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Oracle® Real-Time Collaboration Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1)

Part Number B14495-02
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6 Historical and Statistical Reports for Oracle Real-Time Collaboration

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration provides reports about conference histories, usage trend information, user feedback analysis, system incidents, and system security. Some aspects of these features require postinstallation configuration. This chapter describes the configuration steps, then describes how you can use the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration reports to manage your system. It contains the following sections:

The reports discussed in this chapter are available from both the Reports tab and the System tab. Users with business monitor or business administrator privileges can view the reports available from the Reports tab. Only users with the business administrator role can view the reports available from the System tab. See "Setting User Roles" for details about how to set these roles.


This chapter provides an overview of the types of data presented in the reports, and how you can use them. Detailed descriptions of each item in each Oracle Real-Time Collaboration report are included in the online Help. For details about individual data points, click Help on any report Web page.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Archives Versus Reports

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration keeps records about Web conferences and instant messages in two different ways:

The Archives pages show only those conferences or messages that the current user participated in, or conferences that the user has been granted access to by a conference host. Administrators do not have any special privileges to view archives of conferences or messages that they did not participate in.

If your users request access to a conference archive, forward their request to the conference host, who can assign the user privileges to view the conference using the Update button in the Archives pages. The online Help for Oracle Real-Time Collaboration describes the Archive page options in detail.

For more information about the creation and contents of archives, see Chapter 7.

Web Conference Reports

The Conferences page under the Reports tab lets you view information about each individual conference. Users with either the business monitor or business administration roles may view the tab and its reports.

The main Conferences page includes basic information about each conference, including its duration, the list of attendees, any ratings or comments made by the host, and whether the conference finished normally or was abandoned or otherwise failed. You may want to use this page to get a general idea about conference traffic for a specific time period (Last 1 Day, Last 7 Days, and so forth). You also use this page to locate specific conferences in order to get more details about them. You can use the Filter By field to search for specific conferences by ID, title, or host's login name, or to search for conferences held on a particular site.

Clicking the Conference Details icon displays the Details page, showing basic conference statistics such as start and stop times, whether voice or data recording was used, whether recordings have been played back from the conference archives, and any feedback from the conference host.

Clicking the Diagnostics tab on the Details page displays a page that lists any events that took place during the conference. You can choose to view only errors or all events. You can also click links to view further diagnostic detail:

Clicking the Attendees tab on the Details page displays the list of attendees that participated in this conference, and how long they participated. To see more information about an individual attendee, click Attendee Details next to the attendee's name. The resulting page lets you troubleshoot any specific issues an attendee may have had in a conference, including:

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Usage Reports

The Usage Report pages under the Reports tab provide metrics to let you analyze how the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system is being used. You can check these reports to determine what conference modes and features are most often used, what messaging features are being used, who are the top users, and what sites have the most conference activity. Users with either the business monitor or business administration roles may view the report.

Four reports provide usage metrics. Each metric is based on one of two measurements:

You can use the drop-down lists at the top of the report to display the data summarized by Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. You can change the default ranges of these periods using the properties described in "Configuring Reports".

All reports give the count of various usage events for the current period and the percentage change over the previous period. Status arrow indicators let you easily see whether a rating trend is up or down. Graphs shows the trend of the events.

The Key Usage Metrics report provides summaries of the main metrics from each of the other reports. Use this report to get a high-level view of the number of persons using the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system and the number and types of activities running on the system for the period.

The Web Conferencing report displays all usage statistics related to Web Conferencing. Use this report to determine the numbers and types of users and conferences; the lengths and sizes (in terms of attendees) of conferences; the features used within conferences (document sharing, voice streaming, and so forth); the number of recordings and playbacks; and the top users and sites for the time period.

The Presence and Chat report displays all usage statistics related to Oracle Messenger. Use this report to determine the number of messaging users, text and voice chat sessions, chat conferences, Web conferences started from chat, and files transferred during chat sessions for the period.

The Integration Services report shows what requests were made of Web Conferencing, Presence, and Messaging services by integrated services over the past week. Use this report to determine how much traffic on the system is being generated by the custom applications that you have created using Oracle Real-Time Collaboration SOAP and XML services. For details about creating custom applications, see Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Application Developer's Guide.


