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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Deployment Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1)

Part Number B14479-02
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Applications tier

The tier of Oracle Collaboration Suite that runs the server applications that provide specific functionality to end users. The term "Applications tier" replaces the term "middle tier" that was used in previous releases. Each Applications tier corresponds to an instance of Oracle Application Server. See also Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications


Availability is the percentage or amount of scheduled time that a computing system provides application service.

Client tier

The tier of Oracle Collaboration Suite that consists of the end-user applications that reside on client devices, such as desktops, laptops, wireless phones, and PDAs. See also Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

Calendar daemons/ services

Six UNIX daemons or multi-threaded Windows services:

directory server

A directory server defines a hierarchical view of an organization's employees, units, and other resources.You can protect applications using directory servers by limiting access to the virtual paths of the applications to particular branches in the directory server.


The demilitarized zone (DMZ) is the area between outer and inner firewalls. It is normally used to protect the internal application servers from being attacked by those attempting to gain unauthorized access to a network or intranet.


Failover is the ability to reconfigure a computing system to utilize an alternate active component when a similar component fails.


A firewall is a machine that acts as an intermediary to protect a set of computers or networks from outside attack. It regulates access to computers on a local area network from outside, and regulates access to outside computers from within the local area network. A firewall can work either by acting as a proxy server that forwards requests so that the requests behave as though they were issued by the firewall machine, or by examining requests and attempting to eliminate suspect calls


A host is a computer with a unique domain name.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the underlying format used by the Web to format and transmit messages and determine what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. HTTP is the protocol used between Oracle Application Server and clients.

HTTP server

An HTTP server is a server that receives HTTP requests from remote browsers, converts the requested URL to a filename, and returns the file to the requester.

HTTPS (secure HTTP)

HTTPS is a version of HTTP with provisions for secure data transmission.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Infrastructure tier

The tier of Oracle Collaboration Suite that consists of the components that provide services, such as identity management and metadata storage, for the Applications tier. Components of the Infrastructure tier include Oracle Collaboration Suite Database and Oracle Identity Management. See also Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.


Internet Message Access Protocol is an Internet protocol for accessing e-mail on a remote server from a local client. It enables efficient operation such as downloading only essential data by first getting the e-mail header before the actual e-mail download. This makes the protocol well suited to remote environments.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol that enables clients to access information from a directory server. This protocol enables corporate directory entries to be arranged in a hierarchical structure that reflects geographic and organizational boundaries.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol



See host.


Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) is a complete set of J2EE containers written entirely in Java that execute on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the standard Java Development Kit (JDK).


See Oracle Internet Directory.


Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository

Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository is a pre-seeded database containing metadata required by Oracle Application Server instances.

Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

The applications that comprise Oracle Collaboration Suite.

Oracle Collaboration Suite

An integrated suite of software applications to enable communication, messaging, and content sharing in an enterprise environment. At an architectural level, it includes three tiers: an Applications tier, which consists of server applications that provide the basic functionality, a Client tier, which consists of applications on desktops, laptops, and wireless devices, and an Infrastructure tier, which provides centralized services, such as identity management and metadata storage, for the applications.

Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

The applications that make up Oracle Collaboration Suite, namely:

Each of the preceding applications is a component of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications. These applications rely on the services provided by the Infrastructure tier. See also Applications tier.

Oracle Collaboration Suite Database

The default database included with Oracle Collaboration Suite to hold application data and metadata. The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database is part of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.

Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure

The underlying components that support Oracle Collaboration Suite and provide centralized product metadata and security services, configuration information, and data repositories for Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications. Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure uses and builds on OracleAS Infrastructure. It includes the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database and Oracle Identity Management. See also Infrastructure tier.

Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Server is the Web server that Oracle Application Server uses, which is built on Apache Web server technology. Oracle HTTP Server offers scalability, stability, speed, and extensibility. It also supports Java servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSPs), Perl, PL/SQL, and CGI applications.

Oracle Identity Management

An integrated set of components that provide distributed security to Oracle products and make it possible to centrally and securely manage enterprise identities and their access to applications in the enterprise. It includes the following components: Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning, Oracle Delegated Administration Services, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority.

Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle Internet Directory (OID) is a general purpose directory service that enables retrieval of information about dispersed users and network resources. Oracle Internet Directory combines LDAP version 3 with the high performance, scalability, robustness, and availability of the Oracle database.

