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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for Solaris

Part Number B14488-07
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10 Oracle Voicemail & Fax Release Notes

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with Oracle Voicemail & Fax.


Oracle Voicemail & Fax is only supported on Windows 2000 or Windows 2003. Therefore, the release notes for Oracle Voicemail & Fax only apply to the Windows platform.

This chapter contains the following sections:


This document was updated on October 7, 2005.

10.1 New in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

Administration of Oracle Voicemail & Fax through Oracle Enterprise Manager has been significantly enhanced:

A differentiating feature of Oracle Voicemail & Fax is its data-focused design and architecture and its deployment flexibility. These attributes are extended in Oracle Voicemail & Fax 10g Release 1 with the following:

10.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

The following sections describe known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

10.2.1 Bug Fixes

Several of the known bugs documented in this Release Notes are fixed with patches available on MetaLink.

To download a patch from MetaLink:

  1. Log in to MetaLink.

  2. In the menu on the left side of the page, click Patches & Updates.

  3. Click the Simple Search link.

  4. In the Search By field, select Patch Number from the list, and enter the patch number.

  5. In the Platform or Language field, select Microsoft Windows (32-bit) and click Go.

  6. Follow the instructions on the page to download the patch.

10.2.2 Selected Oracle Collaboration Suite Components Need to be Disabled

When Oracle Voicemail & Fax is started, several Oracle Collaboration Suite components are also started: HTTP server, Webcache, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Client. These components are not required by Oracle Voicemail & Fax and should be disabled. (Bug # 4461627)

To disable the components:

  1. Open a Web browser. Enter the URL for the Application Server Control for Collaboration Suite console for the machine where Oracle Voicemail & Fax is installed (http://machine_name:console_port).

  2. Log in using the ias_admin user name and the password for ias_admin, and navigate to the home page.

  3. In the System Components section, click the Enable/Disable Components button.

  4. Select the following components in the Enabled Components pane, and click Move.

    • HTTP_Server

    • Web Cache

    • OC4J_OCSClient, Discussions, Search, Web Access, Workspaces

    • Any components with the OC4J prefix

  5. Click OK.

    A warning appears stating that any running processes will be stopped before the components are disabled.

  6. Click Yes.

10.2.3 Patch to Enterprise Manager Needs to be Applied

You must install a patch to Enterprise Manager in order for it to work with Oracle Voicemail & Fax. See patch 3207444 on MetaLink for the patch.

10.2.4 Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Settings Are Not Being Updated

If changes to settings to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database are not being reflected in the behavior of Oracle Voicemail & Fax, the cause may be that the sc_vsto.cfg file which updates Oracle Voicemail & Fax is not being regenerated. (Bug #3453548)

Check to see if the timestamp on the sc_vsto.cfg file is updated after the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Applications Server is rebooted. The default location for this file is: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Dialogic\CT Media\Containers.

To create the required shutdown script:

  1. From the Start menu, click Run.

  2. In the Run window, enter gpedit.msc and click OK.

  3. Find Computer Configuration in the navigation tree.

  4. Select Windows Settings, then select Scripts.

  5. In the right pane, click Shutdown.

  6. If create_scvsto.bat does not appear as one of the shutdown scripts in the Shutdown Properties window, then click Add.

  7. In the Script Name field, enter:


  8. Click OK.

  9. Reboot the Application Server and verify that the sc_vsto.cfg file has been updated.

If you specified a different location for this file during the Intel NetMerge installation, you will need to check the LocalContainerPath environment variable. To get the path specified for the LocalContainerPath environment variable, follow the procedure below.

To locate the LocalContainerPath environment variable:

  1. From the Start menu, click Run, enter regedit in the Run window, and click OK.

  2. In the navigation tree, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, select SOFTWARE, then select Dialogic, followed by CT Media, 2.0, Server, and Environment.

  3. In the right pane, check the value for the LocalContainerPath environment variable.

10.2.5 Some Sample IVR Deployments Do Not Work

Some of the sample IVRs do not work because the.sound files for the IVRs cannot be loaded. The IVR deployments that are affected are LanguageChoiceAttendant and ACME. (Bug #4484757)


The call flows for the deployments need to be corrected and updated, and the sound files for the call flows need to be loaded. The call flows that are affected are BasicAutoAttendant (afterhours.xml) and ACME (the-works.xml). The name of the call flow file appears in parentheses.

