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Oracle® Files Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10872-02
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4 Administration Tools Overview

A full range of administration tools are provided with Oracle Files, including configuration wizards, management tools, and scripts. Using these administration tools, you can:

This chapter provides an overview of the different administration tools. Topics include:

Oracle Files Configuration Assistant

The Oracle Files Configuration Assistant is an installation and configuration wizard that lets you create an Oracle Files domain and specify an Oracle Internet Directory credential manager to associate with the domain. The wizard also lets you upgrade an existing Oracle Files instance to a newer release.

The Configuration Assistant is specific for the release of Oracle Files. Use this tool to:

The primary purpose of the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant is to set up the initial configuration of your system. If you want to modify the initial configuration after installation, use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site.

See the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide for full instructions on how to use the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant.

Running the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant

You can launch the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant from the command line by executing the ifsca script, located in the following directory:


To run ifsca, you must be logged on as the OS user who installed and configured all other Oracle software on that middle-tier host (probably oracle).

You can also prepare or modify a response file and pass the filename to the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant as a parameter, for a non-interactive, or "silent," configuration. See the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

Management Tools

Which management tool you use will depend on the function to be performed, and whether you want to work with the Oracle Files domain as one of several middle-tier applications integrated with Oracle Enterprise Manager:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site

Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site is a Web-based management tool designed specifically for Oracle9i Application Server. You can monitor and configure the components of your Oracle9iAS installations, as well as configure and manage the Oracle Files domain and nodes. It also allows administrators to monitor and dynamically tune the domain's nodes, services, and servers.

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site, you can:

  • Start and stop the domain, nodes, services, protocol servers, and agents using a Web browser from any computer on the network.

  • Configure protocol servers, agents, nodes, services, and change settings dynamically, for the current runtime session; change settings permanently; and change default settings to be used as the basis for new servers.

  • Display runtime operational data and charts about the domain, nodes, hosts, and servers at runtime, so you can monitor performance and change system configuration, if necessary.

You can use a command-line tool, emctl, to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager tasks such as starting and stopping the Oracle Enterprise Manager process. See the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide for complete information.

Using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site to Manage Oracle Files

The following sections describe how to start the Oracle Enterprise Manager process, access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site, and navigate to the Oracle Files Home page.

Starting the Oracle Enterprise Manager Process

If it is not running already, start the Oracle Enterprise Manager process by executing its startup script from the command line (UNIX) or by starting the corresponding service (Windows), as shown in Table 4-1. In order to control the Oracle Files domain and the nodes using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site, the Oracle Enterprise Manager process must be running on each host that comprises the domain.

Table 4-1 Starting and Stopping the Oracle Enterprise Manager Process

Operation UNIX-based Hosts Windows Hosts
Starting the Oracle Enterprise Manager process $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start Start the Windows service for Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Stopping the Oracle Enterprise Manager Process $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop Stop the Windows service for Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Accessing the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site

Follow these steps to connect to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site:

  1. From a Web browser, access the following URL:


    The value for host_name is the name of the Oracle Files middle tier you want to manage. The value for port is typically 1810.

  2. Log in as ias_admin, using the password you specified during Oracle9iAS installation.

    The Oracle9iAS Farm Home page appears, listing the set of application server instances that use the Infrastructure Services of the same Oracle9iAS Infrastructure tier.

Accessing the Oracle Files Home Page

Follow these steps to navigate to the Oracle Files Home page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site:

  1. From the Oracle9iAS Farm Home page, click the name of the application server on which Oracle Files is running.

    The Oracle9iAS Instance Home page appears, listing all the components running on the application server instance. The Oracle Files domain appears in the following format:


    After initial Oracle Files configuration, you must restart the Oracle Enterprise Manager process (see Table 4-1). If you access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site after configuration without restarting the Oracle Enterprise Manager process, the Oracle Files domain link will not be active.

  2. Click the name of the Oracle Files domain. The Oracle Files home page appears, listing the Domain Controller and nodes that comprise the domain.

Under certain conditions, such as after an upgrade, you will be prompted to enter the Oracle Files system user name and password when you navigate to the Oracle Files Home page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site. If you see this prompt, you must provide the system user name and password in order to see elements of the Oracle Files domain from the Oracle Files Home page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site. The system password was set when you configured Oracle Files.

You can avoid this behavior by manually encrypting the system password in targets.xml. See "Encrypting the System Password in targets.xml" for more information.

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

The Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control is a Web-based tool that provides centralized management for multiple middle tiers, including Oracle9iAS middle tiers, Oracle9iAS Infrastructure tiers, and Oracle9i Database Server hosts. If the Grid Control has been installed and configured, Oracle Files can use the Grid Control for access to metric data, such as document statistics, node statistics, and users, as well as to monitor alerts that have been defined for some metrics.

