image18.gif shows a box with the label, "" The box is shown connected to two boxes below it. One box is labeled "Phone Numbers belonging to," with two columns of phone numbers, 14152926000, 14152926243, 14152928677, 14152928993, 14152921775, and 14152925690. The second box is labeled "IVR Hours for" Below the label is the text Business Hours, Monday 8:00-5:00, Tuesday 8:00-5:00, Wednesday 8:00-5:00, Thursday 8:00-5:00, Friday 8:00-5:00, Saturday, and Sunday. Following this text is the text Holiday 1/17/05 8:00-5:00, Special Mode Days, None.

Below these three boxes (, Phone Numbers belonging to, and IVR Hours for are two boxes that are connected to each other, but not connected to the three boxes. The first of these two boxes is labeled "acme Deployment." Below it is a second box that contains information in tabular format. The first column is labeled Time Category, followed by Call Flow, Sound File Group, and Profile. There are four rows. The first row contains the values Open, CallFlow1, SFG1, and Profile1. The second row is Closed, CallFlow2, SFG2, Profile2. The third row is Holiday, CallFlow2, SFG3, and Profile2. The fourth row is Special, CallFlow2, SFG4, and Profile2.

Finally there is a box with the label 14152926000. A line connects this box to the same text, 14152926000 in the box labeled Phone numbers belonging to acme.h An arrow connects the 14152926000 box to the box labeled acme Deployment.