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Oracle® Calendar Reference Manual
10g Release 1 (10.1.1)

Part Number B14473-01
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unison.ini. See parameters
access control information, directory server, 6.20
access rights, 6.1
ACE framework
parameters, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5
agenda to an existing agenda, 6.4, 6.10
event calendars, 6.54
nodes, 6.2
resources, 6.54
users, 6.54
administrative groups, 1.1
default, 1.7
default right to create, 1.5
managing, 6.26
access rights to, 6.1
adding one to another, 6.4, 6.10
archiving the calendar server, 6.5, 6.16
attribute definitions, calendar server object classes, 8.1.2
parameters, 3.5, 3.5


backups, 6.5, 6.16
restoring contents of, 6.19
tar archive of the calendar server, 6.5
big-endian, 6.6, 6.28


Calendar Administrator
configuration parameters, 4.1
configuration parameters. See parameters
Calendar Administrator parameters
accepttemppages [ADMIN], 4.1
authentication [ADMIN], 4.1
dataretrievingblocksize [ADMIN], 4.1
sessionsdir [ADMIN], 4.1
showssolink [ADMIN], 4.1
templatesdir [ADMIN], 4.1
web_attribute_name [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 4.1
web_attribute_type [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 4.1
web_CAL_sharedkey [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 4.1
calendar entries
deleting, 6.27
exporting, 6.27
importing, 6.27
processing, 6.27
calendar server
configuration parameters. See parameters
controlling client behavior, 3.4
controlling client connections, 3.5
controlling interactions with directory server, 3.3
controlling server behaviour, 3.2
file system cleanup, 6.9
schema extensions, 8
size of installation, 6.41
starting, 6.46
status, 6.49
stopping, 6.50
Synchronous Network Connection statistics, 6.45
version, 6.55
character sets, 6.51
database versions, 6.17
passwords, 6.35
character set
directory server, 3.3
charset, 3.3
checksum, generating a, 6.8
controlling behaviour, 3.4
controlling connections to server, 3.5
off-line storage, 3.4
clusters, 3.2
parameters, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5
directory server, 6.34
node network, 6.33
Oracle Internet Directory, 6.34
converting a database, 6.6, 6.28
converting text, 6.51
resource data, 6.4, 6.11
user data, 6.10, 6.12
Corporate-Wide Services
request queue information, 6.37
ctCalAdmin object class, 8.1,
ctCalResource object class, 8.1,
ctCalUser object class, 8.1,


starting, 6.46
stopping, 6.50
unicwsd, viewing requests, 6.37
unisncd, 3.2
unisncd statistics, 6.45
changing versions, 6.17
checking, 6.18
converting, 6.6, 6.28
defragmenting, 6.18
maintaining, 6.18
repairing, 6.18
database, 6.18
calendar entries, 6.27
differences between a directory server and a calendar server node, 6.21
event calendars, 6.54
meetings, old, 6.39
remote nodes, 6.40
request in Corporate-Wide Services request queue, 6.37
resource (after moving), 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
resources, 6.54
tasks, old, 6.39
user (after moving), 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
users, 6.54
list in user profile, 1.1, 2.1
diagnostics, compiling information for, 6.44
dir_connectrecycletime, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3
dir_usewritednforadmin, 3.4
directory server
access control information, 6.20
character set, 3.3
configuring, 6.34
controlling server interactions, 3.3
differences with a calendar server node, 6.21
differences with a node, 6.15
listing non-calendar users in a, 6.22
schema extensions, 8
status, 6.24
disk space
unilogons requirements, 6.29
information on signed-on users, 6.56
sign-on/sign-off activity, 6.29


passwords, 6.25
parameters, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5
endian-ness, 6.6, 6.28
event calendars
adding, 6.54
deleting, 6.54
listing, 6.54
modifying, 6.54
calendar entries, 6.27
information from log files, 6.43


file format
for unicpinu, 6.14
for unicpir, 6.13
for unicpoutr, 6.13
for unicpoutu, 6.14
file system
cleaning up, 6.9
verifying, 6.7


