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Oracle® Application Server Wireless Administrator's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B13820-01
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3 Managing the OracleAS Wireless Server

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Overview of OracleAS Wireless System Management

System Administrators use the System Manager to manage the OracleAS Wireless site and server, manage and configure processes, monitor system performance data that assesses system health, and centrally manage and configure OracleAS Wireless. All configuration data is stored in the database. In addition, the System Manager enables users to upload and download repository objects.

The System Manager, which is part of Oracle Enterprise Manager, provides you with two views to manage the OracleAS Wireless system: the OracleAS Wireless Server view and the Site view. The Wireless Server view enables you to monitor and manage system performance for each server and to start and stop the server processes. From the Site view, you create a common configuration for the OracleAS Wireless servers, and monitor the performance data for the entire site. Fore more information on the Oracle Enterprise Manager, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts.

You access these views (and the functions they provide) through the three subtabs of the System Manager: Home, Site Performance and Site Administration. Table 3-1 describes these tabs and their functions. Figure 3-1 depicts a partial view of the System Manager's Home page, which appears by default when you access the tool.

Table 3-1 The Service Manager Tabs

Tab Description
Home Provides a view of the OracleAS Wireless Server. The status, processes, performance data and system logging are for the current middle tier of the OracleAS Wireless server. The only non-server specific function is the Basic Site Configuration link, which enables minimal configuration required for the Wireless Site (after the OracleAS Wireless Server is first installed).
Site Performance The performance data of the Site.
Site Administration From this page, you can configure the entire Site, such as the JDBC connection pool, system logging (mainly log level), locale, and URLs, as well as configuration specific to site components. In addition, this page includes utilities for uploading and downloading repository objects.

Figure 3-1 The System Manager (Partial View)

Description of sys_hmpg.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_hmpg.gif

3.1.1 Refreshing the System Manager Screens

The Home, Site Performance and Administration pages each have a timestamp that indicates the status of the data displayed. To update this data, click the Refresh icon. Refreshing the Home and Site Performance pages reloads the performance or status information, not the configuration data. To refresh the configuration data (that is, to force the configuration data to be reloaded from the database), click the Refresh icon on the Site Administration page. The timestamp on the Home and Site Performance pages displays the current time, because the data is retrieved in real-time; the timestamp on the Site Administration page, however, displays the last time that the configuration data was loaded from the database. To refresh the page, you must either click the Refresh icon or update some configuration data.

Figure 3-2 The Refresh Icon on the Home Page

Description of sys_rtme.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_rtme.gif

3.2 Logging In to the System Manager

Users granted the System Administrator role access the System Manager through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control by enterng the following URL into browser:



The default port is 1810.

After you log into the Oracle Enterprise Manager, select the Wireless component from the System Components table. The System Manager appears and defaults to the Home page (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3 The Home Page of System Manager (Partial View)

Description of sys_wshp.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_wshp.gif

3.3 The Home Page

After you access the System Manager, the tool defaults to the Home page. The page's General section displays current status of the Wireless server (Up, Down, or Unavailable), the name of the current host, the version number of Oracle Application Server Wireless, and the configuration status of the site. The timestamp on the Home page reflects the current status of the data displayed on the page. You can refresh (reload) the Home page by clicking the Refresh icon.

The Home page is divided into the following sections:


The General section lists the current status of the OracleAS Wireless server, the name of the current host, and if the server has been configured.

Response and Load

The Response and Load section displays the following OracleAS Wireless runtime instance statistics for the last ten minutes.

Web-Based Applications

This section lists the OC4J (OracleAS Containers for J2EE) applications in the Wireless OC4J instance. These application types vary according to the installation. The System Manager displays each of the applications as a hyperlink; by clicking one, you access pages for viewing performance statistics. You can refresh the performance data displayed on these paged by clicking the Refresh icon. These applications, which are started or stopped using the Start OC4J Instance and Stop OC4J Instance buttons, are started as stopped as a group; these applications cannot be started or stopped individually. For more information on OC4J see the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User's Guide.

Standalone Processes

This section lists the Wireless process types, which vary according to the installation. The System Manager displays each of the processes as a hyperlink; by clicking one, you access detail pages that enable you to start and stop the process, view its performance statistics, and configure it. You can refresh data on the detail pages by clicking the Refresh icon.

Instance Configuration

From this section (pictured in Figure 3-4), you can configure the logging directory, view the log file, and configure the URLs for the current OracleAS Wireless instance or middle tier.

Figure 3-4 The Instance Configuration Section of the Home Page

Description of sys_insc.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_insc.gif

3.3.1 Basic Site Configuration

The General section includes a link called Basic Site Configuration, which enables you to quickly configure the entire Oracle Application Server Wireless site by providing a minimum of information.


The OracleAS Wireless site needs only to be configured once after the installation of the first OracleAS Wireless middle tier.

Clicking the link invokes a two-page wizard that guides you through the configuration of the OracleAS Wireless site. The pages are as follows:

  • The Proxy Server page (Figure 3-5): On this page, you define such proxy server-related information as proxy server host name and port number. You must provide the proxy settings if the Wireless instance resides within an intranet and must use the proxy server to direct traffic to Internet.


    The Proxy Server page enables you to configure the proxy properties used by Wireless when HTTP is required. If your installation of Wireless does not use an HTTP proxy server, then you do not have to define the parameters for this page.

    Figure 3-5 Configuring the Proxy Ports for Basic Site Configuration

    Description of sys_cpxy.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sys_cpxy.gif

  • The Entry Points page (Figure 3-6): This page contains fields in which you define the entry points, which include the access point addresses used by different delivery channels to access the Async Listener as well as the voice access phone number that displays in the Customization Portal.

    You can configure the site's locale and time zone using the drop-down lists in the Site Locale section.

Figure 3-6 Configuring the Entry Points for Basic Site Configuration

Description of sys_cent.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_cent.gif

After you complete this wizard, the configuration status in General section displays as Configured.


For the Messaging Server function properly (that is, to send many messages), you must also configure such messaging driver instance class parameters as username and password within a Messaging Server.

3.3.2 System Logging

From the System Logging section of the Home page (pictured in Figure 3-7), you can designate the location for the system logging and view the system log file.

Figure 3-7 The System Logging Section of the Home Page

Description of sys_hlog.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_hlog.gif Configuring the Logging Directory

To configure the logging directory:

  1. Click the Logging Directory link. The logging page appears.

  2. Enter the name of the logging directory.

  3. Click OK.


    For the log directory change to take effect, you must restart all of the OracleAS Wireless processes, including the Wireless OC4J Instance and all of the standalone processes. Configuring the System Logging for the OracleAS Wireless Site

From the General Configuration section (Figure 3-8) on the Site Administration page, you can change the log level for the whole using the configuration page accessed by clicking System Logging.

Figure 3-8 Accessing the System Logging from the Site Administration Page

Description of sys_slog.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_slog.gif

From the System Logging page (Figure 3-9), you specify the log file size in bytes, and the log levels: Error, Warning, and Notify. By default, error and warning messages will be logged in the system log file.

Figure 3-9 The System Logging Page

Description of sys_clop.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_clop.gif

3.3.3 Configuring the URLs of the Current OracleAS Wireless Instance

From the Instance URLs page (depicted in Figure 3-10), you can specify the URLs used by a OracleAS Wireless middle-tier server as entry points to the OracleAS Wireless services. This page enables you to define the instance URLs (that is, the local URLs) for a middle-tier server, or direct a middle-tier server to use the URLs defined for the entire OracleAS Wireless site.

Figure 3-10 Configuring the Instance URLs for a OracleAS Wireless Server

Description of sys_curi.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_curi.gif Defining the Instance URLs

Selecting Use the Instance URLs instructs the OracleAS Wireless server to use the URLs defined on this page, which are populated by the post-installer to enable OracleAS Wireless to work out of the box.

After completing the installations for each OracleAS Wireless server on the OracleAS Wireless site, you then configure the URLs for the OracleAS Wireless site as virtual URLs and then select the Use the Wireless Site URLs option for each of the OracleAS Wireless servers. When upgrading the OracleAS Wireless site, select this option for each server until all of the servers on the OracleAS Wireless site have been upgraded. See Section for information on setting the URLs for the OracleAS Wireless site.

