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Oracle® Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B13819-01
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5 Mobile Studio

Each section of this document presents a different topic. These sections include:

5.1 Overview of Mobile Studio

This chapter introduces OracleAS Wireless Mobile Studio. Mobile Studio is a completely online, hosted environment for developing, testing and deploying applications for the OracleAS Wireless platform. It also serves as a Web portal, supporting the wireless developer community in the enterprise and on the Internet.

Mobile Studio offers developers a simple, intuitive and easy-to-use Web-based user interface to facilitate rapid configuration, testing and deployment of wireless applications. Developers do not need to download or install anything on their workstations; all they need is a Web browser and access to Mobile Studio. Once an application is registered with Mobile Studio, developers can test it using any mobile device or simulator (including voice). They can instantly access real-time logs to troubleshoot any issues. Once the application is tested, developers can deploy it to a production server with the click of a button.

Service providers can easily brand Mobile Studio (customizing its look-and-feel and content), and integrate it with their existing web site. Mobile Studio can serve as an interactive development tool, a one-stop shop for up-to-date information and collateral on the OracleAS Wireless server platform, and service deployment portal for third-party content providers. This makes it easy for service providers to support their developer community and attract new developers.

5.1.1 Mobile Studio Key Features

Mobile Studio includes the following major features:

  • A hosted environment that is completely online. There is nothing to download.

  • A simple, Web-based user interface targeted at application developers. The OracleAS Wireless Tools, on the other hand, are targeted at system administrators and advanced developers.

  • Instant access to developed applications from any mobile device or simulator (including voice).

  • Instant debug log access for interactive testing.

  • An optional feature enabling one-click deployment to production servers.

For application providers:

  • Mobile Studio serves as a developer portal, supporting the existing developer community as well as attracting new developers.

  • Mobile Studio supports multiple languages and character sets out of the box.

  • Mobile Studio is targeted at Web masters, not engineers; no coding is needed for simple application customization.

5.1.2 Mobile Studio on the Oracle Technology Network

Visit Mobile Studio hosted on the Oracle Technology Network for an example of how Mobile Studio can be branded and integrated into an existing web site. Any developer, systems integrator or independent software vendor with access to the Internet can use this instance to quickly build and test applications that are immediately accessible from any device. This unique environment allows companies to benefit from faster time to market, increased productivity and a dramatically simplified testing cycles.

5.2 Getting Started with Mobile Studio

Access the Mobile Studio main page at the following URL:

where <studio_server> and <studio_port> are the name of the host and port number running the Mobile Studio instance. These are configured in the Oracle Installer during the installation process.


Mobile Studio has been optimized for the latest versions of the popular Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers. Mobile Studio is not certified for Netscape 4.x or Internet Explorer 4.x.

5.2.1 Login and Registration

Mobile Studio is deployed configured for Single Sign-on (SSO). The user profile information (including user ID and password) is stored in an Oracle Internet Directory (OID) repository and is shared by all SSO-enabled applications.

All user accounts are created and managed in a central repository backed by the Oracle Internet Directory (OID) server. Once Mobile Studio has been configured for SSO; any user in the shared repository can log in with their single sign-on user ID and password and use Mobile Studio. New users must have their accounts created before they can enter Mobile Studio.

5.2.2 Building an Application Using Mobile Studio

The first step in building an application for the OracleAS Wireless platform is to develop an application using your own tools in your own environment. The mechanism used to generate the presentation layer of your application is transparent to Mobile Studio; all of the dynamic page generation technologies (such as CGI, JSP, and ASP) are supported. The only requirements are:

  • The pages that you generate must be written in a markup language recognized by OracleAS Wireless, such as XHTML.

  • The entry point to your application must be an HTTP URL accessible from the Mobile Studio server.

Figure 5-1 shows a simple Hello World application written in XHTML.

Figure 5-1 Simple Hello World Example

Description of stustustudiogif.gif follows
Description of the illustration stustustudiogif.gif

  1. Upload these two files to a Web server accessible from Mobile Studio.

  2. Log in to Mobile Studio.

  3. On the My Studio page, click New Application.

  4. Enter a short name (such as Hello) for your application, its URL, an optional description, and comments for your own reference.