The Grid Control manages each host through the Oracle Management Agent installed on each middle-tier host. An Oracle Management Agent must be installed in its own Oracle home on a middle-tier host in order for that middle tier to be managed by the Grid Control. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic Installation and Configuration for information about installing the Grid Control.

Metric collection for Oracle Files is not set up automatically. You must configure Oracle Enterprise Manager to manage Oracle Files. For details on how to do this, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite on the Oracle Technology Network at:

Accessing the Grid Control

You can access the Grid Control from a Web browser.

  1. Use the following URL to access the Grid Control:



    If the Oracle Management Service is running in non-secure mode, access the Grid Control using the Web Cache port. Using the Web Cache port is a prerequisite for self-monitoring. The default port is assigned in the range of 7777-7877. For example:

    If the Management Service is running in secure mode, access the Grid Control over HTTPS. The default port is assigned in the range of 4443-4543. For example:

  2. Log in as sysman, using the password you specified during Oracle Enterprise Manager installation. Or, log in as another Grid Control user with administrator privileges.

See "Viewing Oracle Files Metrics in the Grid Control" for information about accessing Oracle Files metrics.

Administration Tabs in Oracle Files

When you log in to Oracle Files as either a Site or Subscriber Administrator, you can see the administration tabs in the Oracle Files Web interface. The Site Administrator and the Subscriber Administrator log in to Oracle Files through the Administration Login page. This page can be found at:


See "Site Administration" and "Subscriber Administration" in the online help for Oracle Files for detailed information about administrative operations in the Oracle Files Web interface.

Oracle Directory Manager

Oracle Directory Manager is the administrative tool for Oracle Internet Directory.

See the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle Directory Manager.


Oracle Files scripts are listed in Table 4-2. To run these scripts, you must be logged on as the OS user who installed and configured all other Oracle software on that middle-tier host (probably oracle). In addition, some functions in the ifsctl script must be performed by the OS root user.

All Oracle Files scripts are located in the following directory:


Table 4-2 Oracle Files Scripts

Script Name Description
ifsca Runs the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant.
ifsctl Starts, stops, and monitors Oracle Files domains and nodes. See "Managing the Oracle Files Domain from the Command Line" for more information.
ifsbulkadmintools Runs the Bulk Administration tools.

There are a variety of Oracle9i Application Server scripts and command-line tools that you will need in order to manage your system. Two of the most important tools, emctl and opmnctl, are listed in Table 4-3. For a full list of Oracle9iAS scripts, see the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Table 4-3 Important Oracle9i Application Server Scripts

Script Name Location Description
emctl $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ Manages Oracle Enterprise Manager.
opmnctl $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/ Manages Oracle Process Management and Notification Server. Used to start and stop OC4J processes and the Oracle HTTP Server.
dcmctl $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin Provides a command-line alternative for some Oracle9iAS management tasks. Used to retrieve status information about Oracle Files HTTP nodes.

Bulk Administration Tools for Oracle Files

A Subscriber Administrator can use the Bulk Administration tools to manage users and Workspaces in Oracle Files.

Each tool works in a similar manner: it reads an XML file containing a list of "actions" (such as creating a workspace or updating users), processes the list, and executes the actions.

The Bulk Administration tools include:

Running the Bulk Administration Tools

To run the Bulk Administration tools, the Subscriber Administrator must run the ifsbulkadmintools script, located in the following directory:


When you run the Bulk Administration tools, the following parameters must be specified in the following order:

  1. The type of tool you want to use:

    • users for the User Administration Tool

    • workspaces for the Workspace Administration Tool

  2. An Oracle Files Domain. For example:

  3. The default service configuration name (for example, SmallServiceConfiguration). This value is specified in the following domain property:


    See "Domain Properties" for more information.

  4. The Oracle Files schema password.

  5. The Site Administrator user name (site_admin).

  6. The Site Administrator password.

  7. The Subscriber Administrator user name.

  8. The Subscriber Administrator password.

  9. The name of the XML file defining the list of actions to perform.

    See Also:

    "Administrative Accounts" for more information about steps 5 - 8

For example, to invoke the User Administration tool, you could enter the following:

ifsbulkadmintools users ifs:// MediumServiceConfiguration ocsv2 site_admin mgr filessba welcome1 user.xml

To invoke the Workspace Administration tool, you could enter the following:

ifsbulkadmintools workspaces ifs:// MediumServiceConfiguration ocsv2 site_admin mgr filessba welcome1 workspace.xml

Log information is printed to the screen.