The instance URLs include those described in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 The Instance URLs

Parameter Value
Multi-Channel Server HTTP URL The Multi-Channel Server URL in HTTP mode. This URL is used when the OracleAS Wireless server uses the Multi-Channel server entry point for URL re-writing. The default URL format is:

http://<server>:<http port>/mcs/remote

Multi-Channel Server HTTPS URL The Multi-Channel Server URL in HTTPS mode. The default URL format is:

https://<server>:<https port>/mcs/remote

OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal HTTP URL The OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal URL in HTTP mode. The default URL format is:

http://<server>:<http port>/ptg/rm

OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal HTTPS URL The OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal URL in HTTPs mode. The default URL format is:

https://<server>:<https port>/ptg/rm

HTTP Adapter HTTP URL Prefix The URL prefix for the remote JSP page that is invoked by the HTTP Adapter in HTTP mode. Entering the URL prefix enables the OracleAS Wireless server to automatically attach this prefix to a JSP entered in the Input Parameters page of the Service Manager's Master Application Creation Wizard. When entering a JSP value in this wizard, you need only enter the JSP. For example, if you enter a remote JSP called myApp.jsp, into the wizard, the OracleAS Wireless server attaches the URL prefix, making this value into http://remote_host:port/apps/myApp.jsp.

The default format is:

http://<server>:<http port>

HTTP Adapter HTTPS URL Prefix The URL prefix for the remote JSP page that is invoked by the HTTP Adapter in HTTPS mode. The default URL format is:

https://<server>:<https port>

OracleAS Wireless Tools URL The URL for the OracleAS Wireless Tools, which must be configured to enable the functioning of the utilities on the Site Administration page of the System Manager. The default URL is:


OracleAS Wireless Customization Portal URL The URL for the OracleAS Wireless Customization Portal. The default URL format is:


J2ME Provisioning Server URL A user's device is redirected to this URL when the user opts to download a J2ME application. The default URL format is:


J2ME Web Service Proxy Server URL The URL to the proxy server that makes the Web services available to the J2ME applications built using the J2ME Web Services Client Library. The default URL format is:


XMS Center Base URL The URL to the MM1 entry point for the XMS Center. The default URL format is:


Audio Library URL Prefix The HTTP root to the audio files for catspeech (concatenated speech). For example, if you set this to http://localhost:7777/audio/catspeech, then the catspeech server expects all audio files associated with its libraries to originate from that location. If this is set incorrectly, then no audio associated with catspeech plays; only TTS (text-to-speech) plays back. The default URL format is:


Image Server HTTP URL The URL to the Multimedia Adaptation service's image adaptation servlet (in HTTP mode).

http://<server>:<http port>/mcs/media/image

Image Server HTTPS URL The URL to the Multimedia Adaptation service's secure image adaptation servlet (in HTTPS mode).

http://<server>:<https port>/mcs/media/image

Voice Grammar Server URL The URL to the Multimedia Adaptation service's voice grammar adaptation servlet. The default URL format is:


3.3.4 Process Management

From the Home page of the System Manager, you can manage the wireless processes on the local middle tier. There are two types of wireless processes:

  • Web-based - The Wireless OC4J (OracleAS Containers for J2EE) instance is the Web-based OracleAS Wireless process. Many types of wireless OC4J applications run in this process.

  • Standalone - The standalone Java processes can be started or stopped individually. Web-Based Applications

When you access the Home subtab, the Web-based applications display the following types of OC4J applications running in Wireless OC4J instance, with name and status information:

  • Multi-Channel Server

  • Async Listener

  • J2ME Web Service Proxy Server

  • Multimedia Adaptation Server

  • Provisioning Server

  • Wireless Tools

  • Customization Portal

If the application name appears as a link, then you can access a detail page that displays the application's performance information. You can start or stop all the Web-based applications by clicking the Start OC4J Instance or Stop OC4J Instance buttons. Standalone Processes

The standalone processes display the following types of Wireless processes by name, status and Enabled flag:

  • Notification Engine

  • Notification Event Collector

  • Data Feeder

  • Messaging Server

  • Performance Monitor

  • Location Event Server

  • Oracle Sensor Edge Server

By selecting a process, you can start or stop it as well as enable or disable it.


You can only stop (and start) a process that has been enabled.

Clicking Add Process invokes a two-step wizard that enables you to create a new process by first selecting the process type and entering the basic information about the process (such as the name) and then entering information specific to the process type. You can also select an existing process and delete it.


Names for the standalone processes can only contain single-byte, alphanumeric characters.

From the detail page, which you access by clicking the process name link, you can configure, or view the detail status and performance information of a standalone process. You can also start or stop the process at the process from this page.

By default, the timeout to start or stop a standalone process is 420 seconds. You can adjust this value by updating opmn.xml (the main configuration file of OPMN, Oracle Process Management and Notification) directly by using the Process Management page. You can invoke this page (Figure 3-11) from the Process Management link of the application server page in the Enterprise Manager. All of the OracleAS Wireless standalone processes are listed under the OracleAS Wireless component in opmn.xml.

Figure 3-11 Accessing ompn.xml Through the Process Management Page

Description of sys_ompn.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_ompn.gif

Notification Engine

You can configure the notification applications running in the process, and view their performance for notifications that are both processed and sent, subscribers to the notifications, and errors.

Notification Event Collector

You can specify the components which process the notification events.

Data Feeder

You can configure the data feeders running in the process.

Messaging Server

You can configure the driver instances running in the process, which determine what messaging services are provided. You can also view the server performance, such as the sending processing time, receiving response time, number of messages sent, for each delivery type.

For the messaging server to function, you must configure the messaging server drivers at the site level and the driver instances at the server process level.

Site-Level Configuration

Drivers are defined at site level under the Messaging category (located in the Component Configuration section). Each driver configuration includes category, capability (Send, Receive or Both), and driver class. For more information, see Section

Process-Level Configuration

OracleAS Wireless enables you to specify the driver instances used by a Messaging Server process. These driver instances, which you define at the process level, are based upon drivers defined for the entire OracleAS Wireless site. (That is, they are defined at the site-level.) You can create multiple driver instances based on the same site-level driver, each with different parameter values. As a result, different driver instances use the same driver class to send and receive messages, but the driver parameters have values specific to the driver instances themselves. For example, you can create two instances of the EmailDriver that run simultaneously, but are connected to a different email server by defining two different values for the EmailDriver parameters, and The attributes of a driver instance are as follows:

  • Driver Instance Name - The driver instance name.

  • Driver Name - The site level driver on which this driver is based. You can select from any of the drivers defined at the site level.

  • Number of Sending Threads - The number of sending threads used by this driver. This field only displays for drivers with either the SEND or BOTH capability. If you do enter a value, then the default value specified in Messaging Server Configuration at the Site Administration page is used. If you set the parameter value to 0, then the driver instance will not send messages.

  • Number of Receiving Threads - The number of receiving threads used by this driver. This field only displays for drivers with either the RECEIVE or BOTH capability. If you leave this field blank, then default value specified in Messaging Server Configuration at the Site Administration page is used. If you set the parameter value to 0, then the driver instance will not recieve messages.

  • Enabled - By selecting this flag, you enable the driver instance; otherwise, the instance is disabled if you do not set this flag. For a driver instance to run, both the site and process levels must be enabled. At the process level, OracleAS Wireless displays both site level Enable/Disable flag and the process level flag.

  • Site Enabled - The value displayed (which is read-only from the driver instance page), states whether the site driver has been enabled for the site. You can edit this value by editing the site-level driver. For more information, refer to Drivers in Section


    All of the pre-seeded site-level drivers are enabled by default. To improve performance, you can disable unneeded drivers.

  • Driver class parameters - You define these parameters to specify the driver class parameter values. Each parameter has multiple attributes which are defined at the site level, such as parameter name, description, mandatory flag (displayed as True or False) and parameter value. Although the driver table in this page displays all of the driver's site-defined attributes, you can only specify the parameters values at the process level (their default values are set at the site level). For a mandatory parameter, you must provide a value to successfully create or update a driver instance. If you do not define a mandatory parameter, then OracleAS Wireless generates an error.

Updating a Driver Instance

To update the driver instance, you select the driver instance from the Messaging Server process detail page and then click Edit.

Creating a New Driver Instance

The Add Driver Instance page (Figure 3-12), which is invoked by clicking the Add Driver Instance button in the process detail page, enables you to create a new driver. To create a driver instance, enter a name for the instance, select the site-level driver on which to base the new driver instance and then click Go.

If you base a driver instance upon a driver whose parameters have changed, for example, from the addition of a new parameter with default value or the removal of an obsolete parameter, then OracleAS Wireless reflects these changes in the table listing the parameters in the editing page. If a new parameter has been added to the driver, then the table includes the new parameter with its default value. The table does not display parameter that have beome obsolete and have been deleted.


Changing the default parameter values for a messaging driver at the site level does not affect the driver instance.

Figure 3-12 The Add Driver Instance Screen

Description of sys_addr.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_addr.gif

Performance Monitor

You can configure the number of working threads for a Performance Monitor process.