Oracle Internet Directory runs as an application in the Oracle database. It communicates with the database, which may be on the same or a different operating system.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Multiplexer (MX)

Accepts inbound connections from Oracle Web Conferencing clients and Oracle Web Conferencing Servers and routes data traffic between them. Acts as a communication hub for Web conferencing components.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Redirector

Redirects the accepted connections to the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration communication processes (the Real-Time Collaboration Multiplexer for Web conferences or the Client Connection Manager for chat sessions) and load balances between them.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Server

The Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Server consists of the following:

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Communication Services – Services that enable system communications such as Secure Sockets-Layer (SSL) connections, firewall traversal, and multiplexer processing of multiple conference connections.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Data Services – Services that support the transfer of Oracle Web Conferencing and chat data.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Group Services – Services that let multiple users interact with a group of contacts, and members of the group interact with each other.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Integration Services – A set of interfaces that can be used to tightly integrate any application to the functionality provided by the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system. Integrators can create applications customized for the entire enterprise or for any business application (for example sales, training, customer support) within the enterprise.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Presence Server – A server that supports the declaration and detection of individual and group presence.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration System Services – Services that provide administrative features such as system management through properties, statistics reporting, and process monitoring.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Voice Services – Services that enable voice streaming in Web or chat conferences, full-duplex voiceover IP (VoIP), and pass-the-mic voice streaming.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Web Client – A Web-based user interface that lets users and administrators download Oracle Web Conferencing and Oracle Messenger clients, schedule and join conferences, manage conference materials, view and manage conference and message archives and reports, and monitor the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Web Conferencing Server – Backend server that enables real-time Web conferencing, including intelligently distributing real-time data, managing conference attendees' states, and providing services for recording and archiving conferences. Clients never directly communicate with the Web Conferencing Server. Instead, clients communicate with the HTTP Listener, which uses mod_meeting to communicate with the appropriate Web Conferencing Server.


Private branch exchange, a private telephone network within an enterprise. Users of the PBX share a number of lines for making telephone calls external to the PBX. The PBX enables switching of multiple incoming and outgoing lines between multiple internal phones.


Post Office Protocol 3 is a standard protocol used by a client to receive e-mail that has been sent to the client over the Internet. The protocol is used to retrieve the client's e-mail from the server.

POP3 is the most recent version of this protocol and is typically included in software e-mail applications such as Outlook Express; it is also built into popular browsers, for example, Microsoft Explorer and Netscape. POP3 is usually employed with SMTP. IMAP is the alternative protocol to POP3, with more features for handling the e-mail on the server.


A port is a number that TCP uses to route transmitted data to and from a particular program.

private branch exchange

See PBX.

Proxy Server

A proxy server typically sits on a network firewall and enables clients behind the firewall to access Web resources. All requests from clients go to the proxy server rather than directly to the destination server. The proxy server forwards the request to the destination server and passes the received information back to the client. The proxy server channels all Web traffic at a site through a single, secure port; this enables an organization to create a secure firewall by preventing Internet access to internal machines, while allowing Web access.


Real Application Clusters (RAC) is a parallel database clustering technology from Oracle. RAC is an active-active cluster with shared storage, whereby multiple servers can work in parallel on the same set of data.

Real Application Clusters



Scalability is the ability to handle increasing numbers of hardware requests without adversely affecting latency and throughput.


A schema is a collection of database objects, including logical structures such as tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, synonyms, indexes, clusters, and database links.

A schema has the name of the user who controls it.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the main protocol used to control the transfer of electronic mail (e-mail) messages on the Internet. SMTP is the TCP/IP protocol, and this specifies the format of the messages, and how servers and terminals are to interact.

SMTP is usually employed for the sending of the messages, with other protocols used to receive them, for example, POP3 or IMAP, which can save the messages in a mailbox for download from the server to a particular terminal, as required by the user. ESMTP, Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, enables multimedia files to be sent as e-mail.

Telephony Server

Intel NetMerge Converged Communications Software (CCS) and the Oracle Container comprise the Telephony Server. The Telephony Server is a resource manager for the Voicemail & Fax Application services. Calls from the PBX are handed off to the Telephony Server which then hands off the call to the appropriate Oracle Voicemail & Fax service.


A category of hardware and software that uses the Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls. Voice data is sent in digital form in packets rather than in the traditional circuit-committed protocols of the public switched telephone network (PSTN). A major advantage of VoIP and Internet telephony is that it eliminates ordinary toll charges.