The following data is available only in reports for the full Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system:
  • Site metrics in the Web Conferencing section of the Key Usage Metrics report.

  • Presence and Chat statistics in the Integration Services section of the Key Usage Metrics report.

  • Top user and top site data in the Web Conferencing report.

  • Presence Queries metrics in the Integration Services report.

  • All data in the Presence and Chat report.

If you are logged in as a site administrator or are viewing usage reports for a site, the data listed here will not appear.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Feedback Report

A feedback form that appears at the end of every conference lets hosts give a comment (raw text feedback) in addition to rating a conference excellent, good, or poor, or providing no rating. The Feedback page under the Reports tab provides metrics evaluating this feedback, and lists the detail of every text comment. Use this report to watch for frequently asked questions, gather information about common user perceptions and issues, and respond to problems. Oracle strongly suggests that administrators review feedback reports at least once a week. Users with either the business monitor or business administration role may view the report.


Some Oracle Real-Time Collaboration properties let you link hosts and attendees from the default feedback form to another URL, where you may display a custom-built Web form to gather additional feedback. Feedback you gather with a custom form is not included in this report. You can also use a property to suppress the feedback form entirely; if it is set to true, this report will not contain data. See "Configuring Feedback Methods" for details.

You can use the drop-down lists at the top of the report to display the data summarized by Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. You can change the default ranges of these periods using the properties described in "Configuring Reports".

The key metrics show the count of each rating for the current week and the percentage change over the previous time period. Status arrow indicators let you easily see whether a rating trend is up or down. A graph shows the trend of the four possible ratings over time.

The top ten conferences with poor, good, excellent, and no response ratings are listed, with their host comments. These are grouped into four tables by rating level. Only conferences with host comments are listed in the tables, so you can easily review and respond to poor comments, and compare the difference between users who rate the system highly and those who do not.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Quality of Service Reports

The QoS Report page under the Reports tab lets you view reports that summarize the quality of service provided by Oracle Real-Time Collaboration components to your users, and that list any incidents experienced by users while using Oracle Real-Time Collaboration tools. Users with either business monitor or business administration privileges may view the tab and its reports. Use these reports to evaluate the performance of your system, confirm issues raised by users in the Feedback report, and check the results of any performance tuning efforts.

The Web Conferencing report lets you determine how well the Real-Time Collaboration system has performed as users start and run conferences, download and run clients, and connect to conference processes. The report shows the number of conferences whose attendees had problems downloading the console client or connecting to the conference, had unacceptable join times, or who were disconnected during the conference.

You can check further details about the types of connections made (directly through the multiplexer or through mod_imeeting using HTTPS or an HTTPS tunnel), the general reasons for client download failure (for example, the attendee was using an unsupported platform), and the actual connection times in seconds or the speed of the network connection in milliseconds. Note that if you want more detail about join or download failures, you can check the Status report described later in this section.

As administrator, you can control the measure used for what is an "acceptable" join time or network connection using the AcceptableJoinLatency and AcceptableNetworkLatency properties. See "Configuring Quality of Service Measurements" for details.

The Incidents report displays the results of checks run as users attempt to enter Web conferences. You can see the number of successfully installed console clients and the number of failures, and the results of compatibility checks run on a user's system as the user attempts to connect, including details about unsupported platforms, device drivers, and so forth. Use this report to follow up on the causes for failures as users attempt to join a conference.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Security Report

The Security page under the Reports tab lets you view information about the secure and key-protected conferences held on this system versus those that were not secure. User this report to determine how secure your company's conferences have been.

The report shows the count of various events for the current week and the percentage change over the previous week. Status arrow indicators let you easily see whether a rating trend is up or down. Graphs shows the trend of the events over the past months.

The following metrics are captured in the report.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration System Status Reports

Two reports under the System tab let you monitor the activity of instances and components running within the Real-Time Collaboration system, and manage information about your Oracle Real-Time Collaboration hosts. Only users with the business administrator role can access the reports on this page.

The Status report lets you view the current status of components and instances in this system. Use it to check on general system status, check which component processes are running on which instances, and view the results of recent system availability tests. The report includes the following:

You can expand or contract hierarchical lists of information, and see additional details about current conference sessions, Web client sessions, test results, and sites.

