The image shows the Trading Partners page. The Home, Help, and Logout buttons display in the top right corner. Below these three buttons are the tabs named Partners, Deployment, Reports, and Administration. Below this is the message: Logged in as mark@acme. Below this is the Shortcut section with a link to the Create Trading Partner Agreement page. On the left side below the product name OracleAS Integration B2B are the subtabs Trading Partners, Agreements, Protocols, and Callouts. Below this is the page title: Trading Partners. Below this is the Search facility with a Search drop-down list and a Go button.

Below this is a table with a Create button at the top left, along with three table columns in this order: Name, Update, and Delete. Above and below the Delete column is a Previous and Next list for going back and forward to pages of trading partners. A Create button also appears at the bottom of the Name column. At the very bottom are links to Partners, Deployment, Reports, Administration, Home, Help, and Logout.