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Oracle® Application Server Containers for J2EE Security Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14013-01
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18 Troubleshooting Security Issues

This chapter discusses techniques for locating security problems in your OC4J application. It is divided into the following sections:

Locating jazn.xml

When the OracleAS JAAS Provider starts, it searches for a jazn.xml file. The jazn.xml file can be in a variety of locations, but is normally in ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config . However, if you specify the location of this file in a system property, the file in the system property takes precedence.

When the OracleAS JAAS Provider starts, it searches for jazn.xml in order through the directories specified by:

  1. (system property)

  2. (system property)

  3. J2EE_HOME/config (J2EE_HOME is specified by the system property oracle.j2ee.home)

  4. ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config (ORACLE_HOME is specified by the system property oracle.home)

  5. ./config

The OracleAS JAAS Provider stops searching after locating a jazn.xml file. If no file is found, you receive the error message "JAZN has not been properly configured."

JAZN Admintool

Before using the Admintool, you must set the environment variable controlling loading of dynamic libraries (for example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Solaris). See Table 2-5 for details.


The Admintool does not require authentication when used with the LDAP-based provider; anyone who runs the tool is granted all rights. This means that it is vital to secure the Admintool in production environments; you normally do this by using file-system properties. If you specify the -user and -password options when using LDAP, they are ignored.

If you are attempting to grant a permission and the Admintool gives the error message Permission class not found, it means that the permission you wish to grant is not in the classpath. You must place the JAR containing the permission class in the jdk/jre/lib/ext directory so that the Admintool can locate it..

Custom LoginModules

When writing a custom LoginModule, you should be aware of the following issues:

Subject-Based Authorization

When an application uses a custom login module, the Subject (and the principals it contains) are used as the sole basis for authorization, including the evaluation of J2EE security constraints. To ensure that all relevant principals are taken into consideration during authorization, the login module should add the relevant principals (including any roles/groups that the authenticated user belongs to) to the Subject during the commit phase of the JAAS authentication process.

J2EE Security Integration

The custom LoginModule framework supports the J2EE security declarative security model. That is, the J2EE security constraints declared in an application's deployment descriptors, such as web.xml and ejb-jar.xml, are enforced using Subject-based authorization.

We encourage J2EE developers to take advantage of the J2EE security model whenever possible, rather than writing their own security implementation; this ensures forward compatibility with future releases.

LDAP-Based Provider Issues

Two important issues when troubleshooting the LDAP-based provider are:

Checking JAZN-LDAP Configuration

When you associate an Oracle Application Server instance with Oracle Application Server Infrastructure, either during installation or using Enterprise Manager, the instance is automatically configured to use the LDAP-based provider. The Oracle Internet Directory location and port are determined by the file ORACLE_HOME/config/

To verify that the LDAP-based provider has been configured property, do the following:

  1. Use Enterprise Manager to verify that the user manager is set to "LDAP".

  2. Issue the JAZN Admintool -listrealms command to verify that the LDAP-based provider can retrieve data from Oracle Internet Directory.

    java -jar jazn.jar -listrealms
  3. If the Admintool responds with the message "Communication Error", then it is likely that Oracle Internet Directory is down.

  4. If the Admintool responds with the message "Invalid Credentials", then the LDAP users and credentials are incorrectly configured.

Enabling and Disabling Caching

LDAP caching is enabled by default; caching is per-JVM, not per-application. Before using JAAS Admintool management commands, such as granting permissions or roles, you must disable caching. After you use the Admintool, you should re-enable caching.

For details on enabling and disabling caching, see "Configuring LDAP Caching".

Servlets, runas-mode, and doasprivileged-mode

If you want a servlet to be invoked using subject.doAs() or subject.doAsPrivileged(), you must set the runas-mode and doasprivileged-mode attributes of the <jazn-web-app> element in the orion-web.xml or orion-application.xml files.

For details, see "Configuring J2EE Authorization".

Creating Realms

It is important to use the appropriate tool to create realms. In general, if you're using the LDAP-based provider or Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On, use Oracle Delegated Administration Services to create realms; if you're using the XML-based provider, create realms with the JAAS Admintool. The realms you create with the JAAS Admintool are external or application realms; they are located in a different place in the realm tree than identity management realms.

Removing Realm Names From Principals

In some applications, you prefer to avoid parsing the principal returned by various method calls. You can configure the OracleAS JAAS Provider so that the returned principal contains no realm name. To do this, you add a property to the <jazn> element in the file jazn.xml. The new property is:

<property name="jaas.username.simple" value="true" /> 

This property affects the return values of the following methods:

Specifying the JAAS Provider

If you receive an exception and stack trace similar to:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance

you have probably failed to specify the OracleAS JAAS Provider as the JAAS policy provider. See "Specifying An Alternate Policy Provider (Optional)"for details.