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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite
10g Release 1 (

Part Number B13601-02
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3 Configuring Calendar

Grid Control automatically discovers the following Oracle Calendar targets for Oracle Calendar of Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1:


See Chapter 13, "Configuring Enterprise Manager to Manage Oracle Calendar Targets" for information on setting up Grid Control to monitor the Calendar components of Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 and 2.

The following sections describe the steps to complete the configuration of Calendar targets in Grid Control.

3.1 Configuring the Oracle Calendar Server Target

You need to specify the Sysop password for the Calendar Server.

To specify this password, go to the Home page for the Calendar Server you are configuring as follows:

  1. On the All Targets tab, select Calendar Server in the Search list. Click Go.

  2. Click the Calendar Server you are configuring. Grid Control displays the Calendar Server Home page.

  3. Click the Monitoring Configuration link in the Related Links section at the bottom of the Calendar Server Home page.

  4. Specify the Sysop password. The Sysop password was set during installation. By default, the Sysop password is the same as the password for the ias_admin account.

3.2 Creating the Oracle Calendar Web Application Target

To monitor your Calendar components, you can create a Web Application target. Web Application targets are monitored for availability and performance. For more information about Web Applications, refer to the Grid Control documentation set.

Before you configure a Calendar Web Application target, Oracle recommends that you create a test account so you can test the target immediately after it is created.

Follow these steps to create a Web Application target for monitoring your Calendar components:

  1. Using Grid Control, click the Targets tab, then click Web Applications. Click the Add button to add a new Web Application.

  2. Grid Control displays the Create Web Application wizard, which guides you through the process of creating the Web Application. Choose a name for the Web Application. Then, when the wizard asks you for the Homepage URL, enter the Calendar URL or the Portal page URL. For example:


    Click Help if you need help using the Web Application target wizard. Include the following targets in the Calendar Web Application:

    • The host where the Calendar Server resides

    • Calendar Server target

    • Calendar Applications target

  3. Click OK to create the target.

  4. Use the instructions in the online help to create some representative transactions to measure the availability and performance of the Web Application you just created. For example, create a transaction from a test or guest account (such as orclguest) that logs in and schedules a new appointment or views an existing appointment.

    See Also:

    "Creating Transactions" in the Grid Control online help.

3.3 Creating the Oracle Calendar Group Target

After you configure the Oracle Calendar targets, you can create the Oracle Calendar group target. To ensure the group is created correctly, it is important to ensure that every possible Calendar target has been created. Also, ensure that the host targets and application server targets used by Oracle Calendar are discovered and visible in Grid Control.

Follow these steps to create the group target:

  1. In Grid Control, click the Targets tab.

  2. Click All Targets.

  3. Select Collaboration Suite Component from the Add list and click Go.

  4. Select Calendar from the Component Type list.

  5. Enter a name for the Calendar group in the Name field. For example, enter Calendar Group.

  6. Select the targets you want to add to the group from the Available Targets list and add them to the Selected Targets list. Include the following targets:

    • Host where the Calendar Server resides

    • Calendar Server target

    • Calendar Applications target

    • Web Application for Calendar

  7. Click OK to create the group target.


    The Calendar group target is a custom group target. After creation, it appears on the All Targets page in Grid Control, not on the Groups page. Only generic group targets appear on the Groups page.