbaname URLs, see "The corbaname URL". For details on the OPMN URL, see "The OPMN URL".

  • contextFactory can be either ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory or the class IIOPInitialContextFactory.

    If your application has an application-client.xml file, then leave contextFactory set to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory. If your application does not have an application-client.xml file, then change contextFactory to IIOPInitialContextFactory.

Context Factory Usage

com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory is used when looking up remote objects from standalone application clients. It uses the refs and ref-mappings found in application-client.xml and orion-application-client.xml. It is the default initial context factory when the initial context is instantiated in a Java application. is used when looking up remote objects between different containers using the IIOP protocol.