OracleAS Personalization Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidIDException Provides base classes and interfaces for processing personalized recommendations. Provides classes to make personalized recommendations in batch mode. Provides classes to make personalized recommendations in real time.  


Uses of InvalidIDException in


Constructors in that throw InvalidIDException
Item(java.lang.String type, long ID)
          Creates a new instance of Item.
DataItem(java.lang.String type, long ID, Enum.DataSourceType ds, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and initialize a new DataItem object.


Uses of InvalidIDException in


Methods in that throw InvalidIDException
 void REProxyBatch.crossSellForItem(Location oItemTableLocation, int iNumberOfItems, TuningSettings oTuningSettings, FilteringSettings oFilteringSettings, Location oResultLocation)
          Recommends cross-sell items for a specified item.


Uses of InvalidIDException in


Methods in that throw InvalidIDException
 void REProxyRT.createCustomerSession(java.lang.String customerID, java.lang.String appSessionID)
          Creates a new customer session, i.e., a new session for the specified customer (registered user).
 void REProxyRT.createVisitorSession(java.lang.String visitorID, java.lang.String appSessionID)
          Creates a new visitor session, i.e., a new session for a visitor.
 void REProxyRT.closeSession(IdentificationData idData)
          Closes an RE session and marks the session as closed.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.recommendTopItems(IdentificationData idData, int numOfItems, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of top-rated items.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.crossSellForItemFromHotPicks(IdentificationData idData, Item item, int numOfItems, long[] hotPickGroups, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of cross-sell items from Hotpicks related to the specified item.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.crossSellForItemsFromHotPicks(IdentificationData idData, Item[] items, int numOfItems, long[] hotPickGroups, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of cross-sell items from Hotpicks related to the specified items.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.selectFromHotPicks(IdentificationData idData, int numOfItems, long[] hotPickGroups, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Selects the specified number of items from a specified set of hot picks group.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.recommendCrossSellForItem(IdentificationData idData, Item item, int numOfItems, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of cross-sell items related to the specified item.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.recommendCrossSellForItems(IdentificationData idData, Item[] items, int numOfItems, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of cross-sell items related to the specified items.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.recommendBottomItems(IdentificationData idData, int numOfItems, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of bottom-rated items.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.recommendFromHotPicks(IdentificationData idData, int numOfItems, long[] hotPickGroups, TuningSettings tunings, FilteringSettings filters, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Recommends a list of Hotpick items.
 float REProxyRT.rateItem(IdentificationData idData, Item item, int taxonomyId, TuningSettings tunings, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Gives the rating of an item.
 RecommendationList REProxyRT.rateItems(IdentificationData idData, Item[] items, int taxonomyId, TuningSettings tunings, RecommendationContent recContent)
          Gives the rating of the specified items.
 void REProxyRT.removeItem(IdentificationData idData, DataItem item)
          Removes an item from the cache and from the RE schema, if it has already been archived.
 void REProxyRT.removeItems(IdentificationData idData, DataItem[] items)
          Removes multiple items from the cache and from the RE schema, if they have already been archived.
 void REProxyRT.setVisitorToCustomer(IdentificationData idData, java.lang.String customerID)
          Changes the status of a visitor to that of customer during a live session.


OracleAS Personalization Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


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