Location Event Server

To configure a location event server process, you enter the number of positioning schedulers. Each location event server can have one or more positioning schedulers that process the location-based conditions. This setting specifies the number of positioning schedulers for each location event server.You base this setting on the system workload. If many location based-conditions are created and processed, then you should enter a number greater than 1 (such as 5 or 10).

However, if few location based-conditions are created and processed, one positioning scheduler will suffice. You can adjust this value according to the performance of the location event server.

Oracle Sensor Edge Server

To create an Oracle Sensor Edge Server process, enter a name for the process and then the name of the edger server group. The devices (and their filter instances) as well as the dispatchers, are assigned to an Oracle Sensor Edge Server process using the Sensor Services tool. For more information, see Chapter 4, "Managing Oracle Sensor Edge Services".


If you modify the assignments of devices, device groups, or dispatchers of an Oracle Sensor Edge Server process, or modify the properties of the devices, device groups or dispatchers used by a process, then you must stop and restart the Oracle Sensor Edge Server process to which these components belong. For more information on starting and stopping a standalone process, see Section, "Standalone Processes".

3.4 Wireless Server Performance

The Response and Load section displays the following Wireless statistics, which are an overview of the process performance metrics based on the last 10 minutes for the local mid-tier:

3.5 Site Performance

On the Site Performance page (Figure 3-13), the Response and Load section displays the same type of performance data as the middle tier, but the data is for the entire Wireless Site. You can also select the View Data options for the time interval of the performance data. The choices are:

Figure 3-13 The Site Performance Screen (Partial View)

Description of sys_sprf.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_sprf.gif

Clicking the links in the Component Performance section of the page enables you to view performance metrics within a selected time frame. The Performance page and the individual component performance pages each have a timestamp with a Refresh button, which enables you to reload the page to update the performance or status information.

Multi-Channel Server Performance

The performance data over the designated time period is displayed for each process of the OracleAS Wireless site. These performance categories include:

Async Listener Performance

The performance data over the designated time period displays for each process of the OracleAS Wireless site. These performance categories include:

Notification Engine Performance

The performance data over the designated time period will be displayed for each individual process of the wireless site:

Messaging Server Performance

The performance data are separated by client-side performance and server-side performance. The client performance is based on the designated time period for each delivery type of each process of the Wireless site:

The server performance is based on the designated time period for each delivery type of each process of the wireless site. These performance categories include:

Location-Related Performance

The location related performance metrics are measured by location-based service provider and by location event server.

Oracle Sensor Edge Server Processes Performance Data

For the Edge Server processes, the performance metrics display by process name as follows:

3.6 Site Administration

From the Site Administration page (Figure 3-14), you can configure the OracleAS Wireless system for the whole OracleAS Wireless site; all of the OracleAS Wireless servers use this common configuration. From this page, you can also access functions to download or upload repository objects.

The timestamp on the Site Administration page displays the last time that the configuration data was loaded from the database. To update the data on the page, click the Refresh icon or update some configuration data. Otherwise, the timestamp the last time that the configuration data was loaded from the database.

Figure 3-14 The Site Administration Screen (Partial View)

Description of sys_sadn.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_sadn.gif

3.6.1 General Configuration

The General Configuration section contains the configurations generic for the wireless system. HTTP, HTTPS Configuration

The HTTP, HTTPS configuration page enables you to configure theOracleAS Wireless site's proxy server settings, URLs, and the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates. Configuring the Proxy Server for HTTP

The proxy server section enables you to configure the proxy properties used by Wireless for the HTTP protocol. If your network uses a proxy server, then you must set these properties to enable the proper functioning of such components as provisioning server, geocoding, and the XMS center.


f your Wireless system does not use an HTTP proxy server, then you do not need to configure the proxy server properties.

To configure the proxy server, specify the proxy server host, port and exception addresses. If you opt to require the proxy server to require authentication, then you must also provide the user name and password. Configuring the URLs for the OracleAS Wireless Site

This page enables you to also define the URLs for the site. These URLs, which are listed in Table 3-3, can be used as the virtual URLs for OracleAS Wireless servers. To enable the URLs defined in this page, select Use the Site URLS in the Instance URLs page. For more information on the Instance URLs page, see Section 3.3.3. If you do not select this option, then the OracleAS Wireless servers use their local URLs instead.

Table 3-3 The Instance URLs

Parameter Value
Multi-Channel Server HTTP URL The Multi-Channel Server URL in HTTP mode. This URL is used when the OracleAS Wireless server uses the Multi-Channel server entry point for URL re-writing. The default URL format is:

http://<server>:<http port>/mcs/remote

Multi-Channel Server HTTPS URL The Multi-Channel Server URL in HTTPS mode. The default URL format is:

https://<server>:<https port>/mcs/remote

OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal HTTP URL The OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal URL in HTTP mode. The default URL format is:

http://<server>:<http port>/ptg/rm

OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal HTTPS URL The OracleAS Wireless and Voice Portal URL in HTTPs mode. The default URL format is:

https://<server>:<https port>/ptg/rm

HTTP Adapter HTTP URL Prefix The URL prefix for the remote JSP page that is invoked by the HTTP Adapter in HTTP mode. Entering the URL prefix enables the OracleAS Wireless server to automatically attach this prefix to a JSP entered in the Input Parameters page of the Service Manager's Master Application Creation Wizard. When entering a JSP value in this wizard, you need only enter the JSP. For example, if you enter a remote JSP called myApp.jsp into the wizard, the OracleAS Wireless server attaches the URL prefix, making this value into http://remote_host:port/apps/myApp.jsp.

The default format is:

http://<server>:<http port>

HTTP Adapter HTTPS URL Prefix The URL prefix for the remote JSP page that is invoked by the HTTP Adapter in HTTPS mode. The default URL format is:

https://<server>:<https port>

OracleAS Wireless Tools URL The URL for the OracleAS Wireless Tools, which must be configured to enable the functioning of the utilities on the Site Administration page of the System Manager. The default URL is:


OracleAS Wireless Customization Portal URL The URL for the OracleAS Wireless Customization Portal. The default URL format is:


J2ME Provisioning Server URL A user's device is redirected to this URL when the user opts to download a J2ME application. The default URL format is:


J2ME Web Service Proxy Server URL The URL to the proxy server that makes the Web services available to the J2ME applications built using the J2ME Web Services Client Library. The default URL format is:


XMS Center Base URL The URL to the MM1 entry point for the XMS Center. The default URL format is:


Audio Library URL Prefix The HTTP root to the audio files for catspeech (concatenated speech). For example, if you set this to http://localhost:7777/audio/catspeech, then the catspeech server expects all audio files associated with its libraries to originate from that location. If this is set incorrectly, then no audio associated with catspeech plays; only TTS (text-to-speech) plays back. The default URL format is:


Image Server HTTP URL The URL to the Multimedia Adaptation service's image adaptation servlet (in HTTP mode).

http://<server>:<http port>/mcs/media/image

Image Server HTTPS URL The URL to the Multimedia Adaptation service's secure image adaptation servlet (in HTTPS mode).

http://<server>:<https port>/mcs/media/image

Voice Grammar Server URL The URL to the Multimedia Adaptation service's voice grammar adaptation servlet. The default URL format is:

http://<server>:<port>/mcs/media/vgrammar Configuring SSL Certificates

The OracleAS Wireless Server uses certificates to positively identify certification authorities and publishers. Before you can use HTTPS to connect to a content provider, you must download the content provider's SSL root certificates (see Section A.1.21 for more information). After you download the certificate, copy it to the OracleAS middle-tier machine

The SSL section of this page enables you to configure the Wireless Server to use security certificates. OracleAS Wireless supports security certificates as either Base64 or PKCS#7-formatted certificate files to enable use of the HTTPS protocol. A Base64 certificate file is a text file, with the certificate information bounded at the beginning by '--BEGIN CERTIFICATE--' and at the end by '--END CERTIFICATE--'. A PKCS#7-formatted file is in binary code.


If there is more than one middle tier, then you must copy the file to all middle-tier machines. The file must be in the same location on all of the middle-tier machines.

Once you have dowloaded the certificate file to the middle-tier machine, you must configure the OracleAS Wireless Server to use that certificate. If you have more than one middle-tier machine, you must configure only the first middle tier; all other middle tiers will use the same settings (that is why the certificate file must be in the same location on all middle-tier machines).

To configure the OracleAS Wireless to use a certificate that has been copied to the middle-tier, enter the absolute path to the certificate file. You can set more than one certificate by clicking Add Another Row. You can also delete or update the certificate's file name. See also Section 10.4.2 and Section A.1.22. For more information on SSL, refer to the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide.


