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Oracle® Application Development Framework Development Guidelines Manual
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)  
Part No. B14362-01
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1 Introduction to J2EE Application Development in JDeveloper

1.1 Summary
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Considering the Application Architecture
1.4 Partitioning Application Development in JDeveloper
1.5 Speeding Development with Frameworks in JDeveloper
1.6 Development Methodology in JDeveloper
1.6.1 Iterative Development and Visual Tools
1.6.2 Roles and Code Integration
1.7 Proceeding with Application Development in JDeveloper
1.8 Related Information

2 Business Services and the Oracle Application Development Framework

2.1 Summary
2.2 The Available Business Service Technologies
2.2.1 Oracle ADF Business Components Technology
2.2.2 Enterprise JavaBeans Technology
2.2.3 OracleAS TopLink Plain Old Java Objects (POJO)
2.2.4 Enterprise JavaBeans Technology with TopLink CMP
2.2.5 Web Services
2.2.6 Java Objects with Hand-Coded Persistence
2.3 Which Business Services Technology Should I Use?
2.3.1 Do You Have Your Own Object Framework?
2.3.2 Do You Want to Use an Existing Object Framework?
2.3.3 Can You Use Oracle Runtime Technology?
2.4 Business Service Layers
2.4.1 Persistent Business Objects
2.4.2 Data Access Components
2.4.3 Service Objects
2.5 Detailed Comparison of Business Service Architectures
2.5.1 How ADF Business Components Technology Provides Persistent Business Objects
2.5.2 How ADF Business Components Technology Provides Data Access Components
2.5.3 How ADF Business Components Technology Provides Service Objects
2.5.4 How Enterprise JavaBeans Technology Provides Persistent Business Objects
2.5.5 How Enterprise JavaBeans Technology Provides Data Access Components
2.5.6 How Enterprise JavaBeans Technology Provides Service Objects
2.5.7 How OracleAS TopLink Technology with POJO Provides Persistent Business Objects
2.5.8 How OracleAS TopLink Technology with POJO Provides Data Access Components
2.5.9 How OracleAS TopLink Technology with POJO Provides Service Objects
2.5.10 How Enterprise JavaBeans Technology with TopLink CMP Provides Persistent Business Objects
2.5.11 How Enterprise JavaBeans Technology with TopLink CMP Provides Data Access Components
2.5.12 How Enterprise JavaBeans Technology with TopLink CMP Provides Service Objects

3 ADF Business Components in Depth

3.1 Summary
3.2 ADF Entity Object Definitions
3.2.1 Attributes and Accessors
3.2.2 Validators
3.2.3 The validateEntity() Method
3.2.4 Creation and Deletion Logic
3.2.5 DML Customization
3.2.6 Security
3.3 ADF Associations
3.3.1 Accessor Attributes
3.3.2 Cardinality
3.3.3 Row Iterators
3.3.4 Compositions
3.4 ADF Domains
3.4.1 Predefined Domains
3.4.2 Oracle Object Type Domains
3.4.3 Validation Domains
3.5 ADF View Object Definitions
3.5.1 Attribute Mappings
3.5.2 Navigating Through Result Sets
3.5.3 Creating and Deleting Rows
3.5.4 Keys
3.5.5 View Criteria
3.6 ADF View Link Definitions
3.6.1 Accessor Attributes
3.6.2 Cardinality
3.7 ADF Application Module Definitions
3.7.1 View Object and View Link Instances
3.7.2 Transactions
3.7.3 Service Methods
3.7.4 Application Module Pooling
3.8 ADF Business Components Design Decisions
3.8.1 Where to Implement Business Rules
3.8.2 Whether to Use Entity Object Definitions

4 Overview of the Oracle ADF Model Layer

4.1 Summary
4.2 Role of the Model Layer
4.2.1 About MetaData for the Oracle ADF Binding Context
4.2.2 Oracle ADF Model API Overview
4.3 Benefiting from the Oracle ADF Model Layer
4.3.1 Role of the Oracle ADF Data Controls Business Object Access Services Transaction Services State Management Services
4.3.2 Role of the Oracle ADF Bindings
4.3.3 Generic Runtime Properties for All Oracle ADF Bindings
4.4 Oracle ADF Data Control Runtime Integration with Business Services
4.5 Creating the Oracle ADF Model Layer in JDeveloper
4.5.1 Oracle ADF Business Components as Data Controls
4.5.2 Oracle ADF Data Controls for EJB Components
4.5.3 Oracle ADF Data Controls for Web Services Creating Data Controls for Web Services Created in JDeveloper Creating Data Controls for External Web Services Web Services That Return Arrays
4.5.4 Oracle ADF Data Controls for JavaBeans and TopLink-Based Beans Components
4.6 Summary of Oracle ADF Data Control Operations
4.7 Summary of Oracle ADF Bindings
4.7.1 About the Iterator Binding
4.7.2 About the Value Bindings Attribute Value Binding Boolean Value Binding List Value Binding Range Value Binding Scroll Value Binding
4.7.3 About the Action Binding