To edit the call flow file:

  1. Log in to the Applications Server where Oracle Voicemail & Fax is installed.

  2. Navigate to the directory where the call flow files are located:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts

  3. Create a copy of the call flow file.

    ivrman callflow dump BasicAutoAttendant afterhours.xml

    ivrman callflow dump ACME the-works.xml

  4. Edit each file in an XML editor, and search for the <onTimeout> tag.

  5. In the afterhours.xml file, add the following line before the <onTimeout> tag:

    <timeoutBehavior noResponseOk="true">

  6. In the the-works.xml file, add the following line before the <onTimeout> tag:

    <timeoutBehavior noResponseOK="false">

  7. In each file, search for the </onTimeout> tag.

  8. Add the following line after the </onTimeout> tag:


  9. Save each file.

  10. To update the call flows, execute the following commands from the %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts directory:

    ivrman callflow replace BasicAutoAttendant afterhours.xml

    ivrman callflow replace ACME the-works.xml

  11. To upload the sound files, execute the following commands from the %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts\ivrsound directory:

    loadSoundFile.bat %ORACLE_HOME%

10.3 Known Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

The following tables list known issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

Table 10-1 lists general issues that are known about Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

Table 10-1 Known Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax: General

Description Action Bug Number

Changes to Oracle Collaboration Suite Database settings are not being reflected because the sc_vsto.cfg file is not being updated.

See Part , "Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Settings Are Not Being Updated" for instructions for correcting this issue.


When MWIService encounters an error connecting to an MWIService process, the MWI request is removed from the queue.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


Several Oracle Collaboration Suite components that are not required for Oracle Voicemail & Fax are started on the Applications Server.

See Part , "Selected Oracle Collaboration Suite Components Need to be Disabled" for instructions on disabling these components.


Some of the sample Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications do not work.

See Part , "Some Sample IVR Deployments Do Not Work" for the workaround.


The Telephony Monitor Service or the Message Delivery Service, or both, do not start. When the log files for these services are checked, there is an error that states that the BusStopLogWriter is unable to set the Max Log File size, and BusStopLogWriter throws a NullPointerException.

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Stop the process using Enterprise Manager Grid Control or the opmnctl stopproc command.

  2. Log in to the Applications Server where Oracle Voicemail & Fax is installed, and change to the %ORACLE_HOME%\um\log directory.

  3. Rename the process. For example, rename TelephonyMonitorProcess to TelephonyMonitorProcess_old.

  4. Restart the process using Enterprise Manager Grid Control or the opmnctl startproc command.


This known issue will be seen on version 9.0.4 of Oracle Voicemail & Fax and on upgrades from version 9.0.4 to 10.1.1. When the MWI Service (Message Waiting Indicator) is started or is refreshed, it may encounter errors connecting to Oracle Internet Directory. Should this occur, any message waiting indicator requests will be lost. When a connection to Oracle Internet Directory is restored, the MWI Service resumes processing message waiting indicator requests.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


When you use Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console to create or edit a voicemail account, you can specify the group to which to assign the voicemail account. There are times when the drop-down list does not display a complete or accurate list of groups. This occurs when Oracle Internet Directory is down.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


Errors in cache refresh process results in incorrect groups listing in Delegated Administration Services (DAS) and Nullpointerexception errors appear in DAS log files.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


Because the Application Bootstrap variable is not set when the provisioning profile is created, users created prior to Oracle Voicemail & Fax installation, in a fresh or upgraded 10.1.1 environment, will not have the correct provisioning status set for Oracle Voicemail & Fax. You can look up these users with Oracle Internet Directory Delegated Administration Services to view this issue with their provisioning status. You can provision these users for Oracle Voicemail & Fax using command line tools, which will set the correct provisioning status.

Use ovfucr on the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Applications tier to enable the users that have not been provisioned for Oracle Voicemail & Fax. Run the following command on the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Applications tier as a workaround for this issue:

%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oidprovtool operation=modify ldap_host=<LDAP HOST> ldap_port=<LDAP PORT> ldap_user_dn=cn=orcladmin ldap_user_password=<LDAP password> application_dn="cn=umcontainer,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext" interface_version=3.0 enable_bootstrap=TRUE

<LDAP Host> is the full host name of the Oracle directory server>

<LDAP Port> is the port number used to connect to the server

<LDAP Password> is the password for the orcladmin user.