You must configure the Secure Sockets Layer to use HTTPS in the HttpAdapter. JDBC Connection Pool and OID Connection Pool

Pooling for JDBC connections improves resource utilization and reduces the connection establishment overhead when you access database. The JDBC Connection Pool page, invoked by selecting the JDBC, OID Connection Pool hyperlink on the Site Administration page, enables you to configure the JBDC and OID (Oracle Internet Directory) connections for the site, including:

  • Minimum number of connections (the default is 4)

  • Maximum number of connections (the default is 100)

  • Incremental allocation of new connections to the connection pool (the default is 1).

  • Minimum number of connections to the OID connection pool

  • Maximum number of connections to the OID connection pool System Logging

For information, refer to Section Site Locale

The Site Locale page, invoked by selecting the Site Locale hyperlink in the Site Administration page, enables you to configure the locale and time zone for the site.

You can specify the default site locale and time zone. The default site locale can be selected from the list of all the supported locales of OracleAS Wireless. OracleAS Wireless ships with 29 supported locales which enable the translation of end-user messages into 29 languages. You can add a new locale or delete a locale using this page. For more information, see Section 15.2.4. User Provisioning

The User Provisioning page enables you to set the properties used by the Provisioning adapter.

Table 3-4 describes the properties for normal user provisioning.

Table 3-4 User Provisioning Properties

Property Description
Parent folder The folder for the user's home folder. A new subfolder is created for every new user. The default is /Users Home.
Default groups The default group to which the user belongs. The default is Users. (You can select or clear the group selection using Control + click).
Disclose User Location Selecting this option enables the users' location to be disclosed to a third-party application.
Disclose User Identity Selecting this option enables the users' identities to be disclosed to a third party application. Virtual Users

A virtual user is a user who accesses a OracleAS Wireless site, but does not register. When such a user accesses a OracleAS Wireless site, OracleAS Wireless detects the user and creates a virtual user account for that user.

Table 3-5 describes the properties for the virtual user provisioning.

Table 3-5 Virtual User Properties

Property Description
Parent folder The parent folder for the virtual user's home folder. A new subfolder is created for every new user. The default is /Users Home.
Default groups The default groups to which the user belongs. The default is Users. (You can select or clear the group selection using Control + click).
Enable Virtual User Selecting this option enables a virtual user to create an account. WAP Provisioning

You can create, edit, and delete WAP profiles using the WAP Profile page, which you access by selecting the WAP Provisioning hyperlink. This page displays a list of current WAP profiles. You can also add a WAP profile by defining the following parameters.


The parameters differ depending on the bearer technology that you select.

Table 3-6 describes the WAP provisioning profile parameters.

Table 3-6 WAP Provisioning Profiles

Parameter Value
WAP Profile Name The name of the WAP profile. You can name the profile for the WAP provider.
WAP Bearers A list of the transport technologies.
GSM/CSD Circuit-Switched Data (CSD) over a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) network. This is the basic transfer protocol in GSM phones.
GSM/SMS Short-Messaging Service over a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) network. Select this store-and-forward technology to enable alphanumeric messaging between mobile phones and such other platforms as email or voice mail.
GSM/USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) over a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) network. USSD is both session- and transaction-oriented.
GPRS General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). Select this bearer technology to use WAP on a per-transaction basis. GPRS enables services to be always on; a GPRS customer does not have to invoke a service to receive content.
WAP Gateway Proxy The address of the WAP proxy server. For GPRS and GSM/CSD, it is an IP address. For GSM/SMS, this is service or phone number. For GSM/USSD, this is either an IP address or an MSISDN number. This is a required field.
Port The port number. The default port numbers are:
  • 9200 (connection-less)

  • 9201 (connection-oriented)

  • 9202 (secure and connection-less)

  • 9203 (secure and connection-oriented)

Secure WAP Session Selecting this option enables WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security).
Phone Model The brand and model of the wireless phone.
Access The access point. For GPRS, this is the access point of the GPRS operator such as For GSM/CSD, the access point is a telephone number.
Home Page The home page of the ISP provider accessed by the WAP user.
GSM/CSD Parameters
Call Type A drop-down list of the call types (analog or ISDN) used for the connection.
Access The access telephone number.
Call Speed The call speed of the connection.
Authentication Type Select one of the following protocols used for user authentication:
  • PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)

  • CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol).

ISP Name The name of the Internet service provider (ISP).
ISP Login Name The user name.
ISP Login Password The user's password.
GSM/SMS Parameters
SMSC Address The number of the SMSC (Short Message Service Center).
USSD Parameters
Proxy Type The phone number or IP address of the WAP provider.
USSD Service Code The USSD code (for example, *555*), that precedes the destination number. Performance Monitor

The Performance Monitor page enables you to configure the OracleAS Wireless performance monitor, including the parameters described in Table 3-7.

Table 3-7 Parameters of the Performance Monitor Page

Parameter Description
Enable Performance Logging Selecting this check box enables performance logging to the database.
Delimiter for logged name/value pair The delimiter for the logged name/value pairs. The default delimiter is #%=%#. This is a required parameter.
Delimiter for logger records The delimiter for the logged records. The default is ~#$. This is a required parameter.
Wakeup Frequency (minute) The number of minutes after which the logger thread wakes up to check for any new files in the process directory. The default is one minute. This is a required parameter.
Close Frequency (second) The number of seconds to close a file. The default is 300.
Batch Size for Performance logging The batch size for the performance logging. The default is 15. This is a required parameter. Billing Framework

The Billing Framework page enables you to configure the Oracle Application Server Wireless Billing Integration Framework, which provides an extensible and flexible framework to model billable services, capture billable action, and integrate with any external billing engine.

To enable the billing of all services, select Enable Billing. Billing is disabled by default.

To complete the process to enable billing, provide the implementation of two interfaces, the BillingDataCollector interface and the BillingDriver interface, and then configure them as the implementation classes.


The out-of-the-box implementation of the BillingDataCollector interface is pre-seeded in the configuration as oracle.wireless.billing.BillingDataCollectorImpl.

The Billing Collector Class, fetches all of the component-specific billing attributes and then plugs them into the service detail record (SDR), which encapsulates the billable action. The Billing Collector Class considers the following components: Runtime, Notification Server, Provisioning Server, and Messaging Server.

In addition, you define the Billing Provider Driver, the driver implementation provided at the customer end which communicates with the external billing system. To enter this value, you enter the full class with the package name, such as oracle.wireless.billing.SampleBillingDriver.

You can select, delete, or add the driver class initialization (init) parameters. If this billing driver implementation class expects initialization properties, then you add them as name-value pairs.

For more information about billing framework, refer to the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide. Mobile Studio

The Mobile Studio page enables you to configure Mobile Studio by defining the parameters described in Table 3-8.


You must restart the OracleAS Wireless server for the Mobile Studio configuration settings to take effect.

For more information on Mobile Studio, see Section 7.2 in Chapter 7, "Administering Mobile Studio".

Table 3-8 Parameters of the Mobile Studio Screen

Parameter Value
URL of Deploy Server The URL of the OracleAS Wireless production instance. Applications created by developers in the Mobile Studio (referred to as the development instance) are deployed to this URL. For example, enter If you do not enter the URL in this field, then deployment is disabled.
Default Site The name of the branding (that is, the look and feel) which is used as the default. This is pre-seeded with the value Default. Application providers can brand the Mobile Studio (by customizing its appearance and content) and integrate it with an existing Web site. You can substitute another branding for this default by entering the name of the other branding in this field. For more information on branding, refer to the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide.

J2ME Web Services Supported? By selecting this option, Mobile Studio's interface displays an additional tab that includes functions that enable developers to register Web Services which can be accessed from J2ME MIDlets. By default, this option is not selected (the flag is set to false).

3.6.2 Component Configuration

The Component Configuration section (Figure 3-15) contains the configurations specific to different OracleAS Wireless subcomponents, which are represented as links. To access these links, you expand the Component Configuration section by clicking the plus (+) sign.

Figure 3-15 The Component Configuration Section of the Administration Screen

Description of sys_wacc.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_wacc.gif Multi-Channel Server

The Multi-Channel Server component includes the following configurations:


The Runtime page contains the configuration for runtime attributes, such as runtime session, and the object cache synchronization. Table 3-9 describes the runtime parameters, which you configure using this page.