GAL. See Global Address List
gal_enable, 3.4
galsyncinterval, 3.2
Global Address List, 3.4
default public and administrative, 1.7
default right to create, 1.5
managing, 3.3, 6.26
connections to directory server, 3.2


hosts, 3.2


calendar entries, 6.27
MeetingMaker data, 6.31
Internet standards, 3.2
itemcacherefreshrate, 3.4


event calendars, 6.54
non-calendar users in a directory server, 6.22
resources, 6.54
users, 6.54
little-endian, 6.6, 6.28
localcharset [ENG]. See NLS_LANG [ENG]
log files
extracting information from, 6.43


database, 6.18
groups, 6.26
node network, 6.33
MeetingMaker, importing data from, 6.31
meetings, removing old, 6.39
memory usage, 6.30
event calendars, 6.54
resources, 6.54
users, 6.54
resources (several at a time), 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
resources by copying, 6.4, 6.11
users, 6.32
users (several at a time), 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
users by copying, 6.10, 6.12


node network
configuring, 6.33
managing, 6.33, 6.40
propagating local information, 6.41
synchronizing node information, 6.41
adding, 6.2
database, converting, 6.6, 6.28
producing reports on, 6.47
re-initializing, 6.2
statistics on, 6.47
synchronizing in a node network, 6.41
preferences, 1.3


object class
attribute definitions, 8.1.2
default mappings for attribute names, 8.2
extensions to directory server, 8.1
Oracle Internet Directory
configuring for calendar, 6.34


