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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Workspaces Application Developer's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1)

Part Number B16234-02
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5 Oracle Workspaces URI Access

The Oracle Workspaces user interface uses an MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern for displaying its UI pages. This chapter describes the URLs that are exposed and the unique and persistent parameters used to access specific pages in the UI.

Oracle Workspace URLs

This section describes end-user Oracle Workspaces URLs, including the following views and functions in Oracle Workspaces:

Using these URLs require that a developer use the Java SDK to access workspace UIDs and IDs of objects (resources) within a workspace. The CwUID class in the Java SDK can represent the UID of an object in a workspace as a string with following format:



Once you have retrieved a CwUID string with the Java API, you must escape some of its characters before using it in an Oracle Workspace URL. See "Creating Oracle Workspace URLs" for more information about retrieving CwUid strings with the Java API and using them in these URLs.

In the following table, <fileUID>, <folderUID>, <meetingUID>, <taskUID>, <announcementUID>, <forumUID>, <threadUID>, and <viewUID> are the string representations of the CwUid of the corresponding object. See the CwUid class in Oracle Collaboration Suite Workspaces Java API Reference Javadoc for methods to retrieve this information.

Table 5-1 Oracle Workspace URLs

UI View URI <host:port/workspaces/URI> Parameter Formats

My Workspaces



  • goHome

  • goHomeAll

Workspace Overview Page

/ event=goHome&workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

Workspace Properties

/ event=showProperties &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

Workspace Services

/ event=showResources &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

Library Overview

/ &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>


/ event=filesFolderList &uid=<folderUID>

File Properties

/ &uid=<fileUID>

File Links

/ event=filesFolderPropsFormLinks &uid=<fileUID>

Meetings Overview

/ event=meetingsView &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>&date=<date>&viewType=<viewType>&meetingsScope=<meetingScope>

<date>: Format yyyy/mm/dd


  • weekView

  • weeklyList

  • dayView

  • dailyList


  • myMeetings

  • allMeetings

Create New Meeting

/ event=meetingCreateForm &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>&date=<date>&timeHour=<timeHour>

<date>: Format yyyy/mm/dd

<timeHour>: Format hh

Meeting Properties

/ event=meetingModifyForm &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>&eventUid=<meetingUID>

Tasks Overview

/ event=tasksView &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>&taskType=<taskType>&tasksScope=<taskScope>&event=sort &source=tasksViewTable &value=<value>&state=


  • active

  • complete

  • all

  • incomplete


  • myTasks

  • allTasks


  • myTasks

  • allTasks









  • allTasks

New Task

/ event=taskCreateFormNew &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>&date=<date>

<date>: Format yyyy/mm/dd

Edit Task

/ event=taskModifyForm &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>&taskUid=<taskUID>


/ event=showAnnouncements &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

New Announcement

/ event=addAnnouncementForm &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

View Announcement

/ event=viewAnnouncement &uid=<announcementUID>


/ event=goHome &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

A Forum

/ event=oracle.discussions.ui.event.board.browse &oracle.discussions.ui.fid=<forumUID>

Browse Topic

/ event=oracle.discussions.ui.event.thread.browse_message <messageView>&oracle.discussions.ui.fid=<forumUID>&oracle.discussions.ui.tid=<threadUID>


/ event=goHome &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>


/ event=eventViewListViews&workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

New View

/ &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

A View

/ event=eventViewGetContents &uid=<viewUID>


/ event=showPeople&workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>

Add Members

/ event=addMembersForm &workspaceUid=<workspaceUID>



Creating Oracle Workspace URLs

Once you have retrieved a CwUID string with the Java API, you must escape some of its characters before using it in an Oracle Workspace URL. For example, you must escape the # character to %23 before using it in a URL.

For example, suppose that the CwUID for a Library Folder is the following string:


In a URL, this CwUID would be represented as follows:


The following Java method getWorkspaceFolder takes a Workspace as an argument and outputs to System.out the URLs to access the Workspace's Library overview and its Folders:

private void getWorkspaceFolder(CwWorkspace workspace)
  throws CwException
  CwFolder wFolder = getFilesResource(workspace).getWorkspaceFolder();
  if (wFolder != null)
    CwFilesResourceItem[] contents = wFolder.listContents();
    String libraryUrl =
      "/workspaces/" +
    System.out.println("Library URL: " + libraryURL);
    for (int i=0; i<contents.length; i++)
      CwFilesResourceItem item = contents[i];
      CwResourceItemProperties props = item.getProperties();
      CwUid itemId = props.getUid();
      boolean isFolder = (itemId.getEntityType() == CwEntityType.FILES_FOLDER);
      if (isFolder)
        String itemName = props.getName();
        System.out.println("Folder Name: "+itemName);
        String folderUrl =
          "/workspaces/" +
          "?event=filesFolderList" +
          "&uid=" +
        System.out.println("Folder URL: "+folderUrl);
private String escapeURL(String url)
  if (url == null)
    return null;
  url = url.replaceAll("\\x25", "%25"); // replaces %
  url = url.replaceAll("\\x23", "%23"); // replaces #
  url = url.replaceAll("\\x2B", "%2B"); // replaces +
  url = url.replaceAll("\\x2F", "%2F"); // replaces /
  return url;

Oracle Workspaces Application Administration URLs

This section describes application administration URLs, which includes the following functions:

Table 5-2 Oracle Workspaces Application Administration URLs

UI View URI <host:port/workspaces/URI> Parameter Formats

Application Properties


Application Role Management


Workspaces that Need Recovery


Unowned Workspaces


All Workspaces


Access Workspace as Application Administrator

/ event=adminEnterWorkspace &sysAdminMode=y&workspaceUid=



View a Template

/ event=previewTemplate &explorerMode=0 &wsCreationWzMode=FALSE &templateID=<Template_Name>

View XML of a Template

/ event=downloadTemplate &templateID=<Template_Name>

View XSD


Upload New Template


System Services (Resources)