Table 3-9 The Runtime Parameters

Parameter Description
Runtime Session Life Time (seconds) The life span of a session. The default is 600.
Runtime Session Check Interval (seconds) The time required for the session monitor to check an open session. The default is 60.
Cache Object Life Time (seconds) The life span of a persistent object. After this time, Wireless reconstructs the object. The default is 600.
Cache Object Check Interval (seconds) The time required for the cache monitor to check the cache. If the time is set to -1, Wireless does not invoke the cache monitor and the cache is not cleared. The default is 60 seconds.
Maximum execution time per Request (seconds) Wireless interrupts the threads for requests that take longer than this allotted time and returns an error.The default is 120 seconds.
Persistent Session Life Time (days) The life span of a persistent session. Runtime session states include the state of user authentication, credentials, cookies, URL caches, the short names for the asynchronous applications, and the module call-back stacks. Setting the Runtime Session Persistency flag makes these session states persistent.The lifetime of persistent sessions can be several orders of magnitude longer than the session expiration time. The default lifetime for a persistent session is two days.
Enable Runtime Session Persistency Setting this flag enables a persistent session. The default is false.

For more information on the runtime, see the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide

Defining the parameters in the Object Cache Synchronization section of the page enables you to configure the thread pool, which handles the cache synchronization for messages. To configure the object cache synchronization, define the following parameters:

  • Minimum number of threads in the thread pool

  • Maximum number of threads in the thread pool

  • Timeout, in minutes, for the threads in the thread pool


The Device Configuration page enables you to add, edit, or delete HTTP header names that contain information for the device ID. You can also configure the Multi-Channel Server setup menu with the following attributes:

  • Enable Login

  • Enable Logout

  • Enable User Info

  • Enable Service Customization

  • Enable Global Preset

  • Enable User Profile

  • Enable Self-Registration

  • Enable Home

  • Enable Help. (You must enter the URL of the help files if you select Enable Help.)


On the Folder page, you can configure the folder sorting order and display by performing the following:

  1. Selecting the sorting order for applications and folders on the output devices by using the arrows to select (> or >>) or remove (< or <<). The selection choices are ascending order or descending order based on name, sequence number, or date:








      The ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) sorting orders cannot be selected for the same property. For example, you cannot select both ORDER_NAME_ASC and ORDER_NAME_DESC.

  2. Selecting the display application size under a folder, which is the number of applications to display in one folder.

  3. Selecting from the following options for the user's home folder sorting policy:

    • USE_ORDER_SERVICES (default value)



    • Selecting the folder icon and audio settings

  4. Configuring the URI for the icons, images and audio for folder, including Generic Title Icon, Home Icon, Help Icon, Login Icon,Top Bar Image, and Help Audio.

Event and Listener

The Event and Listener page displays the event options and available listeners. Using this page, you can enable or disable event generation by selecting from among the event options and listeners. You also use the page to add, update or remove a listener for the request events, session events, or response events.

The Event and Listener page includes the following configuration options for events (described in Table 3-10), which you can enable by selecting the appropriate check boxes. If you do not select an option, then the option is disabled (which is the default setting).

Table 3-10 The Request, Session, and Response Event Options

Option Definition
Request Event
Enable 'before request' Event Declares a request event to be "just received".
Enable 'after request' Event Declares a request event as "request object has been released".
Enable 'transform begin' Event Declares an request event to be "before the transformation".
Enable 'request begin' Event Declares a request event to"begin being processed".
Enable 'service begin' Event Declares a request event to be "before the adapter is invoked".
Enable 'transform end' Event Declares a request event to be "transformation complete".
Enable 'request end' Event Declares a request event to be "request has been completely processed".
Enable 'service end' Event Declares a request event to be "adapter execution complete".
Enable 'request error' Event Declares a request event to be "error occurs during request processing."
Session Event
Enable 'before session' Event Declares a session event to be "before session starts".
Enable 'session authentication' Event Declares a session event to be "session has been authenticated".
Enable "session begin" Event Declares a session event to be "session has been validated".
Enable 'session end' Event Declares a session event to be "session has expired (implicitly and explicitly)".
Enable 'after session' Event Declares a session event to be "session object has been released".
Response Event
Enable 'response error' Event Declares a response event to be "error in response" object.

See the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide or more information on event listeners.


You can change the hook implementation class for a selected hook using the Hooks page.

Table 3-11 describes the hooks.

Table 3-11 Hooks

Hook Description
wireless.http.locator.signon.pages.hook.class The hook to generate the sign-on page on the device. The default is oracle.mwa.core.omap.panama.MWASignOnPage.
wireless.http.locator.caller.location.hook.class Declares the hook for which acquires the user's current location. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.LocAcq.
wireless.http.locator.service.visibility.hook.class Declares the hook for checking the show or hide status when Wireless starts. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.ServiceVisiblity.
wireless.http.locator.listener.registration.hook.class Declares the hook for the event registration listener. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.ListenerRegistration.
wireless.http.home.folder.sorter.hook.class Declares the hook for sorting a user home folder contact. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.HomeFolderSorter. Declares a hook to acquire a mobile ID. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.MobileIdHookImpl .
wireless.http.locator.pre.processor.hook.class Declares a hook to be invoked before device transformation.
wireless.http.locator.authorization.hook.class Declares the hook for user service authorization. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.Authorizer. Declares a hook to be invoked after device transformation.
wireless.http.locator.device.identifcation.hook.class Declares the hook for identifying a device. The default is oracle.panama.rt.hook.DeviceModels.
wireless.http.locator.location.service.visibility.hook.class Declares the hook to show or hide the contents of a folder based on its current location. The default is oracle.panama.rt.hook.Folder.RendererPolicy .
wireless.http.locator.folder.render.hook.class Hook for a folder renderer. The default value is oracle.panama.rt.common.FolderRenderer. Declares a hook for generating the session ID. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.SessionIDGenerator.
wireless.http.locator.authentication.hook.class Declares the hook for user authentication. The default is oracle.mwa.core.omap.panama.OMAPAuthentication.
wireless.http.locator.useragent.class Default implementation of the device recognition class. The default is oracle.panama.core.xform.UserAgentImpl.
wireless.http.locator.normalizeaddress.hook.class Stores the address field of the DeviceAddress in normalized form, which is used to look up objects and to send the address by the transport. For example, the normalized form of an email delivery type can be lower-case letters, making the normalized form of into The normalized form of the SMS delivery type could be all non-numeric characters. For example, the normalized form for (650) 555-5000 is 6505555000. If some carriers have a space between the area code and the rest of the number, then the normalized address logic converts the phone number to 650 555 5000. Multimedia Adaptation Service

Multimedia adaptation services provide device-specific adaptation of images, ringtones, voice grammar, as well as audio and video streams. OracleAS Wireless provides the default implementation for these services. To use different implementations, change the corresponding provider class name on Multimedia Adaptation Service configuration page.


When changing the class name, be sure that the class is in the OracleAS Wireless classpath. Async Listener

You can configure the access points and the Messaging Server client for the Async Listener component.

Access Points

An access point is the address monitored by Async Listener is configured to listen, such as for e-mail or 1234567 for SMS.

From the Add Access Point page (accessed by clicking the Add Access Point button in the Access Point page), you can use the Allowed to Access All Applications option to create two types of access points:

  • Site access point - An address that enables access to all the asynchronous applications. Select the Allowed to Access All Applications option to create a site access point.

  • Application category access point - An address associated with one or more application categories. Content Managers associate these access points with application categories. You create this type of access point by clearing (not selecting) the Allowed to Access All Applications option.

The Access Point page, invoked from Access Point link, displays a list of access points.You can add, delete or update an access point. Table 3-12 describes the attributes of the access points.

Table 3-12 Access Point Attributes

Attribute Description
Name A unique name of this access point.
Delivery Type The delivery type of this access point address. There are four options: Mail, SMS, IM or Two-Way Pager.
Address The address of this access point. For SMS, it is a phone number, such as 18001234567. For IM, it has the format of <network>|<User ID>, such as jabber|, yahoo|foo, msn|, aim|foo, and icq|12345.OracleAS Wireless currently supports the Yahoo, MSN, AOL, ICQ, and Jabber networks. For two-way pagers, use the format 180012343567 or or 1800123.4567.
Allowed to Access All Applications Select this option to determine if this is a site access point, or an application category access point. If you do not select this option, then you can associate one or more application categories with an access point used to support Premium SMS. If you select this option and create a site access point, then OracleAS Wireless prompts you to confirm the removal of all of the application categories (if any) associated with this access point.
Dedicated for Actionable Message Reply Selecting this option creates an address that is dedicated for Actionable Message Reply. Once it is set, all of the actionable push messages have the From address set to the access point. The instructions for replying to an actionable message omit the short name. To answer these messages, users need only to reply with a transaction ID and the application parameters.
Application Categories The categories associated with an application category access point. The field is read-only, and it only appears when you edit an access point. This field is populated with values only if you did not select the Allowed to Access All Applications option.