parameters, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5
accepttemppages [ADMIN], 4.1
accrights [modules], 5.2
ACE settings (ocas.conf), 5.1
ACE settings (ocst.conf), 5.4, 5.4, 5.4
ACE settings (ocwc.conf), 5.2, 5.2, 5.2
ACE settings (ocws.conf), 5.3, 5.3, 5.3
activity [ENG], 3.2
admin [LDAP], 3.3
admindefault [AUTHENTICATION], 3.5
admindefault [COMPRESSION], 3.5
admindefault [ENCRYPTION], 3.5
admingroup [LDAP], 3.3
agendaview [LIMITS], 3.4
aliases [YOURNODEID], 3.2
allowattachments [LIMITS], 3.4
allowpasswordchange_eventcal [ENG], 3.4
allowpasswordchange_reserved [ENG], 3.4
allowpasswordchange_resource [ENG], 3.4
allowpasswordchange_user [ENG], 3.4
allowresourceconflict [ENG], 3.4, 3.4
allowsysoplogon_capi [ENG], 3.2
allowsysoplogon_unicp [ENG], 3.2
allowsysoplogon_uniical [ENG], 3.2, 3.2, 3.2
american [languages], 5.1
attendeesindetails [ocst], 5.4
attr_country [LDAP], 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 8.2
attr_generation [LDAP], 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 8.2
attr_givenname [LDAP], 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 8.2
attr_mail [LDAP], 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 8.2
attr_organization [LDAP], 3.3, 8.2
attr_uid [LDAP], 3.3, 8.2
attrpreservelist [LDAP], 3.3
authcache_cachesize [ENG], 3.5
authcache_expiredelay [ENG], 3.5
authcache_passwordsize [ENG], 3.5
authcache_stats [ENG], 3.5
Authentication [ACE], 5.1
authentication [ADMIN], 4.1
autoacceptresource [ENG], 3.4
autocontrol [LIMITS], 3.4
autolog [pref_attr], 5.2
backup_timeout [UTL], 3.2
backupatonce [UTL], 3.2
ban_bot [banners], 5.2
ban_left [banners], 5.2
ban_top [banners], 5.2
banner [CWS], 3.2
banner_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
basedn [LDAP], 3.3
binddn [LDAP], 3.3
bindpwd [LDAP], 3.3
brazilian_portuguese [languages], 5.1
ca_maxsearchresult [UTL], 3.4
caladmin [URL], 3.4
calendarhostname [ENG], 3.2
capi_storage [ENG], 3.2
cgi_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
charset [LDAP], 3.3
charset [system], 5.1
charset [UTL], 3.2
check_user_credentials [admin], 5.2
checkreminderinterval [NOTIFY], 3.2
checksum [TIMEZONE], 3.2
chgpwd [modules], 5.2
cleanuptime [sessiondb], 5.1
coexist_cwsbasicauth [ENG], 3.2
coexist_unidentifiedsessions [ENG], 3.2
Compression [ACE], 5.1
connect_timeout [YOURHOSTNAME, unidas], 3.2
connection [system], 5.1
cs-standard_coexistence [ACE_PLUGINS_SERVER], 3.5
dac_configerrlog [ENG], 3.2
dac_failederrlog [ENG], 3.2, 3.2
dac_ignorederrlog [ENG], 3.2
dac_maxretry [ENG], 3.2
dac_miscerrlog [ENG], 3.2
datapoolchunk [system], 5.1
dataretrievingblocksize [ADMIN], 4.1
db_files [DB], 3.2
db_pages [DB], 3.2
dbi_name [DBI], 3.2
dbversion [DBI], 3.2
default [AUTHENTICATION], 3.5
default [COMPRESSION], 3.5
default [ENCRYPTION], 3.5
default [TIMEZONE], 3.2
default_color_mgt_by [calendarview], 5.2
default_dayview_mode [calendarview], 5.2
default_view [calendarview], 5.2
default_weekview_mode [calendarview], 5.2
devices [ocst-devices], 5.4
dir_connectrecycletime [DAS], 3.3, 3.3, 3.3
dir_internal_nodes [ENG], 3.2, 3.2
dir_updcalonly [DAS], 3.4
dir_usewritednforadmin [DAS], 3.4
dirsyncmigrate [CWS], 3.2
dirsynctime [CWS], 3.2
dispatchhttperror [system], 5.1
dispatchstats [system], 5.1
dispatchtime [system], 5.1
domain [cookies], 5.2
download_enable [file_attachment], 5.2
dsa [LDAP], 3.3
enable [ADA], 5.2
enable [CONFERENCING], 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4
enable [CSM], 3.2
enable [CWS], 3.2, 3.2
enable [DAS], 3.2
enable [SNC], 3.2
enable_autologin [modules], 5.2
enable_designate [modules], 5.2
enable_web_conferencing [modules], 5.2
Encryption [ACE], 5.1
eventcalrelativedn [LDAP], 3.3
eventlevel [system], 5.1
eventlog [system], 5.1
eventrefreshintervals [ENG], 3.4
eventsearch_clientwindowsize [ENG], 3.4, 3.4
eventsearch_commentsearchlength [ENG], 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2
eventsearch_maxlookthroughlimit [ENG], 3.2
eventselectbegin [OUTLOOK_CONNECTOR], 3.4, 3.4
eventselectend [OUTLOOK_CONNECTOR], 3.4, 3.4, 3.4
eventsyncinterval [CWS], 3.2
evsearch_maxcount [ENG], 3.2
excludednodes [CLUSTER], 3.2
external_backup [UTL], 3.2
external_restore [UTL], 3.2
file extensions and types [download_extensions], 5.2
frameworkenable [ACE], 3.5