  5. Click Create to register your new application with Mobile Studio.

5.2.3 Testing an Application

Once you have registered your application with Mobile Studio, you can test it using either an actual mobile device or device emulation software. Not only can Mobile Studio applications be accessed from any mobile device, but they can be accessed through multiple channels such as HTTP, Voice, and Messaging. Contact your Mobile Studio administrator for a list of valid access points (for example: URL for HTTP access, or a phone number for Voice access).

If you encounter errors (or if you are just curious), you can click the Log icon next to your application (see Figure 5-2) to see the real-time debug logs.

Figure 5-2 Samples Window

Description of ms2.gif follows
Description of the illustration ms2.gif

When you click the Log icon, log information appears in a new window (as shown in Figure 5-3).

Figure 5-3 View Log Messages Window

Description of ms3.gif follows
Description of the illustration ms3.gif

See Also:

For more information on logs, see Mobile Studio online Help.

5.2.4 Deploying an Application

After testing your application, you can deploy it on a production instance of OracleAS Wireless. In the My Studio home page, select the application you want to deploy and click Deploy. If the Deploy button is not available, contact your Mobile Studio administrator for details.

See Also:

For more information, see Mobile Studio online Help.

5.3 Customizing Mobile Studio

Mobile Studio can be customized in a variety of ways, allowing powerful integration with existing customer Web sites.

5.3.1 Creating Sample Services

Mobile Studio ships with four sample services. Registered users of Mobile Studio may access these services and view their source code. These services were created to demonstrate how to develop applications using various OracleAS Wireless features. To delete or edit existing sample services, see OracleAS Wireless Administrator's Guide. This following section details how to create a new sample service.

To create a sample service, you must first develop the application using XHTML or OracleAS Wireless XML. Be sure to host the sample service at a location that is accessible by Mobile Studio. You must also host a document that contains the source code of your application. The contents of this file are retrieved and embedded inside the body tag of an HTML document when users' choose to view the source code (that is, you may use HTML syntax to format this document).


You must use the Mobile Studio Administrator's Tool to register the sample service you have created before it will be displayed in Mobile Studio. See OracleAS Wireless Administrator's Guide for instructions.

5.3.2 Branding

In Mobile Studio, branding refers to the particular look and feel of a site. For example, the images (logos, borders, icons) used, and the textual content (font size, colors) of a page constitute the look and feel of a site. This section details how to perform such look-and-feel customizations by creating new brandings. If you require more advanced customizations (such as modifying the layout and flow of pages) see Section 5.3.4, "JSP Pages" and the JSP Tag Library on Oracle Technology Network.

Creating a new branding does not require coding in Java; brandings are defined using a declarative approach. Only knowledge of HTML is required to create a new branding.

To create a new branding:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your installation of OracleAS Wireless and locate the directory where the J2EE applications are deployed (for example, ORACLE_HOME/wireless/j2ee/applications). The branding definitions are stored in the sub-directory studio/studio-web/sites (referred to hereinafter as the branding directory). In a fresh installation, the branding directory contains a folder called default, which stores the default branding shipped with Mobile Studio.

  2. Create a new branding by creating a new folder in the branding directory.


    The name of the folder is the name of your branding.

    Each branding must contain a file called This file contains declarations for the textual and image resources used. For example, common.css.filename is a key inside this file that controls which the cascading style sheet (CSS) file used by Mobile Studio. The branding which ships with Mobile Studio includes property files for each supported locale. For example, the properties file is used for the French (fr) locale.


    An easy way to create new brandings is to copy the default branding included with Mobile Studio, and edit the files as necessary. You may also perform look-and-feel customizations by directly modifying the default branding included with Mobile Studio.

The valid keys that may be declared in the file is controlled by the master file If you require additional keys (usually for more advanced customizations), you can locate this file at ORACLE_HOME/wireless/server/classes/messages/oracle/panama/studio. You must restart the OracleAS Wireless Server for changes in this file to take effect.