5 Overview of Oracle ADF Integration with Struts

5.1 Summary
5.2 Highlights of the Struts Framework
5.3 Oracle ADF Extensions to Struts
5.3.1 Oracle ADF Data Action and Data Forward Action Classes
5.3.2 Oracle ADF Lifecycle
5.3.3 Named Events in Oracle ADF
5.3.4 Oracle ADF Data Action Mapping Class
5.3.5 Oracle ADF Data Form Bean
5.3.6 Oracle ADF Binding Filter
5.4 Struts Design Time Integration with Oracle ADF
5.4.1 Struts Page Flow Diagram
5.4.2 Source View Tab
5.4.3 Property Inspector Integration with the Struts Configuration File
5.4.4 Design Time Rendering of Struts Tag Libraries
5.4.5 Interactive Code Insight for JSP Code Editing
5.5 Struts Runtime Integration with the Oracle ADF Model Layer
5.6 Data Pages and Data Actions in the Databound Struts Page Flow
5.6.1 Working with Data Pages
5.6.2 Working with Data Actions
5.7 Best Practices
5.7.1 When to Use a Data Page or Data Action
5.7.2 Adding Business Service Methods to a Data Action
5.7.3 When to Subclass the DataAction or DataForwardAction Class
5.7.4 When to Use an Oracle ADF Lifecycle Plugin
5.7.5 Summary of Best Practices in Working with Oracle ADF/Struts Integration

6 Overview of Oracle ADF Data Binding in View Technologies

6.1 Summary
6.2 Role of the View Layer
6.2.1 Differences Between JSP Pages and UIX XML Documents
6.3 JDeveloper Design Time Integration with the Oracle ADF Model Layer
6.3.1 Overview of Data Control Palette Usage
6.3.2 Overview of the Data Control Business Objects
6.3.3 Overview of Oracle ADF Project Files Files in the Oracle ADF Model Project Files in the ViewController Project
6.4 Web Application Runtime Integration with the Oracle ADF Model Layer
6.5 JClient Application Runtime Integration with the Oracle ADF Model Layer
6.5.1 About Data Binding in JClient
6.5.2 Generated JClient Containers Standard Java Containers How JClient Preserves the Data Context Between Data Panels
6.5.3 Process for Creating and Using the Panel Binding
6.5.4 About the Frame Class in JClient Application Bootstrap Frame Initialization
6.5.5 About the Layout Panel in JClient
6.5.6 About Data Panels in JClient
6.5.7 About Control Binding in JClient Populating Controls with Data Updating Data Through Controls
6.6 Best Practices
6.6.1 Customizing the Oracle ADF Iterator Binding for UI Access
6.6.2 Creating a Search Criteria Form Using Oracle ADF Find Mode About Parameterized Queries Process for Displaying Results
6.7 Summary of UI Components in Oracle ADF Web Pages
6.7.1 Value Bindings for the Entire Collection or Row Set
6.7.2 Value Bindings for Individual Data Object Attribute Values
6.7.3 Action Bindings for Business Object Methods and Data Control Operations
6.8 Summary of UI Components in Oracle ADF Java Clients
6.8.1 Value Bindings for the Entire Collection or Data Object
6.8.2 Value Bindings for Individual Data Object Attribute Values

A JDeveloper Runtime Problems and Solutions

A.1 JSP Page Fails with HTTP 404-Page Not Found Error
A.2 Browser Locates JSP File But Fails to Render with Content
A.3 JDeveloper Unable to Establish Connection to Embedded OC4J Server
A.4 Unable to Specify Connection Driver Class to Use with a Web Application in JDeveloper
A.5 Unable to Establish Connection Upon EJB Lookup

B Oracle ADF Problems and Solutions

B.1 Oracle ADF Runtime Installer Fails With Error
B.2 Previously Working Application Using ADF Business Components Starts Throwing JDBC Errors
B.3 Changes to ADF Business Components Parameters Have No Effect
B.4 ADF Business Components Throw ClassNotFoundException
B.5 ADF Business Components Deployed with Libraries Throw Exceptions