french [languages], 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1
gal_enable [ENG], 3.4
gal_enableldapsearch [ENG], 3.4, 3.4
gal_refreshinterval [ENG], 3.4
gal_view [ENG], 3.4
galsyncinterval [CWS], 3.2
german [languages], 5.1, 5.1, 5.1
global_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
group_dlenable [LDAP], 3.3
group_dlfilter [LDAP], 3.3
group_dlsearchbase [LDAP], 3.3
group_enable [LDAP], 3.3
group_membersizelimit [LDAP], 3.3
group_searchbase [LDAP], 3.3
group_sizelimit [LDAP], 3.3
groupfilter [LDAP], 3.3
groupmemberlistattribute [LDAP], 3.3
groupviewmax [LIMITS], 3.4
help_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
hide_dayview_toggle [calendarview], 5.2
hide_eventcal [modules], 5.2
hide_global [modules], 5.2
hide_managegroups [modules], 5.2
hide_show_unconfirmed [modules], 5.2
hide_suggesttime [modules], 5.2
hide_taskview [modules], 5.2
hide_toggle_link [ADA], 5.2
hide_updateall [modules], 5.2
hide_viewpub [modules], 5.2
hide_weekview_toggle [calendarview], 5.2
host [LDAP], 3.3
ignoreoldreminders [NOTIFY], 3.2
img_button_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
img_enable [image_button], 5.2
img_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
installtype [PRODUCT], 3.1
invalidlogin_countinterval [ENG], 3.4
invalidlogin_deactivationtime [ENG], 3.4
invalidlogin_enable [ENG], 3.4
invalidlogin_invalidcount [ENG], 3.4
italian [languages], 5.1, 5.1, 5.1
itemcacherefreshrate [CLIENT], 3.4
itemuidmap [ENG], 3.2
keepresourcepswincaldb [AUTHENTICATION], 3.5
korean [languages], 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1
language [system], 5.1
lck_dedicated [YOURNODEID], 3.5
left_ban_width [display], 5.2
limitremindercheck [NOTIFY], 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2
linkdbencodefilename [system], 5.1
linkdbstorebasepath [system], 5.1
localcharset [ENG]. See NLS_LANG [ENG]
localnodes [YOURNODEID], 3.4
log_activity [CWS], 3.2
log_modulesinclude [CWS], 3.2
login_fail_timeout [admin], 5.2
logout [modules], 5.2
logout_docname [href], 5.2
mail [LIMITS], 3.4
mailfiledelete [CWS], 3.2
mailhdroriginatorfromuser [CWS], 3.2
mailhdrtoname [CWS], 3.2
masternode [CLUSTER], 3.2
max_addrlogons [ENG], 3.5
max_attach_file_size [file_attachment], 5.2
max_login_attempts [admin], 5.2
max_login_attempts_url [href], 5.2
max_socket [SNC], 3.2
max_userlogons [ENG], 3.5
maxattachmentsize [LIMITS], 3.4
maxattendee [webservices], 5.3
maxattendees [ocst], 5.4
maxfavourite [limits], 5.2
maxfolderentryperuser [QUOTA], 3.4
maxinstances [ENG], 3.4
maxmaildistr [LIMITS], 3.4
maxnodepertask [CWS], 3.2
maxnodesperlistener [LCK], 3.5
maxpasswordage [LIMITS], 3.4
maxpersabentries [LIMITS], 3.4
maxrecur [LIMITS], 3.4
maxremleadtime [LIMITS], 3.4
maxresults [webservices], 5.3
maxsearchresult [LIMITS], 3.4
maxsessions [ENG], 3.5
maxsessionsfornode [ENG], 3.5
maxsessionsfornode [YOURNODEID], 3.5
maxtimepernode [CWS], 3.2
maxwinopen [LIMITS], 3.4
messaging_maxtime [CWS], 3.2
messaging_waitonerror [CWS], 3.2
mgrdn [LDAP], 3.3
mimecontentcharset [CWS], 3.2
mimecontentcharset_force [CWS], 3.2
minbufsizetocompress [ACE], 3.5
mincharsearch [LIMITS], 3.4
mini_calendar [minical], 5.2
minrefreshrate [CLIENT], 3.4
mnode [connection], 5.1
modify_emailadd [modules], 5.2
multi-day-event [OUTLOOK_CONNECTOR], 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4
name [PRODUCT], 3.1
name [YOURNODEID], 3.2
needsauthenticate [ENCRYPTION], 3.5
noreqsleep [CWS], 3.2
noreqsleep_replication [CWS], 3.2
numconnect [YOURHOSTNAME, unidas], 3.2
numsessionsstoppedpersecond [ENG], 3.5
oc_minidlerefreshrate [CLIENT], 3.4
oc_minofflinerefreshrate [CLIENT], 3.4
ocheckleteventlog [sessiondb], 5.1
offlineab [LIMITS], 3.4
page-backward [LIMITS], 3.4
page-forward [LIMITS], 3.4
PAPER_A3 [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_A4 [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_B3 [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_B4 [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_EXEC [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_JB3 [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_JB4 [pff_paper_size], 5.2
paper_key [pff_paper_size];, 5.2
PAPER_LEGAL [pff_paper_size], 5.2
PAPER_LETTER [pff_paper_size], 5.2
password [CSM], 3.2