You must use the Mobile Studio Administrator's Tool to declare the branding that Mobile Studio should display (by default, Mobile Studio will display the branding included with Mobile Studio). See OracleAS Wireless Administrator's Guide for more information.

5.3.3 Supporting Multiple Locales

The default branding included with Mobile Studio has bundled support for 28 locales. However, only the English locale (en) is enabled upon a fresh installation. To enable support for other locales, see OracleAS Wireless Administrator's Guide for detailed instructions.

If you want to support locales in a branding that you have created or want to support additional locales in the default branding, you must create resource files containing the relevant translations (see Section 5.3.2, "Branding" for information about branding directories).

For example, to create the locale for Hindi (hi):

  1. Create a resource bundle file in your branding directory. Navigate to the Mobile Studio brandings directory that you are using. The easiest approach is to copy an existing resource bundle for a supported locale, translate the appropriate keys, and save it as a new file called

  2. Create a resource bundle file for server-side error messages. Navigate to the directory ORACLE_HOME/wireless/server/classes/messages/oracle/panama/studio. The easiest approach is to copy an existing resource bundle for a supported locale, translate the appropriate keys, and save it as a new file called

  3. Create translated client-side error messages. Navigate to the directory ORACLE_HOME/wireless/j2ee/applications/studio/studio-web/Javascript. The easiest approach is to copy an existing file in this folder, translate the appropriate keys and save it as a new file called ommsg_hi.js.


    You must use the Mobile Studio Administrator's Tool to enable the locales that you want supported. See OracleAS Wireless Administrator's Guide for instructions.

Mobile Studio determines which locale to display by examining the list of preferred locales originating from a request. The algorithm is similar to how Java loads Resource Bundles. English (en) is the default locale in a fresh installation.

5.3.4 JSP Pages

This section lists the customization details of the major JSPs used in Mobile Studio: JSP page: login.jsp

Users trying to access other pages without logging in are redirected to this page, with an appropriate error message.


In integrated mode, users log in (or self-register) with their OID username and password on a separate page. login.jsp is used only when Mobile Studio is running in standalone mode.

A User performs the following actions from the Log In page (see Figure 5-4).

  • Log in to Mobile Studio.

  • Register as a new user.

  • Browse through the information pages using the menu.

Figure 5-4 Mobile Studio Log In Page (Partial View)

Description of ms1.gif follows
Description of the illustration ms1.gif

Resources are listed in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Mobile Studio Log In Page Resources

Name Description Example Informational text. The OracleAS Wireless Studio is an online environment for quickly building testing and deploying wireless applications.
login.text.title The page title. Welcome To The OracleAS Wireless Studio
login.image.frontpage A 340 x 340 splash image on the login page /images/frontpage.gif
common.label.register A label for the Register button. Register JSP page: registraton.jsp

User can register to Mobile Studio by filling in the registration form on the Registration Page (see Figure 5-5).


In integrated mode, users log in (or self-register) with their OID username and password on a separate page. login.jsp is used only when Mobile Studio is running in standalone mode.

Figure 5-5 Registration Page (Partial View)

Description of ms4.gif follows
Description of the illustration ms4.gif

Registration page resources are listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Registration Page Resources