See the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide for more information on Premium SMS, ReverseCharge SMS and actionable message reply.

Async Listener

The Async Listener Configuration page enables you to configure the system settings for Async Listener, including the number of working threads, command format, application help, default application short name, and actionable message reply.

See the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide for system configuration parameters for the Async Listener and for configuration parameters for actionable messages.


The short name for replying to an actionable message must be unique among all the short name for asynchronous application links.

Messaging Server Client

You must specify the Messaging Server client configuration for the Async Listener, a client of the Messaging Server. You can add, delete or update the hooks used before or after sending a message (the pre-send and post-send hooks) or before or after receiving a message. Table 3-13 describes the parameters of the messaging server client.

Table 3-13 Parameters of the Messaging Server Client

Parameter Value
Thread Pool Size The total number of threads created by the transport for this client. The transport uses these threads to retrieve received messages and status reports for this client. The transport ignores this setting if the client neither receives status reports nor has any registered end-points at which to receive messages.
Number of Queues The number of queues. The transport creates this value only if this client receives status reports or messages. The transport supports only one queue per client; the transport creates only one queue per client even if you specify more than one queue per client. The number set at the site-level configuration is the default value if you do nor specify any value here. The transport ignores this setting if the client neither receives status reports nor has any registered end-points at which to receive messages.
Recipient Chunk Size The number of recipients that receive messages in one send call by the client. If the number of recipients is too big, then the transport may send recipients messages on a chunk-by-chunk basis. In such cases, some may receive messages while the transport processes other recipients. As a result, some recipients get messages earlier than others. Sending messages chunk-by-chunk can improve performance. The chunk size cannot be more than 500; the transport uses a 500 chunk size even if the chunk size is set at greater than 500.
Carrier Finder Hook Class Name Wireless uses this hook to find the carrier name from a phone number. The carrier name is then used by the driver finder to find a proper driver to send a message to this phone number. Use this hook for situations where there are several carrier-specific drivers, as using a carrier's driver with a phone number of that carrier improves performance. If you do not specify the carrier finder hook class name at the node level, then Wireless uses the one set at the site level. If you do not specify the carrier finder hook class name at the site level, then the driver finder cannot find an appropriate driver because it does not have the carrier information. If you do not specify the carrier finder driver hook class at either the site or node level, then Wireless uses the transport's default driver finder.
Driver Finder Hook Class Name The name of the hook that the transport uses to find an appropriate driver to send a message to a given destination. The driver finder hook uses such criteria as delivery type, cost, or speed to assign a driver. If you do not specify the driver finder hook class name at the node level, then Wireless uses the driver finder hook specified at the server-level configuration.
  • Pre-Send Hook
  • Post-Send Hook

  • Pre-Receive Hook

  • Post-Receive Hook

These hooks can be called before or after sending a message (the pre-send and post-send hooks) or before or after receiving a message (the pre-receive and post-receive hooks). These hooks, which are in the same category, are called in the sequence in which they are specified. You can use these hooks to enable special client functions, such as checking or filtering, rather than having to implement an application on top of the transport. Notification Engine

You can configure the following for the Notification Engine:

Notification System Reply Addresses

You can configure reply addresses of notifications for:

  • Email

  • SMS

  • Pager

  • Voice

  • WAP Push

You can also configure the following runtime parameters:

  • Number of Location Event Listener Threads - The number of threads to start for each notification process for listening to incoming location events. The default is 1.

  • Location Condition Response Delay (seconds) - The approximate response delay for location condition processing. The default is 600.

  • Message Manager Thread Pool Size - This is the number of worker threads in a message manager. The default value is 5.

  • Event Handler Block Time (seconds) - The interval, in seconds, that the event handler stops adding new event jobs to the message manager job queue when it becomes overloaded. The default value is 60000.

  • Event Handler Block Timeout (seconds) - The block timeout (in seconds) after which the event handler checks the worker threads if the manager job queue is still overloaded. The default value is 600000.

  • OC4J Check Interval - The interval in which to check if the OC4J instance is running. Note: A running OC4J instance is required to start the Notification Engine. The default value is 120000.

  • OC4J Wait Timeout (milliseconds) - The timeout for the Notification Engine to wait for the OC4J instance to start. The default value is 1200000.

  • Notification Check Interval (milliseconds) - The interval for the refire thread to calculate the sending time for the next set of time-based notifications. The default value is 3600000.

  • Stop Request Check Interval (milliseconds) - The interval for the refire thread to check if the notification engine has received a stop request so that it can gracefully exit on such a stop request. The default value is 900000.

  • Maximum Number of Exceptions for Spin - The maximum number of consequent exceptions that can be thrown before the worker thread enters the spin mode. The default value is 20.

  • Spin Block Time (milliseconds) - The time to sleep when the worker thread enters the spin mode. The default value is 60000.

Messaging Server Client

You can specify the Messaging Server client configuration for the Notification Engine, as a Notification Engine is one client of messaging server. For more information, refer to the discussion of the Messaging Server client in Section Messaging

You can configure the following for the Messaging component:


The Drivers page, invoked by clicking the Drivers link (located in the Messaging Server component section in the Site Administration page), enables you to define a driver and its parameters. Table 3-14 lists the parameters of the Messaging Server drivers. Out of the box, OracleAS Wireless provides 15 seeded drivers, which support all of the delivery categories. Each driver has a different set of class parameters. By default, all of these drivers are enabled. To improve performance, you can disable unneeded drivers. See the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide for information on details of the drivers in the discussion of the transport component.

Table 3-14 Driver Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The name of the driver, such as EmailDriver. This is required parameter.
Class Name The class name (with the full package name) that implements the driver.
Delivery Categories The delivery category (or categories) of this driver, such as SMS, Voice, or Email.
Enabled Indicates that the driver has been enabled.

From this page, you can delete, edit, or create a messaging server drivers for the site. To create a new messaging server driver, you first click Add Driver and then define parameters listed in Table 3-15 in the Add Driver page.

Table 3-15 Messaging Server Driver Parameters

Attribute Description
Driver Name A unique name for this driver. This is a required field.
Delivery Types To designate how the Messaging Server driver delivers messages, select one or a combination of the delivery types: SMS, EMS, MMS, USSD, Voice, Email, Fax, WAP-Push, Two Way Pager, One Way Pager, or IM by clicking the Add button and then selecting the appropriate devlievery types from the Add Delivery Type page that appears. From this page, you can select, remove or create a new delivery type for the driver should it require a delivery type other those provided out of the box. To create a new delivery type, enter a name for the delivery type and then click Finish.

You must add at least one delivery type to a Messaging Server driver.

Enabled Selecting this flag enables the Messaging Server to use this driver.
Protocols A comma-separated list of protocols. Enter an asterisk (*) for any protocol.
Carriers The comma-separated list of carriers.
Speed Level The speed level of the driver. It can be from 0 to 10.
Cost Level The cost level of the driver. It can be from 0 to 10.
Capability The driver send or receive capability. The values can be SEND, RECEIVE or BOTH.
Supported Encoding The supported encoding of this driver, such as UTF-8.
Supported Locales The supported locale list of this driver. You can add, remove or update the locale list.
Driver Class Name The class name (with the full package name) that implements the driver, such as This is a required parameter.
Driver Parameters The driver class parameters. You can add, remove or update the parameters. Each parameter has multiple attributes, including:
  • Name -- The parameter name used by the driver class

  • Description -- The parameter description, such as the meaning of the parameter.

  • Mandatory -- Setting this flag marks the parameter as mandatory; not setting the flag marks the parameter as optional.

  • Default Value -- The default parameter value.

For information on configuring the SMPP driver, see Appendix A and Appendix A.

Load- Balancing by Voice Driver Instances

All of the voice driver instances inside a Messaging Server can balance load; if a driver instance ceases to function, then other instances take over and route messages to other voice gateways. Meanwhile, the instance checks to see if it can function again. The instance works again once the problem that prevented it from functioning is solved.

Configuring the VoiceGenie Driver for the Complex Voice Flow

You can configure the VoiceGenie driver to support a simple voice flow or a fully tracking, complex confirmed message delivery voice flow, which both prompts user inputs and provides responses to various user inputs. The VoiceGenie driver can only use only one type of voice flow at a time. Table 3-16 describes the voice flow-related parameters of the VoiceGenie driver. (To view or edit these or other parameters, select the VoiceGenie driver from the Drivers page and then click Edit.)