passwords [ENG], 3.4
pdv_notes_top_task_bottom [calendarview], 5.2
pluginxx [plugins], 5.1
port [CSM], 3.2
port [DAS], 3.2
port [ENG], 3.2, 3.2
port [LDAP], 3.3
port [SNC], 3.2
portal [URL], 3.4
prefs [modules], 5.2
prioritizedjobs [CWS], 3.2
pubgroups [LIMITS], 3.4
publishab [LIMITS], 3.4
quickCreateEndTime [taskview], 5.2
quickCreateStartTime [taskview], 5.2
readlocktimeout [ENG], 3.5
readmaxlocktime [ENG], 3.5
remotemasternode [CLUSTER], 3.2
remotemaxretry [LIMITS], 3.5
remotewait [LIMITS], 3.5
request_chunk_size [SNC], 3.2
resourceconflicts [LIMITS], 3.4
resourcerelativedn [LDAP], 3.3
restore_timeout [UTL], 3.2
rules [TIMEZONE], 3.2
sec_left_banner [banners], 5.2
secondary page attributes [attributes], 5.2
secure_login [admin], 5.2
secure-login [LIMITS], 3.4
secure-port [LDAP], 3.3
security [LDAP], 3.3
securitycacherefreshrate [CLIENT], 3.4
sendmailpath [CWS], 3.2
serverlist_login [modules], 5.2
servicedefault [AUTHENTICATION], 3.5
servicedefault [COMPRESSION], 3.5
servicedefault [ENCRYPTION], 3.5
sessionpath [sessiondb], 5.1
sessionsdir [ADMIN], 4.1
sessiontimeout [sessiondb], 5.1
settimezone [LIMITS], 3.4
showicalvcal [modules], 5.2
showQCCompletion [taskview], 5.2
signinmaxattempts [LIMITS], 3.4
singlelst [LIMITS], 3.4
siteauthkey [CONFERENCING], 3.4
siteid [CONFERENCING], 3.4
slibcachecount [ACE], 3.5
smsignoreerror [CWS], 3.2
smsnotifyprogram [CWS], 3.2
smtpmail_url [CWS], 3.2
smtpmailhost [CWS], 3.2
smtpmailmaxcommandlinesize [CWS], 3.2
smtpmailmaxrecipients [CWS], 3.2
smtpmailpath [CWS], 3.2
smtpmailpath_auto [CWS], 3.2, 3.2
smtpmailprogram [CWS], 3.2
snc_so_keepalive [SNC], 3.2
snc_so_rcvbuf [SNC], 3.2
snc_so_sndbuf [SNC], 3.2
snc_tr_block [SNC], 3.2
snc_tr_recv_timeout [SNC], 3.2
snc_tr_send_timeout [SNC], 3.2
spanish [languages], 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1
ssignin [LIMITS], 3.4
ssigninrestrictions [LIMITS], 3.4
ssn_timeout [admin], 5.2
sso_user_env_key [admin], 5.2
sss_cacheexpiredelay [ENG], 3.4, 3.4, 3.4
sss_cachesize [ENG], 3.4
standalone [system], 5.1
standards [ENG], 3.2
startupsleep [CWS], 3.2
stats [ENG], 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2
style_sheet_prefix [url_prefix], 5.2
supported [AUTHENTICATION], 3.5
supported [COMPRESSION], 3.5
supported [ENCRYPTION], 3.5
syncrangeback [ocst], 5.4
syncrangeforward [ocst], 5.4
sys_owner [SYS], 3.2
templatesdir [ADMIN], 4.1
timelimit [LDAP], 3.3
timezone [YOURNODEID], 3.2
tmp_attach_file_loc [file_attachment], 5.2
top_ban_height [display], 5.2
unidbfix_logfile [UTL], 3.2
upload_enable [file_attachment], 5.2
url [RESOURCE_APPROVAL], 3.4, 3.4
userlist_login [LIMITS], 3.4
userlist_login [modules], 5.2
userlookthroughlimit [ENG], 3.2
usersearchmaxreturn [ENG], 3.2
utf8_autoconvert [ENG], 3.2
utf8_onfailprintmesg [ENG], 3.2
version [PRODUCT], 3.1
version [YOURNODEID], 3.2
wait_sbh [SNC], 3.2
walletfile [CONFERENCING], 3.4, 3.4
walletpassword [CONFERENCING], 3.4, 3.4
wantattendanceintitle [ocst], 5.4
wantcalendars [ocst], 5.4
wantcontacts [ocst], 5.4
wantlocationintitle [ocst], 5.4
wantnoattendees [ocst], 5.4
wantownershipintitle [ocst], 5.4
wantrefusedentries [ocst], 5.4
web_attribute_name [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5, 4.1, 5.1
web_attribute_type [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5, 4.1, 5.1
web_attribute_valuemax [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5
web_cachesize [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5
web_CAL_sharedkey [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5, 4.1
web_CAL_sharedkey [ACE_PLUGINS_SERVER], 3.5
web_custom_script [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5
web_tmppath [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], 3.5
webconferenceindetails [ocst], 5.4
workbufsize [ACE], 3.5
writedn [LDAP], 3.3
writednpassword [LDAP], 3.3
writelocktimeout [ENG], 3.5
writemaxlocktime [ENG], 3.5
changing, 6.35
encrypting, 6.25
aging, 3.4
case sensitivity, 3.4
changing, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4
display, 1.2, 2.2
notification, 1.3
refresh, 1.3, 2.3
reminder, 1.3, 2.3
security, 1.4, 2.4
user, 1.1, 2
calendar entries, 6.27
big-endian, 6.6, 6.28
little-endian, 6.6, 6.28
public groups, 1.1
default, 1.7
default right to create, 1.5
managing, 6.26