User Administration Tool

The User Administration tool updates the profile of each user listed in an XML file that you create, unless the user does not exist in the Subscriber. If the user does not exist in the Subscriber, the User Administration tool skips the entry and prints an error in the log.


You cannot change user passwords with the User Administration tool.

Sample XML File

This XML file contains one action for updating users:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <action label="update">
      <publicfolder enabled="yes" /> 

For <locale>, enter an ISO locale code such as es. To see a list of codes, refer to the Display Language drop-down list on the General User Preferences page in Oracle Files. In this list, ISO locale codes are displayed in parentheses.

The User Administration tool performs DTD validation. For this reason, your XML file must include the DTD, either inline or referenced externally.

DTD for the User Administration Tool

<!DOCTYPE users [

  <!ELEMENT users (defaults?, (action|condition)+)>

  <!ELEMENT defaults (property+)>

  <!ELEMENT condition (condition|action)+>
  <!ATTLIST condition type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST condition left CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST condition right CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT action (class, property*, user+)>
  <!ATTLIST action label ID #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST action description CDATA #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT property EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST property name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST property value CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT user (userid, email?, firstname?, lastname?, quota?, locale?,   publicfolder?)>

  <!ELEMENT userid (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST userid enabled (yes|no) #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT quota (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT locale (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT publicfolder EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST publicfolder enabled (yes|no) "yes">

Troubleshooting the User Administration Tool

You should be aware of the following limitations of the User Administration tool:

  • Quota: The User Administration tool does not update a user's quota should the quota exceed the granted limit. Also, a user's quota is not updated if the new value is below that of the user's consumed storage.

  • Enabling or Disabling Public Folders: A user's Public Folder that is not empty cannot be disabled.

Workspace Administration Tool

The Workspace Administration tool creates or updates workspaces listed in an XML file you create. The class of the action specified in the referenced XML file determines which operation is performed. For example, if the class is CreateWorkspacesAction, one or more workspaces are created. If the class is UpdateWorkspacesAction, one or more workspaces are updated.

Sample XML File

This XML file contains one action for updating workspaces and another action for creating workspaces:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

  <action label="create">
    <workspace name="test_workspace" type="public">
      <description>Test Workspace for the administration tool</description> 
      <member name="test.user" access="admin" /> 

  <action label="update">
    <workspace name="test_workspace">
      <publicfolder enabled="no" /> 


The Workspace Administration tool performs DTD validation. For this reason, your XML file must include the DTD, either inline or referenced externally.

DTD for the Workspace Administration Tool

<!DOCTYPE workspaces [

  <!ELEMENT workspaces (defaults?, (action|condition)+)>

  <!ELEMENT defaults (property+)>

  <!ELEMENT condition (condition|action)+>
  <!ATTLIST condition type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST condition left CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST condition right CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT action (class, property*, workspace+)>
  <!ATTLIST action label ID #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST action description CDATA #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT property EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST property name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST property value CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT workspace (description?, quota?, publicfolder?, member*)>
  <!ATTLIST workspace name CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST workspace type (public|private) #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT quota (#PCDATA)> 

  <!ELEMENT publicfolder EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST publicfolder enabled (yes|no) "no">

  <!ELEMENT member EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST member name CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST member access (admin|RW|RO|delete) #REQUIRED>

Note the following about the Workspace Administration DTD:

  • The type attribute of the workspace element defaults to Private if not specified.

  • If the quota element is not specified, the quota property setting defaults to the Subscriber's default Workspace quota.

  • If the public folder element is not specified, the public folder property setting defaults to Enabled, if the Workspace type is public. Otherwise, it defaults to Disabled.

  • The delete value for the member access property is valid only for the update action of the Workspace Administration tool.

Troubleshooting the Workspace Administration Tool

The following sections provide troubleshooting information about creating and updating workspaces using the Workspace Administration tool.

Troubleshooting Workspace Creation

You should be aware of the following limitations when you create workspaces using the create action of the Workspace Administration tool:

  • A Workspace name may not already exist in the Subscriber.

  • A Workspace name may not contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |

  • A Workspace Administrator must be specified in the list of members.

  • Creation of the Workspace(s) in the Subscriber may not exceed the Subscriber's total quota.

  • A Workspace name may not end in a period.

Troubleshooting Workspace Updating

You should be aware of the following limitations when you update workspaces using the update action of the Workspace Administration tool:

  • Quota: A workspace cannot be updated if the new value causes the Subscriber's total quota to exceed the granted limit, or if the new value is less than the workspace's consumed storage.

  • Public Folder: A workspace public folder that is not empty cannot be disabled.

  • Members: A workspace must have at least one Administrator. If not, the Workspace cannot be updated.