Table 10-2 lists known issues about the Accounts Manager Tool (ovfucr) for Oracle Voicemail & Fax:


Bugs related to the Accounts Manager Tool are fixed in patch 4544734 which is available on MetaLink.

Table 10-2 Known Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax: Accounts Manager Tool (ovfucr)

Description Action Bug Number

There are several known issues when creating a voicemail account using ovfucr create.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


There are several known issues when deleting a voicemail account using ovfucr delete.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


There are several known issues when adding a subsequent phone number using ovfucr addphonenumber.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


There are several known issues when using ovfucr modifyphonenumber to replace one phone number with a different phone number.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


There are several known issues when modifying the properties of a voicemail account using ovfucr modifyaccount.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to patch 4544734.


Table 10-3 lists known issues that end users may encounter with Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

Table 10-3 Known Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax: End User

Description Action Bug Number

From Oracle WebMail, the end user sees the following error when the user tries to access Voicemail /Fax Preferences: "Error Retrieving Voicemail/Fax Preferences."

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Edit the following entry in Oracle Internet Directory:

    cn=UMAdminsgroup, cn=UMContainer, cn=products, cn=oraclecontext

    and add the following attribute for uniquemember:

    cn=emailservercontainer, cn=products,cn=oraclecontext

  2. Save the change in Oracle Internet Directory.

  3. On the Application Server where Oracle Voicemail & Fax is installed, restart the OC4J_OCSClient process:

    %ORACLE_HOME%/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_OCSClient

If the user continues to get the error: "Error Retrieving Voicemail/Fax Preferences," close the Web browser. This occurs because the previous HTTP session did not clear correctly. Open a new browser and log in again.


When replying to a saved message, the voicemail system does not allow you to remove the sender of the message from the recipient list.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to bug 4544734.


The end user records a voicemail message. When the user tries to send the message to a contact or distribution list for which the user has recorded a voice tag, the user gets an error. This occurs because the user has not recorded his or her name.

The fix for this bug is available on MetaLink. Refer to bug 4544734.


10.4 Globalization Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

The following table lists Oracle Voicemail & Fax globalization issues.

Table 10-4 Globalization Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

Description Action Bug Number

The Web browser locale is set to a non-English language. When using Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console to provision a user for voicemail or fax access, the Create User user_name:Application Attributes page for Oracle Voicemail & Fax displays the attributes in English.



10.5 Documentation Issues in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

The following section contains documentation issues for Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

10.5.1 Setting Passwords for Bulk-Provisioned Users

When bulk provisioning users for voicemail or fax access, you can set the users' initial password in one of the following ways.

You can specify the password for each user in the LDIF file. The LDIF file contains parameters and values to create base users for Oracle Collaboration Suite. In addition, you can also include the telephonenumber parameter which specifies the phone number for a voicemail account. Once the file is loaded into Oracle Internet Directory, the Oracle Collaboration Suite base user is created, and an add event is sent to the Oracle Voicemail & Fax plug-in which provisions the base user for voice access. The telephonenumber parameter in the LDIF file is the only parameter required to trigger the add event to provision the user for voice access. Optionally, you can include a parameter in the LDIF file used to specify the initial password for the voicemail account. This parameter is: orclpasswordverifier;email. When the LDIF file is loaded, this password gets loaded into Oracle Internet Directory. Note, there is no automatic notification process with this method. You will have to notify the users of their initial voicemail password.

In some instances, you may want to create the passwords and the voicemail accounts at two different times. Often, system administrators want to send an e-mail to their users in advance of when the new voicemail account is active. If this is the case, you can use the ovfucr generatepassword command to generate passwords for the users. Note, this command assumes that the base user and e-mail account have already been created. This command automatically generates the initial password for users that are specified in an input file and sends an e-mail notification to the user with the new password. Then, when you are ready to activate the voicemail accounts, you can use ovfucr create to create the voicemail accounts.


Alternatively, you can specify the optional password parameter when you run the ovfucr create command to create a voicemail account and assign a password to the account. However, there is no notification feature if passwords are generated in this way.

You can also use a third-party or other proprietary tool to generate passwords.