The Configuration report lets you record and view information about each host for this Oracle Real-Time Collaboration system. Use it to create new host names or change information about a host.

Oracle Real-Time Collaboration System Logs

The Logs page under the System tab lets you view all logs recorded by various Oracle Real-Time Collaboration processes. Use these files to help you analyze the performance of various processes, and to troubleshoot specific issues by component, process, and date of the incident.

Log files are stored in the $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/logs directory, and are recorded and named by date. Some logs are plain ASCII files, and others are XML files that display data in tables.

The Logs page lets you view the logs listed in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Logs Viewable in the System Logs Report

Section in Report Content

Application Server logs

Log files from the Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Web Client, the OC4J_imeeting application. Includes XML log files for each user's sessions with the application, for sessions with a particular site, and log files not associated with any session.

IM Router logs

Log files for the Oracle Presence Server, including an XML log file, and ASCII log files for errors (imtr*.log), statistics (stats*.log), chat conferences (tc*.log), and JDS Directory Service calls (ds*.log).

Multiplexer logs

Multiplexer log files (ASCII).

Redirector logs

Redirector log files (ASCII).


XML logs of the results of rtcctl commands.

RTC Process Manager logs

Process Manager log files, including directories containing log files for each of the child processes managed by the Process Manager: confsvr (Oracle Web Conferencing Server), connmgr (Connection Manager), imrtr (Oracle Presence Server), mx (Multiplexer), rdtr (Redirector), and voiceproxy (Voice Proxy Server).

Web Conferencing Server logs

XML log files for Oracle Real-Time Collaboration server process events that do not belong to any meeting. Logs are grouped by date (MM.DD.YYYY).

Web Conferencing Session logs

XML log files for conference sessions, grouped by date (MM.DD.YYYY).

Voice Proxy logs

Voice Proxy Server log files (ASCII).

Some additional logs are available in the /logs directory. You can access all logs directly from your file system. See Appendix C, "Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Log Files" for details about the file names and directory structure of all logs.

Controlling Log File Details

You can control how often log files are updated, the level of detail stored in the logs, and where the logs are stored, using the following Oracle Real-Time Collaboration properties:

  • LogFlushInterval controls how often logs are updated. The default is every 10 seconds.

  • LogLevel controls the amount of detail stored in the logs.

  • LogPath controls where log files are stored.

See "Configuring System Logs" for details about setting these properties.

Removing Old Log Files

If you wish to remove old log files, you can copy the log files to a backup or archive device. As stated previously, all log files are stored in the $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/logs directory.

Many log files are stored by date, with the date appearing at the end of the file name in MM.DD.YYYY format. You can review these dates and choose to delete files older than a certain date, or create a script to copy files to an archive location by their datestamp or the date in their file names.

Publishing an Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Availability Report

You may use third-party monitoring software to monitor the status and availability of Oracle Real-Time Collaboration services. You can use the test servlets or the runTest command to gather status information as described in "Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Monitoring Interfaces". You can then use your monitoring software to produce availability or "uptime" reports showing service availability and history. If you post a home page for the report(s) on a web server, you can use the AvlURL property to display that page from the Availability sub-tab under Reports.

See "Configuring the Availability Report" for details about setting this property

E-mailing Reports to Specified Recipients

You can e-mail reports to a list of recipients using the imtreport script, as follows:

  1. Locate the imtreport script at $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtreport.

  2. Using a text editor, open the imtreport script and edit it as follows:

    • FROM_ADDRESS: Enter the e-mail address of the sender of the reports.

    • RECIPIENTS: Enter the e-mail addresses of the recipients, separating each one with a comma. Do not use spaces between each e-mail address.

    • REPORT_TYPE: Enter the default report type. The initial default is set to USAGE. This is the report that will be sent if no report type is specified when you run the script. Valid values are QOS, USAGE, FEEDBACK, SECURITY, or ALL. ALL sends four separate e-mail messages to each recipient, one for each of the four reports.

  3. To send the report(s), run the script from $ORACLE_HOME/imeeting/bin/imtreport as follows:

    imtreport -type report

    where report is either QOS, USAGE, FEEDBACK, SECURITY, or ALL. ALL sends four separate e-mail messages to each recipient, one for each of the four reports. If -type report is not specified, the default report is sent. The initial default is USAGE.