Name Description Example
common.href.register The URL for registration page. Registration.jsp
common.label.register The label for Register button. Register
register.text.title The body title text for the page. New User Registration The informational message for registration. By registering, you indicate that you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy policy. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
common.label.userid The label for user id field. User ID
register.hint.userid The hint for user id field. Choose an alphanumeric userid.
common.label.password The label for password field. Password
register.hint.password The hint for password field. Choose an alphanumeric password.
common.label.password2 The label for password field, entered again. Password (again)
register.hint.password2 The hint for password again field. Re-enter your password for verification.
register.label.accountnumber The label for account number field Voice account number
register.hint.accountnumber The hint for account number Choose an account number required for voice login.
register.label.voicepin The label for voice PIN. Voice PIN
register.hint.voicepin The hint for voice PIN. Choose a numeric PIN, required for voice login.
register.label.voicepinagain The label for voice PIN again. PIN (again)
register.hint.voicepin2 The hint for voice again PIN. Re-enter your PIN for verification. The label for name field. Name The hint for name field. Enter your first and last name, for example: John Smith.
common.label.e-mail The label for E-mail field. E-mail Address
register.hint.e-mail The hint for e-mail. Enter your e-mail address, e.g. The label for phone field. Phone Number The hint for phone field. Enter your phone number, including country and area code. For example: 16505555000
common.label.workaddr The label for work address. Work Address The label for company. Company Name
common.label.addr The label for address line 1. Address Line 1
common.label.addr2 The label for address line 2. Address Line 2 The label for city. City
common.label.state The label for state State The label for the ZIP code. Zip The label for the country. Country
register.label.setdefault The label for set as default. Set as Default
register.hint.workaddr The hint for work address. Enter your work address.
common.label.homeaddr The label for home address. Home Address
register.hint.homeaddr The hint for home address. Enter your home address.
common.label.register The label for register button. Register
common.label.cancel The label for cancel button. Cancel JSP Page: loginPortlet.jsp

This page is included to provide a form for the user to login Log in Portlet resources are listed in Table 5-3).


In integrated mode, users log in (or self-register) with their OID username and password on a separate page. login.jsp is used only when Mobile Studio is running in standalone mode.

Table 5-3 Log In Portlet Resources

Name Description Example
common.label.login The label for the login button. Log In
common.label.password The label for the password text input field. Password
common.label.userid The label for user ID text input field. User ID
forgot.password.label The label for the forgot password? field. Forgot password? JSP page: pageHeader.jsp

This page is included as a header for all the customer-facing JSPs. Page Header resources are listed in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Page Header Resources

Name Description Example
page.title The window title. Home The site (branding) name.
common.css.filename The cascading style sheets (CSS) file. sites/default/om.css
global.head Additional customizations to be included in HTML header. sites/default/samplepagehead.html
page.body The body tag customizations.
global.header Additional customizations to the header region. sites/default/samplepageheader.html The Help button image name. sites/default/images/button_help.gif
common.image.button.logout The Logout button image name. sites/default/images/button_logout.gif
common.image.window.left The left window border image name. sites/default/images/window_left.gif The top window border image name. sites/default /images/window_top.gif
common.image.window.topleft The top left window corner image name. sites/default/images/window_topleft.gif
common.image.window.topright The top right window corner image name. sites/default/images/window_topright.gif The URL of the Help page.
common.href.logout The URL of the Logout action. logout.jsp The tool tip text for the Help button. Help
common.tooltip.logout The tool tip text for the Logout button. Log out JSP page: pageFooter.jsp

This page is included as a footer for all customer-facing JSPs. Page Footer resources are listed in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Page Footer Resources

Name Description Example
global.footer Additional customizations to the footer region sites/default/samplepagefooter.html The bottom window border image name. sites/default/images/window_bot.gif
common.image.window.botleft The bottom left window corner image name. sites/default/images/window_botleft.gif
common.image.window.botright The bottom right window corner image name. sites/default/images/window_botright.gif
common.image.window.left The left window border image name. sites/default /images/window_left.gif
common.image.window.line The window separator line image name. sites/default /images/window_line.gif
common.image.window.lineleft The window separator left joint image name. sites/default /images/window_lineleft.gif
common.image.window.lineright The window separator right joint image name. sites/default/images/window_lineright.gif
common.image.window.right The right window border image name. sites/default /images/window_right.gif JSP page: pageMenu.jsp

This page is included inside most pages to provide a common side bar for the user to browse. Page Menu resources are listed in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6 Page Menu Resources

Name Description Example
common.label.home The label for home button. My Studio
common.label.profile The label for profile button. My Profile
common.label.doc The label for documentation button. Documentation
common.label.logout The label for logout button. Log Out Additional customizations to the menu region. sites/default/samplepagemenu.html JSP page: pagePortlets.jsp

This page is included in most of the JSPs. Page Portlets resources are listed in Table 5-7). The default branding displays the following page portlets:

  • Send Messaging

  • Discussion Forum

Table 5-7 Page Portlets Resources

Name Description Example
page.portlets HTML included for page portlets Sites/default/samplepageportlets.html JSP page: profile.jsp

Users can view and edit their profile in this page. Page Profile resources are listed in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8 Page Profile Resources

Name Description Example
profile.body.title The body title text for the page. My Profile
common.labels.User.ID The label for user's ID. User ID
register.label.accountnumber The label for the Account Number Account Number
common.labels.Name The label for the Name field Name
common.labels.e-mail.address The label for the E-Mail field. E-mail
common.labels.Phone.Number The label for the Phone field. Phone
common.labels.Landmark The label for the Landmark field Landmark
common.labels.HOME The label for the Home field. HOME
common.labels.home.address The label for the Home Address field. Home Address The label for the City field. City
common.labels.stateZip The label for the State/Zip field. State/Zip The label for the Country field. Country
common.labels.setDefault The label for the Set Default field. Set as Default
common.labels.WORK The label for the Work field. WORK
common.labels.Company The label for the Company field. Company The label for the Work Address field. Work Address
common.labels.changePin The label for the Change Password field. Change Password
common.labels.NewPassword The label for the New Password field. New Password
common.labels.NewPasswordAgain The label for the New Password Again field. New Password (again)
profile.text.changepin The label for the Change PIN field. Change PIN
register.label.voicepin The label for the Voice PIN field. Voice PIN
register.label.voicepinagain The label for the Voice PIN Again field. PIN (again)
common.buttons.label.Save The label for the Save button. Save
common.buttons.label.Cancel The label for the Cancel button Cancel JSP page: home.jsp

This is the main page for users; it is the first page that users see after logging in.

Users can perform the following actions from this page (Home Page resources are listed in Table 5-9):

  • Manage (create, edit, delete, rename, deploy, copy, move) applications.

  • Manage (create, rename, delete, copy, move) their device portal folders.

  • Manage (create, edit, delete, rename, copy, move) bookmarks.

  • Explore the folders and its contents.

  • Navigate to other portions of the site: sample applications, deployments and registered Web services.

Table 5-9 Home Page Resources

Name Description Example
home.text.greeting The welcome message for the user. Welcome
common.href.home The URL of the home page. home.jsp
home.image.currfold The image for the current folder (the image for the open folder). sites/default/images/folderopen.gif
home.tooltip.upfolder The informational message to the user for the upper level folder. Up One Level
common.href.createfolder The URL for creating a new folder page. newFolder.jsp
home.tooltip.newfolder The message to the user for creating a new folder. Create New Folder.
home.label.newfolder The label that appears on new Folder button. New Folder
home.tooltip.newapp The informational message to the user for new application. Create New Application.
home.label.newapp The label that appears on the New Application button. New Application
home.label.appname The name of the application. Name
home.label.appdesc The description for the application. Description.
home.label.appstatus The status of the application. Status
home.image.application The icon for the application. sites/default /images/app.gif
home.label.view The label on View button. View
home.label.rename The label on Rename button. Rename
home.label.move The label on Move button. Move
home.label.copy The label on Copy button. Copy
home.label.delete The label on Delete button. Delete
home.label.deploy The label on Deploy button. Deploy
home.label.viewlog The label on View Log button. View Log Java Beans

Available Java Beans are listed in Table 5-10.

Table 5-10 Java Beans

Name Type Description
foldersList Java.util.ArrayList This list of all the sub-folders for the user in the current folder.
servicesList Java.util.ArrayList This list of all of the services of the user for the given folder. JSP page: testAppInfoBox.jsp

This page is included where there are instructions for testing user applications Test App Info Box resources are listed in Table 5-11). It is included in the home.jsp and samples.jsp pages.

Table 5-11 Test App Info Box Resources

Name Description Example
home.text.test.boxtitle The title for the testing instructions box. Test Your Applications
home.text.test.begin Instructions text
home.text.test.accessinfo Instructions text Connect using voice: 1-800-000-000
home.text.test.end Instructions text Click the View Log button for real time debug information