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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

Part Number B12161-02
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To Copy a Message

Note: You can also use the Copy and Paste options in the Edit menu.

Note: Copying a message also copies any message attributes assigned to it.

See Also

To Create a Message

Embedding Oracle Applications Framework Regions in Messages

If you are using Oracle Applications and you have Oracle Applications Framework set up in Oracle JDeveloper for custom development, you can embed Oracle Applications Framework regions in a notification message. To embed a region, define a message attribute whose value is a Java Server Page (JSP) call that references the region.

The message attribute representing the region must be of type document and must have a source of Send. You can assign the attribute any appropriate internal name, display name, and description.

Specify the value for the attribute in the following format:


where <Function_Name> is the self-service function name for the region you want to embed in the notification, as registered in the Form Functions window in Oracle Applications. For example:


To pass parameters to the region, specify the value for the attribute in the following format:


where <Function_Name> is the function name for the region, <Name1> and <Value1> are the parameter name and value for the first parameter, <Name2> and <Value2> are the parameter name and value for the second parameter, and so on. For example:


You can set the value for the message attribute in the following ways:



Note: The Frame Target field is not applicable for message attributes of type document. Additionally, you must not select the Attach Content check box for a message attribute that references a region. An Oracle Applications Framework region can only be displayed within the message body of a notification. It cannot be included as an attachment to the notification.

To embed the region in the message, enter the token for the message attribute in the HTML body for the message. A message can include multiple regions, which will be displayed in the sequence in which their tokens appear in the HTML Body field. Additionally, the message can include calls to the special message function WF_NOTIFICATION() to produce a table of message attributes or an action history table, which will also be rendered as Oracle Applications Framework regions. See: WF_NOTIFICATION() Message Function.

Note: If you embed an Oracle Applications Framework region in a message, then the message body can only contain message attribute tokens referencing such regions and calls to the special message function WF_NOTIFICATION(). The message body cannot contain any tokens for message attributes that do not reference regions.

Leave the Text Body field blank for an Oracle Applications Framework region message. Oracle Workflow does not use the text body for such messages. Instead, a text version of the message is derived directly from the included regions. Note that non-text content such as images, links, or special HTML formatting will not appear in the text version of a region.

Follow these guidelines when you are developing an Oracle Applications Framework region for inclusion in a notification message:



For more information about building an Oracle Applications Framework region, refer to OracleMetaLink note 269138.1, Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide.

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