Table 3-16 Voice Flow-Related Parameters of the VoiceGenie Driver

Parameter Description
voice.response.seconds The interval, in seconds, after a call hangs up if no one answers. The default value is 60 seconds.This parameter applies to both the simple voice folw and the complex (fully tracking) voice flow.
voice.max.queue.size The maximum number of messages that the driver can hold in memory. The default is 800 messages.This attribute applies to both the simple and the complex (fully tracking) voice flows.
voice.delay.seconds The delay, in seconds, that the driver waits becore checking if the voice gateway is up or down. The default is 40 seconds. This attribute applies to both the simple and the complex (fully tracking) voice flows.
voice.calling.threads The number of actual calling threads. The default is 5. This attribute applies to both the simple and the complex (fully tracking) voice flows.
voice.max.retries The maximum number of retry attempts when the phone or server is busy. The default is 8 retry attempts.This attribute applies to both the simple and the complex (fully tracking) voice flows.
voice.flow Indicates the voice flow for text messages. Enter 1 for the regular text flow; enter 2 for the complex (fully tracking) voice flow. The default is 1 (the simple voice flow).
voice.prompt.alert-notification-1 Part 1 of the prompt alert notification. The default text is "This is an alert notification from Oracle Mobile. If you are...." This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2).
voice.prompt.alert-notification-2 Part 2 of the prompt alert notification. The default text is "...say 'yes' or press 1. Otherwise, say 'no' or press 2. To repeat these options, say 'repeat' or press 3." This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2).
voice.prompt.repeat The prompt for the user to repeat. The default is "I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Please repeat your response." This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2). The prompt for the user to confirm his (or her) entries. The default text is "To confirm receipt of this alert notification, say 'confirmed' or press 1. If you would like to repeat the notifcation again, say 'repeat' or press 3. This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2).
voice.prompt.good-bye1 The reply to the user confirmation. The default text is "Thank you. Good-bye." This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2).
voice.prompt.good-bye2 The reply if the user does not respond to The default text is "I was unable to receive your response. Good-bye." This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2).
voice.prompt.alt-name The prompt for an alternative name. The default text is "...associated with, or employed by, Oracle." This attribute applies only to the complex (fully tracking) voice flow (2).

The Simple Voice Flow

By default, the VoiceGenie driver uses the simple voice flow. When the VoiceGenie driver uses the simple voice flow, a user hears the following upon receipt of a text message:

You have received a message. Sender: <sender>. Subject: <subject>. Message: <body>. You may say 'repeat' to hear the message again or hang up.

The Complex Voice Flow

When you configure the VoiceGenie driver to use the complex (fully tracking) voice flow, a user first hears the following upon the receipt of a text message:

<voice.prompt.alert-notification-1> <voice.prompt.alt-name> <voice.promt.alert-notification-2>

The default script for these parameters is:

This is an alert notification from Oracle Mobile. If you are associated with, or employed by Oracle. say 'yes' or press 1. Otherwise, say 'no' or press 2. To repeat these options, say 'repeat' or press 3.

If the user does not reply, says "repeat", or presses 3, the VoiceGenie driver repeats. After it repeats three times, it continues with


The default script is

I was unable to receive your response. Good-bye.

If the user says something other than "yes", "no", "repeat", or "1", "2", "3", the driver responds with


The default script is

I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Please repeat your response.

If the user says "no" or presses 2, the VoiceGenie driver provides the response:


The default script is

Thank you. Good-bye.

If the user says "yes" or presses 1, the voice flow replies

Subject: <subject>. Message: <body>. To confirm receipt of this alert notification, say 'confirmed' or press '1'. If you would like to repeat the notification again, say 'repeat' or press '3'.

The voice flow repeats three times if the user does not reply (or says something other than "repeat"), or does not press 3. After three times, the voice flow continues with


By default, this script is

I was unable to receive your reponse. Good-bye.

If the user says, "confirmed" or presses 1, then the driver responds

Thank you. Good-bye.


The Messaging Server generates a proper status report for each response if a status listener is registered. All status reports, which notify the sending applications of the status of the sent messages, are saved to the database even if no status listener has been registered.

Messaging Server Configuration

Clicking the Messaging Server Configuration hyperlink invokes the Messaging Server Configuration page, which enables you set the default configuration for the messaging server. Table 3-17 describes the messaging server configuration parameters.

Table 3-17 Messaging Server Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
GSM Smart Message Encoder Class Name The class name that encodes the GSM smart message (such as ringtone, graphics, WAP setting, and email setting) for SMS.
Default Number of Sending Threads The default number of sending threads for a driver instance. This value is used if the number of sending threads is not specified for a driver instance which has SEND/BOTH capability.
Default Number of Receiving Threads The default number of receiving threads for a driver instance.This value is used if the number of receiving threads is not specified for a driver instance which has RECEIVE/BOTH capability.
Send Retry Times The number of times the Messaging Server retries sending a message after a failed send attempt.
Send Retry Delay (second) This interval, in seconds, sets the amount of time to wait before attempting to resend a message after a failed attempt to send a message.

XMS Configuration

The XMS Configuration page enables you to configure the settings for XMS Runtime and enable the XMS Center (XMSC), which adapts the content of a message to fit a given device. In addition, this page enables you to prioritize the device types for XMS message delivery.

XMS Runtime

Table 3-18 lists parameters that you define to set the XMS runtime.

Table 3-18 XMS Runtime Parameters

Parameter Value
Server ID The name of the XMS server, which is pre-pended to every message ID. This is an alpha-numeric value, which can range from one to four characters in length. This is an optional parameter.
Interval to Cleanup Processed Records (hours) The frequency in which the database purges processed failover data. The default value is 48 hours.
Maximum Days to Keep Request in Failover Table The maximum lifetime for a failover record in the database. All failover records, whether they have been processed or are still pending, are deleted after this period. The default value is 30 days.
Maximum Levels of Failover Supported The maximum number of failover address-delivery types channels allowed per recipient. The portion which exceeds the limit will be truncated and lost. The default value is 5.
Number of Status Receiving Threads The number of threads used to retrieve the sending status from the Messaging Server. Increasing the number of transport receiving threads decreases the backlogs in the transport status queue, thereby improving the performance of the status callback. The default value is four threads; the maximum number of status receiving threads is 30.
Number of Failover Processing Threads The default value for the number of failover processing threads is 2 threads, which is the minimum value for this parameter. The maximum number of failover receiving threads is 30. Increasing the number of failover threads improves performance and results in shorter delays.
Number of HTTP Status Callback Threads The number of threads which send the HTTP delivery status update notifications to XMS clients. The default value is 4 threads, which is the minimum value for this parameter. The maximum number of threads is 30. Increasing the number of threads improves performance and results in shorter delays for status notification delivery.
Status Message Lifetime (Hours). The maximum lifetime for a status message. The message is discarded after its lifetime expires even if it hs not been delivered to an XMS client. The default value for the lifetime of a status message is 24 hours; the minimum value for this parameter is 1 hour. The maximum value for this parameter is 120 hours.
Enable HTTP Callback Retry Select Yes to enable the XMS server to send delivery status update notifications to the sender of a message through HTTP. Selecting No to disable this feature causes the status message to be discarded immediately if it cannot be delivered to the sender of the message. If you select Yes, you must also set the time, in seconds, for the HTTP Callback Retry.
HTTP Callback Retry (seconds) This parameter defines the retry frequency when the XMS server cannot send a delivery status update notification to the sender when the HTTP Callback Retry is enabled. The default value is 5 seconds, which is the minimum value for this parameter. Increase this interval (the maximum value is 60 seconds) to improve performance by decreasing the retry frequency.
Status Message Formatter Hook Class Enter the full path of formatter hook Java class. The Status Message Formatter formats the human-readable delivery status description text so that is more more "machine-readable". This is an optional parameter.
Billing Hook Class Name The full path of the billing hook Java class This is an optional parameter.

XMS Center

The XMS Message Center (XMSC) supports MMS Center functionality out of the box, so that a device with an MMS browser can receive notification messages and retrieve messages stored on the OracleAS Wireless server through HTTP. It also supports MO (mobile-originated) messages to another phone, message storage and notifications for delivery channels other than MMS. To configure the XMSC, define the following two parameters:

  • Enable XMSC - Selecting this option enables the XMSC. By default, XMSC is enabled (set to true). When you enable the XMSC, notification messages are sent out automatically when you send a message through an MMS notification message.

  • Message Life Time - The maximum amount of time that a message can be stored on the server for users to retrieve. The default period is 7 days.

Delivery Channel Settings

XMS supports implicit device, or user addressing, by specifying the OracleAS Wireless user name. XMS selects the best device for the user to receive messages, based on such factors as messaging content, application hints, and user preferences. If OracleAS Wireless cannot send a message to one device, then XMS fails over to the next device in selection order and transforms the content for that device.