refresh preferences, 1.3, 2.3
reminder preferences, 1.3, 2.3
meetings, old, 6.39
tasks, old, 6.39
database, 6.18
resource data, copying, 6.4, 6.11
adding, 6.54
adding agenda of one to that of another, 6.4
backup, 6.38
deleting, 6.54
deleting after moving, 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
listing, 6.54
modifying, 6.54
moving by copying, 6.4, 6.11
moving several at a time, 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
restoring, 6.38
rules, time zone, 3.2


preferences, 1.4, 2.4
securitycacherefreshrate, 3.4, 3.4
configuration parameters, 3.1
starting, 6.46
stopping, 6.50
sign-ons/sign-offs, displaying, 6.29
size of calendar server installation, 6.41
Internet, 3.2
starting the calendar server, 6.46
displaying sign on/sign off, 6.29
node, 6.47
summary of a calendar server stats file, 6.48
unisncd, 6.45
calendar server, 6.49
directory server, 6.24
stopping the calendar server, 6.50
synchronization with Sync clients, 6.52
nodes in a node network, 6.41
nodes with directory server information, 6.23


tasks, removing old, 6.39
converting, 6.51
time zone
displaying information on, 6.53
rules, 3.2
time zones
table, 7
user profile, 1.1, 2.1


automatic start of, 3.2
automatic start of, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2
viewing requests in queue, 6.37
automatic start of, 3.2
unisncd, 3.2
automatic start of, 3.2
statistics, 6.45
user data, copying, 6.10, 6.12
adding, 6.54
adding agenda of one to that of another, 6.10
backup, 6.38
default profile parameters for, 1.1, 2.1
deleting, 6.54
deleting after moving, 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
listing, 6.54
modifying, 6.54
moving, 6.32
moving by copying, 6.10, 6.12
moving several at a time, 6.4, 6.10, 6.12
restoring, 6.38
signed-on, 6.56
UTF-8, converting text to, 6.51
uniaccessrights, 6.1
uniaddnode, 6.2
uniarch, 6.5
unib2lendian, 6.6
unicheck, 6.7
unicksum, 6.8
uniclean, 6.9
unicpinr, 6.4
unicpinu, 6.10
unicpoutr, 6.11
unicpoutu, 6.12
unicpr, 6.13
unicpu, 6.14
unidb2ldif, 6.15
unidbbackup, 6.16, 6.38
unidbconv, 6.17
unidbfix, 6.18
unidbrestore, 6.19
unidsacisetup, 6.20
unidsdiff, 6.21
unidssearch, 6.22
unidssync, 6.23
unidsup, 6.24
uniencrypt, 6.25
unigroup, 6.26
uniical, 6.27
unil2bendian, 6.28
unilogons, 6.29
unimem, 6.30
unimmimpsrv, 6.31
unimvuser, 6.32
uninode, 6.33
unioidconf, 6.34
unipasswd, 6.35
uniping, 6.36
unireqdump, 6.37
unirestore, 6.38
unirmold, 6.39
unirndel, 6.40
unirnsynch, 6.41
unisizeof, 6.41
unislice, 6.43
unisnapshot, 6.44
unisncdump, 6.45
unistart, 6.46
unistat, 6.47
unistats, 6.48
unistatus, 6.49
unistop, 6.50
unistrconv, 6.51
unisyncrefresh, 6.52
unitzinfo, 6.53
uniuser, 6.54
universion, 6.55
uniwho, 6.56


file system, 6.7
version of the calendar server, 6.55
version, verifying the calendar server, 6.55


web_attribute_name, 3.5, 4.1
web_attribute_type, 3.5, 4.1
web_attribute_valuemax, 3.5
web_cachesize, 3.5
web_CAL_sharedkey, 3.5, 4.1
web_custom_script, 3.5
web_tmppath, 3.5


X.400 address, 1.6