You define the values the Delivery Channel Settings section by specifying the priority (or failover) of the XMS message delivery types and by adding the appropriate reply addresses for the delivery types.

Determining the Number of Active Messaging Server Connections to the Database

The number of database connections that a messaging server process opens depends upon the configuration of its driver instance. If you configure the number of sending threads incorrectly (that is, ther number of sending threads for the messaging server driver instance is greater than those configured for the site-level driver on which it is based), then the number of open, concurrent database connections may exceed those supported by the database.

You can configure the messaging server drivers to either send or receive, or to both send and receive messages. While the Messaging Server does not have a dedicated database connection for the receiving threads of a messaging driver instance, it does have dedicated database connections for each sending thread of a messaging driver instance. For example, if you configure a driver instance to have one sending thread, then the messaging server opens a single corresponding database connection for a driver supporting only one delivery type. The Messaging Server opens more database connections for drivers that support multiple delivery types. In addition to the database connections opened by the messaging server, there is also a dedicated connection opend by the SMAgent (the panama server management agent).

Because the Messaging Server creates the database connections on demand, the total active database connections is calculated using the following formula:

Description of DBConnection.gif follows
Description of the illustration DBConnection.gif

In this formula, i is the index of a driver instance, xi is the number of sending threads of driver i, and ni is the number of different delivery types supported by this driver instance which is configured at the site level.

For example, a Messaging Server process with:

  • An e-mail driver instance that supports only e-mail and has three sending threads;

  • A push driver instance that supports SMS and Voice and has one sending thread

Would have six active database connections: the thread opened by the SMAgent (1) + the number of push driver sending threads (1) * the push driver's delivery types (2) + the number of threads for the e-mail driver (3) * the number of sending threads (1). Location-Related

The location-related configuration includes the following:

  • Location Management -- For mobile positioning configuration, mobile positioning provider information and configuration, and mobile ID names.

  • Location Services -- For configuration options relating to geocoding, routing, mapping, traffic, and business directory services.

  • Location Event Server -- For options relating to the location event server.

  • Location Mark Address Format -- For specifying location mark address fields.


    For more information on the location-related components of OracleAS Wireless, refer to the Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide

Location Mark Address Format

This page enables you to configure the format of location mark address. To do this, you select all of the attributes that you want to display for a location mark address. This configuration is used in the Customization Portal.

  • Company Name

  • Address Line 1

  • Address Line 2

  • Address Last Line

  • Block

  • City

  • State

  • Postal Code

  • Postal Code Extension

  • County

  • Country Provisioning Server

You can configure the following for the Provisioning Server component.

Provisioning Server Configuration

The OracleAS Wireless Provisioning Server enables application providers to create and publish applications as well as serve content to the end-users when they download a selected application.

The download protocol differs based on the application type (such as a J2ME MIDlet or a ring-tone) and the line provisioning protocol. The appropriate provisioning driver, which you configure, enables the download. You can add new drivers or implement the customized functions of the existing drivers.


OracleAS Wireless supports only J2ME applications for this release.


The actual upload and download processes can be monitored using hooks, which customers implement. The hooks are initialized using a singleton pattern. The hook method is given the user information, the application information and the content information. The hook implementation must provide a method such as:

public static <hookclass> getInstance()

Use the Provisioning Server page, to define the class names for the pre-download hook, the post-download hook, and the deliverable content event listener.

Pre-Download Hook Class Name: This hook is invoked just before the user downloads the application. The hooks are initialized using a singleton pattern. The return code of the hook determines if the download can proceed.

The interface to be implemented is:


Post Download Hook Class Name: This hook is invoked once just after the user downloads the application and once after the user's device notifies the server of the application download. The provider can embed the billing action in either of these two invocations as appropriate.

The interface to be implemented is:


Deliverable Content Event Listener Class Name: This hook is invoked during content upload, update or delete.

The interface to be implemented is: oracle.panama.rt.event.DeliverableCtntEventListener


The driver implements the following interface:

You can add, delete or edit a driver. To add a driver, provide the driver class name, driver description and driver parameters, if any. Out of the box, OracleAS Wireless provides two driver implementations: the default provisioning driver ( and the default JAR provisioning driver ( drivers are mapped to download J2ME MIDlets and JAR files, respectively.

Driver Mapping

You map the driver used for the appropriate application type and protocol configuration. Out of the box, the two drivers support SUN-OTA, and SUN-OTA_JAR protocols for J2ME applications. You can select the driver classes, which are used for the two protocols.

3.6.3 Utilities

The utilities section contains the common utilities for the administrator to use.


For the utilities to function:
  • You must configure the OracleAS Wireless Tools URL correctly. If you use instance URLs, then you configure this URL using the Instance URLs page accessed from the Home page. For more information, see Section 3.3.3. If you use site URLs, then you configure the Tools URL from the HTTP, HTTPS Configuration page accessed from the Site Administration subtab. For more information, see Section

  • The OracleAS Wireless Tools must be running, because the actual functions are hosted there. Repository Objects Download

The Repository Objects Download page, invoked by selecting the Repository Objects Download hyperlink in the Utilities section of the Administration page, enables you to download repository objects. You can specify the types of repository objects to download. For example, you can download only adapters.

In addition, you can download by OID, and you can download applications by folder, or by user. You can also download all objects by user.

You can only download repository objects to a local file.

To download repository objects:

  1. Enter the location for the log files.

  2. Enter the location of the logging activity. This is a server-side generated log file. For example, enter /temp/activity.log.

  3. Enter the location for logging errors. This is a server-side generated log file. For example, enter /temp/error.log.

  4. Specifying the Objects for Download by entering the filter expression for the name of the objects to be extracted. For example, enter \"/home/master*\". You can include wildcards, such as [*%_].


    This filter expression applies only to downloading specific types of objects, such as groups, or adapters. This filter does not work if the Download All Objects or Download by Object ID, Download by Users, or Download by Folder options.

  5. Select from among the following options:

    • Download All Objects

    • Download All Adapters

    • Download All Devices

    • Download All Groups

    • Download All Location Marks

    • Download All Applications

    • Download All Transformers

    • Download All Users

    • Download All Master Notifications

    • Download All Notifications (deprecated)

    • Download All Data Feeders

    • Download All Topics (deprecated)

    • Download All Subscriptions

    • Download All Application Categories

    • Download All Application Category Access Points

    • Download All Application Access Points

    • Download by Object ID (OID). You must enter a range or comma-separated list of OIDs. Use a comma (,) to separate your entries.

    • Download Applications by Folder. For this option, you must enter the folder path or folder URL.

    • Download Applications by User Name. You must enter the user name. You cannot enter multiple user names.

  6. Click Download. A Windows dialog appears.

In the Windows dialog, specify the local XML file for the downloaded objects. Clicking Cancel after Download stops the download operation.


If you have not yet performed the Single-Sign-On (SSO) login, then OracleAS Wireless redirects you to the SSO page the first time you click the Download button. On the SSO page, you enter a valid Superuser's user name and password. OracleAS Wireless then prompts you with the download dialog to specify the file location. After that, you remain at the SSO login page. To return to the OracleAS Wireless download page, click on browser's Back button. The next time you click the Download button, you will not be redirected to the SSO page because you are already logged into SSO. Repository Objects Upload

The Repository Objects Upload page, invoked by selecting the Repository Objects Upload hyperlink in the Utilities section, enables you to upload repository objects.

You can upload repository objects from a local file.

The upload function performs the following:

  • Checks for the objects in the repository by logical unique name.

  • Loads all dependencies.

  • If the objects exist in the repository, then the uploading facility updates the objects.

  • If the objects do not exist, then the uploading creates them.

After each object type is successfully loaded, the uploading facility performs a commit unless you specify a different commit frequency. The commit includes all referenced objects (dependencies).

OracleAS Wireless does not validate the XML file that you import into the repository using the upload facility. To avoid errors, work in an XML file that you have exported from the repository. This gives you a "known good" Repository XML framework for adding, removing, and modifying individual elements.

To upload repository objects:

  1. Enter the name and location of the file you want to upload, or select it using the Browse function.

  2. Enter the location of the logging activity. This is a server-side generated log file. For example, enter /temp/activity.log. This is a required field.

  3. Enter the location for logging errors. This is a server-side generated log file. For example, enter /temp/error.log. This is a required field.

  4. Enter the number of objects uploaded that triggers a commit. Entering 0 causes a commit after the utility has completed the upload.


    In integrated mode, you must be logged into SSO as a valid user with the Superuser's role before you can upload objects successfully